
Divine Guidance Quotes

There are 3390 quotes

"The glorious grace of God in giving to the church the Scriptures so we can always be assured of hearing God's voice speaking to us."
"Ask Heaven for guidance and then make the choice that celebrates who you truly are."
"The will of God will never take you to where the grace of God will not protect you."
"God tells Moses from the burning bush, 'Go and tell them the I Am sent you.' The first place Moses goes is to Jethro. And says, 'That's good. Is it well with you? Good, that I go?' If anybody could play the God card, it's Moses."
"My judgment is that we should not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God."
"The desire to do good is really God's voice within you."
"If a man is firmly convinced that God alone is the doer and he himself is nothing, then he will never take a false step."
"If a man has the firm conviction that God alone is the doer and he is his instrument, then he cannot do anything sinful."
"You will not succeed by your own strength or power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord."
"Instead of worrying, ask for divine guidance."
"Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee." (Genesis 13:17)
"God's going to give us strategy for how to walk out of this place and into the expectation that He has on who we can become."
"The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
"I feel a flow, I feel a flow, everything in God is about a flow."
"Indeed, whomever Allah guides, no one can ever misguide him, and whomever Allah chooses to misguide, no one can guide him back to the straight path."
"This is the year we get Clear Vision from God."
"This is a time when God wants to prosper us, this is a time where he wants us to be in health, this is a time when he wants us to hear his voice clearer than ever."
"Every day God is on a new affair... It's opening up to that relationship... and true spirituality is being guided by that light."
"May God send you people who have eyes to see you, not just a heart to love you but eyes to see you and who will fight with you for what God has for you."
"Hear my elect, says the Lord, behold the days of tribulation are at hand, and I will deliver you from them. Do not fear or doubt, for God is your guide."
"Divine timing is at play in your life, guiding you towards success and fulfillment."
"The shepherd in the Bible is a symbol of the guiding, healing, protective power of the divine presence within you."
"In all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
"The scriptures... it's to see the hand of God in their life to then bring it forward into our own and be able to look for those same kinds of miraculous things."
"God saves, and you have to look to God's salvation. You need to see it."
"God's Most Holy Spirit be upon us, lifting us above and beyond the turmoil, the chaos, the fears, and sorrows of this world to the infinite love and peace that lay beyond."
"God has already provided a solution to all of our problems, and it really is that simple: Look to God and live, trust Him and move forward and live."
"Repentance is my willingness to let God turn me around and send me in a whole different direction."
"The Lord God giveth light unto the understanding of people... He speaks unto us according to our language and according to our understanding."
"If you're looking for something stable, then I want to invite you to get into the Word of God."
"Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for God is the one who's working you to will and to work."
"You are dependent on the Holy Spirit to awaken, prompt, enable the good that God calls us to do."
"They're going to walk according to God... they're going to follow the Lamb wherever He goes, meaning they're going to stay in the presence of God."
"Before we start anything in God's Word, we invite Him, the Lord Himself, to open our eyes."
"God is doing everything He can to lead men and women from the falsehood to truth."
"I hope and pray that all of us, as brothers and sisters, yes we have differences, but Inshallah, God willing, as we say, we come together, worshipping the Creator, following God's guidance, Inshallah, God willing, we can eradicate many ills and evils and problems in the world."
"You see, I'm so excited for what God is doing in this house. I'm so excited for what God is doing in and through each and every one of you."
"A man's heart deviseth his way, but the Lord directeth his steps."
"The reality is that sometimes you do not know until hindsight that what you heard was the voice of God."
"You're not being punished, babe. You're being divinely redirected."
"Divine guidance isn't a matter of chance or luck; it's God's way of subtly steering the events and circumstances around you for your good."
"I'm not talking about something you hustled up on after you took a course or after you saw something on Instagram. I'm talking about being emphatically clear that God said something to you."
"Your heart fills with the comfort that God is your keeper, your protector, your guide."
"The only way to have confidence in our authority over the enemy is to know and walk in the light of the words of God."
"The Lord has brought you to this place and he's brought you this far because he wants to show His glory."
"We need to be people of God who are sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit, who can clearly hear Him and then respond when He speaks."
"Visions from God are always bigger than your capacity as a human by yourself."
"If you recognize that the blessing is not a thing that's going to drop on you, it's a place you must be led to."
"We establish the Creator as a source of supreme guidance. We plug into that."
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men liberally."
"The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me."
"The kind of leadership that I wanted to execute...it can't be done without God. It just cannot be done. It will fail without God."
"I am a product of listening to God, obeying, and using what God has placed in my hand at the moment."
"God wants all of his children to thrive in every way, as long as they follow Him."
"Rejection is God's protection and redirection."
"Unless the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it."
"Be ye holy; it's not perfection, it is a call to yield to the power of the Holy Spirit in you."
"Comfort, yes, comfort my people, says your God."
"God says I can pursue, I can overtake, and I will recover."
"I'm only sharing what I hear the Lord say, and if I haven't heard God say it, I'm not going to make an assumption about it."
"This is Gideon's coal; this army is too large. All human possibility has to be destroyed so that the victory will be ascribed to God alone."
"You bear in mind, God's word, holiness, is not going to change for anybody."
"There's something about not having the full picture that makes you seek God for the full picture."
"The key to finding the will of God, finding the direction and path and plan that God has for your life... you'll only get it if you seek me."
"We need to get back to what God said, not what people think."
"Let us go before the throne of God and let us ask him to allow his Holy Spirit to reveal his voice to us."
"Be fruitful. Produce on the outside based on what God put on the inside."
"You're tired, you're frustrated, you've been at your wits' end, you can't get a word from God. Here is your word from God: Here comes Jesus."
"A goddess can speak to you now through intuitions, inspirations, and visions, very prophetic."
"The greatest lesson we can learn in mortality is that when God speaks and we obey, we will always be right."
"Only God can take you to where you are right now, only God can bring you to such a place, and only God can keep you there."
"God is not going to tell you not to do something because he doesn't want you to enjoy life; he's going to send a signal to us to avoid something because he loves us."
"There's nothing like opening the Word of God and listening to the voice of God."
"God is getting ready to tell you to do something that doesn't make sense."
"A man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."
"Prayer is the alignment of your will with His."
"You need to ask our Father God, 'Father, what are my gifts?'"
"We're trying to make decisions what would glorify God, what would help me to be an instrument to be used by God in this particular situation."
"God Himself by His Spirit will show you what is in His heart and in His mind."
"It's time for someone to step out of the shadows and into the platform that God has already set with you in mind."
"Our responsibility is to stay in our lane, just as God creates a lane for us."
"Let us not be content with merely dreaming dreams but let us be courageous in pursuing them, with the assurance of God's presence and guidance."
"I believe that by showing you in the Word of God how often God speaks through dreams and then by sharing with you my own examples, God is going to impart something to you."
"The voice of God is repetitive confirmation."
"If you're supposed to be there, God will get you there."
"His heart planned his way but the Lord directed his steps."
"Test the spirit, take it to the Lord, pray about it, and watch."
"When you have vision, you expose the reality and power of God. As a child of God, you need to know what God has promised you so that it can fuel your vision."
"The Holy Spirit is not the no obligation to explain to me why."
"Loving up as a Chosen One, leveling up in the kingdom of God. We want to know what comes with it: spiritual strength, spiritual insight, more wisdom, more knowledge, more understanding."
"You're receiving signs from Heaven, you know."
"God speaks to anyone with Clarity in direction if they'll listen."
"Trusting in God means acknowledging Him in all your ways."
"We have the weapons, we have the tools, God has given us the insight."
"That brilliant idea you have is a divinely guided message, don't ignore it."
"Iman is more than just belief in Allah; it's acknowledging His power and seeking His guidance."
"Think twice before you reject the instruction of the Lord."
"No one who lets God lead his or her life ever ends up in shame or defeat. Your Victory is assured when you ask God before you act."
"When I was searching for a father, the Father God became my father and taught me many things."
"God can lead us down paths we never imagined."
"Every place where God allowed us to go, and I mean every place."
"God is in control... and he will lead us through any troubled waters that might come upon us."
"No, there's nothing uncertain about the times we live in to the believer who is seeking to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
"I will give unto you my law, and you shall be endowed with power from on high."
"A burning desire to follow God's will... a clear sign that you are a child of God."
"I don't want to do anything that doesn't have God's confirmation on it."
"When you walk with God long enough you recognize his voice."
"The presence of the lord has to go before us."
"Anything that God tells us is good is something that's beneficial to us."
"Ask the Lord to teach you how to open the heavens to bless your life and the life of those you love and serve."
"May God protect our nation, and may God protect all those who stand and watch over our democracy."
"He embraced it and he cultivated it and God kept using him again and again"
"You have to know that God has something better for you."
"Surrender control over situations and let the divine guide you to new opportunities."
"But if it comes down to it and I really felt like God was telling me you need to tell the truth, you need to be honest and you can't just fold on this because you're afraid, you need to say it."
"If we allow Him to teach us, and leads us in the way that we should go, peace like a river comes."
"Anywhere the spirit of God leads you, it's worth going."
"The Holy Spirit speaking through you really has helped me a lot. Thanks so much."
"Help me to love you, help me to have understanding, I need your wisdom, I need your words."
"You will have your divine love, divine union, your ring, your proposal, and happily ever after. You will find your light."
"If God does not say something to you, you are unwilling to move - God has to talk."
"If you check it, you will find out there's nothing wrong. Not every good thing is God."
"Every day became a greater confirmation of the fact that we were in the presence of the one God had preserved for both of us."
"The Quran is nothing but evidence from your Lord and a guidance and a mercy for a people who believe."
"Jerusalem is the city that God says keep your eye on."
"Don't be afraid to live. The Holy Spirit was sent here to show you how to live."
"When God makes a crazy way... once you find out that this is how God wants you to live... it's supposed to create a crazy wave."
"The Holy Spirit spoke to me very clearly, he is grieved over the division in his church."
"God makes it pretty doggone simple. If we just follow Him, follow His ways, put our lives in His hands, it's amazing where you will go."
"Consider, make sure you're going to do whatever you're going to do in divine timing."
"I trust that all my steps are ordered by you. I have confidence in your word that tells me to approach the throne of grace boldly."
"There comes a point where you're just going to have to obey God rather than man."
"As you move forward, remember that I am your source of Limitless possibilities."
"Praying that God's will, God's ruling and reigning would be in place in your life."
"Something told me, and then you realize in retrospect that's something that told you was the voice of the Holy Spirit."
"I know your Works...I have set before you an open door and no one can shut it." - Revelation 3:8
"He will bring you to the Son and the Son will bring you to the Father. Hallelujah!"
"Garrow finally, next to terror and the sign of the aquila, and speaks to the Emperor, imploring him for new orders."
"Whatever god took you out of, whatever he's delivering you from, is a key and a clue to your assignment."
"The safest place to be is in the center of the will of God."
"You ask God to forgive you for your sin and tell Him, 'Lord, I want you to govern my life, guide my life, show me the way.'"
"The God of all hope is going to bring us through this national crisis."
"It is a time of big and blessed change for you, the Divine Spirit is supporting you."
"Living close to you we shall see your hand, your purpose, your will through all things."
"A covenant person says, 'When I get there, I remember that it was God that brought me through.'"
"What God says is I perfectly... want to complete your life."
"I didn't change, I'm gonna still do that in the doctrine and covenants. Watch me do that in your time and with your conditions."
"God will make a way, start going back to your chair, that denotes a campaign."
"The greatest place in the world is in the will of God. There is no better place, understand, in the will of God."
"God places you where he wants to place you, shapes you the way he wants to shape you, and then dwells in our collective ability to unite together and we become occupied territory."
"Run to the spirit realm. Hold onto what God said and watch what God does."
"Every question you have, I'll answer. Alhamdulillah, by the will of Allah, will answer every question."
"Trust God not our resources... Seek the Lord, seek His righteousness and His kingdom and then what all these things shall what be added unto you."
"I don't want to serve man's agenda. I want to serve in a place where I believe God gave a thought to a leader."
"Men a call to a position of unique responsibility under God."
"We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps." - Proverbs 16:9
"I also told you that God is love and I don't believe if anything is telling me to do something bad, it is not coming from God."
"Holy spirit speaks with unmistakable clarity and overwhelming appeal."
"It is the anointing on your life that makes the difference."
"You may cloud it up with sin, but one thing for certain: you sin against God after you're saved, the Holy Spirit living inside of you to convict us of sin, show us the truth, make us miserable in order to get us back, God."
"There's no better place to be than in the center of God's will."
"One of the greatest ways to glorify God is to be content in his providence and to follow commands as they have been given to you in the context of God's providence."
"Not everything that God wants for you comes to pass because you have to find out what God is saying to you."
"Your intuition has been pushing you in these directions because for the divine feminine I'm speaking to here, you've been very much pushed by an intuitive space within yourself to go in some kind of a new direction."
"Eyes be open and revelation come to you, all confusion go in Jesus' name!"
"When you talk to God about what the Holy Spirit has put in your brain, the reason God has to answer it is He told you to think it in the first place."
"Higher love can come through as well... within the flow of prosperity."
"Let the Holy Spirit speak to you and obey Him. Don't ignore the Holy Spirit, obey Him."
"Pray even out of the depths of your despair that God will open the eyes of your understanding. And I assure you, he will be pleased to instruct you and bring you out into a safe way, a way of peace and joy."
"You weren't crazy you were hearing from God."
"Remember that God is your source of strength even when you feel like giving up."
"I'm not here to please everyone, I'm only here to work with the people that God has assigned to me."
"God is still at the steering wheel of Heaven's agenda."
"Let go of your grip on earthly possessions, with faith in your heart, no door remains closed."
"In God, you don't have to know what you're doing; you just have to know who's doing it."
"God was involved in everything that I did. There were so many things that fell into place. It's been a blessing every step of the way."
"God said the woman that you are right now, the man that you are right now, that man, that woman is not qualified to possess the blessing, you must become somebody else."
"We need to be able to discern and use the gift to discern when God is moving."
"Divine guidance [ __ ] happens for a reason."
"God is above human beings, so I would listen to what the Creator says."
"I believe in divine intervention. I believe that God does put us in our path and I also believe that God puts things in our hearts and in our minds that it's we got to listen."
"May they surrender their will to use, as they trust you to guide their lives."
"Whoever this is, it's coming in divinely guided right here."
"God gives you the clarity you need to take action."
"True faith obeys the word of God even if the whole world disapproves."
"As long as you're obedient to God's calling on your life, you are successful."
"God is in His heavens, Jesus is the Christ, and He will guide you."
"God does not desire us to be ignorant, friends."
"Fear not, go where I tell you and I'm going with you."
"God's promise of care, protection, and guidance is unbreakable, no matter the journey or challenge we face."
"May your favor and peace be upon us, guiding us in every decision and action."
"No matter how turbulent the waters may seem, God's hand is always over your life guiding you through every storm and leading you towards his perfect plan."
"By the spirit the one true living God may only the truth come forth."
"Peace is won by accompanying God into the battle."
"Simeon was a spirit-filled, spirit-led servant, and he's a model."
"Thank you for calling us out of the darkness and into your marvelous light. Father, I am strengthened by your peace and refueled by your joy. And above all, I stand in faith and anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life."
"Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything."
"The energy of the divine being thwarted... Someone is in the way of you doing what you feel divinely guided to do."
"The gameplay is pretty tough but uh I'm really enjoying it."