
Conspiracy Theories Quotes

There are 1584 quotes

"Here's the answer for my truthers out there: The Testament of Solomon, just like the Book of Enoch, all these books were stripped from the Bible because they tell us what all these things are that surround us on this Earth and what's going on up in the heavens and how everything is made."
"The three-stage destabilization maneuver of isolation, synchronized chaos, and natural evil could absolutely happen 100%."
"Conspiracy theorists believe that there is more to this painting than the depiction of climate change and the impact humans have on nature."
"Denver International Airport has become a breeding ground for conspiracy theories fueled by a series of seemingly innocuous coincidences."
"If you're trying to put out the fires of conspiracy theories, you don't do it by chucking a load of gasoline onto the fire."
"We are against the Illuminati at our own detriment."
"Operation Paperclip... Believers of this theory will point to historical documents and eyewitness accounts."
"We decided a few years ago that rather than fight all of this and try to convince everybody there's nothing really going on, let's have some fun with it."
"Labeling something as a conspiracy theory is an easy way for you not to deal with the issue at hand."
"Do I believe gangstalking is real? Honestly, yeah. But that's with the inclusion of cartel members, grassroots drama, and other criminal activities."
"Nazis on the moon type of idea, you have to find a reasonable balance."
"Some say governments around the world may have been collecting, studying, even reverse-engineering extraterrestrial tech for decades."
"Conspiracy theories are really just spoiler alerts; they're just news headlines six months ahead of the time."
"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and communism under the same tent, all under their control."
"Now this is going to sound crazy, but there is actual evidence to suggest that the US military was experimenting with anti-gravity technology starting in the early 2000s and continuing until at least the mid-2010s."
"These conspiracy theories shouldn't be taken too seriously, but I do think it's healthy that we question our surroundings and what we're told."
"The most durable and the most believable conspiracy theories are not entirely false. There's something in them that is true, and the rest of it is false."
"Something can be true but initially still be a dangerous conspiracy theory. Like whether or not something is a conspiracy theory has more to do with the information you use to arrive at that conclusion than it does the actual veracity of the statement."
"Conspiracy theories are simply spoiler alerts."
"What if the reality is they actually discovered how to unlock psychic powers, and we're just like, 'We better not tell anybody'?"
"It's the great replacement theory, absolutely."
"I have to find some new conspiracy theories because all my old ones came true."
"I don't think every time you look at the number of people in American society that unironically believe the craziest, most bat[expletive] conspiracy theories... there's a ton of like bunk like horrible information out there that's totally [expletive] fake."
"The phenomena or category of alternative history that delves into the research of lost history and civilizations, hijacks and stolen buildings, magic, alchemy, and cloning, antiquitech, cataclysms, mud floods, buried buildings, star forts, and fortified cities, royal bloodlines and secret brotherhoods, asylums, orphans and Odd Fellows, underground tunnels and waste management, and suppressed Moorish history."
"What Tartaria boils down to is fabricated history and stolen cities."
"It seems like a conspiracy every time you check, it works out, and I think that by itself, it's always a huge piece of support for the idea that information isn't lost."
"What if I told you that these people were unknowingly involved in one of the most sinister geopolitical conspiracies the world has ever seen?"
"What does it mean to be called a conspiracy theorist, especially if there have been real conspiracies in history?"
"In his book on conspiracy theories, Michael Shermer writes that seeing patterns everywhere, patternification, is the need for control."
"If you do say it's bad, or if you make a comment or a comparison to 1930s Germany, you must be indulging in conspiracy theories."
"Peter said that he just wanted to have a place to accept the craziness of the theory and be a 'bird truther' for a moment in time when everything was just really so crazy in life."
"I think one of the reasons why people look into conspiracy theories is because they believe what they're being told is not true, and a lot of the times, I think that people have good reason to believe that."
"Oftentimes when you talk about the fact that a lot of people are doing ritualistic things and sacrificial things, like when a big celebrity decides to be a big celebrity out of nowhere, somebody close to them passes away and then they skyrocket in popularity."
"Welcome back to Awful Archaeology, the show where I spin the wheel of pain, which is completely covered in archaeological conspiracy theories and misconceptions."
"It's like a prank video thing but it's sort of a conspiracy."
"Theories include a military cover-up, a KGB operation gone wrong, a Bigfoot attack, and of course, aliens."
"The Antarctica might be an unforgivingly cold place, but that has not prevented it from being at the center of conspiracy theories."
"There's a conspiracy inside the conspiracy. It's a conspiracy turducken."
"The more people that are involved in a conspiracy theory, the less likely it is to be true."
"Conspiracy theory refers to an explanation of past, ongoing, or future events or circumstances that cites as a main causal factor a small group of powerful persons, the conspirators, acting in secret for their own benefit and against the common good."
"Conspiracy theorists aren't crazy or irrational or stupid."
"People believe conspiracy theories because they give them comfortable answers to uncomfortable questions."
"People want to feel powerful, unique, desirable, part of a team. Conspiracy theory groups offer a community where you get to feel special."
"The conspiracy theories surrounding the Denver International Airport make it much like an onion; there are just so many layers."
"Craft yourself a nice tin foil hat because it's about to get a little weird in here."
"The talking gargoyle... says, 'Welcome to the Illuminati headquarters, I mean Denver International Airport.'"
"People aren't turning to conspiracy theories when they're doing well; people are turning to conspiracy theories when they're kind of down and out."
"Facts don't work. Debating people on the facts... people come to conspiracies because of feelings."
"Just because a conspiracy theory sounds convincing, you shouldn't believe in it unless you have been shown concrete, irrefutable evidence that it is true."
"Do you believe there's an active disinformation campaign within our government to deny the existence of UAPs?"
"Once you've bought into a conspiracy, your departure from reality and the way that your thinking can break with things based on evidence then can be a stepping stone to more radical and more dangerous conspiracies to come."
"If you've ever been on a date with someone who seems really interesting and pleasant at first, but then goes on tirades about lizard people or how the Illuminati faked the moon landing, you have some understanding of my love-hate relationship with Elix."
"With conspiracy theories, it's difficult because there are things that raise questions... the more you dig into it, you start realizing that there could be holes in that story."
"Bigotry seems emboldened. Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication."
"Dr. Kaku confessed on live TV that the hurricanes were not natural; they were man-made."
"Conspiracy theories...come about to show us that there is no longer trust within an authority structure."
"What conspiracy theory means is...a breakdown of social cohesion."
"Let's set that part aside, so let's go away from our reptilian shape-shifting friends and let's go to the next topic."
"Trump and company continue to float all these crazy conspiracies."
"I've always said that conspiracy theories are just fan fiction for reality."
"They're not conspiracy theories; they're spoiler alerts."
"Most people believe in the JFK conspiracy theory."
"The way conspiracy theories work when they go bad is that you've got to connect the dots imagine that if you, it's like 5,000 dots, and when you complete it, it's a gorilla. But if you only see a tiny portion of it, you could connect the dots, and you're like, it's a giraffe, and you're like, bro, zoom out, there's way more you're missing. You don't understand."
"People believe that there is a superior group of individuals trying to control the world for money and power."
"According to this theory, there exists a way to produce clean energy at extremely low cost, but the big oil companies are suppressing it."
"If a conspiracy theory is no longer a conspiracy theory but has in fact become reality, are you really a Nazi simply because you were thinking ahead of the curve?"
"It's not a conspiracy theory to think that the coronavirus came from the Wuhan lab."
"I just wanted to take a moment to commend the opening of this game."
"It's just the most amazing thing they're actually proving that the moon landings were faked all the while lying and telling you that they're real."
"I affirm that we didn't go to the moon and I would bet my life on it."
"It's not just me, a huge percentage of the population believes these theories too."
"We talked about some pretty interesting conspiracy theories."
"That seems like the biggest conspiracy of our generation."
"I hate The moonlanding Conspiracy Theory because it's not only baseless but it also seeks to undermine the greatest achievement in American history."
"Reflexively dismissing every conspiracy theory is very low IQ, but reflexively believing all of them is also low IQ."
"You go from wear this mask to Joe Biden is a hologram in [__] nine months."
"Despite numerous debunkings, there are still people worldwide who genuinely believe that the Earth is flat."
"Shamans have used psychedelic compounds throughout human history to enter spiritual domains and communicate with supernatural entities." - Unknown
"Moon landing conspiracy theories allege that either some or all Apollo program elements and the associated moon landings were nothing but hoaxes."
"Moon landing hoax would require the participation of more than 400,000 people who worked on the Apollo project."
"Conspiracy theorists have a pretty good track record."
"Is the military faking alien abductions just to run tests on us? This is mind-blowing!"
"Stop believing in these insane theories that are meant to divide us."
"Will the extremism and the conspiracy theories go away? Eventually they always do, it just takes time."
"Forget the 9/11 truthers... they're a distraction from the real stuff."
"Anti-Semitism in America is 95% about the conspiracies and like 5% about the jokes."
"Is there an Illuminati? Is there a secret cabal of pedophiles that Donald Trump has single-handedly trying to dismantle? That man doesn't even care about his own children."
"The FBI dismissed it as a hoax only strengthen the belief for some conspiracy theories that its soldiers part of an elaborate cover-up."
"How do you explain all those protesters who seem to disagree with you? Well, they're being paid by George Soros of course."
"Everything that is happening today was planned at least fifty years ago."
"The jews own the banks, the jews own the newspapers, the jews run Hollywood, the jews are running the whole world. A machaya! It's a pleasure to read such a newspaper."
"That's not our argument. Our argument is simply this: you have a bunch of actors, Trump included, you guys included, who are building into this idea this conspiracy that the election is being stolen."
"When you censor conversation, you spread these crazier theories."
"I think it's people who believe that the system has so much control that even if they see something successful they assume that too must be part of some secret control."
"This post-war Nazi connection to the JFK assassination is so important."
"This is not your standard partisan policy disagreement; this is a conspiracy theory fueled by a belligerent death cult."
"Yesterday's conspiracy theories are now mainstream CNN articles with opinions by the US government."
"No event of any significance in the world... takes place without generating a flutter of conspiracy theories."
"As unpleasant and potentially dangerous a belief in one or more of these conspiracies can be, they do for the most part come from a very natural human desire to explain what appears to be unexplainable."
"Some people believe in conspiracy theories because it gives them a sense of comfort and security."
"This was an intentional spread of the virus beyond China."
"There is no other explanation for it other than that they intentionally wanted this to spread beyond China."
"Those are the top conspiracy theories that turned out to be true."
"There's a huge population of people in these off-planet bases."
"This is like serious deep state stuff, somebody on the inside. I don't know what they did."
"You have one fact that actually leads and supports a conspiracy but then that mushrooms into like these thousands of things that are attached to it."
"Once you get up to the cosmic clearance level, it is widely known that there is an open interaction with multiple extraterrestrial races within our military-industrial complex."
"Conspiracy theories are only as potent as the context they arise in."
"This is an act of biological and chemical warfare perpetrated on the human race."
"Anti-semitism is itself a conspiracy theory."
"People still don't believe them because of course, the government is going to say they have aliens."
"Canada's former defense minister claims that aliens are real and so on"
"It's the same theme whether you're talking about the Anunnaki or you're talking about some of the whistleblowers talking today."
"Just a reminder that you can't win with conspiracy theorists who live in Echo Chambers."
"Unfortunately, much of the conversation today, and it's disappointing I think for those Americans who have been watching, has not been focused on those legitimate areas of inquiry but instead conspiracy theories and the like."
"If avril's been like, 'Oh no, no, it's not real,' just a conspiracy, but like, would they ever admit that it wasn't? Probably not."
"That's what kind of makes conspiracies like low-key kind of fun."
"There's a theory out there that Greta is actually a time traveler... sent from the future to save humanity."
"Education attenuates belief in conspiracy theories and pseudoscience."
"Every single conspiracy theory that's popular has a problem where it assumes that the most unlikely explanations are always the best ones."
"Critical thinking is something of an antidote to conspiracy theories."
"Some people think NASA astronauts have been abducted by aliens."
"Given we can't see this part of the moon, it's where aliens have built their civilization."
"We refused the human capital bond market we refused putting children on blockchain and we you know refused the new world order."
"All you're gonna do is also solidify this idea that there's a conspiracy."
"The elites have all basically given their life over to Satan."
"All celebrities, politicians, and influential people you see on TV are not in fact human."
"People love conspiracy theories because evilness doesn't make sense. So if I can find a conspiracy theory to explain why something's so evil, it makes sense."
"Governments and Military authorities around the world know that flying saucers exist and that they are from another planet."
"Turns out this bloodline, the deist bloodline, is the central route that connects to all the different European Illuminati families."
"They live on the tip of the iceberg, up top above the surface level, and we're all scuba diving, so we see all the dirt, the grime, and the horrors of the deep State."
"It's not surprising to me that these people are very easily drawn to a conspiracy theory."
"Folks rarely enter Q Anon by believing the top tier part of the belief system."
"Once you see their machinations, you can't not see them, and that's the red pill."
"That's pretty crazy how literally it was like overnight that all these conspiracies like just exploded."
"All of this sounds like a conspiracy theory... but is it?"
"It's a deliberate move, a conspiracy orchestrated by some very powerful individuals."
"We need to understand about the insidiousness of these conspiracy theories is how they come from a little seed of truth."
"It's interesting how many people think the McCanns tipped off someone just to make money. That's such a bizarre theory."
"It's insane to me that people think assassinations are conspiracy theories." - Commentator
"Being a conspiracy theorist in 2023 really just means you're correct too soon."
"Chemtrails, they're not contrails are indeed real."
"The Rothschilds were often associated with larger anti-semitic conspiracy theories."
"The mysterious death of Natalie Wood has given rise to various theories and speculations."
"If there are 15 or 18 footers roaming around the Earth and our military has brought them down, we have a right as American citizens to know about it, folks."
"Tesla's legacy is often overshadowed by wild conspiracy theories."
"Isn't it scary how a lot of the things that Alex Jones we thought were silly crazy Alex Jones rants are like wait a minute why why why are you making Alex Jones correct stop doing that."
"The less-vague Q predictions, citing specific dates and outcomes, have universally not come true."
"The final far country on earth is Antarctica, a place where history and mythology can be freely projected. Popular conspiracy and really culture in general believe there has to be something in all that ice."
"Knock out these programs like divide and conquer and know that the mechanism of things like 5g is to deliver mind control. We de-weaponize things through breaking the mind control and staying in alignment with truth."
"Why are Jews always the bad guys? The honest reason is this: conspiracy theorists aren't that smart."
"Their goal is to annihilate 90% of the population of the Earth."
"Secret societies have been using the Holy Grail's power for centuries."
"I know exactly what's going on right now - fake election."
"Just because there are some conspiracies that are true... doesn't mean that every conspiracy is true."
"MK Ultra involves ritual abuse, drugging, and hypnotizing victims."
"Mr. Trump clings to more fantastical theories even though he has offered no proof that is true."
"The Russian hoax was that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. It never did."
"One reason I think people believe in conspiracy theories is because there are enough true conspiracies."
"I guarantee there are some pretty big secrets out there that have been kept for decades."
"You're endangering people for no reason other than the conspiracism that you have adopted."
"Many of those conspiracies happen to do with... You guessed it. Aliens or UFO’s."
"But it's not a conspiracy in the sense that there's a small group of Illuminati wearing hooded robes sitting around a mahogany table. It doesn't work that way."
"Simply calling people or stories conspiratorial or conspiracies does not actually address the arguments that they make or the information that they reveal. So good for him."
"YouTube's down? Well, one brave UFO conspiracy theorist and fucks an entire website."
"I think they are intentionally trying to destroy the country."
"All of this is done on purpose as a part of the great reset."
"It's beyond obvious that there is absolutely a cover-up here."
"When anybody throws up the term conspiracy theory in an attempt to discredit somebody all they are trying to do is discredit that person as a person without ever having to address their arguments."
"According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, a conspiracy theory is a theory that explains an event or a set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators."
"It's very funny how for a long time the conspiracy theorists were the crazy ones... but it's very interesting how over the past 20, 30 years the [stuff] they've been saying has been coming to pass."
"The story of Jeffrey Epstein is one of the most misunderstood of our time. Between the conspiracies and the truth, we have questions."
"The narrative is collapsing, and what was once considered grand conspiracy is now just considered mainstream fact."
"This stuff's not conspiracy theory anymore; they prosecuted these people for these things."
"Jeffrey's death would trigger a wave of outrage and conspiracy theories."
"If we're genuinely trying to help people overcome the delusions of grandeur and, you know, overcome these conspiracies that they buy into, they have to have mental health care."
"The great reset is not a conspiracy theory; it's a real attempt to remake the economy of the West."
"No one's saying that Hugo Chávez came from beyond the grave to switch ballots in Wayne County, but what they're saying is follow the trail of where these systems are and the questions that are raised."
"If we are branded enough times conspiracy theorists, then the suppression can be legitimized."
"Bro, I'm a conspiracy realist. This [ __ ]'s actually happening."
"The idea of an ultimate evil using the legitimate grievances of the lesser races to attack the higher race is the bedrock of almost every modern fascist conspiracy theory."
"People believe only what they already know, and this is the beauty of universal conspiracy."
"The Black Knight satellite: a favorite topic among UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists."
"This is the biggest unspoken acknowledgment that there is something there that they are trying to hide."
"Why this lie continues in the face of overwhelming evidence and how, if the reasons are not exposed, our species is possibly destined for another cataclysmic experience."
"It's not about just the election machines. The election machines are the last leg of them just enslaving all of Americans."
"People don't seem to understand just how deep this network is. The Deep state is very deep. It's at the heart of it all right here."
"The Illuminati elongated skull people were in fact crashed extraterrestrials that came here."
"If your name is Dries Van Tour or your name is together, they've done it again."
"The common theme with conspiracy theorists about a new world order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world."
"The New World Order is not a conspiracy theory, it is very real, an agenda that has been acknowledged openly for decades."
"The republican party is halfway to QAnon now..."
"Nearly everything that the conspiracy theorists and believers are being told are half-truths."
"I think a big part of the appeal in the west of conspiracy theorizing is these deeply embedded narratives about the Divine conspiring against us."
"So is Roxy Styles truly part of the reptilian elite, or are viewers simply reading too much into harmless quirks and camera angles?"
"The Deep state... essentially a collusionist fascist regime."
"When major media outlets won't [investigate], they drive people to conspiracy theory, and that's dangerous for all of us."
"A lot of conspiracy theorists, who benefits from this, right?"
"Dangerous nonsense, setting fire to 5G towers."
"Don't think that this hank aaron thing was as random as it looks."