
Biblical Studies Quotes

There are 282 quotes

"The firm foundation of God-breathed Scripture, the Word of God, the Bible."
"I think I'm gonna start with Genesis, because, not just because it's first, but I've always been fascinated with it."
"The biblical narrative is a map of the strategy that works best in repeated interactions with multiple people across the broadest possible span of time."
"You often find atheists have probably read more of the Bible than most Christians."
"The best way to get someone to be an atheist is to get them to read the Bible."
"I hope you guys are getting a deeper knowledge of what it means to explore Jesus Christ and understand the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation."
"Sometimes you gotta, as the Bible says, study to show yourself approved, rightly dividing the word of truth."
"God's problem: an assessment of the biblical views of suffering."
"Why does it matter if the Exodus and conquest of Canaan is historical or not? Well, it's because of slimy organizations like the Associates for Biblical Research that cherry-pick the evidence and ignore the context."
"The book of Psalms is arguably the most loved book of the Bible."
"Job is the most lived scripture...you have walked in every verse of this book."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls...has been crucial to our understanding of the Bible and the nature of it and who wrote it and when and how and why and what."
"Every detail of those 66 books is there by design."
"Everybody expects seventy books. Why sixty-six? Well, technically the Book of Psalms is five books."
"If you take her writings away, you still have the Bible."
"We have to do what's called textual criticism to arrive at the original wording of the New Testament."
"We have about 5,500 Greek New Testament manuscripts."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls have provided invaluable insights into Judaism and early Christianity, influencing scholarly thought on biblical accuracy, religious beliefs, and the context of Jesus's life."
"Paul didn't write a gospel, he wrote letters."
"Every book in the Bible has a particular theme, a purpose, an end goal."
"Dealing with the New Testament text is like a jigsaw puzzle with a thousand pieces, but we have a thousand and ten pieces."
"Jesus in the Old Testament: neglected but exciting."
"Once you know who Jesus is, it unlocks the Old Testament for you."
"The aim is to get you interested in the works of the Bible. If your interest has been peaked then please read the original text yourself."
"The biblical scholars found in this cave and other caves around about they in many ways did not really expect that the scrolls to be so close to the text that we are presently using today in the synagogues and in the churches."
"The integrity of biblical history ultimately is justified by the expression of these languages."
"The Gospel authors seem to affirm the canon of their day by quoting Jesus directly."
"It really is a beautiful point of reference for people looking to get into New Testament studies."
"The book of Revelation is not necessarily in chronological order, and when you decide that it has to be, that's when you start forcing things on it."
"There's something really subtle happening in the Bible which is only picked up in modern scholarship."
"Read the entire Bible, 72 books of the Bible written by 40 authors."
"I prefer to say it's authentic. Mark 16:9-20 is written by Mark, was originally part of the Gospel, and belongs in your Bible."
"This intermediate part, that's questionable, but the longer reading is solid."
"I absolutely trust [Genesis] as the word of God, don't doubt that one second, but I do find it to be a challenging thing to interpret in every aspect."
"You've admitted there's all these prophecies about the coming of the Messiah."
"Scholars assert that The Gospel account of Marchion was the source material for Matthew, Mark, and Luke."
"Understanding the Dead Sea scroll scribes allows us to better understand the cultural evolution of the Hebrew Bible."
"The masoretic text really is the canonical text for Jews and Christians."
"What we have in the Old Testament is something unique."
"The Book of Revelation is as vital to us today as it was to the early church."
"Names in the Bible tend to carry incredible significance."
"People are hungry to know what the Bible says about the last days."
"Knowing Jesus from the Old Testament will restore your hope."
"Revelation is the only book in the Bible with a built-in blessing attached."
"Understanding the kingdom, prayer and spiritual warfare, prophets and prophecy, understanding the kingdom and Kingdom economics, and Biblical finances."
"It is important to understand the Bible is inspired but it is just as equally important to understand how to understand the Word of God and how to interpret the Word of God."
"This passage may well be one of the most extraordinary in the entire New Testament."
"Almost everybody agrees that Mark was the first gospel."
"It isn’t fulfilled yet. That should shock you."
"Let the Bible be what it is and not what you want it to be."
"Why not go to the Bible and seek out religious understanding of this?"
"Candidly, if evangelical thought leaders simply studied carefully what the Bible says about impartiality, it would be a helpful corrective."
"So, all I am pointing out is that the books are connected, and we can actually trace whether or not the historical Peter did certain things. He seems to have missed that point."
"David was a man after God's own heart in that he was genuinely thankful."
"The gospels are four slightly different versions of the same story."
"The two-source hypothesis: Mark was written first, and both Matthew and Luke used Mark as a source."
"The Q plus Papias hypothesis posits that Q was written before Mark and Mark had access to it."
"The god of the Bible is simply various authors' portrayal of God."
"The key to understanding the Bible is to rightly divide the word of Truth."
"Paul's quoting of Yeshua's actions align with the gospels."
"Get in your Bible, get in your word, know what you should believe."
"Angels are classified in several ways in the Bible. The cherubim and seraphim, for example, are described as winged angels." - A fascinating insight into celestial beings.
"They constantly glorify God, the Morning Star." - A beautiful depiction of eternal praise.
"There are over 800 signs of the second coming of Christ in the Bible, folks."
"The Bible predicted Christ's life, crucifixion, and burial."
"It was in Alexandria during the reign of Ptolemy II that the Hebrew Bible was first translated into Greek."
"The Book of Enoch has the most explicit Messianic content."
"Start with questions when dealing with Deliverance Ministry doctrines. Seek clarity, ask for biblical evidence."
"Acts is not describing the way things actually happen; this is a fictional narrative."
"The variety of translations is profitable for the finding out of the sense of the Scriptures."
"The King James Bible is a phenomenal translation, but it's only a translation."
"Exegesis versus eisegesis: draw out of the text, not read into the passage."
"Expand your understanding of Scripture, advance your effectiveness in ministry, earn certification for your knowledge of the Bible."
"It startled me to realize that this is not simply a study in Old Testament ancient history."
"So now we know how ancient was he, we'll go all back and go back to Ezekiel 28."
"Understanding the Old Testament reveals hidden meanings."
"Matthew's the most read book of the New Testament... but most people have no clue really what Matthew's trying to emphasize."
"Be sure to join us next week, we're going to talk about Deuteronomy in the later writings."
"These words would be the best record...of what that pre-flood world was like." - Referring to the Book of Enoch
"The revealing that Jesus does in mark 8 is not over mark is is like the book of Mark as we go through it just continues to like peel off the layers of like Jesus's true mission."
"The whole goal of this is to see Jesus and especially to see Jesus in the scriptures."
"Despite all the controversy, what we are doing is creating that archaeological story that goes in parallel with the still very profound and cherished biblical tradition."
"Once you realize... biblical contradictions exist at all..."
"He just metaphorically reinterpreted every passage of Scripture."
"But that's not all. There's another old newspaper article from January 11, 1911, detailing how this verse isn't in the Bible despite everyone thinking it is."
"Q's theology is similar to Thomas, and both Q and Thomas disagree with Paul."
"The true Bible computation carries the creation of man nearly 2,000 years farther back."
"The New Testament speaks of itself as eyewitness."
"I think this is one indication here of the importance of a pre-tribulation Rapture again the time of Jacob's trouble we're not Jacob absolutely and that's the point of taking a literal historical grammatical interpretation."
"Genesis 6 is one of those weird sections of Scripture, and if it's in the Bible and it's weird, it's important."
"The account of Genesis 14 fits extremely well with the Middle Bronze Age."
"The Gospel writers were not eyewitnesses themselves, they received this information from other eyewitnesses."
"You can justify any moral position that you want, any moral position, by using the Bible because it's such a big book full of so many contradictory things."
"Contrary to the views of Wellhausen and others, archaeological research has established that writing was indeed well known in Moses' day."
"Their conflict with Paul though doesn't appear to have been about their understanding of the historical Jesus."
"Given the data, the Tower of Babel incident as recorded in Genesis correlates well with an event that happened in Mesopotamia's past."
"There was tremendous historical support for the reliability of the biblical texts."
"The second coming is a surprise to the unprepared, but those that have studied their Bibles, like you, will be ready."
"Old testament textual criticism gets a bit more challenging."
"When the Gospels are written down, that was after many years of oral tradition."
"The answers to all the questions we have about Scripture, about the end times, they're in the Bible."
"So maybe I'll just give you two other things that I think are key for understanding the Old Testament."
"The text contains part of the Book of Leviticus but was damaged by a fire 1,400 years ago."
"It seems plausible that the gospel writers drew upon common literary motifs when crafting their respective accounts of the empty tomb."
"For someone to be wrong, they have to be making a claim, and I don't think Matthew is literally claiming these all were given at one occasion on the same day."
"The first three gospels, Mark, Matthew, and Luke, are also known as synoptic gospels."
"The context so strongly favors this pierced one being the davidic Messiah who dies for the sins of the people a Priestly function removes their sin exactly he dies for their sin."
"More than 80 details in the Book of Acts alone have been confirmed by historical and archaeological research."
"Once you learn about the Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls they left behind, you will understand the entirety of the Bible in a brand new light."
"The most astounding biblical prophecies are found in Isaiah, including God's letter to Cyrus."
"The gospels essentially represented a new genre that had never been done before."
"People don't look at the Bible or approach the Bible or read the Bible in a vacuum; they're shaped by their social and economic context."
"If you are interested in studying the world of the Tanakh or Biblical Hebrew, come study with me at the Institute of Biblical Culture."
"The hebrew bible is essentially plagiarizing earlier traditions from other cultures."
"My lecture is on the Rapture and where this idea came from because everybody simply assumes that it's in the Bible and probably comes from The Book of Revelation and in fact it does not it doesn't come from The Book of Revelation and in fact it's never in the Bible."
"Over 90 percent of his ministry in the scriptures that we have contained is all around the Sea of Galilee."
"The biblical origin of giants is truly bizarre."
"Based on what's in scripture, based on research into the ancient world."
"Many interpreters have spoken of the book of James as the New Testament book of wisdom."
"Join me as we investigate the sacred pages of the ancient prophetic text we call the Old Testament in search of Messiah."
"...Paul says he's writing the very words of Jesus in the 50s of the first century. Why would we need to wait so long to say that we have a cannon when you have one almost right from the start?"
"...if at all what we can use this for is to give us a feeling of the cultural realia of the people who wrote the biblical text when they wrote when this story was first written down in the biblical story."
"Women deserve the deepest theological and Biblical education."
"Exegesis is not some new progressive liberal Christianity way of taking on the Bible. In fact, it's been going on probably since the very first scriptures were written."
"The discipline of biblical theology brings you to a stable theological conclusion."
"Biblical theology is theological reflection drawn from the historical analysis of acts of God reported in Scripture."
"In biblical theology, theological reflection is based on historical analysis of the acts of God in Scripture."
"Biblical theologians are more interested in the theological significance of the acts of God reported in Scripture."
"Are there good reasons to think the gospels really did come from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?"
"The way biblical writers drew upon the cultural and religious legacy of the Ancient Near East, even as they transformed it in order to conform to a new vision of a non-mythological god."
"The throne of God is not exclusive to the Book of Revelation...described in other portions of the New Testament and even portions of the Old Testament."
"Someone writing the gospels in Rome wouldn't know that. They wouldn't know what names to use."
"Twenty-one out of 27 books of the New Testament have not got even a red dot or a dash or a doodle."
"The author of First Timothy is not an effective forgery compared to the other pseudo-canonical materials."
"First Timothy is the one epistle that I'm willing to really go to the math for. Nobody can convince me that this is real Paul."
"So it's fairly clear in Mark that the Last Supper is a Passover. On the other hand, John 19:13, when Pilate heard these words he brought Jesus out and sat down on the judgment seat at a place called The Pavement in Hebrew, Gabbatha."
"Tonight my topic is the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible."
"Is there a consistent portrayal of God throughout the Bible? What is God like?"
"The idea that this is a conspiracy in the first century is just really unreasonable. Instead, what I see in the Gospels is something I call unintended eyewitness support statements."
"The title of the lesson is the resurrection of Moses."
"You cannot have a serious study of the end times without a study in the Book of Revelation."
"We need to be able to demonstrate that the New Testament goes back to the sources that it claims to go back to. It's vitally important."
"The Acts of the Apostles turns out to be a foundational history book for the church, facing up to the lack of an imminent eschatology."
"To understand this gospel, then we need to understand these two basic contrasts between Judas and Peter, as well as the other disciples, and between these two confessions of who Jesus really is."
"Our main our database our the gospels of the New Testament but they you know they have differences among them and they they report these sayings differently sometimes they'll be the same saying reported in different ways."
"Luke shows himself to be a very competent historian."
"Luke's gospel does change information that's contained in Matthew's gospel."
"Deuteronomy exemplifies a phenomenon that occurs at several critical junctures in Israel's history: the modification and rewriting of earlier laws and traditions in the light of new circumstances and ideas."
"Paul records the most systematic presentation of the doctrine in the Bible."
"But the most important ones I think we can say in terms of not being the same is the Beloved disciple in the fourth gospel is not the historical John or it's not even meant to be."
"One purpose of my book is to try and tell people what's going on in biblical studies now."
"Job is one of the most disliked books of the Bible because it sparks fear."
"To fully understand the Bible, we are necessarily drawn to sources outside the Bible."
"Now I want us to return to the Old Testament for the next several minutes to study about the sad apostasy of Israel before the first destruction of Jerusalem."
"So we believe we need to know what the old covenant says, because so much of the New Testament is based upon the Old."
"We as a church go through the Bible. Not just a little bit of Matthew, and a little bit of the book of Acts, and throw in some Revelation, maybe a Psalm here and there, but all of the Bible."
"This is very helpful and very beneficial to students of the Bible, to students of history."
"I'm a specialist in the ancient Near East and I'm a specialist in the Septuagint."
"Mark is of course the one who recorded the preaching and teaching of Peter and gave us the gospel of Mark."
"The reason we have so many of Paul's writings of course in God's providential preservation is because onesimus in particular who became a pastor in Ephesus was the one who was concerned with preserving those."
"The oldest and last of the Apostles."
"Understanding this chapter is foundational to understanding most of the Old Testament as well as prophecy."
"There's so many differences between the Old Testament and the New Testament."
"The Epistle of Paul to the Romans is Paul's magnum opus it is his major work of exposition of his gospel."
"A biblical theology of sin would start with Genesis and would trace the development of not just the doctrine of sin but the way the different writers even write about sin and the way it's dealt with in different texts."
"For Christians, what is the value of Hebrews? Number 1, it helps us in Bible study by telling us the relationship between the Old and the New Testament."
"My goal is to put information on the table, information about the Hebrew text, information about the ancient world, information about interpretation options, and you know that just gives us more to work with as we try to sort things out."
"Dating the Hebrew Bible is different than normal dating of teenage boys and girls. It's a more complicated process."
"So, we're looking primarily in this book called 'How Old is the Hebrew Bible?' at how ancient Hebrew changed over time."
"Understanding how we got the Bible is almost as important as knowing what's in the Bible."
"The rigorous process of selecting canonical texts aimed to preserve the integrity and coherence of the Bible's message."
"We have much earlier manuscript attestation for the New Testament than for any other work of antiquity."
"The 27 New Testament books haven't been tampered with, they were put together over a period of time."
"It's a misconception to think all people went to one place; the Bible never says that."
"Solomon and copper is really interesting in relation to Glueck and also scholars today, because there is no reference whatsoever in the Bible for Solomon active in quarrying copper in the south, or Solomon involved in copper industry in the south."
"Historically speaking, we have a much better ground at who Jesus was with James than we are with Paul."
"The first chapter - really the whole book of 1 John - but we're in the 1st chapter right now. This first chapter is polemic."
"I like to study the big picture of the Bible so uh and that's how I try to help with my studies whether it's with students or teaching in church or doing a conference like this uh I like to talk about a lot of Bible passages."
"These are among the most pressing questions that exegetical theologians and historians must ask when dealing with early christologies."
"What's striking is that the genealogy of Luke actually doesn't even stop with Adam for it continues all the way back to God himself."
"What we want to see is how Romans was understood by those closest to the apostles."
"The finest way to learn the Bible is to teach it."
"The biblical texts are reliable in teaching proper theology and history."
"Thanks to recent biblical scholarship, we might finally have a solution to most of these puzzles."
"The author of Matthew and Luke did have the Book of Mark in front of them."
"The more you learn about the Bible, the easier it is to learn about the Bible."
"One of the wisest things that we can invest in is what's known as hermeneutics, which is theories of biblical interpretation, that is how to rightly interpret Scripture."
"It's embedded in an ancient culture."
"I want to know what the apostles wrote, not what someone 500 years later thought they should have written."
"The New Testament was written originally in Greek."
"I want them to know the joys that I know of checking multiple Bible translations."
"Examining the cultures and places mentioned in the Bible from an anthropological and archaeological perspective."
"I'm a strong advocate of biblical hermeneutics."
"The Bible can be studied in many different ways, and this paper tries to showcase not only the study of the stories of Abraham in the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible but also the stories about Jesus in Luke's Gospel."
"Understanding New Testament history becomes really helpful in preaching the New Testament."
"Allow the Bible to become foreign so that it can become new, a new country to discover again."
"Archaeology does not change the Bible; it illuminates the text."
"...it's important to read and to study the Bible as literature because we can learn so much and yet to not take it as fundamentalist truth as history..."
"The biblical text doesn't demand that the Israelites were oppressed for the entire period they sojourned for 430 years."
"It's precisely learning about that complex fascinating human story of the origins of the Bible that for me gave me a more robust sense of the beauty of the scriptures as God's Word to his people."