
Generational Issues Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Mental health is something we all deal with. It's unfortunate that abuse, trauma, and mental illness are being passed down generationally, but it can be helped; it can be fixed."
"I write songs about what's going on in my head, for a generation that feels quite misunderstood."
"It takes a lot to break generational curses."
"Racism is America's 'worst disease,' seeing it as 'handed down from one generation to the next.'"
"You have generations of people who feel like they're stuck in this loop."
"Generational sins and curses do not have to have the final word. They can be and should be broken."
"Healing is a journey. We've got generational trauma that we've got to deal with."
"Generational trauma is complex as each generation has its own challenges."
"We live in a country with aging demographics... people don't really care about the younger generation because you can't win an election just by catering to them."
"Unfortunately, we're just waiting for everyone else's grandparents to die."
"We've thrown a whole generation on the scrap heap."
"The system is broken. Ask yourself why there are teenagers making millions of dollars and broke 40 and 50 year olds."
"The idea that I am entitled to demand that a German millennial provide me with money because they live in a country which did something to the country that my great-grandfather lived is the most preposterous nonsensical idea I've ever heard."
"Children are being raised by children and now by algorithms and adults want to be children."
"Profiting and contributing to the loneliness of an entire generation."
"This is a problem we're going to be dealing with for the rest of our lives."
"Every generation has to push back and has to pull but yeah, we're seeing some of the fabric of our culture unravel."
"Younger and middle-aged men are the loneliest they've ever been in generations."
"The burden of having to support your 'failure to launch' wizard son well into his 70s."
"We're losing a whole generation, we're losing our kids."
"This is not going to go away. It's going to go from one generation to the next."
"Anxiety has become the cool mental illness of this generation."
"The biggest financial mistake you will ever make was being born after 1980. Homes are unaffordable."
"We are the most distracted generation that has ever lived."
"Grinding hustling and excessive work has become toxic and all too common especially among younger generations who are constantly exposed to the lifestyles of the rich and successful."
"How can generational curses be broken in the family?"
"After the failures of Obama and Trump, the American Dream runs on your parents watching their own grandkids and also them giving you thousands of dollars."
"I'm fascinated about that idea of generational trauma being passed down." - Tom Hanks.
"They deserve so much more, you know, like this has been my life and this is my parents' life and this was their parents' life, and I'm just so ready to break that curse, that cycle."
"Rates of anxiety and depression are skyrocketing in Gen Z kids born after 1995."
"It's more important than ever because the isolation of Covid-19 and social media have been complete catastrophes for the mental health of the next generation."
"Breaking patterns in terms of ancestral trauma."
"We are the most depressed and anxious generation in the history of the Western world."
"The problem isn't the system is rigged against Millennials; the problem is that boomers raised Millennials to be whiny losers who don't go and build things."
"Everyone cries, you cry all the time, break that generational trauma."
"Depression anxiety among this generation has exploded since 2004 with the development of social media."
"White privilege is about what resources they have but it's also a generational connection."
"Why is our generation so unhappy? Oh, where do you want to start?"
"It's just what I see all over the place—that there's no even attempt to go, 'Oh, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, I do see that this system that benefited me so much is also screwing over the next generation.'"
"I do fear that one day a lot of us in this generation are gonna look back on these precious years of our life and be like, 'Oh my God, why did I waste so much time scrolling through shit that, for the most part, just made me feel worse?'"
"Some battles didn't start with you, but they must end with you."
"Generational curses are real, you guys. They are so real. And it feeds into your children. Like if I am not a confident person, my child is going to feel that."
"All the effort, toil, money, and labor invested in millennials' education was more or less for naught."
"Nobody talks about it and so the thing that I feel like is really needed in our generation is people to be honest about things that they struggle with for kids to be like oh I'm not weird right I'm okay."
"One of the practical biggest problems with our generation."
"We are destroying an entire generation of folks."
"We haven't had accountability in a generation."
"Big questions are afoot, big things are afoot, and there are quite precisely drawn sharp challenges to our generation."
"The cure for a generational curse has always begun with repentance."
"My generation's undergoing a mental health crisis."
"Biden has broken every significant promise that he made to these generations on every issue that they care the most about."
"Fasting and prayer alone won't break generational curses; behavior change is essential."
"This will be known as the age of takeover of cowards."
"Let's see what else American Millennials' mental and physical health is on the decline and they're on track to die faster than Generation Z."
"Healthcare is one of the key costs plaguing Millennials."
"I'm a black person and I think that we need to continue breaking these generational curses, cut anyone off who keeps crossing boundaries, including family members."
"None of you are doing anything wrong. This is not a demon issue. This is a generational curse issue."
"We've now created a generation of people whose default setting is to go around apologizing to the world for not only what we've done but for who we are."
"Young people: most depressed, anxious, alcohol-addicted, drug-addicted, psychiatric-addicted generation in history."
"Each generation, black women accept the gas lighting, deflections, and lies."
"We are represented by soft men because that's what we have now, when you have a generation of young boys raised predominantly by women, eventually they'll be primed to be rolled over in war."
"every generation thinks they're facing new issues"
"Our generation is messed up... I don't want this video to be like a super pessimistic video."
"I just feel like this generation is hurting and a lot of the things we're going after is a result of us feeling like we're missing something."
"Every bit of gain was nuked by the baby boomer generation which is going to go down as one of the most selfish ass generations in the history of human beings."
"Breaking through that will break the generational curse."
"Life was radically rewired for young people. This is when Gen Z's mental health collapsed."
"We have messed up the brain development and social development of people born after 1995."
"The only thing anyone ever seems to want to talk about today is how home ownership has become so Out Of Reach and so unaffordable for Millennials gen Z's and the younger generation still to come."
"There's a rampant issue going on now around like my generation where you're having people come out where their entire personality trait is that they hate children."
"You know, when you're in my age group... it's becoming almost an impossibility to be a homeowner or a home buyer."
"We don't want the following generations to take on the problems that we've had."
"It's easy to see why our generation feels so screwed over."
"Our households ain't right; it's a bloodline thing, man."
"Everybody else still lives at home with their mom and I'm not blaming them, it's really a generational problem, like I didn't really have a hustler bone in my body till I was like 24, now it's over, you feel me?"
"The impetus behind this question is perceived powerlessness, maybe, of today's generation. Yeah, I think so. And a perceived total atomization. No, like, we're all only individuals and there's no cohesion in subcultures."
"Things have been the same for a long time in this generation and they still deserve to be spoken about."
"I think we kind of are the problem but it's not our fault."
"This issue is going to define our generation."
"Take those idols that are in your bloodline, that are rioting, causing you to lose your money, spend God's money on foolish stuff, and take them to court."
"I feel like we live in a generation and time where that lacks a lot when it comes to dating."
"Recognizing the toxic family system that was passed down to you... it's multi-generational."
"What is the problem which makes our generation not stay in our countries?"
"I think that there are a lot of problems with my generation, some that we can control and some that we can't."
"You're not even starting from the bottom. You might be inheriting debt or generational trauma."
"Avocado toast went from food blogs to artisanal brunches to t-shirts to the reason why Millennials will never be able to buy a house."
"Mental health is the worst it's ever been in my generation."
"Affirmations are cute, but they don't kill this demon that's been torturing your family for generations."
"It's like a curse, it's like a generational curse."
"One of the challenges that we have discovered is that this millennial age has a lot of questions and they're not getting a lot of answers."
"We are the first generation who got divorced... it's hard enough for children to experience divorce, so hard they don't know who to be loyal to."
"Inner child healing, something that's passed down from bloodline to bloodline, generation to generation."
"Poverty really breaks my heart, but what breaks my heart even more is generational poverty."