
Chakra Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"To master this chakra is also to master how to manifest things in your life whether it's money relationships academic work or most importantly spiritual enlightenment."
"Keep your heart chakra as open and as clear as possible."
"Sage Mode is an empowered state that can be entered by blending natural energy with one's chakra, creating senjutsu chakra."
"The tailed beasts, sometimes referred to as chakra monsters, are the nine Titanic living forms of chakra created by the Sage of Six Paths."
"This chakra is literally the foundation of your whole system."
"Your first experience of love in this world is through your first chakra."
"Their crown chakra's opened, they realize their true angelic nature now."
"Your heart chakra is just like some good stuff."
"With its pure white translucent light, selenite can help purify your auric field and raise the vibration of your environment. It opens up the crown chakra and connects you to your angels, spirit guides, and higher self."
"Sage Mode is basically a special state in the world of Naruto that allows a user to absorb chakra from nature."
"Heritage with both clans explains why she has so much extra chakra to throw around."
"Kriya yoga is certainly one of the best to open up and align the chakras."
"Come up into that heart chakra, come up into the love."
"Naruto taught him that chakra is a binding force connecting one person to another."
"In the chakra system, money kind of hits the same physical energetic area of the body as sex and power."
"The throat chakra is the main thing... it is about communication things like that."
"I think there are multiple examples that demonstrate a clear difference in stamina between Edo tensei ninja and ninja who are just alive and don't have the benefit of regenerating chakra."
"You're now using them as a power source, an energy secondary to chakra."
"The only thing an Ōtsutsuki can truly take or steal is chakra."
"It's said that this ability awakens when the dojutsu is triggered by hatred's effects on chakra."
"The root chakra is your building Stone, your Cornerstone."
"Create order out of chaos and integrate your root chakra."
"No, Uroy absorbs chakra through his hand."
"Feeling of pressure between the eyebrows: a clear sign of the energetic activation occurring within the agna chakra."
"You have managed to master the second chakra control exercise. I must admit that I am surprised."
"If you have an open throat chakra, you start being super lucky."
"...they can literally expel chakra from each of the chakra points at any given time..."
"Naruto's absurd base chakra fused with nature energy makes an overall stronger Sage Mode."
"Muu created dust release, a kekkei tota that involves earth, wind, and fire chakra releases."
"Muu had all five chakra natures and yang release."
"Expressive creativity comes from the throat chakra."
"When your second chakra is really balanced, you feel present and aware."
"Your heart chakra has healed a lot. Be grateful for all the healing you've done."
"...only one person in the village had that much chakra and had that specific feel to it: Naruto."
"This is connected to fertility, eternity, reflection, humility, sexuality, rare peace, soul restoration, growth, strong relationship balance, free flow, and love mature love in your heart chakra collective."
"By the end of Naruto's manga, Hinata has actually mastered two changes in Chakra nature."
"Those feelings poured themselves into his very chakra, and for the first time in his life, Naruto unleashed his own killing intent."
"Crash is an element that destroys chakra and Biju arsenshin chakra constructs."
"The earth element is associated with the first root chakra, the muladhara chakra, which is really all about safety and security."
"We essentially linked all of our chakra together, so even though we're apart, we're able to use one Jutsu all together yet alone."
"He really does have a ridiculous amount of chakra," Choji uttered in awe, looking at the clouds of Naruto's off in the distance.
"I want to seal the rest of your chakra inside Naruto."
"'Naruto nodded and took his time while focusing on the specific hand seal. This time he felt his chakra being tempered with and narrowed his eyes at such audacity.'"
"Every ninja has a specific chakra alignment that places emphasis on which element he or she is strongest in and therefore more adept at learning and using efficiently."
"You're being knighted here. I feel like your throat chakra is being activated."
"It becomes even crazier how much of a unique and powerful blend of chakra Boruto has just from the start of the series."
"The Earth Star chakra, it's activating on its own as a part of this energy shift."
"The energy of the throat chakra supports our ability to communicate clearly and truthfully."
"Chakra has a special property of connecting everyone."
"Indeed, wind chakra can slice everything, even water for a couple of seconds."
"One of the ways that we can experience more confidence in who we are, to have more esteem for who we are, is to embrace with the heart what exists here in the third chakra, that sense of self."
"Water is the element of this area, the second chakra."
"Welcome to my channel, my name is Cassandra, and I'm going to take you through a solar plexus chakra yoga flow."
"Shadow clone technique seems easy enough to me; just form a cross hand seal and channel chakra into it."
"The idea of the chakra Gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it."
"His presence spreads outside of Hinduism, associated with the first chakra, representing survival and the base for all other forms of life."
"Kaguya Otsutsuki... she practically invented chakra."
"By energizing the chakra, you strengthen your right to have, and you will be blessed with the loving and supportive relationships that you truly deserve."
"Chakra is essential to even the most basic technique."
"Chakra can be controlled and manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise."
"Possessing two changes in chakra nature is something that is expected only of a Jonin."
"Would Release can drain chakra as well as suppress it. It's actually a remarkably powerful ability because it combines earth, water, and yang natures into one."
"Focusing wind chakra into his feet, Naruto can launch forward at an impressive speed."
"The actual experience of telepathy happens through the heart, through the heart chakra predominantly."
"We never told her, but she has the best chakra control we've seen since Tsunade was in the academy."
"Focus on self-worth, self-confidence, the solar plexus chakra."
"The heart is indeed the most central chakra or energy center within the human body and within the energy body."
"Yes, Naruto, there is a way that I can help you improve your chakra control."
"Solar light upgrade, solar plexus chakra, inner fire, will power."
"Only you possess the nine tails chakra and can master that jutsu."
"That's some really impressive chakra control."
"You are a powerful light worker, ascended Master's third eye Chakra."
"Spiders also have eight eyes, which corresponds to the third eye chakra, to the intuition, to vision."
"The crown chakra is associated with the color pink and it allows you to feel the love of the universe."
"The throat chakra is the chimney of the heart."
"The highest frequency still associated with the human form is our Crown chakra, the symbol for enlightenment and self-realization."
"Channel your chakra into this; if it burns, you're fire; if it crinkles, you're lightning; if it gets wet, you're water; if it splits in half, you're wind."
"Anahata chakra carries energies of compassion, unconditional love, and forgiveness."
"When your sacral chakra is balanced, you are a very radiant, an expert person, free, happy, and spontaneous with a load of creative energy."
"Hinata would emit chakra from her palms and would move her arms in a sweeping pattern to provide a full 360-degree range of protection for her body."
"The light of heaven is the light that comes from the thousand petal Lotus, the golden flower, the seventh chakra."
"Chakra should not be something that is used to amplify any single person's strength."
"It's a chakra control exercise. You channel your chakra to your feet; too much and it'll blow you backwards, too little and you won't stick."
"Sealing away an object or even chakra, that was straightforward; sealing away an aspect of a personality or a specific ability, that was a lot trickier."
"The idea of creating form out of nothing but chakra was an incredible concept."
"Just one week of this training has increased my chakra reserves by 50%."
"Take a deep breath in, reaching both arms up to the sky, palms together, and as you exhale, slowly bring your hands down towards your third-eye chakra."
"It's not a race," she said. "Learning to focus chakra for the first time is something everyone has to figure out at their own pace."
"Do you know how to channel Chakra yet?" "Yes, Hinata-cha… san taught me."
"Naruto's invisibility seems to be linked to his chakra."
"Chakra is a form of energy that all living things have."
"Like a technique that instantly turns all your chakra into electricity, while it's still in your body."
"Naruto guessed right; he sensed the chakra residue and followed Neji's position."
"You will learn to heal with your chakra, your mind, your supplies, and your wits."
"The Susanoo is a gigantic humanoid avatar made of the user's chakra which surrounds them and fights on their behalf."
"You will also be able to do some feats similar to him if you train in using yin and yang chakra."
"Eight Inner Gates, I've heard of this physical technique, temporarily gain great power by unlocking the channels that bind chakra in the human body."
"We're talking about the heart chakra, which is the true self where your soul resides."
"Using the Nine Tails' chakra so often, huh?"
"This is an exercise designed to help you maintain better control over your chakra."
"The point of it all: the goal is greater control over your chakra."
"This is a sacral chakra flow, and the sacral chakra is located at the lower abdomen; the element is water, and the activity is feeling."
"Chakra is a component library that allows us to use pre-built components that makes our lives easier when it comes to styling and some of the functionality."
"Chakra originated with the Divine Tree."
"Chakra can do almost everything, from healing a cut to dropping a moon on earth..."
"He's able to create weapons out of chakra."
"Green, it's your heart chakra, healing it could transmute throughout the whole body."
"Use of chakra allows them to perform extraordinary feats."
"His chakra was already healing him."
"All the abundance and the good luck and the prosperity and the independence that you're receiving is due to you liberating and unblocking the heart chakra."
"Tomorrow we'll begin unlocking your chakra."
"Let chakra converge on the palm of your hand, and through the non-directional rapid rotation of chakra, the chakra produces an ultimate-like compression."
"Kagura heart eye can be said to be the strongest detection technique above Byakugan, able to perceive any abnormal chakra within a radius of tens of kilometers."
"He can use all five chakra natures."
"The heart chakra is the translator from the soul to the brain."
"You now have complete mastery over all five chakra natures."
"Turmaline is believed to align with the heart chakra, the center of emotions and compassion."
"Vishuddha is that space for expression and that space for true speech."
"Open your heart chakra and love everyone."
"The color blue connects us to our throat chakra, which is all about expression, self-expression, needing to express the truth."
"Clear Joy is for depression, grief, sadness; it focuses on your solar plexus chakra."
"Compressing your chakra into a sphere and then making it spin like crazy at blinding speed, that's a changing form if ever there was."
"Wind chakra can cut through pretty much anything."
"We have the soul star chakra merging with the divine."
"Sunflower energy, solar plexus chakra: confidence, self-love, and healing."
"Call it the 1000 Birds or the Lightning Blade, a technique of unimaginable power requiring almost inhumane amounts of speed and chakra."
"Nightingale is all throat chakra, that is all communication."
"Inspiration the sacral chakra, you're being inspired, creative energy is flowing through you."
"Your heart chakra is going to burst open with this new beginning."
"We're going to clean and align your chakra."
"This frequency of the crown chakra, the violet flower of life, supports our spiritual connection to the universe."