
Religious Texts Quotes

There are 400 quotes

"Here's the answer for my truthers out there: The Testament of Solomon, just like the Book of Enoch, all these books were stripped from the Bible because they tell us what all these things are that surround us on this Earth and what's going on up in the heavens and how everything is made."
"The greatest accounts of nihilism and pain...can be found in religious scripture."
"Gospel of Judas: This refers to one of the lost gospels found in the Nag Hammadi library."
"The beauty of Islam is you get the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Last Testament."
"Joseph is working his way through the translation of the Bible and comes to the book of Revelation."
"If a hadith is in harmony with the Quran, you accept it. If a hadith is in conflict with the Quran...you reject it."
"The Torah is Incorruptible because they use chapter 6 verse 115 to prove it says 'None can alter the words of Allah.'"
"The first third of the library was comprised of the oldest known copies of the Hebrew Bible."
"Simply put, to doubt the veracity of the historical account of the scriptures is to put into doubt every single event of ancient history, as the life, death, and teachings of Jesus are the best sourced histories in the ancient world."
"Doubts about its authenticity have long existed. Scholars generally have rejected the historicity of the Exodus account, and this is because of this lack of direct evidence outside the Bible that would substantiate these events."
"The Apostles had something to write; they wrote a New Testament."
"Gnostic texts such as the First Apocalypse of James were likely banned because of their different understanding of Jesus's importance."
"What you find in Bukhari can be not quite what you find in the Quran."
"God's words are different than people's words. No person could say them. God's words have authority and power. Every day they become fulfilled."
"But that's really only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the alternative views presented by the Mormon scriptures."
"Equality of men and women is stated in the Quran."
"All Scripture is breathed out by God... God cannot lie, God cannot change."
"Everybody expects seventy books. Why sixty-six? Well, technically the Book of Psalms is five books."
"The Tanakh denounces human sacrifice as barbaric customs of Baal worshipers. For example, Psalm 106:37."
"The verbatim Word of God is amazing if you come at it with a sincere open mind, humble heart, the guidance is there."
"If you take her writings away, you still have the Bible."
"The Quran is impossible to change or manipulate because of our oral tradition and meticulous transmission."
"We need to consider the Bible from its symbolic, not in terms of is it objectively true."
"The number one most stolen book on planet earth is the Bible... which sort of defeats the purpose."
"The Quran is true, the Bible has not been corrupted."
"As we go on we're going to see that the Quran doesn't simply affirm the initial inspiration of the Torah and the gospel but also the preservation of the Torah and the gospel."
"The Quran accurately describes the water cycle and the origin of underground springs."
"The Quran is talking 1400 years ago about the earth and the moon and the sun rotating."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls shed important light on Judaism and the origins of Christianity."
"I mean, so that window, when a later person says something that is like what you find in the canon, it may be that they read the book, they think it's part of the canon, and therefore, they're quoting it with authority."
"Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. You will see there's no contradictions."
"Paul didn't write a gospel, he wrote letters."
"They are in the Bible, they're in the New Testament and the Old Testament."
"The word 'Sheol' is the Hebrew word for the current hell, and 'Hades' is the Greek word for the current hell."
"There's much in the Synoptics that is authentic, meaning that Jesus actually said it."
"The Gospel of Barnabas stands as a captivating piece that challenges established beliefs and invites a deeper exploration into the intricacies of biblical history."
"The Book of Enoch encompasses various monumental works that delve into profound concepts such as rewards, punishment, the end of the world, and the final judgment."
"The Quran was not revealed as a written word; it was revealed as a spoken word."
"I believe there's many genuine healings take place here because we have reason to believe that this is confirmed in the Book of Enoch."
"The Bible, especially Genesis, was written by multiple authors that were spliced together into a single book."
"Jesus revealing this secret knowledge to Judas about the divine realm."
"I think the meaning of these words Elohim, Elion, Yahweh invite us to return to the texts to look again and to realize that many of the stories we have assumed were God's stories are actually stories about something quite different."
"The Bible isn't just one book. Depending on which branch of Christianity you follow, it's upwards of 70 books, written by thousands of authors over the course of 1,400 years."
"The Bhagavata Purana discusses a wide range of topics, including cosmology, genealogy, geography, mythology, and legends, along with descriptions of the Siddhi powers achievable through yoga and meditation."
"The main thing for me actually is that the Quran can't be imitated in the Arabic language. It has challenges which cannot be disputed, have not been disputed for 1400 years."
"You can read the words of the Doctrine and Covenants and they're great, but then once you watch the play, then you love the songs because you understand what was going on in the background."
"The biblical scholars found in this cave and other caves around about they in many ways did not really expect that the scrolls to be so close to the text that we are presently using today in the synagogues and in the churches."
"The Book of Enoch is not a single work of a single genre rather it is a collection of ancient apocalyptic Traditions transmitted for some centuries orally then as independent written documents and finally as one collected text."
"The Quran is free from any contradictions, and no one's bothered to check that."
"You can't reverse engineer the 27-book canon of the New Testament without the judgment of the Catholic Church."
"Scripture cannot even meet the bar of being perspicuous."
"I don't want to base my salvation on a book where there are human copy errors, inconsistency, differences."
"You could improve the Quran and you could improve the Bible in five minutes to the benefit of everybody, and yet we can't rewrite these pages."
"The Quran is considered a work of divine revelation and is therefore believed by Muslims to be inimitable by human or AI efforts."
"The Gospel authors seem to affirm the canon of their day by quoting Jesus directly."
"Reading the Quran doesn't require knowing Arabic, but understanding is better."
"All religions find different ways to adapt the diversity of early Christian texts."
"The Bible is a library, a collection of texts from a wide variety of different eras, written by a wide variety of different authors."
"So, what is it about the Quran that you cannot find anything inside from the scientific journals to contradict it?"
"Join us as we explore the Book of Enoch, which reveals shocking mysteries of our history."
"The Book of Enoch introduces the Messiah, the Son of God who sits next to God and will judge both the living and the Dead."
"The book of Revelation is not in chronological order. When I read the book of Revelation, I see four separate retellings of the same event."
"Life's not out to get ya. Life might think that right now, but if anything, life's no, no, let's do."
"Every Old Testament Prophet besides Jonah predicts the regathering of the Jews."
"The Quranic description actually alludes to this point with the word 'alaq' which means 'like leech'."
"The fact that the Bible has something in it that's true doesn't mean that every verse in it is true."
"The reason we know verse four and eight are right is because we actually went out and investigated and found out through science."
"God moved on them to write and left the message that he gave them on record for us."
"My book argues that the book of Genesis holds ancestral memory of at least three resets in human history."
"I prefer to say it's authentic. Mark 16:9-20 is written by Mark, was originally part of the Gospel, and belongs in your Bible."
"Translating the Bible into other languages reveals different readings."
"Unanimous agreement among a multitude of witnesses: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John."
"Look past the mask and see God there. His hand is shining throughout the text."
"Equality requires equal representation in the scriptures."
"These ayah that he's reciting, they are very effective."
"Jesus Christ is called our God in the letter to the smyrnaeans chapter 10."
"That's the beauty of the Bible. So like with like, you can see enormous disparity just between something as simple as geographical locations in two different books."
"These manuscripts are also called the Dead Sea Scrolls or the Qumran Cave Scrolls. They date back to between the 3rd Century BCE and the 1st Century CE."
"The masoretic text really is the canonical text for Jews and Christians."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls contained portions of a book that lay out the entire gospel of Jesus Christ 300 years before he walked the earth."
"Dr. Dan Brubaker... has done the most general work on this."
"The Bible has the same value as Shakespeare."
"Which makes more sense: the idea that these conflicting verses were either a mistake or the result of multiple authors?"
"Much of the content in the Hebrew Bible is based on material taken from other nearby cultures, but the ancient Israelites always put their own unique spin on it."
"You're studying classical Arabic poetry and why don't you look into the Quran?"
"In the beginning God created heaven and earth."
"The Quran remained unchanged, unedited, even in abrogation."
"The best way to fight the problematic elements of religion is to look at holy texts through the lens of literature and mythology."
"The Torah laid a revolutionary foundation for standards beyond human constructs."
"It's certainly within the realm of possibility that Gospel writers 2,000 years ago would have exaggerated or invented stories."
"There was a long debate among Christians about which books ought to be included in the Bible."
"To discover that, they started to examine and analyze very closely the literature that they had available, the Gospels."
"The Vatican II texts have been the most ignored... it's not a bad time to revisit those texts."
"For thousands of years, the words of prophets have shaped the nation of Israel..."
"Despite this popularity, there is only one acts narrative in the entirety of the nagamani library."
"The Quran has within it evidences which are very powerful in convincing people."
"Muhammad brought the Quran itself, which gives you a challenge."
"Jesus betrayal when Jesus was betrayed who betrayed him everybody knows the answer not his enemies it was his helper Judas."
"Almost everybody agrees that Mark was the first gospel."
"This was a Jesus who didn't die, who took revenge on his enemies, and who kissed Mary Magdalene on the mouth."
"These were shocking and challenging texts never before seen by a Western scholar."
"Whatever the truth about Jesus and Mary's physical relationship, the Gospel of Philip clearly suggests they shared a strong spiritual connection."
"The Quran is a book 1,400 years old, David, and it's a book that's remained unchanged 100 percent the same."
"The Quran talks about how mountains are constructed and the effect on the face of the earth."
"The miraculous preservation of the Quran is unmatched in any religion."
"Evidence of encounters with extraterrestrials found in sacred religious texts like the Old Testament."
"God's recipe book here is very hard to follow."
"According to chapter 7 verse 24, it's where Adam and Eve were sent to."
"This book is nothing more than a man-made book."
"This is the oldest Quran that has now been found."
"So all the narrative, this standard Islamic narrative always has the biblical prophets down in the Hijaz."
"The gospels are four slightly different versions of the same story."
"The person who wrote the book of Acts is the same person who wrote the Gospel of Luke."
"The Quran has been preserved meticulously without distortion from the time of the Prophet till our time."
"This Creed in first Corinthians 15, it's older than the book."
"1400 years ago, a normal human being could not explain this phenomena in so much detail."
"It is only an article of faith that allows you to put the four Gospels of the Bible above texts like the Gospel of Thomas."
"Wisdom is wisdom. You don't have to be religious to get wisdom from the Bible."
"The Hadith are collections of sayings of Muhammad, and often subsumed into that concept are the Sunnah, which were the actions of Muhammad, or the practices."
"Would you say then that chapter 9 verse 5, the sword verse, 'Slay the mushrikun wherever you find them,' is directed towards Christians?"
"When we ignore who these men were and what they understood, we can sometimes completely misunderstand what they were writing."
"El Shaddai is P's word for God in Genesis. That doesn't mean no one else knew the name or could ever use it, right?"
"The Book of Enoch was so popular for early Christians that even the New Testament cites it."
"It's really important to find a scholarly translation that tries to account for all of the manuscript variations."
"First Enoch only remained popular in Ethiopia, which still remains true to this day."
"Only Michael is designated as an archangel by the Bible."
"The entire core message of the gospel... is rooted in Genesis history."
"You will not find anywhere a more critical and objective sifting of the evidence than in Dale Allison's work on the resurrection."
"One of the religious texts, the Popol Vuh, chronicles many Maya religious stories, including a creation myth."
"The King James Bible was largely based on the most common manuscripts available at the time, particularly the Byzantine family of Greek translations."
"My own perspective is that the external and internal evidence that the Book of Revelation was written before the fall of Jerusalem I think is overwhelming."
"Why did it disappear, you know what I mean? What did it contain that felt the need to stricken it from the Bible?"
"So, you think when Jesus was a twelve-year-old he really zapped his teacher? Now we're talking." - Bart Ehrman
"I think both of us agree that the Gospels are historically informative."
"The Quran actually sets the record straight."
"Hadith checks on many ways of verification, not just one. But any one of them that would have a break of unknown narrators would be totally rejected."
"This song is genius and details what I assume would have happened if Eminem got to the hospital later than he did."
"The Bible doesn't focus on individuals, it focuses on systems and kingdoms."
"The Quran indicates that mountains have deep roots by using the word stakes to describe them."
"You might as well use all religious writings for kindling."
"Islam is the only perfectly preserved book down to the last."
"The Gospel of Judas is a fascinating read if you ever get the chance."
"The Vatican edited the Bible beyond recognition."
"Paul said it, not Jesus, and they then make Jesus say it to confer authority on those words."
"It's a myth that says if you don't use the King James Bible, you don't have God's Word."
"I grew up with none of these books inspired by a god."
"The last mention of Jesus in the Quran is very beautiful."
"The attack on the Bible is coming next, the Bible is next, mark my words."
"In the year 1684, the Vatican removed 14 books from the Bible."
"The figure of Jesus in the Quran is rather different from the figure of Jesus in the Bible."
"Matthew's the most read book of the New Testament... but most people have no clue really what Matthew's trying to emphasize."
"These words would be the best record...of what that pre-flood world was like." - Referring to the Book of Enoch
"Genesis was not written to be taken literally but was supposed to be more of a parable."
"We should not treat the gospels as if they were simply transcripts of what happened in Jesus's life."
"There is a story of recovery and rehabilitation in Genesis, not creation ex nihilo."
"I think the best explanation is that all these go back to Muhammad."
"The Quran has significant textual variation in it, more significant than a lot of conservative Sunni Muslim Scholars and apologists are willing to admit to."
"There's great guidelines for healthy, happy living in the Bible."
"Modern scholars commonly accept that the Leviathan that is alluded to is a primordial sea serpent which God battled at the beginning of time in order to create the universe."
"You are the ones addressed in that 82nd Psalm."
"The Babylonian Talmud is comparatively full of references to demons and magic."
"This is how God ensured that only the writings of the true prophets were included in the Bible."
"The Bible is one unified book... divided into two large sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament."
"What did the Christian translators do?... Change every verb from the future tense..."
"By the time we get to the book of Revelation, we find there are two sole powers left in the world."
"I believe this generation is the one that the Book of Enoch is for."
"The scriptures are divinely inspired, revealing coded information about pre-adamic events."
"Messiah would enter Jerusalem on a donkey, as prophesied in Zechariah 9:9."
"But that's not all. There's another old newspaper article from January 11, 1911, detailing how this verse isn't in the Bible despite everyone thinking it is."
"The key to interpreting The Book of Revelation is to recognize its symbols."
"Truth and falsehood - constantly coming up throughout the Quran."
"Because suddenly, it was important not just for scholars to learn to read, but for everyone, because the written word of God was the way to God."
"The book, the Scriptures, is a mirror that goes past your exterior."
"Looking back through history, there are actually hundreds of flood accounts, and the similarity between these accounts and The Genesis Flood are uncanny."
"As far as every single book, you don't find anything whether it's Catholic, Protestant, or anything else."
"The slave Bible was different from the Bible we know today."
"Context matters. If you contextualize Isaiah 53, you can make it say anything."
"The New Testament speaks of itself as eyewitness."
"There's a reason for this, by the way, right? The Quran says that Muhammad is mentioned in the scriptures of the Jews and Christians, in the Torah and the gospel."
"There's too many errors between the Quran and the Bible, but there's also just errors, actual errors, within the Quran."
"If we go and look at other Jewish writings from the time of the New Testament, that could help us interpret the New Testament."
"I follow a religion in which 113 out of 114 chapters of the Quran introduces the God of Islam as a God of mercy and compassion."
"Our earliest and most reliable sources for the life of Jesus... are found in the New Testament."
"The Quran contains lots of statements about history, historical statements, things that happened in the past. The Quran got them exactly 100 percent correct."
"The scripture is a human response to Revelation that the church canonized."
"Luther's treatment of the disputed books of the New Testament."
"Most scholars are very clear on the fact that these four gospels are anonymous documents."
"They get two chances, two chances to get it right."
"You can point those out, but you cannot deny that there are a ton of misogynistic things in the Bible. There just are."
"There was a famous error in the 1631 edition of the King James Bible."
"Different translations of the Bible have slightly different wording, but the meaning remains the same."
"There are six books of hadith or sayings of the prophet that are considered authentic."
"The Quran mentions humans, jinns, and angels."
"The Bible is the best-selling book of all time but often there are some misunderstandings surrounding how we got it."
"The Quran doesn't just affirm the inspiration of the Torah and the gospel; it affirms their preservation and authority."
"These are all too real. What was found here was fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls."
"The Book of Enoch's various sections exhibit marked diversity, contributing to its perception as disunited or even discontinuous."
"I believe in The Book of Life which originates in the Egyptian Book of the Dead."
"The story grows even more interesting when we realize that religious texts and mythological stories say exactly this will happen."