
Historical Revisionism Quotes

There are 190 quotes

"Here's the answer for my truthers out there: The Testament of Solomon, just like the Book of Enoch, all these books were stripped from the Bible because they tell us what all these things are that surround us on this Earth and what's going on up in the heavens and how everything is made."
"My problem with Gabby is she just tries to rewrite history to fit narratives that she created."
"It makes the message relevant all over again as yet another U.S. president, Donald Trump, won favor through selling a false version of the country's history."
"Hancock believes that the ancient Jews were an advanced civilization, rewriting all of the historical beliefs we have about them."
"Over time, even the King family would begin to doubt Ray's guilt."
"Removing monuments and bringing attention to the oppression of those removing them is not a threat to history; it is a threat to traditionalism, a threat to the reactionary movement against modern thinking."
"Imagine a country where many people have become convinced that much of what we know about William Shakespeare is wrong thanks to the efforts of one dedicated man."
"It seems much of the history we were given about Columbus and the peopling of the Americas is false."
"The left is all about the cover-up game. The reason they want the 1619 project is slavery started in 1619."
"The destruction of her image and monuments has been dimly interpreted as evidence that she was a power-hungry woman who deserved to be erased."
"At this point in history, it's time for us to stop allowing the victors to tell our history."
"It's time to start rewriting the history books."
"Western writers have been quite successful in establishing the terrible wave of mass socialization committed by Soviet soldiers in Germany in Poland towards the end of the war as general public knowledge."
"Watching events happen and then disputing whether they happened or not, I mean it's pure Orwell."
"Tobin is trying to rewrite history and not only cast a shadow on the events of the Holocaust but also expunge Nazi Germany of any wrongdoing."
"Slavery was not a small deal, it wasn't just agriculture."
"The Democratic Party is, without dispute in this country's history, the party that promoted slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, racial terrorism, the Ku Klux Klan."
"The main issue is the idea that Gerald's legacy is now that of a hero and not a mad scientist."
"The true history of ancient Egypt has long been distorted with its true Origins obscured by false Notions of Mediterranean superiority."
"We sanitize these people, we strip them of their legacies and that's also about anti-blackness."
"The history of Crimea has been very successfully obliterated."
"Some of them need to come down because they represent not just a historic moment they represent white supremacy and segregation."
"Ancient civilizations are far more advanced than we think..."
"It's just an example of how propaganda works: the LIE is told, the victims are blamed, and then 20 years later, whatever it is, we finally get the truth."
"It's frankly insulting that after four and a half hours of shoving neo-confederate revisionism down our throats, Maxwell tells us 'please make up your own mind'."
"A controversial new discovery in Mexico could change how we look at the history of human beings in the Americas..."
"The true history of the ancient Egyptians is many thousands of years older than what we were taught."
"It's kind of not good to whitewash war crimes."
"Boredom. It isn't commonly known, but last week the tapes of all the Lucy television shows were submitted to the Library of Congress, and after they were viewed, I am happy to say President Ford granted Lucy a full pardon."
"Oliver Stone managed to get the House of Representatives to admit that the Warren Commission report was a joke."
"It is the most disrespectful thing in the world to try to rewrite history as if incarcerated black people weren't the number one priority of the GOP."
"Wyoming doesn't exist... because of this 'Great Compromise'."
"Islam needs to ask if it is possible that over a billion people have been misled by Abbasid propaganda regarding how and where their religion began."
"History is written by the victors - one of the most famous people of all time wasn't a white guy."
"New excavations reveal advanced civilization on a remote Greek island, potentially rewriting history."
"It's a huge mistake to look at Soviet history as an economic failure."
"Attempting to define reality is a core feature of authoritarianism." - "This is what the Soviets did when they erased political dissidents from historical photos, this is what happens in George Orwell's classic novel 1984."
"And the idea that the Confederate States of America had in any sense a libertarian form of government is frankly laughable."
"I don't believe there were gas Chambers okay I don't believe it was six million okay I also don't believe I think that there was ever an order given out that said okay you know we're gonna kill them all."
"For all that von Manstein attempted to exonerate himself and his fellow generals, he was just as complicit in the crimes of the Third Reich as many of the Nazi leaders."
"The refusal of King George the third to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators was probably the prime cause of the revolution." - Ben Franklin
"It completely rewrites the history of North America as we know it."
"Attempts to rewrite history and cancel out aspects of our culture and our values may be our downfall."
"The sphinx may be significantly older than the dynastic Egyptian civilization."
"I don't understand how there is such a degree of conformity and you're now seeing... they're literally pretending that it didn't happen."
"Cancelling our history is not justice, it is allowing those of influence or power to redesign justice."
"Just like so many other important finds, they were written off by academics who refused to believe in something that goes against the history we've been told."
"The Nazi message was clear: they were the natural inheritors of history's greatest civilizations."
"Nothing impresses a woman more than a man who can dance like nobody's watching."
"Churchill muzzled: History can't speak back to those that wish to rewrite it."
"Columbus? Yes, mistakes were made, but there were more positives than negatives. And he wasn't a bad guy. He was a terrible guy. Oh god."
"We're obsessed with problematic... the only historical figures we're still allowed to honor."
"By roasting the Manson family in a scene right out of one of Rick's movies, he's explicitly using the power of film to write a historical wrong."
"Forcing us to totally rethink not just Richard but every royal."
"Our history is a complete lie—shocking, isn't it?"
"The reality is, who founded Rome? It was Moors under the banner of Saint Maurice."
"I think Constantine took Jesus and refashioned him in his own image, thereby turning the anti-Roman rebel we read about in the gospels into a symbol of Roman imperialism."
"Ancient cultures were advanced... far more than we give them credit for."
"I never understood Confederate statues... it's long overdue."
"In more recent years, the sheer extent of the effect of the Plague of Justinian has been cast into doubt, but many historical accounts of this plague place its death toll between twenty-five and fifty-million."
"I never understood Confederate statues. I'm glad Confederate statues are going down."
"The rehabilitation of fascism is well underway... who's based and who isn't based."
"This is why they got such a problem with the bug breaking movie. This is why they have a major problem with it because we didn't brought all the receipts and we're telling everything we break it down..."
"He actually called slavery evil in a letter that he he freed black slaves on his own plantation"
"Richard is the victim of mythmaking and propaganda."
"The intellectual class is working to discredit our past and demolish our future."
"Even someone like the demographer Judith Banister has to admit the successes of the Mao era."
"Freedom from information is the new agenda. They're erasing history to keep control."
"There has been an absolutely purposeful attempt to rid us, to strip us of our culture, of our heritage, of the things that made us who we are, to teach us that we're evil, that we're wrong."
"We had a Wall Street, yeah, and it wasn't in New York City either."
"Professor Hapgood's work... should have entirely turned the story of the history of human civilization onto its head."
"Joy boy's dangerous ideas about freedom and equality had to be completely erased from the pages of history in order to preserve the world government's very existence."
"White people stole witchcraft from African beliefs."
"Rewrite history and you will have written us out of the book completely."
"Symbols tell me why you even put up Robert E. Lee schools in the '40s and '50s... it's rooted in the heritage of bigotry and racism."
"This is essentially erasing the accomplishments and crimes of other cultures of which every human every culture every tribe in this world has done something that is considered wrong by today's standards."
"If the fascist is allowed to erase history, to erase culture and ideology - and replace it with its own - then it has the dangerous possibility of changing very real, and sometimes even good people, into monsters."
"What did white folk do before it was even that serious? They showed up to capitals with ak-47s, ak-15s and whatnot military-grade weapons talking about bondage and slavery."
"They never freed the slaves, they realized they don't need the chains."
"The pro-genocide section is being padded with a bunch of fluff."
"Events and details can in fact be revised by centuries."
"These mysterious peoples of a bygone Italy are more than a stepping stone of Roman history."
"These narratives take the place of historical accuracy and they replace them with emotion."
"The Vatican edited the Bible beyond recognition."
"The city's ruins will forever bear the scars of ignorance and racism, but her true African origins and the greatness of her people can never again be denied."
"We need to rewrite the history of India, including its history outside the geographical boundary of India as we know it today."
"The Amazon long thought to be a pristine Wilderness before Europeans arrived was home to Advanced societies."
"You gotta learn how to write from your own perspective. You gotta gain power so that you can rewrite history."
"The greatest cover-up in history is the cover-up of history."
"The more nostalgia, but on the contrary, the more nostalgia for the Soviet era, the more secure Putin and his kind of ex-KGB clique is likely to be."
"Literally our history, as far as I'm concerned, is a giant deception in our world."
"Stand up to the paper genocide of American Indians and the racist US census from the 1700s 1800s and 1900s that labeled Indians as black mulatto or African American..."
"We're writing a new story right now because the evidence no longer supports the story of the past."
"Thanks to the discovery of Gobekli Tepe the idea that the Sphinx is older than we thought is starting to be thought about more often."
"These kinds of stories are red meat for alternative history proponents because they like to believe that good science very often can't move forward because of interference by the powers that be who don't want history to be changed."
"Neanderthals were not the dumb, bumbling cavemen you were taught in school."
"What did the Christian translators do?... Change every verb from the future tense..."
"The deletion of history allows people to push the propaganda of lies."
"Tearing down these things, we may inadvertently bring a much worse calamity upon our head that we couldn't even foresee in our ignorance."
"Your ancestors left the stones for you right right now we could leave right here and I could take you to Prospect Park and show you the pyramid that's in the park, but the white man calls it a hill and you believe it."
"Mao was a mass murderer and people respect him and that's it, that's wrong."
"The history of our world is nothing like you've been taught."
"These paintings revealed by Russia prove that Jesus was not white but black he his mother and the people around him were all black that's a groundbreaking Revelation."
"Russia stands alone in preserving religious artworks where Jesus and his people are depicted as black while the rest of Europe whitewashed such artworks."
"All that they told us about not destroying history is bs... designed to topple every single thing that we have known to be America."
"Richard Nixon has gotten somewhat of a raw deal."
"The narrative that we're taught in schools that people in ancient days thousands of years ago were primitive... It's going to blow y'all away, I'm telling you."
"The first president of the United States was John Hansen... There were 14 presidents before George Washington."
"They're tearing down the statues and they're trying to hide our history and get dumb stuff like this like this is some kind of a win."
"The Lost Cause myth and Confederate nostalgia need to be relegated to the dustbin of history."
"I believe if this evidence comes to light, the revisionist school will crumble."
"Ancient ancestors were indeed far more technologically superior than we gave them credit for."
"The Dark Ages may not have been so dark after all."
"If we revise history based on how you personally feel, now you getting in the way of the story and what makes you bigger than our story when you not even playing?"
"I do believe the South will rise again, but this time it'll be on our terms."
"Revolutionary conclusion: the ancient Egyptian pyramids are significantly older than experts realize."
"This is very much like those who say the Civil War was not about slavery."
"These mysterious discoveries suggest that our ancient ancestors were more advanced than we originally thought."
"Goebbels elevates Hitler into a god-like figure, into a divine presence."
"The Native American histories are casting new light on old narratives."
"History can be rewritten by not writing about it, erasing cultural memory within generations."
"Hindutva ideologues base many of their modern claims on a history that is imagined and outlandish to a startling degree."
"One Nazi in particular was gripped by the power of the rings. Himmler sees rings as potent symbols of his sinister super soldiers."
"It's not about being great at the game, it's about rewriting history."
"Beyoncé is a musicologist...she becomes the Catalyst for revisionist historical conversations."
"If you rewrite the past, then it's going to give you a far worse understanding of the future."
"They want to rewrite the past. They want to take, you know, if you control the past, you control the future. That's all it is, it's a cultural revolution."
"Maybe the Stone Age wasn't 195,000 years long, considering the scarcity of stone age graves."
"Many Americans wrote that Japan was ready to surrender and there was no need to drop the bombs."
"Lost Cause histories were literally referred to as catechisms."
"If things keep going the way they're going the Lost Cause is doomed."
"The history of civilization preceding the Greeks and the Romans had been entirely rewritten."
"The greatest cover-up of human history: revealing the truth of his name."
"Arnold didn't give the world monotheism; what he did was to correct the corrupt Egyptian priesthood of that day."
"The further you go back in American history, the more you see the dismantling of anything to do with God out of the schools."
"Islam saved Jewry there in that part of the world."
"The Spanish annihilation: Erasing indigenous cultures, rewriting history."
"Now that Junipero Serra has been canonized by Pope Francis and in light of the violence and half-truths attempting to destroy his legacy, it is time to set the record straight about this holy missionary priest and all that he accomplished."
"Your entire life can [__] change like mine has."
"The white Jesus was Columbus's greatest weapon."
"Hitler was by no means a nationalist... he was a homicidal maniac."
"The people in that land calling themselves Israel, are really Gentiles."
"There absolutely and conclusively was no out of africa in the sense of sub-saharan african people leaving africa and magically mutating into asians and then caucasians."
"Extremely rare artifacts that change our idea of History."
"It's about reimagining history, reinventing it, and then erasing the previous history."
"It's a fascinating and dramatic story that’s essentially been covered up by the continued use of the old symbols."
"Operation Anchorage... heavily propagandized both the Americans making them look braver and more powerful than they were, and the Chinese showing them as comically stereotyped or more stupid and inept than they actually were."
"The Roman Empire did not fall in 476. It continued, if not as a political entity, as a sociocultural and most especially, economic entity."
"Lee is often romanticized in the aftermath of his death as part of the 'Lost Cause' narrative, the belief that the South fought for a righteous cause."
"The Dawn of Everything really is a bomb full of gems, a bomb that blows up the evolutionary myths of the past that we have been fed and all reproduced."
"These systemic failures are kind of erased when we mythologize people and say like they were so great and they fought so much and they did so many amazing things."
"How the evils of historical revisionism pushed Baldwin over the edge."
"Modern historians changing their minds about the big picture."
"Why would they praise this guy and make a movie about them in history if if he they said he part of their American history why is he why is it criminal a part of their history if they ain't criminals?"
"This could rewrite history in a profound way."
"The chronicler often fixed embarrassing stories, changing them so that embarrassing things don't happen again, probably with the idea of replacing those texts."
"Despite efforts to whitewash ancient Egyptian history, there are unquestionably notable pharaohs who are recognized as black."
"History is fluid and we are constantly reformulating history on the basis of new information that comes to us."
"It's dangerous when people intentionally go back and rewrite history or makeup things in order to fit whatever narrative they're trying to push."
"Europe has conveniently packaged the past into a kind of amnesia space where they can conveniently forget because they have benefited from the largest of our unremunerated labor speaking ancestrally."
"History can be deliberately wiped away for political purposes."
"I see three waves of revisionism after World War I after World War II and then again after the Cold War in each case where America is blamed for having encircled a foreign power and its allies."
"We have to continue to make sure that our own academic departments and disciplines are not responsible for doing the revisionist work that colonizers and Masters have done in the past."
"White guys invented aids, nobody talks about black conspiracy theories."
"In the late 19th century, the story of Joan of Arc was rewritten, embellishing it considerably with the miraculous meeting at Chinon and an army raised by the shepherds that converged on Orléans."
"The North won the war on the battlefield, but it ceded the victory to the South in important ways."
"That's rewriting history, they're trying to erase meat eaters."
"Revising history only to lose the lessons we should learn from it."
"Camden's annals were deliberately rewritten to present a version of Elizabeth's reign that was more favorable to her successor."