
Future Hopes Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"I've enjoyed it to this point, and hopefully, there's a great second chapter ahead."
"I really hope that in the future, there will be a debate where a variety of Palestinian perspectives can be heard."
"But I do foresee and wish for one that's gender creative where people can figure out who they are and be themselves."
"I love my life but the society I live in, I don't particularly like." - Reflecting on societal issues and the desire for a better future.
"I just can't with a good conscience... I just hope that there's gonna be a day when standards will be recognized."
"Elizabeth speaks to the child inside her belly and she tells him that she hopes that he will have a wonderful future ahead of him."
"I still retain hope that we'll get there in the end."
"Ultimately, if it's [10 years from now] and the hatchet is buried, that would obviously be great."
"You will have your divine love, divine union, your ring, your proposal, and happily ever after. You will find your light."
"Live to fight another day and hope to reclaim it again."
"I hope for a brighter future for all of us."
"If the love for your child doesn't provide a bright enough future for you, nothing ever will. You murdered your best shot at true happiness."
"Step three relate it to yourself and something about the future, 'Man, I really hope I'll be able to go bowling like you did one day in the future.'"
"Thanks so much, Matthew, I really appreciate your time. Be well and I hope to talk to you again maybe one day."
"You guys literally changed my life and I think the least I can do is keep chugging along a little bit longer and hope for the best down the road."
"I hope them nothing but the best and for a chance at a normal life."
"Hope for peace, yes. And hope for the defense of our civilization and for the building of a better civilization in the future."
"I wish you all the most amazingly joyful, healthy, abundant, and happy 2019 and beyond."
"I can't wait for a day when orbital flight is routine and reliable and fully reusable."
"There's potential for the happily ever after, the rainbow in the sky."
"Dear God, I have a seven month old. Doesn't he deserve a future?"
"My hope for the future is a country of honor, integrity, and strong values."
"I truly and honestly believe that one day the man of our dreams will come running through."
"You're hoping to not only leave the past behind but not to regret not making a move on this person."
"Eyes haven't seen, ears haven't heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of man the things that God has planned and prepared for you."
"Let's all hold a good thought that uh the eclipse is good to us in the week ahead."
"Hope we get to enjoy more holiday seasons together, more fantastic winter updates and more updates in between."
"I hope you meet again someday. Take care of yourself."
"You like to think that one day we will live in a society where religions won't be afforded this privilege."
"Hopefully that leads to a better, you know, more sustainable future."
"All I'm hoping for is a brighter future and hopefully Bethesda will kind of have some inspection about all this and do what's right."
"We are fighting to be able to leave to be able to see our kids being alive."
"The dream is nothing more and nothing less than a better life for our children."
"Some of you may be returning to better times and to keeping your dreams alive."
"But while I hope Ubisoft's next effort sees the positive reception toward the idea of this game and takes that into account, I also hope that the next entry is focused more on being a good game than just imitating a good game."
"Thanks so much for watching and for all your great support over the years and hopefully in the future."
"Hopefully Johnny Depp will be able to move on with his life now."
"If I only have one wish, I would wish for my son to live a long successful happy life."
"I doubt it's gonna happen at least not until I have more money but things like this would be a real joy to do."
"Hopefully, as time goes on, things are becoming more diverse."
"Here's to next year, hoping that it'll be an even better year!"
"I just hope I'm healthy and happy in 10 years, wherever I am."
"I want my children to grow up and love their childhood. I want them to grow up to be great men."
"Thank you all for listening and thank you all very much for watching I really hope 2020 takes it easy on us over the next couple months but that's all for me today thank you all very much and I'll see you all soon."
"I might live in a small cell for now but in paradise I'm going to travel everywhere."
"We had a ton of fun, hope we can keep doing something like this."
"For anyone at CA affected by these layoffs, we wish you the best in what comes next and hope you find only successes in the future."
"Let us all have a few years of pleasant dreams."
"In the future, I hope to continue enjoying peaceful and bright days with my loving parents and daughter."
"I'm looking forward to seeing Nicole become a wonderful mother."
"Kaiping people make a wish for the future through food."
"It's a living monument to past achievements and a testament to the hopes of the future."
"Here's to hoping we can do this again, neighbor. We hope we will see you there. Don't forget to wave up high."
"Hopefully everyone has had a good year, hopefully you guys have a good upcoming year."
"I will cherish every day I get to spend with my loving family, and I'm very excited to see what the future holds."
"My dream for Mo's future would just be for him to live a comfortable, happy life."
"I was starting to feel stronger and more optimistic about what my future held."
"I just hope that your days in the future will be smooth and well."
"May we be alive at this time next year."
"Inshallah, these will serve for the future as well."
"I hope that baby grow up to be the best child ever."
"We're gonna miss the days of having little fingerprints on here but hopefully one day I'll have my grandchildren's fingerprints all over these doors."