
User Feedback Quotes

There are 281 quotes

"This is Apple getting a product, even an imperfect one, out into the wild to see how we actually use it so they can evolve it over time."
"Asking to save in the event of accidentally closing Blender without saving, 96% of Blender users were in favor of a dialog box asking them if they'd like to save."
"Many new features and content included in this update have been inspired by player input."
"It's amazing that one of the largest gripes that people had about Breath of the Wild, they've included in this game and then also made it a free mechanic."
"We're using a very small subset of what we're using, and it's specifically to address the issues that people have had around armor customization."
"YouTube's lack of communication is what has damaged the website and its reputation."
"This is a game where if a feature, if users want a feature, your product better have it."
"This update was full of features that we requested."
"No other World of Warcraft expansion has been this clear. A great road map, wonderful feedback."
"Has it been a positive experience for you... or has it been just simply waffle maybe I'm you know missing the mark entirely?"
"Quickly launch a survey and ask the users who clicked on your ads what mattered most to them? Was it the free shipping? The 15% discount? Or maybe the product reviews?"
"Head recoil when shooting is annoying... we'll think about it."
"You need some users to help with the feedback cycle."
"Always welcome to see even more ATVs and also people would complain saying, 'Oh that's such a slight modification,' but come on, considering they give you 110 vehicles in this game, the more the merrier in my mind."
"Your feedback has been priceless as we keep fine-tuning and improving the game."
"Below Zero as a game probably wouldn't be where it is today without the community."
"Career mode can only improve based on your constant feedback and comments."
"Nothing actually listened to user feedback and pushed a software update that let users disable both of those widgets and I really really appreciated this change."
"We want you to let us know what you think. Download the tools, poke around."
"I don't think you're gonna have many issues... reliability, durability."
"It's honestly quite funny to me that of all the changes to the 4s, it was really Siri that was the most desired among enthusiasts."
"One of our ways to help address the feedback that people want more content, more experiences, is through this continuous delivery of drop pods."
"You're never gonna get a better sense for your product than actually listening to real users."
"But speaking of LCD, probably the biggest and the most requested change is getting a fully articulating flip-out screen, which the a7 IV has."
"Your voices are being heard, and we're a studio that puts our community as part of our decision-making process."
"Wow, they're actually removing the content that's bad."
"They're actually listening to the community not doing what the wild team did and say no this is how we designed it this is how it's supposed to be played."
"It's a good improvement off of 19, it really is."
"I love reading the many messages I get every day from Apple Watch users."
"I appreciate your time... why are the comments to you always so negative?"
"Netflix used to have a five star rating system. They got rid of the five star rating system and instead now it's a thumbs up and a thumbs down."
"I really wish my carts move quicker. Mojang, please, please, please."
"How would you feel if you could no longer use [the product]? Very disappointed, somewhat disappointed, not disappointed."
"One thing above all topics have in common is that they've been driven by your passionate feedback throughout the development process."
"This update is amazing, thank you Brookhaven!"
"I don't know why Twitter decided to throw that in there."
"Your opinion still matters and how you feel about the game is what's the most important."
"We had a stream two days before the game was initially supposed to release that we ended up incorporating tons of feedback from, which was super useful."
"So I'm curious if any of you guys are actually running it. Sound off in the comments below with what your experience has been like."
"Make sure you come in and turn this on and you get all that awesome feedback telling you exactly where the camera is acquiring focus. You need that. It's very, very important."
"Error handling: Catching exceptions and providing informative responses."
"These flood goggles, the reception has been better than any other goggle I have ever tested."
"Clippy was universally hated and deemed way too distracting."
"The number one thing that kept being brought up was the new player experience."
"Have you guys considered giving one or two additional free tabs?"
"Adobe team, I love you all! Can you bring in alignment for bullet points in Illustrator?"
"Hawkmoon in its base form is already an amazing hand cannon."
"And as always, let me know in the comments below what you thought of this video."
"Night mode finally... unfortunately restricted... really really bad."
"Let me know your thoughts on this gigantic update."
"If you guys have any like bean suggestions make sure you let me know."
"That's hilariously better, that's night and day cursor moves immediately page up page down do what they're supposed to they did it."
"I can see that the developers have really listened to the feedback that the playerbase has given them and have made big changes to the game accordingly."
"This gun everybody that shoots it will tell me it's the best shooting handgun they've ever shot."
"Look, we heard you 100,000 people," - response to user feedback
"Everybody who has had these islands thank you for not having chops."
"What do you guys think of this update? I think it's absolutely amazing."
"You can now rage shake your phone to report a problem to Instagram. Hot new feature."
"At least Valve weren't too stubborn to ignore player feedback."
"I'm genuinely baffled at what they've done here with this."
"Print summary of responses: Get a summary sheet of all responses."
"Please, please change this color scheme. It's horrible."
"This is a huge improvement that was notably absent and launching for those of you complaining about the game not feeling like there's a lot of teamwork in it."
"Let me know which car surprised you the most and which one was a disappointment."
"Working on a world famous title and receiving user evaluation from all over the world is rewarding."
"Please, please, I'm begging you. You know how much it could change how much better everyone's builds would look with double-sided painted doors."
"I'm fully integrated into VS Code now. Let me know what you think below of this new setup. I really like it."
"Well, guys, I guess I'm gonna have to say that this one absolutely works."
"Bootstrap has a class called alert-success, and that is just this kind of nice green alert that they pop up."
"These forms look a lot better and give us some better feedback."
"It's almost like a little doorbell kind of thing. Oh, I like it. It's not too bad, it's pretty nice."
"Guild Wars 2 needs better frame rates. We agree." - JT
"Last one is Watson, I forgot how slow the cycle is."
"I hope this ended up looking something like what you wanted it to look like... I'm pretty happy with this so far."
"Let me know in the comments - what was your favorite board out of today's comparison and why?"
"We are needed. We are necessary. We synthesize. You are not. You cannot."
"Really quick to develop things, really quick to get feedback for maximum productivity."
"Feedback is important to us as we continue developing itemization."
"This is basically a giant [ __ ] you to the entire user base that talks about politics."
"So far the reactions are wild. I'm really loving what I'm playing so far."
"Make it even longer to get there, that stinks."
"They should turn that dial the other direction, problem solved."
"Let me know what you think about moving because of that power glitch every time we come back it's actually it is a little frustrating to have to reload the game every time just so it resets."
"I'm excited to see where this game goes. I'm impressed with what I've seen so far."
"This is seeming much more polished than it was before and a much better experience as we're getting closer to the final release."
"The vast majority have said that battery is much improved with iOS 14.4."
"I think Skyward Sword on the Switch is a much better experience."
"If they wanted it to take longer to upgrade the cloak..."
"Who tested the game, brother, and then thought 'Oh, do you know what we don't need a search function?'"
"First comment is from Sally F. She says this is a really, really, really great format."
"We actually use that as a source to help us understand but we always balance this against the reality. You cannot make games based on what social media has to say about the games."
"The experience of using one of these fresh out of the box six months from now could be a very different experience from what people are trying and messing with right now."
"Again, let us know what you think about this scenario and also the style of the truck in the comments."
"Lots of great improvements from your feedback so I appreciate that."
"It's really just an opportunity for players to give us feedback about how we could improve that experience."
"I've come up with a little bit of a list of things that I would absolutely love to see added into career mode."
"Let me know which tip you found super helpful!"
"In terms of the audio quality, I've been hearing pretty decent things."
"Your feedback is very important to things like this where I'm trying something completely different."
"So see if you can actually hear what I'm saying if you can comment down below and let me know what you think of the microphones on the earbud."
"Because I think the players know the product better than us."
"I am blown away. Right, that's it for the map tour. Let's go out of this now. We've seen pretty much everything. Let me know what you think. I'm blown away, I'm literally blown away, I love it."
"We didn't make this decision or change lightly as we did throughout the development of Marvel Spider-Man, we'll continue to read your comments, listen, always be looking for ways to improve every facet of the game."
"The overall user experience has been phenomenal."
"I have to say, I'm impressed by your patience in deciphering those captions! Good job!"
"In the end, you'll be left with a nice, satisfying click sound."
"What the feedback we did get from a lot of owners was when they were towing the transmission started to hunt between fourth fifth and sixth gear."
"If I roll up at one and it doesn't work, you're getting that video."
"Let's talk about this mod, some of my experiences with it."
"FIFA 20 career mode feels good but it just feels like the same features just changed a little bit like gimmicks."
"One of the complaints for Windows 10 users when they move to Windows 11 is the change to the taskbar. Now the icons and start menu are centered in the taskbar instead of to the left as they were in Windows 10."
"Windows seems to have addressed some of the concerns for Windows 11. Microsoft seems to be more optimistic about the future of the Microsoft Store because they really do want to make this the place where you come to get all of your apps."
"The original Estelia is a buy-to-play Korean MMO which gets pretty bad reviews on Steam."
"We're hope you're as excited about GitHub Actions as we are, and we look forward to hearing your feedback."
"Being able to have the feedback from the user saying 'you know what, here's the callback, your message was successful' is really useful."
"When the game ran well, it played really well. It felt like a PC game and I was very happy with it."
"Dear cell phone companies, please add an unsend my text option."
"When you upload it and people share their experiences... it makes all the work worth it."
"Is this not the best patch yet by from software?"
"I give this update a 9.5 out of 10, it's fantastic!"
"Positive feedback is surreal and magical: Seeing my products out in the world."
"I absolutely love that Apple took something people complained about and turned it into a feature."
"If you're making a product that is going to heavily involve one group of people wouldn't you try to have their opinion?"
"The v2l functionality...is quite honestly the feature I hear most about...especially at this time of year when power cuts abound."
"We want to hear feedback from you about what you like and what you don't like."
"What if you could put the interior of the plane on the metaverse, have people walk around it and give you feedback and put it into Fortnite?"
"iOS 16 public beta testers report mixed experiences, with some praising stability while others note issues like Bluetooth connectivity and battery drain."
"I love the person in chat actually I don't it was like game should have shipped this way."
"We know matchmaking has been the bone of contention for a pretty long time."
"I literally have no complaints, this is the best update."
"I think the skin is actually fairly decent, I gave it a C rating but I can already tell I'm gonna give it a B."
"Yes, there's some current bugs and issues with it but it is way better than the previous fluid simulator that blender had..."
"No quest sharing... Definitely something that they need to address."
"The most controversial decision that YouTube has ever made in terms of their platform was to remove the dislikes."
"Everybody that I've talked to has said they sound really good."
"Be sure to drop me a comment down below letting me know your guys's thoughts on this program."
"Favorite car of a DLC update? A buffalo. The i-wagon has the crappy SUV interior."
"Nothing about this game really clicked with me."
"We've been collecting a lot of feedback and data and looking for ways to tweak it to make it even more fun."
"Just give us a 'not interested in this' button, please, I beg you."
"Blizzard has listened to a lot of my feedback."
"Oh ah they got me there definitely need some sound or graphical feedback to let me know i'm being hurt."
"I really enjoyed the suggestion one of you guys left in the comment section."
"I would expect us to be listened to at least a little bit."
"Inventory slots need addressing in this update, no matter what."
"The important thing is when you're handling this rifle it feels like an AI."
"The windows were like the main problem that I had and the thing that I complained about the most."
"By week 1, week 2, week 3, people are messaging, saying 'By week one, they have a new voice.'"
"I love our dev team because those guys really listen and really get it."
"I've been playing MFF for four years if I'm honest it doesn't feel like netmarble monster MFF team has been listening to the community."
"I actually ended up having a really good time with this game."
"Just the one thing, the 2.4 on Wi-Fi, that definitely you've heard from like 90% that it doesn't work, there's an issue there."
"I think this map, I don't think, I know this map is so much better than the last one competitively."
"Most people are reporting it to be very, very good and the best version of iOS 15 yet."
"There is a reason that this is the most highly requested feature that people want in Super Mario maker and that's why I'm requesting for it in this video."
"Feedback is very important for games, especially for gaming companies."
"Future tools is getting a major overhaul in the beginning of the new year...the user interface and user experience is going to get better...always open to hearing feedback and ideas on how to improve the site."
"The beauty of something like Sentry is that it's surprisingly easy to set up and you get awesome feedback when errors happen in your application."
"Speaking to your users early on, it's more important than even the money coming in."
"You build good products by using your product."
"Do you use any of these apps? If so, let me know what you think about them."
"It's ready to go like you can test this with actual users"
"Learn directly from your users throughout the life of your company."
"Once you have an MVP prototype, you can start by showing it to users."
"I want to understand your pain points. I want to understand how to use a product. I want to understand what could be better."
"Definitely feels like I'm just holding the phone."
"It is way better to have 10 users who love what you're doing than 100 users who are meh."
"It became really obvious that many of the developers had taken inspiration from each other or copied the larger and more popular apps rather than trying to take feedback from the users or cater to what the audience actually needed."
"I personally set mines off as I like to give each new version some time to get tested by everyone else."
"The only way you're going to find a real market and a real problem to solve is in direct contact with users. The market itself will teach you if you're in the right place, ask the right questions, and listen."
"While the user feedback might not all be positive, it will always, always make the product better."
"We still haven't given us an edit button."
"You need to find a small number of users that will help you build this great product."
"Beware of the Frankenstein approach. Just because users suggest features doesn't mean you should build them all."
"I'd love to hear from you guys what ideas are you implementing with this new macros feature in ProPresenter 7."
"The faster you can learn from your users and build that and go again, the more likely you are to succeed."
"Don't invent fictional users when you've got real users that you could be working with."
"Get users manually and remember that the goal is to get a small group of them to love you."
"You want to build an engine in the company that transforms feedback from users into product decisions."
"In case of a successful submit of your form, I need to see an alert box with the email address."
"The user is going to click on something, and we need to capture that feedback."
"Leave a comment below if you're using Asana or if you have any questions at all."
"I love when we're able to help solve each other's problems together or provide user feedback from real-life scenarios."
"...if you do have the autograph card seem to really like it from the comments that I get here on my channel."
"I also created a public vote and I asked you guys to tell me, well, what do you guys want me to work on next? Do you want me to work on the accounts page? Do you want me to work on the payment system with Stripe? Or do you want me to work a camera on something else?"
"This developer is really active and he listens to the complaints and he fixes things really quick."
"Everything works the same if it doesn't work the same it's a bug you can report it to me."
"And if this video ever does go out of date, just let me know if something's not working and I will record an update."
"One feedback that we got was, 'We really want to play with this more.'"
"I genuinely feel that they listen to our feedback and are really trying to build a platform that continues to get better for helping the world work together."
"This is hands down one of the best things you guys have ever done."
"There's an overlay and at the center, there is a nice circular progress bar which is indicating to the user that something is happening there inside your application."
"I think it turned out great. I want you guys to comment and let me know what you think I did for my first DIY fire pit."
"Clearly identify input errors and tell the user what they need to change."
"The best feedback is from other users of this software, not the companies themselves."
"When's the last time your users called you up and said the network's running too fast?"
"The application is not just something you created and used by your customers and users, you should have the feedback loop."
"Paper prototypes are inexpensive, allow for rapid iteration, and encourage honest feedback."
"Let me know what you guys think: iPad Air, iPad Pro, new accessories, new cross-compatibility."
"I hope it's worth it, and I'll let you guys know where I fall once I really spend some time with this thing."