
Plans Quotes

There are 1166 quotes

"We like leaving it open [plans] like that so we can make last-minute decisions. It's more fun; it's freedom."
"When planets are moving direct, things go according to plans and expectations."
"God says in His word, 'I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you.'"
"We were talking about babies and about buying a farm, looking for homes in California, and we were in a really beautiful, peaceful period. It was wonderful."
"There are many plans in the mind of a man, but only that which is of God will stand."
"It's been a very busy day, but what are you doing next?"
"Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans."
"We have dinner reservations at our favorite restaurant."
"Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."
"What spontaneous things you're gonna do this summer?"
"Yo, Sunny, Sunny, bro, I have a plan to make us rich!"
"None of his plans, none of his schemes will prosper."
"If you want to make God laugh, tell them your plans."
"I already have plans for the kinds of projects that I want to make in 2023... you're likely going to see a lot more sweaters in the wearables out of me in 2023."
"Announcing your plans is a good way to hear God laugh."
"Some other Vegas YouTubers we will be. We gotta go back to Vegas, TJ. Yeah, there's no way. I mean we might end up having to get property out there at some point."
"I have a ton more video ideas I want to bring to you."
"Imagine falling for the love of your life just to realize that you've fallen for a man with a plan."
"That brightful I'm actually gonna go hunting in Africa with that."
"Yeah, bro, she's gone. I'm just gonna dude. One day, bro, I'm gonna fly her out."
"New year, new content. Vlogs, IDK, maybe more skits, but that one is out."
"I don't even know what the [__] I'm going to do... but I'm blocking it because you invited me."
"So I think we're gonna get married on Halloween. That Halloween it is this year."
"Stick with the plan, don't change your mind."
"Let's look for eggs because that's my bunny plan."
"Don't tell people your plans, show them your results."
"Is Zeke really going to go through with his plan and is Eren really going to go along with it?"
"We're going to have dinner nights at my place for sure, at least one. It's happening soon."
"Let me know where you want me to go next and I'll catch you guys in a bit."
"The tomb itself is showing the effects of years in the elements, but plans are already underway for its preservation and eventual replacement."
"John Lennon once said that life is what happens while you're busy making other plans."
"It's a pretty crazy plan, but right before they're able to put it into action, the player shows up to stop them."
"Love is in the building. Many of you will actually be meeting, many of you will actually be getting engaged, many of you actually be making solid plans with your partner."
"When it happens are you gonna do a um a bachelor party at a strip club?"
"They haven't been the plans changed too much it went a different direction."
"It's all going according to plan. Make no mistake about it."
"What are y'all doing on Valentine's Day y'all got any plans no y'all don't"
"I genuinely thought, to be honest, right now on my birthday, if this wasn't going on, I'd be on my way to Level One Live in Darwin."
"Plans come to fruition for you. You have spiritual guidance at this time."
"An epic adventure, some epic plans ahead, some epic videos."
"We're gonna do another one, probably at Andretti's next month."
"This is going to be our December bar crawl, isn't it?"
"Embryo reveals his plans to merge the two worlds."
"I'm really looking forward to what they're gonna do."
"It's a plan, it's the big thing to bring in to usher in this new financial system and control."
"My husband and I are going to the park Saturday and Sunday, can't wait!"
"Future plans for it: I want to put slightly smaller front tires on it."
"Better days are coming, and I know that Allah has the best of plans for us."
"All part of the master plan, we're gonna get the Christmas combo, ladies and gentlemen!"
"I will see you tomorrow or Saturday definitely Sunday and probably twice in between."
"A big year planned, guys! We're gonna paint each other's faces, be on a billboard, and more!"
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
"The plans for Destiny are nowhere close to slowing down."
"When we get back to the US, we're going to be renovating the bus..."
"This new trilogy will wrap up with a potential Spider-Man 6 which I plan on making eventually if you guys have enough interest in this storyline."
"How awful! We were talking about building a new house."
"Nothing but love, happiness, and, of course, lots of doodling for next year."
"Looking forward to providing you guys with some good content next year."
"Knowing what I just told you, you definitely can tell we are up to something."
"I still have tons of questions that I screenshot so I'm thinking I'll do a part two or I'll do a get ready with me with a q a in it."
"This blew up in their face. They did not want this for a second."
"Getting rid of some people on Earth is the root of all these plans."
"I told him I'm like it's Sunday night there shouldn't be anybody here so we're driving all the way down to get to this Camp spot which is going to be perfect."
"Let me know down in the comments what you're up to if you're enjoying the fall season and if you have any plans for October."
"Together we will face the future with hope, for I have great plans for you."
"I think it's supposed to rain like off and on over the next few hours but we are going to go to Haunted Mansion because that's Michael's favorite ride so he's very excited to ride Michael, you're very excited to ride Haunted Mansion again."
"We can actually have some friends coming along."
"I'm so excited that we're actually here and actually going to go to Tombstone tomorrow morning."
"We had such a killer summer planned out and all of our reservations set for 2020, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and we were so excited and then we all know what happened."
"River loves is well I might put some of that in I might make pasta actually."
"Plans are fragile things and life often dashes expectations to the ground."
"If you enjoyed this, I plan on making more Pathfinder videos in the future."
"The best laid schemes of mice and men go often askew..."
"That's why the whole thing we're doing is... it's unpredictable."
"She had lots of plans of things that she wanted to do with her life."
"You let it be known, 'Here's what I'm going to do.'"
"Everyone has a plan until they get their mouth guard punched out of the ring."
"Sony reportedly plans to bring back Andrew Garfield Spider-Man."
"What we're about to announce to you guys is something that I have been wanting to do."
"The main plan is to get rid of the currency, you know what I'm saying?"
"Nothing about an escape plan, not about some kind of elaborate breakout costume."
"Leave me a comment if you'd like to see that one and I'll make it happen at some point over the next month or so."
"Kevin McCarthy's plan to work with conservative Republicans does not bode well for retirement programs."
"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
"The spontaneous Plan B can be way better than your very well thought out Plan A."
"We're gonna definitely do more of these urban golf videos."
"The couple began formulating plans to elope from the Irish Midlands and start a life together somewhere else."
"Yes, at some point in the future, we'd like to get married."
"A social butterfly refers to someone who makes a lot of plans."
"I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
"Life happens while you're busy making other plans."
"Thanks for watching. Maybe next year, I will do all the Christmas-themed Scooby audio stories, including the full British one, and we can actually listen to them and talk about them and have a whole essay about them."
"Yes, I've got plans, and I need to look stunning."
"We've got a very full jam-packed day which I'm so excited for."
"We've got some very exciting things to do today."
"We're not ziplining next weekend."
"There is no panic in heaven; God has no problems, only plans."
"I'm excited to go to LA and like go to Trader Joe's and get a bunch of different flowers and make some bouquets."
"Plans can only take you so far; it's purpose that drives you forward."
"We're going to LA, we got a ton of stuff to do."
"Tell God your plans if you want to make God laugh."
"Life happens while you're busy making plans."
"I'm either booking a trip to travel the world in the next five months, or unless you have something else in mind that we're going to do together for the next 5 years."
"I am planning on doing absolutely nothing today."
"She tells them that they are just going to hang out and not do anything else."
"Life is what happens while you're busy making plans."
"So late night tonight or is it just kind of casual drinks? Casual drinks."
"What's next? The book, album next year, a few more streams coming up."
"Spring is hopefully coming here, the drip drip drips, lots to do, so lots of fun things planned out here once the weather breaks, the fire pit area, the pool."
"It's not just us getting him out of the way."
"...their plans, their visions for the future are seeds planted in the fertile ground of the soul, requiring patience, silence, and the absence of outside interference to germinate and flourish."
"I just came up here to say hi to my friend, have a drink, and then leave. But obviously, it didn't turn out that way."
"The thing about plans is that they should always be allowed to change when presented with new information."
"Finally, someone's plan didn't work out exactly like they planned."
"Most of our life doesn't go the exact way we planned it."
"Ya was an ambitious girl with big life plans."
"You know, my fishing buddy, he's taking me up to Inks Lake."
"It's amazing to think we were gonna go to an RV park."
"I was here to go sailing but I don't think that's going to happen now."
"Life is something that happens while you're busy making plans."
"Welcome, Mr. Wayne. Sir, how's it feel to be back? Any plans, Mr. Wayne?"
"Second date pending, then. Sunday roast?"
"Last year was absolutely [ __ ] insane and this year we have a ton of really cool [ __ ] planned."
"Yo, Tony, listen. Uh, we're meeting at Crazy's place tonight. Yeah, midnight. All right, yeah, see you later."
"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."
"We're gonna finish dinner, stay tuned because tomorrow on the next one we're gonna go mountain biking."
"I'm about to eat this chicken I got a half a chicken for 70 Rand so I'm about to eat that take me a shower and then I'mma probably just edit I need to start editing so that's what I'm going to do for the next couple hours."
"It's basically like a free day for me, so I have a lot of fun things planned."
"Ry smiled and said that he planned to go to the holy Kingdom."
"Plans burned, plans fell through, unforeseen circumstances."
"What are y'all trying to do this week?"
"I saw everyone freaking out about it and I was like, 'My plan was to come in this morning and just watch it.'"
"Whatever we had planned for this house has just gone out the window mate, literally."
"I'm a pirate, I don't have plans."
"Humans make plans, and God laughs."
"I don't work until tomorrow now, I could go home and watch a movie."
"This coming week we're supposed to be going on an epic fishing mission."
"Had the plans been carried out in full, they would have met the destruction of national histories."
"Cheers to our fancy jams, your fancy dinner that we've said we were gonna do for literally months."
"The former leader has gathered a couple of his buddies and they were planning to have some fun with the humans."
"Things did not go as planned, things were definitely unexpected but still extremely beautiful."
"I'm probably going to start making book Vlogs."
"Did we mention that we have no freaking plans whatsoever?"
"Now that the holidays are over, I have no plans at all."
"'My guess: I'll get out of this town, just not the way I wanted.'"
"We didn't really see how we were at fault. We were trying to go with everything we made plans ahead of time, we knew what we were trying to find and we knew what we would run into and we made sure we were prepared."
"They stick to it, you know, like they don't just cancel plans or flake out."
"Well, first, we have to go to the post office, but then I have a couple really fun videos planned."
"... hopefully those plans continue to go through."
"We booked our flights back to Europe."
"My friend Corey is gonna come up and bleach your butthole oh we are doing it my friend John's gonna give us tattoos no no no Rich fi is giving me no on the Pod we're going to the tattoo show but then John said at a different time will come on the Pod more tattoos yeah"
"Do you have anything in particular that you do in January?"
"We are really hoping to be in LA for the August shows."
"He has many plans which are not compatible with that girlfriend he wants."
"Changes are coming but what's not gonna change is we're still making videos for srk cycles doing test drives doing more test drives that we've been doing lately and we're still gonna be doing bikes and beards videos and and bringing you in on a lot of really fun adventures."
"...the villains in this really don't even have a plan per se but they have a plethora of plans each one going awry because most are not well thought out."
"This is where we're staying tonight."
"Nothing ever goes according to plan."
"We're going to hit up Shane next and be like, hey we're about to go skydiving."
"Blackbeard's plans actually disrupt the World As We Know It."
"Once the travel restrictions are lifted, I absolutely plan to get out there."
"You have good ideas, good plans, and they're working."
"I'm gonna be a crypt video rentals in October."
"Danny Ocean, a mastermind of super crazy plans"
"We're gonna pick up Isla right now and then we're gonna get some Ramen, I think."
"He has plans to give you hope and a future."
"In terms of any kind of revival, well here are my thoughts as of right now: nothing is in the works or being talked about."
"In your perfect timing, you work out your perfect plans and purposes."
"I've decided as well in 2024 I'm going to get on my Instagram baddy [__]."
"I do have some really fun and exciting travel plans coming up."
"I love doing more with you, but that will have to wait till tomorrow."
"You had to choose that, the king of Wands is a reverse Spirit why unexpected change of plans."
"Very rarely does life ever work according to plan."
"Sometimes today is one of those days where I'm not really planning anything crazy. I don't have anything to do work wise, and so we're just gonna do things for fun, relax a bit, just enjoy the rest of the weekend."
"Plans may change, but purpose is permanent."
"I'm honored to say, here's Plan B."
"I want to go to Mexico this year."
"That's what I'd like. That's what I'm going to be doing with these."
"Next time we hung out, I was gonna bring Run around."
"If you ended up winning some money today, Charlotte, what would you do with it?"
"Josh just said we're gonna make cookies, so that sounds amazing!"
"The next steps for Dylan and I is to start a family."
"Nathan, you've got money to spend, what do you plan to do?"
"Thank you so much for 10,000. Lots of man packs, lots of practical comms, more outdoor videos, software, all that good stuff. Cheers guys."
"Are you gonna be here? What do you better do tonight?"
"I want to do some back of the track stuff, I want to do some front side stuff, I want to do some radial stuff, I want to...there's lots of stuff that I want to do."
"Plans change and once you're out there doing this thing you're just gonna find happiness was a lot closer than you thought it was."
"The per user plan will go down to $20, and the per app plan will go down to $5."
"I tell you what, I'm going to take your ass up to Washington DC."
"We're gonna make breakfast, dinner, and dessert."
"So, anyhows, that's kind of the major plan for today, and then we'll see kind of what else happens. Let's come out and like clear off the table. There's a folding table in here right now and that's what we're using as a desk."
"Tomorrow we'll work on the greenhouse."
"i'm trying to decide what i want to do with the rest of my night"
"Happy Friday, y'all! What y'all got planned for this weekend?"
"Cassandra Nova quickly establishes a character with plans on top of plans on top of plans."
"Are you going on vacation? Are you going to look for some Pokemon cards? What are you doing this weekend? Let me know."
"But going into the new year, it does look like Jamie Lynn's gonna be a busy working woman because she's got her book coming out on January 18th."
"So what you gonna do for your birthday?"
"I always want to know what people do on their birthdays like what are their plans."
"It's a date" - Expressing excitement for upcoming plans, regardless of romantic context.