
Food Philosophy Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Food as the pharmaceutical, food as a person...that's generally what I believe and what I can see from research."
"Living to eat means you're thinking about your next meal constantly... Eating to live is so much healthier."
"Food as medicine...in a culture where eighty percent of what we see is driven by our collective modern lifestyles, I kind of feel philosophically, as doctors, we should give it the same priority and call it medicine."
"Good food is medicine and bad food needs medicine."
"Food should be about social connection... there shouldn't be a stress and rigidness."
"Food is not something which should make you feel guilty, you know? There's always balance in life."
"Food is a very powerful tool to change everything that we believe in, the way that we look, the way that we approach problems in life." - Joshua Weissman
"Food is about more than efficiency because human beings are more than just meat sacks in need of calories." - Michael Knowles
"Food is fuel, food is delicious, food isn't an enjoyable part of life if you let it be."
"Food is medicine and it shouldn't be poison."
"Food should be fun and you should enjoy it and you should experiment with it."
"Food that's fast, it doesn't have to be fast food."
"Food is at the total epicenter of that, you know? What we eat, we are what we eat."
"Every single thing you eat is a medicine or a poison."
"Food is here to give us life, not be our lives."
"Food should not be a burden, eating should not be a punishment."
"If your food doesn't go through photosynthesis, it's not food."
"Food is not only nourishment but it's an energy exchange."
"Just keep that in mind: pizza is all about the quest."
"Is cereal soup? I think disagree because it's cold and you don't boil it with vegetables or bones or anything like that."
"Whether it's Food For Thought or thought for food."
"Food shouldn't be a necessity, it's a nicety."
"Food should be about nourishment culturally, socially, personally, psychologically as well as physically."
"Food is meant to be enjoyed, food is meant to be a pleasure."
"Food is for enjoyment and not just to fuel yourself."
"It's a really beautiful essence... it delivers great antioxidant benefits."
"The most important thing about a chef is how their food tastes, what their food philosophy is, whether it gels with the owners, and that's what I'm testing."
"Chick-fil-A founder S. Truitt Kathy said, 'Food is essential to life, therefore make it good.'"
"Food doesn't have morality, okay? A one-time doughnut is not going to kill you."
"Food should never be a reward or a punishment; it's just food."
"My whole philosophy on educating about food is obviously I want to teach you a good technique and show you the right ways to do things."
"For me, this is what food's supposed to be."
"The magic of food in Southeast Asia is that everything has a purpose."
"The whole idea of food is that it should be widely available to everybody."
"I just believe good food should be for everybody."
"There's people out there who just Eat to Live and there's people who live to eat."
"It's a different way of thinking about food and it's quite a fun way as well."
"'Real food doesn't have ingredients; real food is ingredients.'"
"Food should be simple, it should be easy, it shouldn't be something that we give so much mental space to."
"Food is food, it's not evil, it's not good, it's neutral."
"Food's not supposed to always be about pleasure. You should also eat for function, to nourish your body."
"I believe that food can nourish us and not punish us."
"Food is not just nutrition for the body; food is vibrations, it's energy."
"Food is an inseparable part of our being."
"We don't eat nutrients, we eat food, and food is a lot more than the sum of its parts."
"Life is too short to not have incredible food all the time."
"Food has intent, so like everything that we put in our bodies, it's you know you should be eating with intention."
"I'm not a believer that healthy food or lower calorie food has to be boring or bland."