
Religious Experience Quotes

There are 646 quotes

"Psychedelics are the most effective method for reaching God realization."
"The act of watching 'Stalker' is more of a religious experience in itself."
"Every time I read the Quran with contemplation and reflection, it's like I'm reading it for the first time."
"I got gripped by God the other day with the mystery of New Testament forgiveness."
"Religion is realization; it is not a matter of belief."
"I'd rather have the experience than the doctrine, but praise God, you can have both."
"God will find you... and I remember just talking to Him and Him listening."
"Religion is realization, not just giving your assent to a set of doctrines."
"These are not to be understood simply in terms of doctrine, but in terms of God's ongoing encounter with human beings."
"Imagine you're standing where Ibrahim (AS) stood, where Muhammad (SAW) stood...it's something amazing."
"I want to... deliver you from this spirit called religion to open you up to the reality of the Christian experience that is brutal and rewarding."
"In a moment of honestly wanting to take my life, I screamed out to God in my Manhattan bedroom... And the peace of God filled my room."
"All glory be to God. We saw people get delivered, healed, set free."
"When I saw the nativity scene, I felt like Mary. Alone, hungry, desperate, and then I saw the light from the manger. It was like God was giving me a sign to help my daughter."
"God is a Spirit, who you can't see or touch. But the Spirit of God is part of our lives, and can be heard by those who listen."
"I saw God... I just knew in my being it was God... But Jesus was -- I knew it was Jesus. He was the right hand side of God."
"The Apostle John was exiled to the island of Patmos, and there he had an amazing vision. Jesus, the Son of man, came to him and allowed him to spiritually see things no human has ever seen before."
"As soon as I sat down, the Holy Spirit flooded my body, mind, and soul."
"God revealed himself to me. Heaven is real, hell is real, the Bible is true. Welcome to my kingdom."
"Mother Teresa dealt with her Dark Night of the Soul by converting her feelings of Abandonment by God into an act of Abandonment to God."
"Give the Latin Mass a fair chance. Go every Sunday for three months before deciding. It takes time to fully appreciate it."
"Thank you to the worship team for taking us into the presence of God."
"I'm so grateful that we all had a chance to be in this story today in the victory that God has for you and me it starts with and ends with the finished work of Christ made available to us by the filling power of the Holy Spirit."
"The closer you get to Jesus, the more you feel 'Daddy'; the further you get from Jesus, you're just left with 'God.'"
"It's time to break through the cycle and experience the power of God."
"If I can just get with Jesus I can find my light."
"I am saved, saved, saved, saved, healed, delivered, set free, born again, saved in Jesus, saved in Jesus, saved in Jesus precious name."
"The peace of God that passes understanding is right here and now... we can never be closer to God than right here and now."
"It releases a supernatural force of God to bless people."
"Accepting Christ's undying love and limitless grace, I desire Jesus to cleanse my heart from any known sin."
"This is better than the whole prophesying thing."
"To me, this is the greatest adventure anybody could have: to know God. Are you kidding me?"
"The Father's presence feels like a holy hush."
"Live in this world for a week, surrender your heart and your mind to the word of Allah."
"The key to experiencing the baptism with the Holy Spirit is surrender."
"The things that we were told would happen if we left the Amish, didn't happen. God is faithful."
"You're not alone if you've ever felt intimidated for your faith or maybe you've tried to share about your faith in God as a creator and gotten some pushback or some snide comments or persecution outright."
"I love to read about revival moments... some of the most incredible things I've ever read about have to do with the glory of God being seen upon an individual or a group of people."
"The biggest convincing factor that I have is that I cried out to Jesus at my lowest point."
"I want to experience the greater depths of God, I want to experience the fullness of what the Holy Spirit is offering to me."
"God is opening a portal from heaven that's gonna release rivers of healing."
"How many Jews can claim that it was the Shroud of Turin that brought them back to their faith in God?"
"I see Jesus on a glory Throne clouds around him Seated on a throne as the King of Kings and the Lord of lords this was the most profound experience."
"The birth of Christ in you: when you experience this Unity, nothing, no plots, no games, no lies—it's not going to bother you because you'll feel it through your heart, what is true and what is not true."
"It just felt like God was breathing on something and it was amazing seeing tens of thousands of young people come together."
"It's time for a faith detox. It's time, because Jesus is getting ready to return, it's absolutely time for a 30-day adventure in the supernatural of God to be normal, normal as defined by the Bible."
"I want to be fully surrendered to the Holy Spirit."
"Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit is like that. When there is a touch, there's a reaction."
"Thank you, Holy Spirit, for abiding in me. Thank you for filling me with the Holy Spirit."
"This worship is going to be the springboard that is going to cause miracles signs and wonders to take place..."
"The revelation in the word literally dropped me to my knees."
"God is going to pour out his anointing on you."
"I'm going to pray in tongues until the shift comes."
"There is a realm of Revelation that opens up through extended times of praying in tongues."
"Christianity is boring if you don't have the Holy Spirit."
"He wants us to experience the fullness of his goodness and of his love."
"For Catholics, we go and we touch and taste and eat and taste and see the body and blood of Christ."
"One night with the King can change everything."
"This is not just a tidal wave, this is a rolling of my glory, a tsunami of miracles."
"Earth Wind and Fire from heaven, he wants to give you a new song to sing."
"When the presence of God comes in, all of your religious debates and theology goes out the window. Plain and simple."
"This love of God, how do you think it got so strong in you?"
"Faith begins with bewilderment, astonishment, gratitude, humility, and reverence."
"My focus is Jesus. Additionally, I am NOT interested in propagating pure emotionalism. Certainly, God's power does touch our emotions, but seeking an emotional experience for the sake of an emotional experience itself is not spiritually healthy."
"What you know about God determines the depth, dimension, and level of encounter you operate with."
"I knew what that man had in his hands was God. I didn't know lingo, I didn't know blessed sacrament, holy communion, none of that."
"Let me tell you something, with the Holy Spirit upon you, what happens is, you will do things that other people won't do. You will say things that other people won't say."
"The baptism of the Spirit is not rain from heaven. It's a flood from within."
"It's not the word of the Lord I'm looking for it's the time spent with him that I need."
"The Quran reads you, so you would find yourself in the Quran."
"I get so much more sensitive to the Holy Spirit."
"When it comes to opening the Sistine Chapel every day, he's filled with the same awe that he felt the very first time."
"That was the first time Islam entered my heart and took over it."
"Miraj was the greatest personal miracle to the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam."
"Let each person be marked by the presence of the spirit of God in a way that's new, a way that's deeper and more profound."
"Thank you, Holy Spirit, Lord, thank you for what you're doing in every person's heart, every person's life, in Jesus' name."
"I prayed and God changed my life entered into into my life and I have a real relationship with God now."
"99.99% of the time somebody thinks that Jesus is talking to them, they're not well."
"After they received the Holy Spirit and after they got saved they instinctively developed family."
"Religious belief induces the same endorphins as taking addictive drugs."
"As we worship, the presence comes, and we are transformed into his image."
"In this very moment, God exists in glory and Majesty, calling you into his own blessed life."
"I felt like it was true, like I felt the truth behind Jesus."
"It's the difference between searching and being found."
"The Holy Spirit's chief desire is for a relationship with you."
"That was the first time I've ever looked at Jesus as the answer."
"There has to come a time when faith comes to a climax and produces."
"We only receive abundant life every day when we choose to walk in the Spirit."
"So when we give a voice to these woke politics, we're saying, well, the current way of business that you're beholden to your shareholders just doesn't work, so forget it. Don't do what Twitter wants."
"God is going to pour out his spirit in a great way in these last days."
"If you have the baptism of the Holy Ghost, if Jesus is alive inside of you, you are literally wonderful."
"Jesus experienced one of his most lonely moments."
"To be truly religious, what you need to do is to experience all the different religions."
"I had this vision of Jesus Christ which led to her conversion to Christianity."
"I number myself among the healed. Hallelujah, amen, amen."
"I thought this film was well-shot, well-acted, fantastic music, very sort of atmospheric."
"They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke of the marvels of God. Alleluia."
"The grace of conversion for us as Catholics is not just giving your life to Jesus. It is allowing Him to give His life to you, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity."
"Every bit of torment walked out. Jesus walked into that room, and that weight lifted."
"For us, the greatest pleasure and the greatest vision on that day of judgment is to see God Almighty with your own eyes."
"A boldness would rise up...a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit."
"Thank God, I feel his sacred tears upon my face and his sobs strike against my heart."
"Praying in tongues is like a gateway into other spiritual manifestations of the Holy Spirit."
"The companions reminisced and thought about listening to his recitation in Paradise that it is Jannah like paradise-like to listen to this man recite the Quran."
"I've accepted Christ into my life. There you go."
"As his eyes opened, he saw the fruits of Jannah. He was in a place that we don't know yet. May Allah grant us paradise."
"I see people around me who are claiming that God speaks to them but most of them don't claim to be hearing an audible voice."
"Religion is being swept off your feet. It's falling in love the way a husband and wife fall in love with each other."
"I'm doing you a service, okay ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I believe that I, August the Doug, have found God."
"I feel that old-fashioned anointing of the Holy Spirit in this place."
"There is a facilitation of the Holy Ghost that comes as we worship him."
"Why don't we get to go to Aladdin and think we can fly? Why can't I come to church and feel like Jesus will help me walk on water?"
"Even revive people need to be revived again."
"Our Lord came to him. He'll come to you. He came to where he was."
"Experience God's love for yourself personally and become a part of this family of believers."
"It starts with the Holy Spirit, a generous outpouring of the Spirit."
"Everything that I have seen so far in Jannah there is nothing that I have seen that delighted my heart and delighted my eyes more than you."
"Hearing from God is not a once in a lifetime experience, there is a proceeding word from the Lord."
"God began showing me dreams about future events, apocalyptic dreams, prophetic dreams about things that were going to happen with the Rapture."
"I felt God for the first time in my life there was a Holy Spirit and it brought me to my knees crying."
"We're going to be in the presence of God and it's going to be so amazing."
"In the month of February, you will be experiencing everlasting kindness and his mercy."
"A lot of people are wondering why people are straying from the church. It's because of all the people doing religion wrong are pushing people away from the church."
"God changes your whole life, the biggest spiritual experience."
"This Ramadan's been absolutely incredible. Alhamdulillah, really, really, really have enjoyed this one. It's been a good reminder, good Iman booster."
"When I asked God to show me truth, he showed me Jesus crucified."
"I was an agnostic, so I was the Saul before he became Paul."
"His presence was ever present throughout all of Evan, it rested in everything."
"Once you get revived by Jesus, you can't stop talking about Jesus."
"Mental prayer for me personally has opened my heart, opened my soul to graces that I would have never even conceived of."
"God has given anybody the ability to experience His Holy Spirit."
"Patrons' support sustains content creation journey."
"God is so wonderful and I didn't have a Bible, but I was supposed to, I was invited to go to a Bible study by my business friends, so I had to go to something called a Christian bookstore and get a Bible."
"Jesus suffered the withdrawal of the father's Fellowship."
"When you visit the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, you can have a strong feeling that this might be the actual site of Jesus' crucifixion."
"The love of God changes people overnight, it's so powerful."
"Ecstatic mystical experiences again and again appear as perhaps the fundamental datum of religion, spirituality, and religious philosophy for millions indeed billions of people around the world."
"I am convinced that Jesus really changed my life."
"The presence of God filled the temple to the point that the priests were not even able to minister."
"Repentance is going to be the greatest thing that you'll ever do in your life, accepting Jesus into your heart."
"Every time I hear that Mighty rushing wind it brings me back to the day the Lord Jesus Christ baptized me."
"We're about to experience one of the greatest moves of God's spirit in the history of the world."
"As soon as you meet the father all of the sudden you actually get to learn from the truest Source you get to meet you get to learn from God himself."
"Worship is our opportunity to open up our hearts and say, 'God, I want you to see me, I want you to show me.'"
"There are some moments in our life where Jesus literally shows up as friend."
"Why did you come to Christ in the first place?"
"I believe that if you don't even know that a day in your life where you were born again, there's a good chance that you've never been born again."
"He wants to have a Transfiguration inside of you."
"The Quran was like poetry to me. When I read it, it was like connection."
"A system notification alerts wildfire that he has become the Lord of sargo City."
"He shows up in the most powerful way when we come together."
"When we come together and worship God in spirit and in truth, He's able to do the impossible."
"It's about tasting and seeing that He is good."
"When Jesus Christ appeared to me and He said, 'Go bring my people back to me.'"
"If you got saved too, please leave in the comments, I'd love to hear it. God bless you, bye-bye."
"You can have the greatest hope and courage and joy and thrill that you've ever known if you just let Christ come in."
"Saul witnessed the violence of religious extremism in comparison to the love of the Holy Spirit."
"Confessing my sins felt like it was going to be the end of the world, that I was going to be judged and looked down on, and it was none of that."
"The glory of God is so strong in this studio right now."
"I never get tired of being amazed by the Lord."
"The first one that really hit me hard and made me realize that this was bigger than I'm capable of, bigger than I would have expected, that this is something that God seems to be doing."
"Truth of God follows, it's a beautiful feeling."
"It's this insatiable hunger for Him that you want to know more, experience more."
"I sensed God telling me I need to do something, and it leads to something that's actually dangerous or law-breaking or even sinful."
"The fire of God will fall tonight, and when God sent the fire, it was cloven tongues of fire."
"People all over the world are gonna start hearing stories about visitations."
"Jesus was my Savior, but it really became in 1998 that he became my master."
"It's like that's what I needed was Jesus. He was all that I needed."
"The word of God is the Prophet Daniel once encountered the angel of God while he was so weak to stand."
"Thirteen people accepted Jesus Christ as their savior today."
"The Lord used these people to redirect me back to Him."
"I'm with the tax collectors and sinners, high on Jesus."
"I think it's a grace to realize that we miss the mass."
"Prepare for that. Your friends you have now are probably not gonna be the same friends you have 10 years down the road."
"I've not experienced the power of God like this with no one touching them."
"Your souls will be infused with the glory of God and with the light of everlasting life. You will be filled with incomprehensible joy."
"And so, I obeyed The Holy Spirit and we moved, and God began to do His work within us."
"God spoke to me... I said, 'God, what is happening? Why are so many people grabbing a hold of this?' And He said, 'I'm giving you Goliath's sword.'"
"It is the blood of entrance... having therefore boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Christ."
"There is joy and peace in the midst of persecution."
"The presence of God is increasing with intensity."
"Man the best place in the world to be is a saved by God's grace Christian."
"It's in the person of the Holy Spirit that he comes in to us."
"I am filled with the Holy Spirit, a partaker of his divine nature."
"The Sabbath is intensely personal; it invites us to a deep, abiding, lasting relationship with Christ and one another in worship."
"It was the hardest decision that I'd ever had to make giving my life to Christ."
"You have the Holy Spirit in fullness, not a portion or less powerful version."
"The Holy Spirit communicates with us, revealing spiritual truths using spiritual words."
"Take communion at the Garden tomb and float upon the waters of the Dead Sea."
"The act of extravagant devotion... accumulates momentum and force in itself."
"I feel like what the Lord is doing at this moment there's been in the last 12 months has been dramatic release an increase in the earth of of the glory of God."
"But then there's this other side of faith and and you get to see the hearing act side of pastor stephen but there's this other side of faith and we all experience it but we don't know that it's normal."
"Many have known me as a weeping prophet. When the glory of God comes upon me, many instances I cannot control what happens."
"During a Good Friday mass, in a certain moment, you can see a statue moving by itself."
"My grace is rushing like a stream. Just let it rush over you, let it consume you."
"God is doing something, a revival happening right now."
"We have reports of joy unspeakable. It's indescribable, inconceivable, the joy that people are finding in the name of Jesus Christ."
"I make you my savior. I'm forgiven. It's a new start. And now I make you my Lord. I want an experience with you that the world can never take away in Jesus name. Amen."
"Let us be a cool church with LED screens and good music, but God don't let us forsake the anointing of God."