
Veteran Support Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"In 1991, Lin explained that the purpose of The Wall is 'to help the veterans coming back, to help their families, to talk to people 100 years from now who will know nothing about that war and nobody on that wall.'"
"Having VA caseworkers on-site helps provide quicker response, greater attention than a caseworker making a monthly home visit."
"If my tombstone... says 'Saved veteran lives,' then that is what I wanted to say."
"Support our veterans. Veterans are the backbone and the spine of this country."
"Approval of legislation to help Iraqi veterans who were harmed by this burn pits."
"Thanks for being such a great advocate for veterans."
"Seek solutions to actual problems not just empty rhetoric and narrative but real solutions to actual problems for people that are suffering in our country like the veterans that are living under bridges."
"No one deserves our help more than the brave men who served our country."
"Veterans are the backbone and spine of this country. We have a sacred obligation to care for them."
"Beautiful, and thank you everybody for being here. This is a tremendously important group of people to me, America's veterans."
"It's our sacred duty to support America's servicemembers every single day they wear the uniform and every day after when they return home as veterans and heroes."
"Support a service-disabled veteran-owned organization. The barbecue sauce is not only good, it's good for you - gluten-free, low in sodium, and absolutely no high fructose corn syrup."
"Exec action to prove veteran suicide and launch the twenty-four-hour veterans hotline for suicide."
"It's science fiction basically, I'm turning combat and non-combat veterans into 40k material and subject experts."
"We have homeless veterans, we have people that can't afford rent, we have people that can't afford food."
"I think all soldiers if you go fight a tour you should get paid for life."
"Black Rifle Coffee Company exists to serve premium coffee while supporting the veteran community."
"The Black Rifle brand is a symbol of service, of strength, and of goodness."
"Our veterans deserve so much more than what we afford them. It's so cool when us here in the civilian life do anything that we can to support them and love them."
"Let us honor their courage by providing the care they need."
"President Donald Trump will be the best friend America's Armed Forces will ever have."
"How does the 10% actually get you there? Let's do the math. You got a 70 for mental health, you got a 50 for headaches, you got a 50 for sleep apnea, and then you got your 10 for tinnitus. Alright, in the fuzzy math that takes you to 90."
"We arm you with information so that you can punch back and finally get unstuck and get the VA disability rating and compensation you deserve."
"If you think it's too expensive to take care of veterans don't send them to war..."
"The GI Bill is a huge piece, especially for 9/11 veterans."
"Give us a call at 55 are you permanent in total not necessarily so apply for a TDIU while waiting for disability review."
"Benefit number four: Free dependence educational assistance... provides educational benefits for eligible dependents."
"The US government may not have had the backs of our Afghan allies, but our veterans did."
"Find a veteran today and say thank you for your service."
"Veterans are the backbone of this country, we need to do better for them."
"We wanted to have a purpose... to give back and help serve those that have served us."
"It's happening. People are posting on our community Facebook group day in and day out how they're firing their boss, how they're starting to make money, how they're finding freedom."
"Our Florida veterans and their families thank you."
"We're making one of the largest one-time ever investments ever in improving healthcare for veterans."
"We're going to take care of our veterans like never before, veterans are America's greatest national treasure."
"Any person that raised their right hand to defend this country should be given that opportunity to be taken care of the right way."
"This isn't a race to see who's the smartest. We're all disabled veterans."
"Prince Harry's veterans Sports docu-series is coming to Netflix."
"We don’t take care of the people who go fight the wars for us."
"You guys are leaders in every aspect of your lives both while serving and within your community as well."
"There's a community aspect to that, you know, veteran community."
"I'm here to help veterans and prevent their deaths."
"Suicide has claimed far too many veterans. One would have been too many. So if I could prevent there being one more, that's what I was gonna do."
"We need to keep welcoming these guys home and getting them the services they need."
"The American public doesn't embrace veterans the way they ought."
"Get off your butt and go help another veteran. That's how I found the most help for myself, is helping other people helped me."
"To the point that it was so important to me, yes, to the point that this is what we're doing with my -- I won't say -- my nonprofit organization today."
"The reason I'm doing this is for those selfless veterans who go through PTSD, anxiety, depression."
"It's your support the Call of Duty Endowment's place 100,000 veterans in meaningful employment."
"It's an honor to serve in the military, but if you're changed, we owe you to get back as close to normal as we can."
"The quilt is pretty big, it finishes at 63 wide by 84 high and that meets the size requirements of Quilts of Valor to award to a veteran or a service member."
"Harnessing the power of sport to get veterans back involved in their own lives."
"I'm just letting you guys know, all the veterans out there, there is a way to cope with stuff, just don't leave it bottled up inside."
"I'm a veteran myself... I think this is very important to support veterans."
"The Veterans Crisis Line is there for you as a veteran or if you are a friend or family member of a veteran that's in crisis."
"I've been involved with Vietnam veterans... I don't want our active duty folks deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan to come home to a nation that treated them the way our Vietnam veterans were treated."
"It's been very important to our family, very important to me... this is what it's for, this is to give something, it's to be able to educate folks about the importance of service, the importance of supporting our veterans."
"My hope, my desire, my dream is we continue this, because really, it's the only way you can run a 360,000, 370,000-person organization and make sure that you've got great veteran outcomes every single day."
"My wife has two doctorates, an MD/surgeon and psychology doctorate, works mainly with children and some with disabled veterans."