
Mistake Acknowledgment Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"There's nothing wrong with being wrong and correcting, as long as you acknowledge your mistake and correct yourself."
"I've made a huge mistake. I don't expect to be forgiven; I'm just here to apologize."
"I am deeply remorseful and I'm trying to be remorseful without being ashamed of myself. I'm human and I made a mistake."
"We're going to approach this number one acknowledging our mistake."
"Just because you spent a long time making a mistake doesn't mean you need to continue making it."
"You are the one who made the mistake, a mistake based on something that should be common sense."
"I have made a mistake. I accept responsibility. I resign."
"They get it wrong too right and confident wrong and they won't even acknowledge the mistakes they just move on to the next thing"
"I made a mistake here, I thought I was doing the right thing by listening to the professional rather than listening to my own instinct."
"I think this one was a mistake and let's keep this going as I've got some more."
"Never did I think it could happen, halfway through a decision, you're like, holy [ __ ] this is going the wrong way."
"He recognized that it was a mistake. It was not just the White House meeting that was dependent on the investigations, it was now everything."
"I like people who are not afraid to say we made a mistake."
"I appreciate what you guys are doing. You got me. I made a mistake. I had no intention of following through."
"It disarms people as well like when you've made a mistake and it's clear for the majority to see."
"You make a mistake, you come forward with that and you let people know, 'I acknowledge what I did and I acknowledge the fact that I lied as well, let me make this right.'"
"On an ideal team, everyone recognizes their mistakes."
"Hopefully talking to you about these wrong decisions that I made and why I made them helps you from making those same wrong decisions in the future."
"That was a mistake, I should not have done that."
"If you don't prepare you mess up then sometimes actually you know here's what I will say actually if you can admit that you're wrong about something."
"Oopsie poopsies, it happens to the best of us."
"It was tone-deaf, it was wrong, and for that I'm truly sorry."
"I mean at the end of the day they deserve a black eye and they got one they made a mistake yes it was a mistake so do I want to hold their head underwater and drown them because they made a mistake no."
"I think it's important to take ownership of that situation and say, listen, we effed up."
"Epic is now realizing their fault and starting to make some amends."
"My biggest mistake was not understanding what I was looking at and not understanding the large impact that this could have on the world..."
"This thing of maybe trying to find more angles, look at different ways almost to try and prove your point why it wasn't a penalty, it's a huge mistake."
"Can we acknowledge that it's a mistake? Yes, we can acknowledge that it's a mistake."
"Ever done something totally stupid that cost you some money that you really could have done without losing? Yeah, thought so."
"If you want to be successful, yeah, the sooner you can realize you've made a mistake and cut your losses, the better you will be in life, bro."
"The swamp has just made its biggest mistake."
"You've made massive mistakes. I've made massive mistakes. That's what happens when you can own up to your own mistakes."
"For the life of me, anytime that I [mess] up was because of me."
"Once that mood shift starts, it's very, very hard to reverse."
"I understand we made a grave mistake. I messed up massively when I overlooked notifying my editor that this should have been censored or blurred myself in the YouTube Studio." - Shampoo
"Just to admit that to themselves that they actually may have made a mistake."
"Thank you so much for understanding. I'm taking full responsibility for my dropping of the ball."
"Everyone makes mistakes. I've owned up to those mistakes in the past, clarified my position, and learned from discussions."
"I deleted the tweet, yeah that was a mistake."
"I thought I was wrong one time, but I was wrong."
"You can't throw these cops out. You can't tell them to go [expletive] themselves because they made a mistake."
"Referees are only human and are guilty of some alarming mistakes, but I would say that everyone is basically honest and tries to be fair all round."
"Nobody likes to hear that they've made a mistake, but you feel good about it when you just accept it and you make the change and you move on."
"I take full responsibility for my mistakes tonight."
"I make a lot of mistakes and I don't mind sharing that I make mistakes because anyone doing this could make the mistakes."
"It's okay to come out and say 'My bad' and delete that [__] and not double triple down on it."
"I'm sorry. I realize what I've done, and I know it was a mistake."
"When the piglet's right, you know you're messing up."
"We just make mistakes as humans, you know."