
Universal Principles Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"This theory interwoven with the principles of sacred geometry posits that certain numbers and the geometric patterns they represent hold a universal, almost mystical quality observable in nature, ancient architecture, and cosmology."
"If consciousness is fundamental and not derived, then it's a fundamental part of the universe like energy."
"Once you know the way broadly, you can see it in all things."
"With every ending, there's a new beginning. That is the way of the world, the way of the universe."
"Moses discovered the law, not a law created and promulgated by a monarch or legislative body, but a law that was a totality of all laws."
"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."
"Having the same beliefs and the same sort of values is important, not just in music, but in everything we do."
"Liberty is a universal principle... but it must be locally enforced."
"Everything has a vibration... everything's constantly in motion."
"Human rights violations are human rights violations."
"Gratitude is like a magnetic force in the universe."
"You're literally like a magnet attracting to you what you want, magnets exist all over our planet we know that things attract the resonant frequency of that thing."
"The Second Amendment is a universal right, regardless of politics or beliefs."
"It doesn't matter who you are... It's got to be repeatable."
"Everything in the universe is a function of purpose."
"More is the big underlying thing to everything."
"There's interesting work on universal moral principles. We can gain insights into human moral concepts across cultures and ages."
"The force of attraction is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them."
"Equality should be absolute at all times and places."
"If there is life elsewhere and there almost certainly is, then it will be Darwinian... however strange it is."
"Actions and ethical conduct are considered more important than adherence to a particular set of beliefs or dogmas."
"These are tenants that are applicable to anybody out there who wants to have a better life."
"By consciously choosing to put energy into the universe through constructive and positive actions, we align with its principles of abundance and reciprocity."
"Being intentional and aware of how the universe works can be so empowering."
"Truth is one of the greatest principles in the universe and a major virtue in us."
"Nuclear fusion is the same process that powers our sun and every other star in the universe."
"Do the thing you love to do and the universe will take care of you. It's very simple and it's very true and it works for everyone."
"There's something bigger going on in the universe."
"Are there some universalities here that could apply right across?"
"There's no free lunch in the universe. Everything has to be paid for by something in terms of energy."
"If you understood energy frequency and vibration right, you would understand you would hold the key to the universe."
"My ancestors been here for hundreds of years. This is the country that we built, a country of universal principles."
"Sound and resonance seem to be the common denominators of religion and creation."
"Bringing it back: as above so below, as within so without, as the universe so be."
"The secret code of creation is built into math."
"That's a sign you have found your highest calling because abundance is the natural state of the universe."
"Injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere."
"In building the system, there are universal principles that we see in nature, that we see in anything man-made that's really successful."
"The principles for building wealth and retiring early are the same, regardless of income."
"Everything in the universe has a yin and yang."
"The laws of physics are the language of the universe."
"It does not matter how we define success; these principles work for all."
"Believe it or not, the best tips for being good with women stem from the same rules that apply for being good with people in general."
"It's magnetic. Everything we live in a numbers universe. Everything is timed to a number."
"No matter what form intelligent life in the universe may take, one thing we consider to be a universal principle for all advanced species is the instinct to explore."
"Everything is frequency, energy, and vibration."
"If racism is wrong then racism is wrong for everybody."
"Respecting persons and property, universally preferable behavior."
"Your sense of what's right and wrong in the world should not change based on the skin color or ethnicity or culture of people involved."
"Once you understand that fundamental principle, then you realize that the law of karma is indeed a universal law because what we do to others does directly affect ourselves."
"There is rightness independent of strength or weakness."
"The universe works in cycles, not as linear as things would appear."
"There's even changes in rates of change in pulses, but the whole universe in every way is vibrating."
"The moon, the sun, and the truth - the three things you can never hide."
"The principles that you learn in this game are the same principles that pretty much run through almost every fighting game on the market."
"There are universal principles... whether you know how they work or not, you're going to continue to fall on your face if you don't observe and learn and come to know what those principles are."
"The infinite number of laws are but manifestations of the one great law."
"We are looking at the universal principles of life that we have lost. There is the Ma’at, the path of Ma’at, and there’s the path of Isfet. Ma’at is the righteous path."
"G proteins are universal switch molecules and I hope I can have convinced you that the principle of how they work is universal."
"I think there are universal ethical principles, universal moral principles."
"There are moral rules that apply to everyone, even when there's no government around to enforce them."
"You have to go all in for the universal principles of equality and justice."
"It's the universal code, geometry... fundamental underlying principles embedded in all natural systems."
"...all the things I teach you guys in here, they're not specially related to addiction, they work in any situation."
"Different circumstances, different cultures do develop different moralities, but there may still be certain universal moral principles."
"The gospel of Jesus Christ is a divine and perfect plan. It is composed of eternal unchanging principles and laws which are universally applicable to every individual regardless of time, place, or circumstance."
"It's very interesting you say that because it just goes to show how like hard work and determination and passion and drive they are useful universally rather than just for one particular specific task, you know?"
"ITPs are universalists, they want to elucidate principles that are applicable in all relevant cases or as many as possible."
"No matter what kind of software you're developing no matter what it is there are really some fundamental principles that apply."
"If you lead anything in your life, these principles apply."
"Justice denied anywhere is justice denied everywhere."
"The principles of human physiology are universal."
"All things in the universe have their own inherent principles."
"If you understand what composes the Tree of Life, then you understand what composes everything."
"We know what it feels like to be the victims of a genocide, and we believe that when we say never again, it means never again for anyone."
"This is the universal method of nature on every plane."
"The whole process is that of bringing the universal within the grasp of the individual by raising the individual to the level of the universal and not vice versa."
"The principles of geology hold true far beyond our own planet."
"It's not the strongest that survive, and it's not the survival of the fittest; it's the ones who can adapt to the new way, holding on to universal principles that have always existed."
"There are certain principles that are almost... there are laws in the same way that in physics there are laws."
"The first law of nature is the lower vibration; everything in the universe vibrates."
"What you put out is always what's returned back; this is the law of the universe, the law of attraction."
"The ultimate goal was to establish a civilization based on universal principles."
"We were supposed to deal with universal science and principles and establish a symbiotic relationship with nature and the Earth."
"Principles apply at all times, everywhere, anywhere on this planet."
"You can read any book, the principles are universal."
"Law is the rules of man, but order is the law of the universe."
"You've got to remember how this life works, how things operate in this universe."
"That is a constant throughout the whole universe."
"With some minor variations, they seem to apply very well."
"Universal principles are never respecters of persons."
"As above, so below; everything is interconnected and everything is mirroring everything else."