
Personal Time Quotes

There are 1532 quotes

"It's very important to take moments for yourself."
"It is so important for everyone to have a day where they can just take time to themselves, whether it's once a week, twice a month, once a month."
"This is your hour, this is your time, this is your season."
"It's very important that you choose wisely who you give yourself and your time to."
"Once four babies are asleep, and I just cherish that time at night when everyone's asleep and I can watch whatever show I want and just have some alone time."
"We're taking a romantic date night just the two of us."
"May is going to be the month for you to do what makes you happy. This is about you."
"Turn everything off. Sit in a room where there's no electronics on where there's nothing to do. That will be some of the most valuable time of your life."
"Singleness allows you more time to do ministry."
"You have to make time in your life for your significant other and your family, and it's very hard to do."
"Skincare is really important to me because, as a mom especially, this is the time that I get for myself."
"It's okay to be alone. That's where you can sit down and put your time in the best."
"It's okay to be selfish sometimes. Find some time for you."
"This person needs some time to regenerate and trust again."
"Have a little bit of 'me' time, even if it's just 15 minutes, so that you can wake them up and feel a little bit more in control of your day."
"I'm looking forward to spending more time with my kids."
"I see you retreating or spending time more on your own."
"John stated that he would be taking time off for his children and to properly grieve."
"This is a time to pause, a time to reflect, and a time for you."
"We're not supposed to be thinking about politics every second. We're supposed to be actually spending time with friends, family."
"We all have five to ten minutes a day to ourselves... where you can get meaningful and mindful."
"We have to find time every week, every month, every year, where we're just by ourselves learning about ourselves, figuring ourselves out."
"Make sure you're taking time for yourself and you're getting yourself outside."
"You need to make sure you get your time in the morning for yourself or in the evening or whenever you find it because if something happens to you, what happens to your loved one?"
"The midday refresh is just 10 or 15 minutes that I carve out for myself in the middle of the day, letting my mind know, girl, you are halfway there."
"Luxury for me is having a week off. Nothing to do."
"I'm your host, Steve, and I'm gonna get some sleep."
"If you would like time to meditate on your pile, you can pause the video right now."
"It's so important to take that time to yourself, really, really important pile four."
"Spend time alone. Get to know yourself on a deeper level."
"Take a day off every week and recapitulate yourself."
"You have to make time for yourself no matter what you do or you will literally go crazy."
"It's real important for me to find that time to decompress and unwind."
"Outsourcing editing has given me more time with my baby and made balancing work easier."
"Some people want to work the nine-to-five and enjoy their lives and then on the weekends go fishing with your friends, dip in the river."
"I already have 70 hours in the game and a lot of that at this point is off stream like I'm playing the game constantly."
"I did absolutely nothing and it was everything that I thought it could be."
"Understanding that you have that one hour each day for something that you want to do that brings you joy, that makes you happy, actually puts in a very good mental state."
"Personal wellness would be an acceptable reason to take a break."
"Why not refill your cup of tea and get comfy because you're spiffing brit tea drinking experience for today is just getting started."
"You should take that time for yourself. It really does matter."
"Just work when you want to do enjoyment you go back home." - Finding the balance between work and play.
"I try and have that balance where I play, or have fun, or even just veg out on the couch and not work, or think about work, or talk about work, or anything like that."
"Beauty for me is about self-care, it's about having some time for yourself during your day."
"It's okay to take care of yourself. It's okay to give yourself that time."
"Give yourself permission to enjoy your hobby, you've earned it."
"Money allows you to buy freedom, and then freedom gets you the ability to have more time to find what makes you happy."
"Just remember it's your real time and your real life."
"What I really want what I want more than anything in the world is one day where I can stay in bed not get ready not put my makeup on probably not shower and like watch movies."
"Alone time for me has been painting a Color Me Mine mug."
"You may have extra time... give that love to yourself."
"Spend time alone with God. Now this secret of resilience and this secret of stress resistance may be the secret that you do the least, spending enough time alone with God."
"The most exciting thing that happened to me last week was after I finished everything, I went to yoga."
"I'm having way too much fun playing this game."
"Everyone works hard, sometimes you need a few days off in the woods."
"It's like a good month to just rest, relax, recover... Take time for yourself."
"Our understanding of physics needs to be reconsidered... a change in the way that we understood our known physics."
"Thank you for coming by, making time for me today. I really appreciate it."
"Muller spent all his spare time studying the Bible."
"Giving yourself time to be the kid you used to be."
"Weekends off mean no emails. It's important to set those boundaries."
"This is their time and it's your time. It can be whatever you want it to be."
"I'm probably not getting much sleep this September."
"If I'm not playing or if I'm not working on Roblox, I'm usually like driving somewhere."
"Prioritizing me time: The reality is, you need that me time. That me time could be that binging Netflix thing that you need. Or maybe you take yourself on a date in the park. Go get some ice cream."
"Have a morning routine and a night routine like putting time towards yourself."
"Sometimes all you need is a good book and a cup of tea."
"I think when you have time and when you have power to explore the world, I think I should travel more."
"If you didn't have to work 40 hours a week, what would you fill that time with?"
"You got to take time for yourself. You know whether it's a day, a weekend, or week depending on how rundown you are you got to do it."
"I've been spending time reading and that's something that I haven't been able to do for so long."
"Happy November everybody! The month of the year where it's okay to say no I don't want to do anything except play video games because this is the month."
"What I really like about my job is that there's like a couple hours during the day that I get to kind of be by myself."
"Use money to buy freedom... money's greatest intrinsic value is its ability to give you control over your time."
"I walked to the park and I just sat for a few hours, by myself, with my book."
"I ride to go to work, I ride to enjoy myself, I ride to feel the grounding of me being with the motorcycle."
"It is important to set out some quiet time for you to actually relax or take stock of a situation."
"Thank you for spending time with me as we organize the freezer as we did some grocery shopping and I'm excited for the food that we're going to be eating."
"First help yourself, forget about everyone else for some time."
"Peace of mind in your home is on top of the list. Time to ourselves is on top of the list. Alone time, ladies, especially if you're a brother that's going out there and getting it and doing what you got to do. That peace of mind is everything."
"You need some time apart, you know? Like I love my kiddos, but I need to watch some Netflix during the summer."
"It's not the word of the Lord I'm looking for it's the time spent with him that I need."
"Just breathe...think about stuff actually take a moment to like really think about my life and chill down."
"I never imagined that I'd get to spend so much time with her, with no one else around."
"The greatest gift you can give anybody is the gift of your time."
"Take a deep breath and relax, this time is yours."
"I'm going to go pour out the rest of this coffee we're done with the coffee I'm going to go pour a glass of Rosé and then we're going to chitchat mckam manner stuff"
"Give yourself time to understand your feelings deeper."
"If you don't spend time with yourself, then you don't know yourself. And if you don't know yourself, you can't love yourself."
"You heal at your own time, at your own pace."
"This is a game that uh uh it's kind of nice actually having it on on my pc because it's just something I can always like okay I'll just you know put in a flight or something at the end of the day."
"I take the time I need to rediscover my vitality."
"I'm gonna go wash up and then go to bed... good night."
"Thank you again for being here and spending some of your time with me."
"Treat yourself right. Take yourself out on a date. Take yourself on vacation."
"You need time to recharge after being around people."
"Ultimately if you're not spending time together... then what are you doing?"
"I am religiously chilling out playing Civilization 5 or 6 on my PC while I listen to you guys each week."
"When a man really loves you, he wants to spend all of his time with you, not your friends."
"You deserve it, it's your time, you have so much positive energy built up for you."
"It's one of those things to where sometimes you just need to have a break for yourself and for your own mental refresher."
"I challenge everybody to take one night to themselves with no distractions."
"Big thumbs up for the skillful work of the Ukrainian drone operator"
"Time literally flies. Where has seven months gone?"
"Next year, just expect when I step on the field, everybody's gonna say, 'God disrespected that man.'"
"It's okay to take time for yourself to heal over relationships."
"No saying no leaves margin for you to have nothing on your calendar so that you can just enjoy."
"I've just been hanging out, playing Sims all week."
"Sometimes you just need time to sort of reflect."
"It was a joyous time just having the space to be able to do that."
"I really don't want to work today, just kind of want to sit here in my giant new scarf and just stare at the mountains."
"Time spent in solitude is not time spent alone."
"What now? Well, now I can finally play the game."
"Having time for yourself is so essential... protecting your mental health."
"I take at least a year off between books... To remind myself that life doesn't have to suck."
"Have fun. Have a happy Sunday. I'm gonna go eat spaghetti now."
"It's all about balance. I was up to like five on Saturday."
"I've very much enjoyed a very slow, relaxing morning this morning."
"Do it. You need this day, take it, take your time."
"The best part about finishing the show: It was time for me to finally take a very well overdue vacation."
"This is a time to relax and recharge your batteries."
"I feel like it gives me so much of my time back."
"If you can, try to carve more time for yourself to be there for them too. You won't regret it."
"Don't live your life just studying and working, make sure you make time for the things that you love."
"Stop. Take a moment. Take this Thanksgiving holiday and sit there and think."
"Man, we have a good time, that's kind of my time to just bull do what I want to do."
"I'm just taking a break from life today and try to take care of myself."
"She uses her lunch time as her personal time to get some things done."
"Life is serious, but with the full card, you want to find more time for fun."
"Time off? Yeah, vacation because I'll be on vacation and vacation time probably. I'm okay."
"Just being able to have time for yourself and kind of enjoy a day out, that kind of goes away."
"Thank you so much for coming and spending almost two hours of your time with me. Remember I'm going to be away for two weeks."
"One thing I'll say about that right off the bat is there is definitely one member of the demon slayer corps who never has a problem finding time to think about matters of the heart."
"We work so hard. It's, are we really preserving time to just cultivate our friendship?"
"When everybody goes to bed I'll come out here and jump on this and just pretend that I'm A Million Miles Away while the kids are asleep."
"I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thoroughly enjoyed having that time for myself."
"During the downtime, we talked about just having more free time and how to spend it. We jumped into activism on a lot of fronts."
"That could be like watching with my wife Iron Man."
"Time alone or in nature will help you recharge."
"He was super philanthropic... donating in his free time."
"I'm committing to it now... I deserve some time out of academics."
"You don't know what you could do if you gave yourself some free time, if you made it a priority. You don't know what you could do." - Instructor
"We were big time weekend warriors... it was our decompression time, our stress relief. We just did that all the time."
"I need a day to myself which I've never said, like I'm always go go go."
"That's vital, so to make sure that you can actually sit there and clock out of your job and go home and enjoy the rest of your day."
"Create more time for self-exploration and expression."
"Their internal world right now really might need that time alone, that solitude, that healing time period."
"Take a couple of days off... to take the pressure off the bride."
"Best time of the day is when you start streaming."
"Sometimes we all need a reminder to take a little time for ourselves."
"This is your time and as long as you allow yourself to relax and sleep, there are only right answers."
"After you're done taking a bath, face mask, nails, whatever you want to do, spend that time on yourself."
"Love yourself first. Take time in April to do things for yourself."
"I need a day to just relax and just kind of reorganize myself and get structured."
"Just got off work, listening to you in the car."
"Tranquility is essential, take time out for yourself."
"I think it's a moment that you can totally, truly dedicate to just yourself."
"Just exercising because it makes me feel good and I enjoy this time, and I can be excited to get back into exercise without having to be about bouncing back."
"It's important to also know when you need that time for you just to decompress."
"The more time that we take for ourselves to feel like a human and feel like our own person is just going to make you a better parent for your child."
"I'm gonna have very little free time so September is kind of like my last chance to take things a bit easy focus on myself outside of medical school and you know take time to enjoy things that I want to do."
"I'm just super relaxed, I'm having a good time."
"All it takes is taking a little bit of time out of your day to really, really treat yourself."
"Thank you so much for spending your time with me, it's absolutely incredible."
"I love soaking and stewing and watching Netflix as I do it."
"Cooking is my little escape at the moment. It's very therapeutic."
"I really needed that time by myself to do this kind of work."
"Time spent in solitude is not time spent alone. God is always present with you."
"My goal is to make sure that I have time for myself."
"I got things to do, talking me, plus I got things to do."
"Just sit back, relax, grab yourself a cup of tea."
"If you get so lost in what you're doing 24 hours a day, how can he be the best president he's supposed to be if he doesn't get some breath of air?"
"Create this quiet time for yourself and you'll have more clarity about what to do next."
"If you ever need time to just connect with self, go ahead and do that, that'll be actually really, really good."
"The only game I've played in the last like two weeks has been Among Us."
"Personal study, it's my favorite time of the day."
"It's okay to have time to yourself because even we have time, yeah."
"If you're watching this, I want you to take some time for yourself."
"I'd much rather do them myself with regular polish for me, and nail art has become a form of self-care and a little bit of time out."
"Block chunks of time on your calendar just for you."
"You should take some time off to focus on yourself and your family."
"Give yourself time to enjoy the energy of creation."
"Notice how you feel, just invest 30 seconds appreciating yourself for making time today to do this."
"Time spent with yourself is never time wasted."
"My favorite parts of my day are my morning and then my night... it's just special to me."
"I'm actually having like a pretty thrivy morning because I slept for 10 and a half hours last night, woke up, went to yoga, just shoved a sandwich in my face, and I'm ready to party."
"Financial freedom means time. Time means you could spend more with friends and family and loved ones."
"You're very likely to receive good news when it comes to long-distance travel."
"How to unplug and enjoy silence and solitude."
"I'm going to take a little bit of time off just over the next few weeks just to really relax and reset for the new year."
"Treat yourself doesn't mean you have to spend money, it's really about finding time just for you."
"A man who's comfortable in his own skin is excited about having additional time to do other things."
"No one can imagine how hard that is. Do you do anything for yourself? Are you ever able to take a minute to read or to listen to music?"
"I just hope that you're taking some time out for yourself and, you know, jump in a hot spring and bring some eggs, relax, man, self-care, love you, and we'll catch you on the next one."
"I feel like I've had a magic sleep but I'm just taking this day to have like a me day and focus on things that I've needed to do for a while."
"I'm gonna be able to take off quite a few days maybe half a week to a week which is just gonna be awesome."
"This is your time, this is your sacred space, this is your gift to yourself to sit and receive."
"Friendly reminder you don't have to get this all done at once you can miss a week you can miss a spread it's your journal don't let it be a cause of stress to you it should be your creative me time that refreshes you not stresses you."
"Your wishes to focus remain focused on yourself at this time."
"It's so important to make sure that you take time for yourself."