
Religious Faith Quotes

There are 1289 quotes

"The glorious grace of God in giving to the church the Scriptures so we can always be assured of hearing God's voice speaking to us."
"Sid: Not only does healing, Jesus the healer live in you, Jesus the forgiver live in you, but Jesus your shalom, your, many of you are feeling that peace."
"We don't need to complicate the Gospel. It is just so simple. It is trust God and choose to be in an enduring relationship with Him."
"When he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God."
"Faith in Jesus Christ is the greatest power available to us in this life. All things are possible to them that believe."
"Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered."
"But those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits."
"Your word declares that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but you, O Lord, promise to deliver us out of them all."
"The blood that Jesus shed for me, way back on Calvary, the blood that gives me strength from day to day, it will never lose its power."
"Lakan was an amazing daughter, sister, friend, overall person in general. Her love for the Lord was exemplified in every aspect of her life."
"For this main purpose of going to God and say I need you, He loves to be needed. God, I need you."
"Trust in Our Lord's Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of His mother; they're your only real refuge."
"You are still the God that heals. You are our provider. You are the lord of the breakthrough."
"Those who fear their Lord unseen will have forgiveness and a great reward."
"I as a man can be shaken, but He is unshakable."
"Remember that it never has been heard that you left without help or relief anyone who in his need had recourse to you."
"God's love is greater than anything that's in the world."
"The Avatar comes as a destroyer of doubt, as a powerful demonstration of the truths of religion to us."
"God can deliver, so I'm grateful to him tonight."
"For me this is a cause of rejoicing and joy. Cardinal Newman is one of my inspirations in life and having read his works I understand these are decisions based on the faith and devotion of the man to God and his truth."
"It's not Iman in Allah, it's not Iman in the Quran, it's not good deeds. The first Iman the first faith they are called to is faith in the messenger."
"All you have to do is ask and you'll never thirst again."
"If you pray the will of god then god hears you and if he hears you then he answers you."
"Like a thunderbolt out of the clear sky, God answered our prayers."
"I'm believing for the power of God to be released over us."
"Nothing else is the same, I'm so glad Jesus is."
"God will work it out for the good of those who love Him."
"We need to have spiritual resilience because things are going to happen in the spirit so quickly that if we can't move with the Lord, we're going to be left behind." - JD
"Never put anything above the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"God give me the strength to pursue the truth, especially when it's inconvenient."
"You're going to be free, and I mean you're going to be completely free in Jesus' name. The Holy Spirit is going to show you, the Holy Spirit is going to uproot that stuff out of your life, and you're going to center your soul."
"It was the traditional Latin Mass that converted me and kept me in the faith."
"God's plans and purposes will not be thwarted."
"Be patient, wait upon Yehovah to deliver you."
"Reflecting on the past 5 years, many of us can attest to God's unwavering presence in our lives, supporting us every step of the way."
"God will supply all my needs for each day according to His riches in Christ Jesus."
"We are the tribe cast out by the dominant narrative but chosen by Allah."
"Praise the Lord! Lot escaped because Abraham loved a lot, and God loved Abraham."
"God is faithful, he does what he says he'll do."
"I declare complete deliverance right now in the name of Jesus. Demonic assignments are canceled, for the light of God shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not."
"Focus on him, focus on what's right about God."
"Your daily habits, what you do day in and day out, shape a whole lot more than you may think."
"Everything that happens is a combination of two things. I have to put in my effort and Allah will make the task easy."
"Whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life."
"When you really love God, you're gonna choose to suffer for the right thing."
"nothing that happened to Jesus robbed him of who he was Satan entering into Judas didn't stop Jesus from being God"
"Declare with conviction: The Lord is my refuge in my Fortress, my God in whom I place my trust."
"When you get set free from the need for the approval of people, then you can receive the approval of God."
"What they need is only found in your presence."
"This is my new beginning. I am a child of God."
"You've been given the authority to use the name of Jesus."
"The truth is the truth and so if you are a person who leads with Integrity you just walk forward and trust your lord and savior that he has a plan for this."
"Nothing can stop God's plan from coming to fruition."
"We can't give peace if y'all ain't giving it to us, so we gonna take it."
"There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus."
"If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God had raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved."
"God was patient, and my family was patient for me."
"Father, you saved us with a purpose to glorify you and your love constrains us."
"If it's not your time, then it's good, but if it is, then you know, we say all praises due to Allah either way."
"He models what it's like to be a son, a chosen one who doesn't let it go to his head, and he models what it looks like to trust God's generosity."
"Christ is the greatest of them all... He is the author and the finisher of our faith."
"Raise that vibration, give praise and glory to God Almighty. Thank Him every single second of the day. We are lucky and we are going to overcome."
"You pass it on to my grandchildren and you make sure that your grandchildren, my great-grandchildren, still know how good that Jesus is."
"There is no habit too great for God's grace."
"God's gonna supernaturally protect those saints in the tribulation."
"The presence of the lord has to go before us."
"That offering is going to be a blessing not just to you but to your generations forever and ever."
"When God's people get in trouble, God shows up early."
"Persistent prayer is perhaps the weapon our enemy Satan fears the most."
"Faith can't fail because the Lord intercedes for us."
"Are you stressed out? Don't give up, look up because Jesus' offer still stands: come to me."
"You don't limp when you follow Jesus, you run."
"Keep your eyes on the Lord and fight the good fight."
"Only through faith in Christ alone do we have life."
"Whenever Allah takes something away from the Muslim ummah, He will always replace it with something better."
"Don't give up. The human element of the church has been infiltrating the Divine element of the church is fine."
"The revolution will never cross the Faith of Our Fathers. This is the Catholic spirit that must be restored."
"At the name of Jesus, every knee should bow."
"We have to understand that there is a spiritual battle."
"There is purity and peace in Jesus Christ, and the Book of Mormon testifies that we can fully trust Him."
"Father we thank you for your word we thank you that we have eternal life."
"Let Grace heal up and that silence is the enemy, praise be you up and that conquers all anxiety."
"Even when all hope seems lost, there's still hope in Christ."
"God is handling this. Amen. God is handling it."
"This is the year God is going to apply the stripes that he bore for us."
"God is getting ready to do such new things for you."
"Courage they plotted, but Allah is the best of planners. We can only do what's in front of us. Don't stress too much; trust in Allah."
"He who dwells under the covering of the Most High shall abide under the defense of the Almighty."
"God, you are greater than all the challenges that I will ever face."
"At your voice the demons tremble in fear; in your presence no other power can stand."
"God is our heavenly father, and no earthly father can love us the way that he does."
"God constantly watches over you because he cares."
"Trust the God who sees Israel as a nation in the last days."
"Every blessing we receive is a gift of his Divine will."
"Lord, I ask for your financial help. Meet all my needs according to your glorious riches in Christ Jesus."
"Lord, please take absolute control over the Affairs of my finances. Bless me monetarily."
"I declare that there shall be Financial miracles in my life."
"I pray that wherever I go, people will see your favor and blessings all over me."
"Shower them on me, bless me with what you know is truly best for me."
"It is finished. Father, into your hands I commit my spirit."
"If Allah helps you, then there is none who can overcome you."
"Yahweh declares that whatsoever things we desire when we pray, that we must believe that we have received and we shall have it."
"The name of Jesus is the only thing that can save you from these demons."
"Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves."
"By his stripes we were healed; Jesus took our griefs and sorrows on the cross."
"I will bless you when you're going out, bless you when you're coming in."
"Blessed be the Lord Our God who has already blessed us with all spiritual blessings."
"Jesus offers us a map of the future... a flawlessly accurate guide."
"Life conquers death. Come alive, come alive, and live an exciting life by the power of God's word and the anointing of the Holy Spirit."
"The gospel is the power of God for salvation, not our personalities or methods."
"God uses these things... all things work together for good to those that love God."
"I declare that I will overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony."
"Our confidence is in the person of Jesus Christ, the word becoming flesh and dwelling among us, that's who we preach."
"They've lived through the time of trouble. The seal of God's been in their foreheads. They cannot be moved. They've been anchored in Christ through the ministry of the Holy Spirit."
"The only way we fix this folks is the word of God. We cannot fix it any other way."
"Folks, the only way we find it is in the word of God."
"Speak up because you know somebody might not like it, but we have to swing the bat for Jesus."
"And if you have that belief that got us with you then it's it gives you a leg up for sure."
"Jesus is the answer for the world today, and he's the answer for you today."
"Come and receive what he has for you... get your life back, get your joy back."
"You're in this building... God, you are a heart fixer and a mind regulator."
"Every stop in this journey, there's only one conductor, and that's not me. One conductor, and Jesus is He!"
"God is able to do exceedingly more abundantly than you can ask or think."
"God is our refuge in strength, an ever-present help in trouble; therefore, we will not fear though the Earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea."
"It's a belief, but I looked out a window this day and I saw these guys going to church and I thought they've got the courage of their conviction, they've got guts to actually go into that church and worship."
"My blessing is not dependent upon your behavior; it's dependent upon the finished work of my Savior."
"Peace and perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee."
"Abraham answered, 'God will provide.' And God did."
"The best testimony is what God kept you out of, not what He brought you out of."
"God was saying you know you belong to me... I began to think that it's okay, there's a sense of joy and security."
"The greatest motivation for service among believers today is the fact that Jesus Christ is coming again."
"They won't prevail against you because you're gonna have the power and the ability through covenant and ordinances and commandments and law to not let those gates of hell prevail over you."
"His plan for you is not only good, His plan for you is perfect."
"Every ailment, I release the power of God upon you and I declare, be healed completely in Jesus' name."
"We are either giving into the pressure of the world or the pressure of the word, the word of God, the Bible."
"Go on, brother. God bless you. You shall live forever."
"It's the joy of the Lord that is my strength."
"All things are yours right now, in Jesus' name."
"Humble yourself under God's hand, and He will lift you up in due time."
"Our God is greater and Lord we thank you that you're going to reveal that right now in Jesus name amen."
"Our ultimate strength comes from God challenging us to Anchor our lives in the Eternal unchanging nature of God's love and power."
"You're never too far gone to get into the middle of God's best."
"Jesus didn't need the demon's name to drive it out."
"Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word."
"Living with an open heart, trusting the journey, and resting in the safety of trust in God."
"Jesus knew he would see his disciples again after his death and before he went to prepare a place for them in his Father's house."
"Healed by His stripes, you are healed, you are healed, you are healed."
"We thank you Lord for sending an emergency miracle for Semmy, Lord you know what Semmy needs."
"Breath of God, just clean out those lungs so he can breathe normally, let him breathe, hallelujah!"
"Eyes be open and revelation come to you, all confusion go in Jesus' name!"
"God does not say it's unrepairable, He says it is repairable, hallelujah!"
"Jesus rested upon the wisdom and strength of his heavenly Father."
"You are not too far from the reach of God's grace. God can reach down right now, heal you, save you, and deliver you."
"He has already defeated him. He is already victorious."
"Lord, deliver us from all the attacks of the enemy."
"Love is logical, relationships need to be logical. Love does not need to make sense. Love will never make sense."
"Love is illogical. Forgiveness is solely based on love, in my opinion."
"We rejoice and we fight on, and second, we have confidence that God sees their evil and will bring about perfect Justice in the end."
"I want it all. God, you promised it. It's in your word. I want it all."
"I testify that bad days come to an end, that faith always triumphs, and that heavenly promises are always kept."
"The evidence is that Jesus Christ is reliable in a way that none of the options are."
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." - Hebrews 13:8
"One space in Paradise is better than this whole world."
"Even when you're going through a tough moment, remember that goodness and light will ultimately win out. Jesus came to provide you Abundant Life and peace."
"With God, you will not lose; he pays, and he pays well."
"When God bring order, he comes to put everything in order."
"It's better to be blind walking with Jesus than to be able to see and go alone."
"We know that it is under your anointing that Yokes are broken."
"I want to thank God for the women who didn't mind coming from behind."
"I speak power into your situation... I speak Jesus down to your insecurities."
"I haven't been perfect... but Jesus Jesus make up the difference."
"It wasn't about the food itself, literally they could have had the exact same food the king was offering."
"Do you trust God enough to feed you? How much do we trust God? That's what it comes down to, really."
"I behaved honorably... I think God is fair, he's honorable."
"The power of the reset is that anytime I decide to put my mind on Jesus, on God, I can find peace and joy and strength."
"When you have Jesus, he carries you through."
"Trust says my God, I know you will grant this petition."
"We have joy in our hearts because we have a God who conquers what has conquered us."
"The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy."
"The Bible does not change for us; we change because of the Bible."
"You can't stop the work of God, no matter what. You can't stop the power of God."
"God and the world don't mix. Father, will you feel within me the power of your Holy Spirit?"
"To know him is to love him, and to give to him is a reflection of that love you have for him, people that love God."
"In you we can find peace even in the midst of tribulation." - John 16:33
"Embracing God's strength is a journey of faith."
"Lord Jesus Christ, you take care of everything... trust that he knows what's best for you."
"Trust in God's faithfulness and cling to his promises."
"If you are sincere to Allah and you help Allah, Allah will help you and make you firm."
"Victory doesn't just come because you're a good Muslim; victory has to be struggled for."
"Whatever you're facing is not bigger than Jesus Christ."
"Call on the Lion of Judah, the Prince of Peace. Call on God Almighty, the one who is, who was, and who is to be. Call on the one who commands millions of angels, the one who speaks and creates. Call on the one who has the keys to life and death."
"In this world, we face the wrath of satan and the wrath of man. Jesus never promised to protect us from that but rather to be with us in the midst of that."
"All whatever little bit I have is because of my Lord. Without Allah, I am zero."
"Let the believers put their trust in Allah; the success of everything is only and only due to Allah."
"Start thanking God for what he's going to do."
"Do not be afraid for God the father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, our Blessed Mother, St Michael the Archangel, all the saints in heaven will be with all of God's children."
"Your testimony will encourage somebody who's going through their own challenges. Your testimony will strengthen someone's belief that God can and God will come through for them."
"In the journey of life, patience and trust in Allah lead to enlightenment and growth."
"Never ever give up from the mercy and forgiveness of Allah."
"I thank you for the cleansing power of your blood."