
Momentous Quotes

There are 247 quotes

"This is actually something revolutionary and amazing in a moment in history."
"There is no question that yesterday was a momentous and monumental day for the games industry."
"The significance of this moment cannot be overstated."
"The magic of life isn't in the big moments, the magic of life is in the moments."
"When the glory arrives, it's like a moment in time that shifts."
"If it feels big, if it feels momentous, that's because it is."
"So let us seize this moment. It is a critical time, I feel it so deeply."
"This island isn't just a place. It's a defining moment in time."
"She is everything. She is the moment. She is for the quiet."
"This is a great moment. It's great storytelling."
"The fact that she was on tick tock when it happened is epic."
"That was probably one of the rawest, realest moments I've ever had."
"It's like almost like in an instant when that lightning bolt strikes there is clarity."
"This is the proverbial moment of Freedom. You have earned it."
"It takes just a single breath, a solitary instant, to transition into eternity."
"We are a chosen generation, called for this moment in time."
"What did this little moment have? That's what brought about the change."
"We made it, the sun literally just went down—wow."
"I say this without any cynicism what a beautiful moment."
"There's a supernatural download happening in this moment."
"It was just a wonderful moment, great to see Seth get involved as well."
"This is what it's all about right here right now."
"He's the greatest of all time in this moment."
"Opportunity comes once in a lifetime at times."
"Well, this is the moment we've all been waiting for."
"This is history in the making right here, man, we in MSG."
"Old Trafford's never heard anything like it, and 60,000 people will never forget it as long as they live."
"This was truly a momentous project that was poised to shape the skyline of Chicago forever."
"It was one of the best moments of my life. I’ll never forget it."
"Surely the greatest moment in your life."
"This may be the happiest moment of my life."
"We just watched history in front of our eyes."
"That's a very momentous opportunity."
"This is the best day of my entire life."
"Wow, what a shot! This changes everything."
"What an unbelievable time to be born as the savior of the world."
"It sometimes feels suffocatingly small, like it's just this tiny, tiny little moment and at the same time, it's so god, it's just like, potent, it's like everything."
"Ringing the bell before a talk makes it sound momentous but actually I just like ringing the bell."
"This moment was absolutely surreal."
"This is a momentous time in political history and in American history."
"The butterflies in my stomach, man. This is a big moment."
"You don't get to downplay it, it's not up to you to decide whether this moment is downplayed."
"It felt like the whole world stopped for a few moments."
"I have been preparing for this moment my entire life."
"It's like such a big momentous moment. I know like what's your whole life has sort of been leading towards at that point, right? Very right."
"This day will be engraved in their Memories Forever."
"This is a moment even greater than a revival."
"It's amazing to be here on this opening day, this momentous day for Disneyland."
"This is like actually history in the making."
"How historic this moment of history is."
"And it was such a moment, an incredible moment."
"This is a huge moment right here."
"Passing of the torch moment, it feels right, doesn't it?"
"This is one of the most incredible moments. Don't wake me up if I'm dreaming."
"This is the most important day in history."
"It was one of the biggest WTF moments of the year."
"This is your chance. This is your moment."
"We are witnessing something historic."
"This moment would drastically change my life."
"That's a championship moment right there."
"This is such a massive moment in history."
"Not only are we witnessing history, we're part of it."
"The glory of this moment it's unbelievable."
"This is what it feels like when an amazing moment becomes an unforgettable memory."
"The finality of this moment in history."
"There are very seldom moments where you can truly feel like you are living in history, and today is one of those days."
"It was a very heroic and historic moment."
"We're making history here tonight, this is real life, not play-acting."
"We are witnessing history in the making this week."
"This is a moment of great historical importance."
"This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing; I want to get the correct moment."
"I suppose this is the most important moment of our lives."
"Death in one hand and life in the other," it was a grim moment.
"This is the makings of history right here."
"This is a special moment in history right now."
"It's time for our women to have this moment."
"It's a moment that will live with me forever."
"No one wants to miss this moment in history."
"This is history right here, right now."
"This is a massive moment of inflection."
"This is such an incredible moment and atmosphere."
"When it's time to make history, they do it."
"I just taught Bob Moog how to do something, so it was a pretty special day."
"History is being made right here, right now."
"It's one of those stars align kind of moments where you take a heroic lift for a victory that's just, you know, a once in a lifetime thing."
"It's a big shot, Alex, this is big."
"I can't believe that this is a TV show. Oh my God, what a huge moment."
"It felt like it was a breakthrough moment."
"I believe that the moment has an energy. I believe that the moment has the most magic and mysterious thing."
"It was a moment that shook the world to its core."
"This is it, the Moment of Truth, the moment to see if this is actually going to work."
"History in the making, if you are here or you are sitting in front of a TV, you're in the right spot."
"An absolutely electrifying moment."
"This day right here symbolizes this is history in the making."
"This is such a pivotal moment in history that's going down this weekend."
"It's such a powerful moment, it's so cool."
"It's special to be here at this particular moment in its history."
"This is not a moment that you wait on somebody else; this is an eternal decision."
"This is the start of something momentous."
"It's a moment of commitment right here. It's either a glorious death or like a glorious moment."
"It was just a really amazing moment."
"It's kind of rare that something feels like history."
"That's the moment when everyone came back together."
"If I don't win, at least I've got that moment."
"Remember this moment, the moment I let you live."
"To a few of us here today, this is a solemn and most momentous occasion."
"Even if we only get one season, I'm just so grateful to have this moment."
"There are defining moments in our lives... this is one of those defining moments."
"Special moment, final specialist."
"This is one of those moments when time freezes."
"The timing is exquisite; that is big."
"This is an extraordinary moment in American history."
"This is a cultural moment and a true educational experience for everyone."
"We are living an unprecedented time."
"This changes the trajectory of my whole entire life right now."
"He's done two things: he has probably injured himself for life, and he also now has a lifetime moment, a lifetime achievement."
"We are living in an extraordinary moment of history, an amazing unity."
"The fate of an entire season would be decided with one play."
"So what a battle, what a moment, you know, we got to embrace this 'cause this might not happen again, man."
"We're literally living in history being made."
"I could not believe that moment had just happened."
"This is a watershed moment in American history that you're witnessing right now in the calendar year of 2024."
"It's a sorry state and an exalted moment, a moment you should really savor."
"This is a solemn but glorious hour."
"It was just beautiful and such a really great moment."
"This is a defining moment in our history."
"I understand what I've come here to create, and that is a powerful moment."
"The hour of the crucial test has now arrived for you too."
"We're at a special moment in history actually."
"It is an AI moment. You're quite right."
"It's one of the most important moments of my life."
"Up there, we had a moment," he says in a low voice. "Don't forget that."
"It's a big dog decision, this is a big moment."
"What a day, what a time, what a moment."
"I've never believed in you more than this moment right now."
"You are witnessing a very special moment in baseball history."
"Oh my days, honestly, this moment, this spot, wow, this is absolutely legendary."
"This was a moment in a man's life which changed everything."
"It was one of those moments was like we got to get her and everyone was on full agreement."
"It's a sad moment for sure, but it's an incredible moment nonetheless."
"That is, you guys are looking at history going down."
"It's such a sort of sad moment, it's an exciting moment of course, but like whoa."
"This is the quintessential extreme moment."
"It was a moment that left those who witnessed it in awe of Kakar's courage and resourcefulness."
"For this kind of moment, you play football."
"Let us bear witness to this historical moment together."
"Ladies and gentlemen, what you're witnessing here today is a truly historic event."
"This is a magical moment; he said he enjoys every day of his life because he was told and shown how valuable, how fickle life is."
"This is an all or nothing moment."
"They wanted to feel like they're part of a community, to be part of this moment that is greater than themselves."
"It was so electric, it was so massive, it was such a big moment."
"I'm so happy and blessed at this moment."
"Okay, this is a crucial moment in history."
"The enthusiasm of the moment was indeed a historic moment, was breathtaking."
"The responsibility of each and every one of us at this moment is profound."
"Oh jeez, what a powerful moment right there."
"You're watching history in the making right now."
"History in the making, by the way."
"It's really a once-in-a-lifetime moment."
"God wants to come in a moment but change you forever."
"It's all been leading up to this very moment."
"It's a wonderful moment, it really is."
"You believe this, the magnanimous moment, the immensity of this right now."
"This is history being made, folks."
"I have never admired anyone more in my life than in this moment."
"This is historical. This is history in the making, guys. Wow."
"That has got to be a catch your breath moment."
"That's a game-changer in the championship, that is a huge moment in the 2020 championship."
"This becomes one of the greatest moments of the entire saga."
"It was one of the biggest moments, it took over Twitter for days."
"Let's finish your career off the way you want to do it; you're going to move on to bigger and better things, but this is a pretty special moment here."
"This could be my greatest moment."
"It was that defining moment where it's like, okay, I knew I could do this."
"Devastation potentially delivered, this would be an iconic moment."
"This is a beautiful moment you two have given me, thank you."
"What a charged, emotive moment for everybody."
"The entire world seemed to stand still for a moment."
"Thank you, you want to be up here for this."
"If there was ever one moment in my life that I felt pure, unadulterated, godly love and acceptance for somebody, it was in that moment."
"Heaven and earth collide in this moment."
"It's going to be a very defining moment in a lot of people's lives."
"Are you kidding me? This historic moment!"
"We have a very exciting moment right now."
"I suppose now is the time for me to say something profound. Nothing comes to mind. Let's do it."
"What a moment, what an unbelievable moment."
"We've been so looking forward to this moment."
"We're standing here in a moment where everything about our lives could change."
"It's gonna be a rather momentous and sharp occasion."
"It was very surreal, like I can remember it generally like it was yesterday because it was such an incredible moment."
"It's truly an epic moment and I truly think this is history being made."
"Cheers, potentially our last night."
"For somebody today, history is rewritten."
"It's a wonderful moment, the happiest."
"It's almost like a moment in a movie; it's spectacular."
"It happened in a split second and was over in a split second, but it was pretty incredible to see."
"Freedom trumps everything at this moment."
"What an event, what a standing ovation right now, you might never see anything like that again in our sport."
"It took one swarm, one flurry, one incredible moment."
"It is one of those rare moments when history is not being made, destiny is being embraced."
"Morning, everybody. Morning, buddy. This is a momentous occasion, guys."