
Diversity In Media Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"A Latino superhero is finally going to grace the big screen for the first time."
"The Proud Family is a rare gem because it has a Black girl as a protagonist. It's hard to find shows with Black characters as the protagonist instead of side characters."
"We need more Black cartoons. Why is it that when I turn on my TV, there are not that many cartoons out here that are showcasing Black families or Black characters?"
"I want British actors of color to get opportunities to have long-term, stable payments through these period dramas."
"Underrepresented people, women, go out and become film critics 'cause we need those voices too."
"It's like I'm tired of seeing the same cis gay love stories because we've done it plenty. I think it's great that we see it, but I also think we can push the boundaries further."
"These producers are not budging, and yes, we are seeing more people of color on these dating shows."
"There should simply be better parts for women and actors of color. Why should a woman play James Bond when there should be a part just as good as James Bond but for a woman?"
"You can't expect us to always go by the comics because the comics weren't making black characters."
"It's just the main Trope that exists right now, and I just want a little bit more variety."
"The truly bold move would be for the first black person to host the Golden Globes and then give a monologue that isn't about being black."
"Which superhero of color and female superhero would you love to get their own movie? For me it would be Static Shock and She-Ra because why not?"
"We need more variety in the way that women are represented in the music industry."
"It feels like they do a pretty good job of having diverse main and side characters."
"Having an Asian-American in a lead role in a rom-com is really special."
"Why can't people of color who don't fit the normative get their stories as well?"
"Black superheroes may lack in mainstream popularity, they more than match in symbolism, meaning, and political import."
"It's the first predominantly African American cast led by an African American lead."
"I've always fought season after season hey we want to see some women that look like us behind the camera."
"For every [__] that think Hermione should be black, we are now gonna have the muggleborn who gets called mudblood repeatedly be black."
"Jo does not write a weak woman. He can't do it. It doesn't matter if she's Asian or white or African-American, he writes a strong woman for us to see on camera. I think that's really important."
"Representation matters. Dark-skinned black girls with 4c hair are rarely seen in mainstream media."
"I found young black women and black men who wanted to learn blogging, saw me on Love and Hip Hop, believed in me and believed that I was going to figure it out."
"I want a bulletproof black superhero please."
"There’s a kind of insincere faux-diversity that you see sometimes in media."
"It's a new introduction to the world, I didn't know there were Asians in Star Wars."
"If Marvel puts out movies with non-white, non-male leads, fantastic."
"Visibility is key. Lead roles showcase someone as a multi-faceted human being, not just a one-trick pony."
"Black creators can really get into a lot more and really tell their own stories."
"More manga creators are putting in the effort to portray black characters more respectfully."
"I think it's important to have diversity not only in front of the camera but behind it." - Hill
"MCU overlord Kevin Feige has also confirmed that Eternals will feature the MCU's first openly gay characters."
"We've always tried to bring in new, unique voices."
"The lack of media paying any attention is a consistent issue, whether we're talking about Africa, what's happening in American communities in this country, when you have a mainstream media led by white folks decision makers in position."
"Diversity cannot be a priority of MTV or E when the shows that they showcase with black cast members don't even showcase them in positive ways."
"In my humblest of opinions I think the first thing you gotta do is write a goddamn good character before deciding oh yes that will fit this gender checkbox and this sexual orientation checkbox and this race checkbox"
"How wonderful is it if we keep getting more queer creators talking about their worldview and their experience?"
"Misrepresentation is anytime you do representation for the sake of representation. If you just start putting the United Colors of Benetton in your show, it doesn't reflect real life."
"Movies like this really show that we need black media, we need the ability to tell our own stories."
"Continuing to change those Messengers and putting forth people that look like the audiences that we're trying to talk to is going to be the best way to break through."
"The more people that are making movies and telling stories, the audiences are... hearing unique stories that we haven't heard before told in unique and different ways."
"Put more female superheroes in your movies? Well, that's tokenism."
"Change is incremental. It's not really core to keep propagating a cycle of predominantly white male movie talent."
"I can't make a character that looks like me in an anime game. It's so disappointing."
"Give credit where it's due - Rainbow introduced Aisha, a well-respected black princess."
"It means absolutely everything it is everything it is everything for um people of color it is everything to progress forward in the film and television industry."
"I really loved seeing like just more Muslim creators on the platform that's really what I liked."
"Representation matters and Afro-Latinos in Latin America have not had the proper representation."
"The stories right but you guys pushed forward into a space that diversified and created a more diverse space for black men."
"Why can't we have our fantasies? We already don't have enough black representation."
"I hope that moving forward, new voices, new perspectives, new identities finally get a chance to have their own cuts."
"Introducing like a different culture that we haven't seen in a Disney movie before, different mythology, different traditions. I think it's exciting."
"I want to put black people on television of all hues that are from Latin America."
"This Ghostbusters is going to be an important film...in the evolution of how different groups of people are depicted in movies."
"But it means even if I didn't get this job, it means so very much to me that this universe that means so much to so many people would choose to put a brown female lead in one of their stories. It means the world to me."
"You can totally tell stories that meet these mandates that are diverse, that are inclusive, that are more balanced, and you can still do them in a way that everybody wins."
"The best example of colorblind casting in its purest form."
"Now, more than ever, there was a desire for more diverse stories on screen."
"We are making some progressions with our first female black double-oh-seven agent and I'm here for it."
"I do think there needs to be more diversity. I do think there needs to be more if you're going to have black culture being marketed and sold, there should be more black people telling you how that should happen."
"It's kind of weird that this never happened before, we've had like 30 or 40 major comic book films in the past 10 years, zero with a lead Hispanic/Latino character, and now they're doing it. I think that's great."
"In their view, there was value to showing the officers engaging in constructive interactions with colleagues and prisoners of varying ethnicities."
"When are we going to allow black talent to thrive on multiple levels, to not just be perfect trailblazers but to just walk on a path that has been set to allow them to just be actors and not have to carry the weight of representation constantly?"
"Narrative plenitude... allows for not only a range of portrayals but also a range of quality of portrayals."