
Superhero Movies Quotes

There are 367 quotes

"Superhero fans are going to be eating Gucci the next couple of years."
"The next two years are going to be a superhero fan's sweetest dream and his wallet's worst nightmare."
"A Latino superhero is finally going to grace the big screen for the first time."
"The Bible is full of redemption stories. So are superhero movies, right? The guy starts off bad and then turns good."
"The interrogation scene in The Dark Knight is one of the best moments in any superhero movie. The acting is out of this world, the intensity reaches a boiling point, and this entire conversation has more nuance than you find in most movies."
"It's one of the best superhero movies ever made, and if it isn't your all-time favorite, I can assure you it definitely inspired your all-time favorite."
"Superhero movies are usually power fantasies at their worst, but hopeful at best."
"The best Spider-Man performance we've ever gotten."
"How did she lose her ability to fly between 1984 and Batman v Superman? We don't know."
"This right here is why Wonder Woman 1984 is the worst superhero movie ever made."
"I just want to see an entertaining small-scale superhero Spider-Man movie."
"This is the most real a superhero movie has ever been."
"For the 2012's grand team-up featured the Avengers, Marvel recast Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner."
"If we never saw Spider-Man in the MCU again we got some great movies out of it."
"Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - A new Black Panther, a mutant Namor, and the future of Marvel Studios."
"Ant-Man and the WASP: Quantumania - Introducing the true Menace, Kang the Conqueror."
"We'd all love to see Spider-Man interact with Spider-Man villains."
"All this points to Peter Parker's role in 'Venom: There Will Be Carnage' being a small one, perhaps in the form of just a cameo or even an end credit scene."
"It's about time the live-action movies stepped up and did Cyclops justice."
"I think Ben Affleck is one of the best Batman you can argue he is one of the best Batman that we've had."
"Superhero movies are only as good as these super villains that the heroes are battling against."
"Everybody tried to make their own The Dark Knight." - Influence of The Dark Knight on subsequent films.
"The Snyder cut is a great superhero movie, honestly, it's not the second coming of expletive Christ, but it's a really, really solid superhero movie."
"What I like about Captain Marvel is also that you get a lot more out of his character."
"I just like the fight scenes in DC movies way more than the Marvel ones."
"It's a gamble, it's a huge gamble. But my God if the gamble works and if Batman vs Superman works, then they are in a position that took Marvel five six seven years to get in."
"What if they made them are rated or r-rated x-men with Deadpool and Wolverine and that was how that they had them in the same universe technically but not in the same universe."
"Joker will be the fourth Warner Brothers DC movie to earn more than a billion."
"The villain is also a decisive element in a successful superhero movie..."
"They probably haven't even peaked yet and that's an incredibly exciting thing to be able to say..."
"What a beautiful moment that was when cyborg came into our lives, just incredible."
"Fat Thor is actually the best character building aspect of this movie."
"It's the single best superhero movie to come out of the 2010s."
"Batman V Superman introduced us to a massive audience and 873 million dollars is a big win."
"Caped crusaders and awesome avengers are everywhere you look at the movies."
"Unbreakable treated superheroes seriously, laying the groundwork for many comic book movies to come."
"The Incredibles is still one of the best superhero movies, and one of the best Pixar movies too."
"The Dark Knight isn't just the best superhero movie ever made; it ushered in a new era for comic book movies."
"The weirder and more experimental these superhero movies are willing to go is exactly what is needed to liven up this repetitive space of movies."
"Spider-Verse... best superhero movie ever made."
"Is it better than the Dark Knight? In my opinion, hell yeah."
"Yeah, I would, yeah, I mean, I honestly left feeling like I don't need to see another superhero movie because they won't be better."
"Batman one, I do think this is one of the best superhero movies, it's one of the best action-adventure movies."
"Spider-Man 2 is praised for good reason. It has a near-perfect script full of emotion and real character drama wrapped up in a fairy tale."
"Years ago man we never thought we'd see a daredevil movie let alone a black panther movie and here we are with the Black Panther movie."
"Black Panther introduced to us our first black superhero with super powers."
"I feel like Spider-Man did such a great job."
"Aquaman has value as an Aquaman movie not just because it's a DC EU movie."
"Yeah and in that scene we got to see Hulk facing off against Thanos which holy shit that was so amazing choreography is phenomenal."
"Robert Pattinson heavily rooted in the real world, the film gives a grimmer, less fantasized, and frighteningly realistic take on the hero."
"This is exactly the Shazam that we wanted to see."
"The Hyperions is a throwback superhero meets dysfunctional family meets quirky criminals movie. It is 100 worth the stream."
"This Snyder cut just roll with it and let's make more crazy fun superhero movies."
"This spider-man 2099 looks amazing. So if you saw spider-man 2 the spider-verse after the credits, it starts teasing him, right? Having him come out in a future movie, which would be really awesome."
"I didn't notice that much of a drop in Black Bolt's performance... he still performs so well."
"I think the new batman movie is going to be what everyone remembers the nolan batman movies being."
"Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness hits theaters May 6, 2022."
"The first time you get Batman versus Superman those are dual moment and you'll never have that excitement again like that those are historic moments"
"The Avengers need no introduction cinematically, it is probably the biggest franchise out there right now."
"Captain Marvel is getting a sequel at an undisclosed time."
"Deadpool asks cable if he's sure he's not from the DC Universe."
"Black Panther Wakanda forever, Ryan Coogler had an impossible task with this movie."
"They stuck the landing in the most impressive superhero landing of all [ __ ] time."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home is a fantastic experience for Spider-Man fans, respectfully bringing together Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and their villains."
"Green Lantern: Of all the superhero bombs, Green Lantern was the most spectacular."
"Man of Steel never gives Superman a moment like this. He never makes a choice that defines who he is to the audience."
"Unlike the Maguire & Garfield films, Holland’s Spider-Man is no longer the only hero on the block, but one of many."
"Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse will be remembered as one of the decade's best superhero movies as well as an exceptional coming-of-age tale."
"I still think the best movie of the DCU era is Zack Snyder's Man of Steel."
"What do you think of the news that Justice League has a production start date?"
"I loved seeing Superman in the Snyder cut coming back with the black suit and just being so intense."
"By the end of the first Iron Man, people pretty much understood that the vague overarching goal that isn't necessarily a storyline but feels enough like one that you're obligated to follow it was eventually shoving these guys into the Avengers."
"If they drop the trailer for Black Panther two with 'oh [ __ ] that's Storm as a big surprise... people are gonna go nuts."
"Big-budget superhero movies are perfect. That's why they were so bankable."
"I just saved the entire DCU. You're welcome, Warner Brothers."
"Time to go higher, further, faster with Marvel's ultimate cosmic protector."
"I believe there is a decent chance we get a 'Man of Steel 2'." - John Campia
"A movie about Spider-Man shouldn't break you... just enjoy what you enjoy."
"Milestone announced their comeback in a Static movie."
"Letitia Wright, the Shuri in this movie, she is so cool, she is like head Tony Stark."
"Where's Black Panther I'm ready for Black Panther."
"Major victory for the states and the people who want to know what the federal government was doing, who they were colluding with to suppress information."
"Captain America finally lifting Mjolnir. This is something straight from the comics that everybody has been waiting for for a very long time and was teased in Avengers: Age of Ultron."
"After he uses the gauntlet he of course begins to slowly die. Pepper comes to his side and tells him that you can finally rest. He then dies and everybody starts to bawl their eyes out."
"For me, the main problem was the lack of motivation for Lex Luthor and for Superman."
"For me, it doesn't matter if Spider-Man is in the MCU. I just want great Spider-Man movies. Also, looks like Eddie Brock and Peter Parker will meet soon."
"I cannot wait for Wonder Woman and I cannot wait for Aquaman."
"It's such a neat way of going through what it is to become spider-man without having to go through the same thing that we've gone through with Tobey Maguire with Andrew Garfield."
"Thanos wasn’t just an era-defining villain because he was powerful."
"Now, it’s pretty clear that the Young Avengers are coming to the big screen."
"What if I told you that Hollywood was still capable of making a superhero film without any fake woke marketing?"
"While Endgame was preceded by Avengers: Age of Ultron and Infinity War, all those movies were overshadowed by the sheer scope of Endgame."
"It really was a culmination, like a celebration of the past 20 years with Spider-Man."
"Incredibles 2: an absolute incredible successor."
"I think the only thing that could come close to a moment like that is a nearly identical moment but with the x-men and the Fantastic Four and every other hero they can every every movie anytime there's a team-up I realized this now they've."
"Iron Man is a household name, it's freaking mind-blowing."
"Zack Snyder's Justice League transcends not only what a superhero movie can be but what a movie can be."
"Molina's performance as Doc Ock was one of the main reasons Spider-Man 2 is still considered one of the very best superhero movies ever made."
"Holland was for the most part praised for his performance especially as Spider-Man."
"Ben, you are one of the best filmmakers working today. Here is the DCEU. You are now our Kevin Feige."
"As soon as I see my guy Superman's my favorite comical character as soon as I see my guy saving a Bus full of kids doing Superman things I'll be sold on it."
"Shazam is proof that DC has finally learned a lesson."
"Chris Pine as Green Lantern? I wasn't mad at it when I heard about it like a month ago."
"A superhero unlike any other at the dawn of a new era of superhero movies."
"Superman the movie... was both a critical and financial success... fans and mainstream audiences loved it."
"Tony Stark, he's back, he's hot off his appearance in The Incredible Hulk."
"I love that they just embraced what people actually like about Captain America."
"It feels like a pretty good time for this given that we have Thor and Rocket back together on the big screen in a new movie."
"It looks like Ben Affleck's Batman will not be showing up in this Batgirl movie."
"Wanda, the Scarlet Witch, is very much a co-lead in this film."
"I love the Dark Knight, I love Wonder Woman, and stuff, but I don't think those movies... have sick, gooey, beating hearts that will thunder throughout time."
"Heroes guilty. I say DC should be on trial next. The Snyder verse deserves a hard look. The DC movies have been let down."
"DC has an edge over Marvel when it comes to cinematic stuff."
"Maggie Gyllenhaal is Rachel Dawes, she essentially saved the Dark Knight trilogy."
"Josh Brolin is Thanos, arguably the best villain in the franchise."
"George Clooney is Batman, the son of a gun who destroyed the Batman franchise."
"Captain America Civil War is a love story, a love story between Cap and Bucky."
"With the film's cast being as insanely massive as it is, many people have been starting to call this movie Avengers 2.5."
"Black Panther actually made more money domestically than Avengers: Infinity War."
"The movie opens with possibly one of the strongest openings in all superhero movies ever."
"There's some people that look back at Spider-Man and forget Blade and forget X-Men."
"Wonder Woman got herself right, it's the turning point for the DC EU."
"Shazam is wish-fulfillment, it gets its characters so right."
"Shazam is an emotional ride with great character development."
"Man of Steel is the best DC EU film with the best action, soundtrack, and visuals."
"Man of Steel is iconic despite its major faults."
"Zack Snyder's Justice League has the same core elements of the theatrical version but improves in almost every way."
"This storyline involves the Kree, the Skrulls, and Galactus so it's pretty much a comic book fans dream to see it made into movies."
"There are even some rumors these heroes could be incorporated into the inevitable fifth Avengers film."
"This scene is only possible because up until now the Avengers didn't work together. In fact, they didn't even like each other."
"I can't be the only one that's immediately transported back to 2002 with this amazing Danny Elfman score that belongs to the best superhero film to date."
"Spider-Man 2 is probably the best superhero movie ever made in my opinion."
"Iron Man literally launched the entire MCU, the entire thing."
"Tony Stark himself is the biggest bad in the MCU hands down."
"Shout out the action director, that's so important in superhero movies."
"The ending of a lot of characters and passing on the baton to the new set of Avengers is necessary."
"In one sentence, Zola undermines everything Steve has sacrificed: 'Your death amounts to this: your life, a zero-sum.'"
"During the after credits scene in the first Avengers movie we all got to see that it was Thanos the mad Titan who was pulling the strings behind the scenes."
"As much as I disagreed with Snyder's take on Superman, his vision for the Justice League is far better than what the studio slapped together in 2017."
"The opening sequence also flashes back to the scene from the first ant-man showing Hank and Janet's takedown of the rogue ICBM."
"I really enjoyed this movie too I know we started off talking about a lot of the negatives but I think this has some of the best sequences of all the x-men movies."
"I still love these movies... but it annoys me that people look at the first two as some sort of superhero Holy Grail."
"As a regular superhero movie I'm gonna give this a six out of ten but as a comedy tens across the board baby comedic gold."
"We literally saw Green Goblin's pumpkin bombs, Doc Ock himself, a blast from Electro, and Doctor Strange talked about how we know basically nothing about the multiverse."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home is the Batman v Superman of the MCU."
"The Norman Osborn Goblin reveal felt very much like the end of Spider-Man 1."
"When I think about this year's superhero movies, my mind flashes to that forest scene."
"If you blink you'll miss it but if you slow it down or freeze frame it you can definitely see his new suit."
"As a film, Captain Marvel really starts gaining momentum when Carol Danvers crashes through the roof of a Blockbuster on Earth."
"Clearly, his talent is undeniable, but people are only now starting to realize it. Though the extent of this superhero's acting powers have yet to be fully recognized, we have a feeling he's just getting started."
"You know what, I'd still like to hold out for one more Superman movie."
"And what better way to teach us all the best things about spider-man than with the teaching scene between peter b parker and miles morales."
"The scene that changed this movie from another spider-man movie to add to the collection into possibly the greatest story of the bunch eat your heart out maguire."
"I was a massive fan of Legion. I liked that they're pushing the boundaries of what you can do with the superhero genre."
"Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Shazam have generated warmer reception from fans and critics alike."
"They are anti-football greedy people who just want to take money out of the game and destroy this football club."
"That's the perfect example though is that Ant Man and the Wasp and Deadpool both had predecessors that were good."
"Having said that, that's still a big deal because we know that like America Chavez and Doctor Strange too, America Chavez has the ability to hop from one dimension to the next."
"The rise of superhero movies is part of the rise of fantasy and science fiction."
"The Flash going in and freaking saving the entire day, oh my god, it's so cool."
"It's a great superhero movie and a love letter to the genre."
"The actor gave us one of the best superhero films of the 20th century."
"I want to see Ben Affleck as Batman and it's just something I can't imagine yet."
"If you have an R-rated superhero movie, you alienate the younger audience."
"I feel like it's really significant that we're doing a female-led superhero film."
"There wouldn't be a Batman without a Joker, they need each other to thrive and this sentiment is reflected in the live-action movies as well."
"superhero fans admit that x-men origins wolverine leaves a lot to be desired particularly the visual effects wait is that you"
"not so hot take catwoman isn't just one of the worst superhero films ever made it's one of the worst films ever made period well it is according to many many"
"i thought there was supposed to be three [Music] there's something to be said when the hellboy from 2004 often looks better"
"Batman V Superman does things that no other comic book movie has ever done."
"Wonder Woman was amazing in the film, just astounding."
"These days, releasing a superhero movie is a sure-fire way to make a billion dollars."
"The 21st-century superhero film craze began in earnest in 2002 with Sam Raimi's Spider-Man."
"Of all the X-Men movies, 'Days of Future Past' works."
"Quantumania: Rests on Kang, more Kang needed."
"If they were able to convince Christian Bale to play Batman in BVS, and basically retcon it so he came out of retirement because of Superman, do you think the whole DCU would have been better?"
"Spider-Man far from home, by a pretty large margin, is the first Spider-Man movie since Raimi's films to sell 20 million tickets through six days."
"Spider-Man 2 for a while was like considered the greatest comic book movie of all time for a period of time."
"I mean, really when you think about it, the actors in Avengers are fantastic."
"I love the implementation of what they've done with Falcon's wings in the fight scenes."
"Why do I think that Man of Steel is one of the greatest comic book movies of all time?"
"This 'Look Out' was actually a message for the audience that here comes the Spider-man."
"You must reboot Batman if you're gonna have Batman there."
"I think Batman should have his own standalone."
"I love solo Spider-Man movies, but I also think the character benefits from having another character to bounce off of."
"The Avengers broke several box-office records on its way to grossing $1.518 billion worldwide. It became the first Marvel film to make a billion dollars."
"The Avengers is officially the highest-grossing superhero movie of all time."
"The superhero deaths: a film from the perspective of the person who will be most emotionally affected by their demise."
"So this video was brought to you by Disney and Spider-Man."
"Captain America wielding Mjolnir in front of the desolate remains of the Avengers facility, amazing."
"Avengers Assemble scene: chills just thinking about all the Avengers lined up ready to fight."
"The whole scene with all CGI but it felt like the two heroes were actually battling it out on the streets."
"Where Red Skull would go after Nat's sacrifice and the Soul Stone was removed from Vormir."
"While Vibranium is the strongest element on Earth, whatever makes up Thanos's sword is stronger."
"Fans have been asking for a solo Black Widow film for years now, and their wish is finally being answered thanks to the production of such a film."
"Seeing Natasha go from uneasy about fighting for the good guys to fully committing to the cause sounds like a good start for her solo film to us."
"If I had to take the Batman away out of everything coming out, you know what I'm really excited for? Suicide Squad."
"As Ant-man was stuck in the quantum realm and believed to be dust by the Avengers, he had no hope of returning until our mighty rat friend happened to stand on a button that released him."
"Avengers end game did a lot of things right and one of them was blending moments of humor with moments that ripped our hearts out and stomped all over."
"There was also a great Star Wars tribute in Avengers endgame."