
Despair Quotes

There are 1830 quotes

"This is a man that was basically his last moments on video, where to let everybody know that, 'I'm checking out. I've given up. I don't see any hope at this point.'"
"Diseases of Despair tell us there's a group of people who seem to be despairing in life."
"You need to acknowledge reality but you need to avoid despair."
"He can't be killed and he can't kill himself even though he tries."
"She fills every person she meets with despair. That's my Makoto. You understand me so well."
"To confront this hopelessness should bring us hope."
"The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night's sleep."
"Hope is dead, hell is empty, and all the devils are here."
"I just didn't want to be alive anymore. And that was a very clear and real and frightening constant thought."
"Better we had all died together outside than inside this permanent tomb."
"True hope is overcoming despair, and you need despair in order to have hope."
"Despair is an all-consuming emotion that can easily drive a person into the brink of insanity."
"I wanted to die because I thought there was no way out."
"When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes, I all alone beweep my outcast state."
"There are seasons of life. There is an art to navigating despair and depression, and spiritual principles lead us there."
"I have nothing left but my breath, a lifeless body walking on this Earth, seeing life in shades of gray, devoid of passion and energy. This is what Israel and its supporter have done to us."
"I felt like nobody gave a shit about me, nobody's trying to help me... I felt like I came from nothing."
"Most men live lives of quiet desperation." - Henry David Thoreau
"Hope doesn't exist in the abstract. It's always a response to despair."
"People lose hope when they run out of future."
"This other America has a daily ugliness about it that constantly transforms the ebullience of hope into the fatigue of despair."
"Discovering that the legendary Philosopher's Stone is created from live human beings, the brothers are thrown into a deep despair."
"You die before you die if no light can come in."
"Thousands committing suicide to escape means hundreds of thousands enslaved."
"That glimmer of hope extinguished. People bowed their heads as Momo re-energized."
"The act of living brings me no hope at all. All I want now is to taste that despair of death that you only get once in life."
"Hope and despair mingled together, opening the door to the future."
"They fought desperately against the despairs, struggling to keep darkness at bay."
"Discovering the truth doesn't necessarily lead to a sense of hope. Truth can be full of despair."
"Despair should be destroyed at all costs and completely, while Nagi's perspective of hope is overcoming despair by having hope; therefore, despair doesn't have to be completely destroyed, it just has to be overcome."
"The door to the future, a future of hope and despair."
"It's not about whether it makes sense. It's about fighting despair with hope."
"Despair is not a goal or a set of principles or a lifestyle or even an instinct. It's what defines me as Junko Enoshima."
"They've accepted their hopes and their despair and they're trying to create their own future."
"Hope and despair are what the game is always about."
"If everyone can overcome despair, you guys should be able to grasp true hope."
"Despair and hope mingle together, opening the door to the future."
"He spends a few hungry nights in a cave, staring at his broken watch and fighting the gloomy thoughts."
"The difference between this prison and others is that in other places, prisoners see the light at the end of the tunnel. Here? It's all darkness."
"That's why I don't want them to lose against something like killing. I want them to prove to me that hope will never lose, no matter how daunting the despair they face may seem."
"My heart had just dropped out of my body. I just felt like getting in the car, driving to the end of the road, and ending my life."
"The quiet night air is rife with the lingering aroma of broken dreams and leaded gasoline."
"I'm looking everywhere for hope right now, and I can't find it."
"I collapsed to my knees, and it felt like my soul was being sucked out into complete absolute darkness, and I heard myself scream, 'Jesus Christ, save me.'"
"A lot of [people] rather be dead than do life. 'Put me in the ground,' that's what I'm thinking."
"Where do I begin? There's a lot of videos here."
"Think about the study found that approximately 57 percent of female students reported persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness."
"I feel like I can't win so please if you can do it I'll be forever grateful."
"Jesus cries out, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?'"
"When you take a man's hope away, he becomes empty."
"They've lost purpose and meaning in their life."
"They had gotten more mental health treatment than any American generation on record. Instead, they were the picture of despair."
"Despair is the logical conclusion of atheism."
"When do you just say, I'm tired of all this bullcrap?"
"Rue is going to hit rock bottom or even lower."
"Love, she asked, how can there be love when the entire world is ruined?"
"They took everything: money, valuables, lives, families, dignity, the past, the future, possibly even hope."
"Tragedy is when everything in our lives conspires to work against us all at once. Life doesn't just beat us down; it destroys us."
"You'll never escape it. See, it's not just like, there's no time. It's a passing thing, it just never ends."
"I am a failure at life, chat. I'm really a failure at life."
"Are you being a gentleman, or are you just trying to avoid the problem?"
"It feels like you're gonna die, it feels like you've been kicked out of the human race."
"Despair and hope are going to be the kind of big themes here."
"Contrasting false choice between domination and despair."
"Life can't go on. How can life go on? We're bankrupt."
"They want you to crawl into a corner and die. They want you to get in the fetal position and suck your thumb and cry for Mama."
"It's as though the souls of these adults have been crushed so much that their desire to live has been destroyed in the deepest parts of themselves."
"That's the Chris Watts salute. He felt absolutely helpless."
"Our existence is a joke. The narrative abandoned us to be miserable and we are breaking the narrative."
"I felt like I was being sucked away into darkness."
"It's like watching sludge get pulled into a drain—it's inevitable, the conclusion, the emptiness, the horror."
"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick but when the desire cometh it is a tree of life."
"He's almost reached the point that he's beyond hope."
"Only God Himself knew the anguish of my sad spirit. Tears were my meat by day and dreams of terror by night."
"Pray even out of the depths of your despair that God will open the eyes of your understanding. And I assure you, he will be pleased to instruct you and bring you out into a safe way, a way of peace and joy."
"This world has come undone, our hearts have come undone."
"Sensei lit a cigarette and chuckled saying that people were able to be driven by despair by clinging onto the thread of Hope which was something that her mother and Leon gave to her."
"Every night I crime yourself to sleep like nothing made me happy, nothing."
"Expressing how hopeless their situation feels."
"To whom shall we go? Meaning that I can't go there. It's nothing, it can't be recovered."
"I just can't believe that I'm going to be stuck here for 40 years for something I didn't do. I mean, I just have to believe that that's not going to happen because if I do, I might as well just die."
"Their goal is to prove that despair is better than hope."
"I thought about it, Trav, but I'd rather be dead."
"Sometimes I think about it... When pain outweighs caring, I feel like when you've reached the point of seriously considering it and not just fantasizing, the body, you really don't give a crap about anything else than your death."
"It's one thing to be an angry kid, it's another thing to just totally give up on yourself."
"Jeremiah Sand, you have seriously [expletive] up. You leave a guy with nothing left to live for, and that just means he's got nothing left to lose."
"Their doubt means nothing and neither does their despair."
"It doesn't get any better and it only gets worse."
"Hope is the act of conviction that despair will never have the last word."
"I got to a point where... I was too afraid to kill myself but I didn't want to go on living."
"I hate my life, I hate my life, really, really."
"To despair over oneself... is the formula for all despair."
"To be able to despair is an infinite advantage..."
"Wallowing in despair won't accomplish anything."
"Years of savings for homeowners have turned to dust, leaving the populace lamenting these woeful times."
"This is rock bottom. This Is it. This is the worst. It's actually affected me that bad."
"Your life is over. How desperate you have to be to want to die? Pretty desperate."
"If it is true that you and I are produced by and will eventually be annihilated by mindless meaningless forces, then despair is the only logical conclusion."
"I just felt like I didn't have any value, I felt like what's the point for me, you know, for anything."
"Despair is all we have here, unfortunately. But we must not give up."
"The best cure for despair is to grab a shovel and pitch in."
"Despairing people cannot laugh; they just cry." - Michael Knowles
"Nobody cares if you live or die. Nobody cares if you're educated or fulfilled. Nobody cares about you."
"A lot of these are good people who've kept their sense of dignity in the face of despair."
"When you're faced with the whole of despair feeling as if justice has abandoned you and contemplating the step into the darkness, well, do not go in there."
"Despair is a self-fulfilling process to see if you've despaired you've already lost."
"Elizabeth, stronger than Afton, leaves him in despair."
"Despair is not just the sin, it's also bad strategy."
"What damage do you do in the long run by just giving in to that despair?"
"I wish I was dead, I'd rather be dead, I don't have a son like you."
"Eternity asks you just one thing: whether you have lived in despair or not."
"Everything else sank into darkness and vanished."
"Truth is, those children are better off dead than in this nation without hope. They are on their mother's milk taught to be proud sinners and rebels."
"Despair is key if we don't despair we can't grieve despair is essential to having an honest authentic interaction with reality."
"So much death, what can you do against such a reckless hate?"
"I can't live like this no more because I can't do nothing and I can't be around my family."
"It seemed as if the love of God had been withdrawn from the place and the fiery fiends of hell had been loosened to wantonly vex and torment the people."
"Ultimately, there's something going on society-wide that is a deep sickness and a deep rot that is leaving people totally despondent and utterly rudderless."
"It's like what's the escape right, and then you're losing your mind, you're in dark thoughts 24/7."
"Manchester United are finished. We're finished. We're... we're... we're [ __ ] done."
"Nines: your desire is manifesting but be aware of despair."
"They'll almost feel like I need to just give up on love altogether because of this."
"For some people the despair is a catalyst like they hit sort of a rock bottom and that getting to that bottom of despair for some of them is what ultimately motivates them to get out."
"She went there begging for help... but instead, she was completely broken down and turned into a zombie."
"The only thing that is real is the chaos and death that has been happening."
"When you come to the end of yourself you have no other option than God, that's why I say when you run out of rope it's time to grab onto faith."
"To enter, you will have to sacrifice your last vestige of hope. Only the hopeless may enter."
"It really does feel like everything is falling apart."
"Her hair and arms dangled lifelessly towards the ground as she shuffled towards the street."
"Is it madness to see the future, to see the destruction rushing towards us, to understand there is no escape, no hope?"
"No one is saved. The age of humanity is ended. Soon only ruin and corpses will remain."
"Mother's Day is this weekend if you're in the United States, so don't forget to get something for your mom."
"Ultimately leads to despair and meaninglessness and absurdity."
"In Christ, we have a living hope that overcomes despair."
"Horrible life without Christ is a global nightmare."
"If I don't tell people the totality of the truth then you're you're still going to be depraved you're still going to U be in this circle of Despair and this not helping anyone."
"If you rob a man of hope, you give him every reason to lash out."
"I know what it's like to lose so desperately that your eyes get to fail."
"I said this is it we're dead we're not going to make it out of here."
"There is no hope for anyone descending to this place."
"Either way, it's like those bleak as fuck... yeah, this is the scene where my kill count."
"If Pandora had let that last one out, if she had opened that box and humankind no longer had hope, then, as a species, we'd be done for."
"I've worn this darkened armor for so long now there's no motive light left in me, not even in my heart."
"I just can't move past it and I don't think we'll see a miracle."
"Your life is not defined by any feelings of despair."
"It was like a spiral staircase, a bottomless pit."
"I think I'm losing the will, Olivia. I'm really tired."
"This is no way to live. This is no quality of life."
"I'm not ready to die, and there's so much of my end that has to be repaired. This was such a bad idea that I'm stuck into, but you know, it's fine, it's totally fine, it's good even."
"What propels all totalitarian movements... is despair, personal and economic despair."
"It's incredible their hopes were dashed, everything was destroyed."
"That was the lowest, lowest, lowest, lowest point of my life at this moment."
"There is no mercy or salvation, only punishment."
"I thought all hope was lost, I was genuinely considering killing myself. I couldn't be happier!"
"Hell is where there's no love, no light, no life."
"The father was on this throne and Jesus said these words young man LOI LOL i by Sabich honey my god my god why have you forsaken me."
"Bloody hell, what else is there? What else is there?"
"The cry of Morgoth in that hour was the greatest and most dreadful."
"In a world where no one is safe, where your country is conquered, where all is lost."
"Nigeria cannot continue like this, living and dying for absolute nothing."
"How much worse can you be without being dead?"
"It just felt like the end of the world for lack of a better way of explaining it."
"Fate is also an illusion. Should you find yourself in despair, the solution is simple: pick another fate."
"My god, what shall I do? I've lost my honor, my gems, and my son in one night."
"At the end of the chastisement, man will be so desolate that the living will envy the dead."
"He is broken as he loses not only the one thing he seems to care about but his very philosophy is crumbling around him."
"Last night the crying of the children kept me awake and I had a terrible vision. I saw the fall of our city, religious bones under a harsh sun."
"Honestly, this movie is exactly the kind of pointless, soulless, shameless dog [ __ ] that makes me genuinely despair for the future of humanity."
"Either Christianity has the answer or there is no answer."
"If you don't have any hope in Christ, I can't imagine how."
"Everything I've been working towards gone in like five days."
"In the midst of his despair, surrounded by the offscouring of the earth, David begins to realize his hope is in God."
"No Heroes to cheer, no role models to follow, no interesting people to talk with."
"I can't make sense of it. I don't know why it's going on."
"The habit of despair is worse than despair itself."
"Everyone tells her it's hopeless, so she begins to lose hope, to despair."
"A king won't defeat a blight; we've had 40 generations of kings and lost everything."
"You genuinely believe that people would be better off without you."
"When I look at this situation, my only response is that I die and go to heaven... I don't see any human way out of this."
"If we don't care about the future, if we don't care about our legacy, if we don't care about our families down the line, there's just no hope at all."
"Despair demoralizes people, makes them believe they don't have any power, and they can't change anything."
"I felt like the world was ending. I couldn't move. I was just a crying mess of a person."
"It's all like decay and overdoses and homelessness and despair, deaths of despair."
"Driven to his despair, Denethor committed self-immolation."
"Why choose this way, even if he wanted to end it all?"
"There's always hope and we shouldn't give in to the temptation to despair."
"It's heartbreaking, it's disheartening, it's just crazy."
"The entire hololive Community fell in despair."
"Sometimes it feels like the whole world might dash itself to bits."
"I would suffer the misery of Devil's right to make a of my soul."
"I saw an article that said it sounded like they were dead in the water... it is never enough."
"It's a psychological operation to make you feel hopeless and put your hope into false idols."
"Messiah returns, which means it's gonna get so bad that people will beg to die but they won't see death."
"I've been dead for 15 years like I can't do anything to you. You are just [ __ ] on your own."
"He killed himself because like he says, 'our time has passed.'"
"People that are in the bottom income percentile in our community are now talking to us about taking their own lives because it's too hard to be poor any longer."
"Boredom is anything but an evil to be thought of lightly; ultimately it picks on the countenance real despair."
"You need to reach the last depths of despair in order to lose unnecessary illusions and then the possibility of action will finally open up."
"There is no way in hell that we can win this war."
"I believe that the music I heard is a killer. It's a killer of hope. It's a killer of spirit."