
Google Quotes

There are 541 quotes

"Google was founded in the late '90s by two graduate students with this amazing idea to take all of the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."
"That's why my team here at Google has a mission, to help small businesses grow with easy tools so they can stay focused on their craft."
"Google decides to flush a lot of their money down the toilet and single-handedly destroys YouTube past the point of no return by launching Google+."
"Recognizing the value of organizing information on the web, Google managed to grow from a few tinkering PhD students to a formidable giant that now owns over 90% of search and carries out over 8 billion search queries per day."
"For two decades now, Google has been the undisputed king of web searches. The term 'Google' has been synonymous with searching for information."
"So what exactly could make a massive company like Google panic so much so that they're issued an internal Code Red? Well, it's OpenAI's ChatGPT, of course."
"At Google, the past year has given renewed purpose to our mission to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful."
"We continue to approach that mission with a singular goal, building a more helpful Google for everyone."
"Eric Schmidt was credited for scaling Google into the 21st century, taking the company from its Silicon Valley startup roots to a global tech leader."
"Whatever Google is doing with AI has significant implications for everybody on the planet."
"The effectiveness of Google's tools for changing the world for the better are limited by how fit brains are."
"And I remember Charlie came to that lunch and then he reaches into his court pocket and he pulls out this printout, which has like Google focus, written on it." - Mohnish Pabrai
"Google needs to incentivize people for creating real original content. Otherwise, what in God's name will the AI be able to scrape its information from?"
"Speaking of big deals, Google apparently moving on to something different from Android."
"The most important thing that Google cares about is the user experience."
"Do you think Google's TPUs will take off? Absolutely, absolutely, and we're going to see more hardware focused on neural networks in the future. Google's just ahead of the curve."
"This represents Google's continued commitment to Africa."
"Simply put, our goal is to build a more helpful Google for everyone."
"We are approaching it boldly, with a sense of excitement, because as we look ahead, Google's deep understanding of information, combined with the capabilities of generative AI, can transform Search and all of our products yet again."
"Google invests enormous amounts of money and technology skills in building the most sophisticated data center infrastructure in the world."
"At Google, nothing excites us more than solving a problem, except maybe solving a problem at scale."
"Your chances of getting into Google for your first job are almost zero, but you can and should work your way up to that after getting some real-world experience."
"The best example is Google's 'Don't be evil,' which is the most... They did drop Google."
"The reputation of your website, your reputation online, matters very much to Google."
"Google's dominance of internet search and related advertising business make it an easy target."
"Essentially for those of you who don't know, SEO stands for search engine optimization. The majority of people going to your website, a lot of the new traffic will come through Google."
"I sometimes suspect that Google is lying when it says that our mission is organizing the world's information."
"Our guiding principle here is exactly the same as it's been for 20 years, to respect our users and to put them first."
"Probably the biggest reason that Google isn't going anywhere because Google is Google."
"This is Google we're talking about here, the biggest company in the world with over a trillion dollar valuation."
"Elon Musk almost sold Tesla to Google at a certain point."
"Larry Page and Sergey Brin saw that competition and believed in the technology, so the Google self-driving car project was born."
"Pixel 3 has the most simple and minimalistic software."
"Google's gonna face a five billion dollar lawsuit over tracking private internet use... not so incognito."
"Here's a fact for you: Google has over 15 cafeterias on its main campus."
"Google released the first version of Android in 2008."
"Google literally changed the way we see the world."
"Depending on your business, it's quite important to actually appear on Google local listings as well."
"The idea that Google thinks it has the right to adjust content so that he doesn't get elected again is the height of hubris."
"Organize your thoughts and your inspiration in a way well Google doesn't have a product really in that department I don't know what the closest thing they have is."
"Google is ready to fully Implement AI into all of their products and also creating a few new products as well."
"Google absolutely nails slow-motion video. This is the best slow-mo footage I've seen from any phone."
"Google is a powerful tool for finding affiliate programs, while affiliate brokers like Commission Junction can provide access to thousands of programs."
"Just type it in, it's easy man. There's no penalty for typing in on Google."
"Google ecosystem... just works man, just works."
"Google's most ambitious take on social media and that somewhat inevitable downfall to death."
"Google persisted and in June 2011 launched yet the most powerful ambition and well-thought social platform that it had been cooking: Google+."
"It was all supposed to be centralized in the infamous black bar."
"Google+ ended up providing the blueprint for what a Google account is nowadays."
"Google has the absolute winning hand in the video Department with of course the unbeatable YouTube."
"What is Google in 20 years? It's very hard to predict the future."
"Truth be damned, Google is at least making an attempt."
"Google, one of the most profitable companies in the entire world, is gonna cut down massively on hiring."
"Google has the best speech to text on the market."
"Google's sales are flat to down from cloud, and then they're getting sued by the government for antitrust."
"Google does it better than any phone on the market right now."
"Google wins this time. They win when it comes to a mid-range phone that's going to give you flagship performance, flagship camera without all the flagship bells and whistles. Google is definitely winning that one."
"I don't think Google should be trading at a 17 Ford P/E ratio."
"Nobody has more unchecked power than Google does."
"Google is a business where the total revenue is increasing and their operating income is also increasing with that total revenue."
"Google is spying on Android users through the messaging dialer apps."
"Google search has put the world's information at the fingertips of over a billion people."
"People use Google because they choose to, not because they're forced to or because they can't find alternatives."
"Unfortunately for them, that little company they turned down was called Google."
"Democratic presidential contender Tulsi Gabbard announced Thursday she is suing Google for alleged election interference."
"Google is probably the worst offender with regard to censorship."
"Google says manual reviews are a critical part of the process."
"News accounts for an eighth of Google searches in Australia."
"Google is fearful for what precedent this might set."
"Google gives so much that they stagger CTA points in this complex web."
"Google is providing $15 million in donations along with $5 million in advertising credits for humanitarian organizations."
"Google, for those not familiar, was founded and developed by DARPA."
"Google's Pixel Buds Pro: brilliant in every aspect."
"I guess Google can afford to keep throwing money at people probably for the foreseeable future"
"Google announced that it paid out over six and a half million in 2019."
"Each online round provides a series of fun and challenging algorithmic puzzles designed by us, the Google engineers, so that you really get a taste of the technical skills needed for a career at Google."
"Even though I'm honored with Google's latest doodle."
"Maybe not immediately but down the road, I think Google could easily become Apple's biggest smartphone competitor."
"Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro are officially official now."
"It's the same kind of as before. Google's an unchecked monopolist."
"Google is making more of its own chips rolling out new hardware that can handle everything from YouTube advertising to Big Data analysis."
"Google is how you get knowledge now, and they really don't have a competitor."
"Google is kind of a gatekeeper for commerce, and suddenly they're making money hand over fist."
"There are also antitrust proceedings that can break up Google and prevent their monopolistic control from ruining the web."
"Google stock currently trades at a 23 price to earnings ratio."
"Google Voice is a completely free service here in the United States from Google."
"Why let's begin. So the announcement is essentially that Google is adopting face ID like technology onto the pixel 4."
"New camera hardware, new software, new design, all looks to be an amazing recipe that Google has mixed up."
"Google is canceling multiple projects basically all of the games that it had slated for release beyond 2021."
"Google can literally be the Netflix of gaming. They can definitely do that."
"Google plays the long game. If he says they're going to do it, they're going to do it."
"Google is normally very quiet, and it's really interesting to see them coming out with all this kind of stuff."
"Do I like Google stock as a buy right now? Yes, I do like Google stock as a buy."
"Kaggle is a data science platform; it's part of Google."
"Google has one of the most powerful infrastructure in the world."
"Every year, Google introduces new technical discoveries and advancements that are amazing and beneficial to people all around the world."
"Google Cloud platform is a set of Cloud Computing Services provided by Google that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses for its end user products."
"We had more than doubled our organic traffic reaching over 20,000 monthly visits from Google."
"Bigtable, a pioneer in NoSQL databases, powers various Google services and offers scalability without downtime."
"Google's numbers are like feeling the pulse of the US economy."
"Compute Engine lets you create and run virtual machines known as instances and host them on Google's infrastructure."
"Google rewards relevancy. The quality score is based on your click-through rate."
"Google owns the top two searching in the world, google.com and youtube.com."
"If your website is actually ranking on Google, then every single month there's a consistent amount of people who are actually searching for your website."
"Imagine the ocean as Google, right, and then imagine you as the fisherman on top of here, your website."
"Completing a Google career certificate like this one will help you develop relevant skills that employers are looking for when hiring business intelligence talent."
"Google career certificates can open doors to new opportunities, whether you're seeking to switch careers, find a new job, level up your skills, or build a business."
"The Google career certificates were designed by industry professionals with decades of experience."
"Google loves what the user loves."
"If your pages aren't ranking high in Google, it's not because Google hates your website."
"It's hard to imagine the world today without Google."
"The company that started as a novel search engine now manages eight products with more than one billion users each."
"Google made it into dictionaries as a verb, becoming part of our culture."
"Google has apps that billions of people use daily."
"Sergey Brin and Larry Page built the search giant that shaped the world."
"Google+ was this very strange thing Google was trying to push for a while."
"Your Google business profile category is the most important thing you need to get right to help you rank in the map."
"I like vertical integration... Google owns Android and the tensor chip and the Pixel hardware."
"Google did a fantastic job with this phone, absolutely would recommend if you're already in the Android ecosystem."
"Thank you, Google, and please, Apple, just copy this; this is fine, this works."
"I don't give a [__] I'm not Googling [__]."
"...it's great to see Google taking steps towards looking after us."
"Google is incentivized to collect as much data as they can directly from you through the browser."
"Google in the past has been caught going through your emails to collect personal data about you to better serve you more targeted advertisements."
"Big red flag there just for Bert Labs is that, you know, Google's not going to favor that."
"You need to make sure you're logged into your Google account."
"Google having itself one hell of a day as well."
"I have been waiting for Google for a long time to add this into the Google home app."
"From this garage to 8.5 billion search queries per day, controlling 92 percent of all online searches."
"The Nest Thermostat that Google released just a few years ago can now work with Apple HomeKit."
"Google recently announced that the Consent Mode version 2 is becoming mandatory to build in with your Consent Management platform if you want to utilize the advertising features of the Google products out there."
"It's free, it's from Google, and it helps you simplify that process of adding and managing multiple tracking tags."
"Google wants to see, when we rank for interesting head terms, we can rank. So let's say we have 10 articles we're ranking number five for. For these ten articles, we're gonna rank number five for a thousand articles."
"What Google's doing is they are essentially zero valuing or minus valuing the worst 10% of links."
"I think this is particularly exciting. We've made some major advances in machine learning. You probably know that Google has a machine learning system that beat the world's expert in the Go game."
"I'm kind of being kinda infected by Google's mission, which is to organize world's information, make it universally accessible and useful everywhere. I think that's exciting."
"If you're not in a rush to get your tickets right now you can actually through Google flights track prices for your specific route and dates."
"YouTube is the second biggest search engine, coming only after Google itself."
"Google actually gives you all the HTML you need to load that. So what you do is just copy it from here, you paste it here in the head of your document, and you're good to go."
"Now let's see what the hell popped up when you type the X in the little search Google bar thing. Let's see what the hell that was."
"Did Toby just like Google the biggest staircase in Belgium?"
"Google's dominance of the ecosystem actually extends in every direction."
"Google is kind of asleep at the wheel and not doing anything other than just maintaining their platform."
"Google graveyard, hands down. I mean, Google can kill a product better than anyone. They've got it down to a science."
"We're delighted to announce the Google axian processor, our first custom arm-based CPU designed for the data center."
"I have dramatically stopped using some Google products."
"Be careful of PBNs (Private Blog Networks). They're affected in Google's updates and can harm your website's ranking."
"If you have the number one ad position, you generally will get more clicks than even the number one organic search result in a Google search result, and Etsy isn't all that much different."
"Let Google ads optimize how often your ads show now I'm sure you've been browsing the internet before and you feel like you're seeing the same ads over and over again."
"This is the system how you actually make money by selling books that are not yours on Google."
"If you want to see how you can make money on Google with another underground system watch this video right here."
"My name is Heather Adkins. I'm a VP of Security Engineering at Google. When I have to tell people what I do for work, it's really difficult. It's really complicated. So I usually just tell them that I keep the hackers out of Google."
"The gateway to millions of people is Google."
"I think Google's the best invention. Google has made us smart. Because of Google, there won't be another world war."
"What Google is going to do is actually do some A/B testing on them to see which one works better."
"We cannot ignore the fact that online users are four times more likely to click on ads on Google."
"Google's ecosystem is becoming more comprehensive all the time."
"Google, because you've been everything I've been looking for."
"Google had always been a strong proponent of corporate climate action."
"Chrome OS is a Linux based operating system developed by Google specifically for Chromebooks."
"Google always tries to show the ads which are the best for the users."
"What better place to test Google's audio Magic Eraser than in the capital?"
"...the one thing Google phones always do well is Google Assistant."
"Firebase machine learning uses Google's machine learning models to help with different machine learning capabilities."
"Ranking on Google is just a popularity contest."
"Search campaigns let you show your ads on Google search results."
"I knew I had to leave Yahoo when people on my team were saying just Google it."
"Firebase is backed by Google, it's well supported, very stable, I love using it."
"Maybe part of the answer is, that's fine, as long as you don't think about Google, as long as you think about you, right?"
"Honestly, it's been a great experience. I've been at Google for close to almost two years now."
"Google always makes me feel better anytime I do something stupid I Google it and I'm like I'm not the only one there were others makes you feel good you know you're not the only dumb Dum you know it's comforting."
"Google reported their fourth quarter 2021 earnings after the close on February 1st of this year."
"Google's response to the report was evasive and misleading."
"Even the most senior developers Google the most basic stuff all the time."
"Like everyone else these days, I don't know exactly what we did before Google, but it clearly wasn't worth doing."
"Google updates went after the health and fitness space, pushing credibility, authority, and trust."
"In 1999, Google was a little startup just like we are, and when they started bringing in chefs and masseuses, we thought they're nuts. But they were attracting the best possible people and they were able to create the best product."
"Tech interviews of Google and Facebook are very heavily focused on data structures and algorithms."
"...and then you've got Google which is facing this you know they let the inmates run the Asylum you had the Gemini disaster with all their woke and stuff that you know corrupted these models you now have the founders coming back in making public appearances pressure building."
"Google makes around two hundred thousand dollars of revenue per minute."
"How can we start to build applications that take advantage of Google scale?"
"The early Google was all about solving big problems."
"If you want to get up and running quickly using Google's Data Studio to analyze and visualize your data then give me 15 minutes and I'll give you a crash course."
"There's lots of ways to make money from Google. The main two that we're talking about are going to be ad revenue and affiliate revenue."
"The truth about making money on Google is that it's really simple."
"Google's data warehouse is bigquery, you know hopefully people have heard of it by now and it's our enterprise data warehouse for analytics."
"YouTube ads are part of Google ads, Google's advertising platform."
"Google has put a lot of emphasis on the page experience, which means other than the quality of your sites, your site should load fast, it should be mobile friendly, and all your pages should be served over Https instead of just Http."
"Google will actually let you know if your website has any security issues."
"Why Google? They have 4.3 billion users worldwide, reaching half of the world's population."
"You just rebuild the asset, you make it fresh, you make it better than it was before, you republish it, and Google does tend to reward you for that."
"I always come back to user intent. Why does the person think when they're putting something into search in Google?"
"Each success eliminates a weak point that would have threatened the people and businesses that rely on Google and the internet at large."
"But it's still the best way to build a sustainable business for yourself that grows over time because google is not going anywhere."
"If there was one skill I would urge you to master before any others, it is to learn how to research or use Google."
"One percent of our Google AdSense proceeds go back to plant conservation."
"To help you better understand and visualize the evaluation logic we just went through, Google provides a tool in the Cloud Console web UI called the Policy Troubleshooter."
"Google doesn't own all the websites... they just control the flow of traffic."
"That'll protect you from getting penalized by Google."
"Put your content at the top and keep it brief because that's what Google wants to see."