
Reward Systems Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"Awarding inspiration for unblocking a jam...I think it's perfectly legitimate to tell a player, 'Hey, that's a cool idea, here's inspiration.'"
"It's not about giving a system reward; it's about understanding what the player will actually enjoy."
"A meaningful progression system that rewards both the casual and die-hard community of a game is something that I feel is just incredibly important in any kind of video game."
"Instead of rewarding yourself with food, amplify the brain's natural reward process with self-care actions."
"If you reward something, you get more of the behavior you want."
"Meaningless collectibles and shallow rewards have incentivized the deeper task of going to get them."
"The rewards loop is not one that is really terribly satisfying or rewarding to a ton of people."
"There is no reward... except for the social incentives."
"Let's bring back justice points. They would allow for upgrades to mythic plus gear without wasting a seasonally capped currency."
"Reward yourself for finishing something on time and that gives you a further incentive to go and get it done."
"A reward structure that should respect time investment while also keeping players on their toes about what the next reward could be."
"Stay updated on timed events for additional rewards."
"I haven't played a game that rewards your curiosity like this since 'Elden Ring.'"
"So to me the solution is actually really simple... make the DZ a place that actually rewards you for PvP."
"There's a focus on exploration and often rewarding that exploration."
"Cancel participation trophies. Seriously, that's a big reason, that's part of it."
"They reward you for understanding how this world works."
"The grind for these wasn't so repetitive but the reward does make it worth your time."
"The rewards for reaching a late-game DPS build is so high that like that's what the game has been geared towards."
"But while the intent is for people to fight over the reward, in practice people end up just partying up."
"It's worth points. Games often reward us for abusing bad tactics that miraculously work."
"The reward systems are different in the same sport for different participants."
"The reward-based system in Silicon Valley is so magical when it works."
"It's like a very rewarding game to play as well I think you because of the tech and then everything that comes along with it."
"Throw on a mask, eat some candy, and earn some rewards while you're extracting whatever loot you can from the headless ones."
"The closer I'm getting to my goal, that over time will become a rewarding state such that one will pursue states of reason."
"One of the most important aspects of game design is the reward system."
"The more achievements people have, the more AP, the more XP gain, and that's just like exponentially better almost."
"We've always talked about reward. We always talked about value system and water system and penalty system. What Nike did is they added to the reward system."
"I think hard work is something that we should reward."
"I'm a big believer in hard work should get rewarded, and I love meritocracies."
"You can't take no risk and expect all of the reward."
"The more we promote dysfunction, the more we get rewarded."
"Every job should have a much higher cap on how good you are at that thing, we should reward competence a lot more than we do right now."
"Credit card companies reward you with free cash free rewards free trips if you know how to spend your money the right way."
"Conviction does a good job rewarding the player for whatever approach they take to situations."
"The idea of potentially doing an entire match and not getting any kind of reward for experiences is strange."
"It's been a long time since I've had anything really good in packs."
"But anyway, what's a celebration without presence? Let's break down the rules and rewards."
"What is the point of being a law-abiding citizen in a country that only rewards criminality?"
"Excellence wasn't rewarded. What was rewarded was loyalty."
"The best possible outcome is to have a tier 6 and a tier 4 mod at the same time."
"Just by playing through the game normally, completing some of these objectives and earning these rewards for your character, you'll also be progressing your battle pass more quickly."
"If you want to create a habit, far better to reward the behavior with an uncertain and variable reward rather than a fixed reward."
"The gameplay and rewards and difficulty are enough where it triggers the part of my brain that just enjoys what goes into playing MMOs."
"OverWatch 2 now utilizes a battle pass system rewarding players with new skins characters and other Cosmetics through consistent Play Time rather than the old randomized loot boxes from before."
"Better rewards and replay value for strikes, adventures, and lost sectors."
"The girls who do their best deserve a reward."
"The number of key rewards or power progression rewards specifically locked behind a huge rep grind are significantly lower."
"Get the wall street bets guys to just elect representatives... we'll try and come to a compromise."
"Primes are really the main reason we play warframe in a sense they're the real carrot on the stick."
"You fail, you get rewarded. You commit crimes, you get rewarded."
"Congratulations Soldier, your battle pass upgraded."
"Meta event rush: no more daily cap on all world meta event completion rewards."
"Dailies, weeklies, and monthlies... tiered rewards."
"This should give Vamana a reward for being aggressive but also allow the counterplay."
"Songs that are authentic and actually appeal to listeners are more rewarded than ever."
"The rewards of Marvel Future Fight are much less than the difficulty."
"Anytime I'm getting a free character, that's some dopamine right there."
"As bad as the Galactus GBR rewards are, people still play Galactus because it's fun."
"The reward structures of the game are finally in a reasonable place."
"The game rewards you not by abusing busted bs but by playing the real game what a beautiful place to be."
"They need these rewards to catch up, that's the thing."
"Returning players are getting so much for doing nothing whereas we are grinding day in and day out."
"It's about showing you how the game works, giving you a little dopamine hits of leveling up."
"That to me is the kind of reward that you give, and also a lot of it is just setting up, you know, I'm a sucker for an interesting monster."
"Magic items are a part of the reward structure... they're part of the magic of the place... something I often forget... they're reflective of an in-game material culture."
"Unlocks are dead-simple systems. Do thing, get thing. Easy."
"You're being rewarded for everything that you do."
"Your reward is the best team attack in the game: Greatest Five."
"If you do the right thing, people will reward you."
"Reward exploration with more things to explore and discover."
"Rewarding you with a gem for breaking all the boxes makes no sense literally but perfect sense mechanically."
"Games are designed to kind of feed into your reward complex in your brain, right?"
"When you see the corruption being rewarded and honestly becoming a self-sacrifice, you may know that your society is doomed."
"I would be more angry about getting 35 anima power than getting zero."
"You should be playing the game because the game is good to play, and then you just happen to get these rewards because you're playing the game."
"Placing rewards for completing challenges enhances the gameplay experience."
"Verbal praise is basically at the same level as tangible rewards for a child."
"Why spend that extra time playing Destiny 2 getting that God roll if the content you're getting that God roll for doesn't even matter?"
"Nature installed both reward mechanisms, one that gets us out of the cave and pursuing things, and our reward system that makes us content with what we have."
"I mean, I got four gold medals and got nothing out of it. I think the last game should count, even if I was in the lead. I think it should count, it makes it more intense."
"The game has tons of events and free rewards... I've been able to get a ton of value in rewards simply by logging in."
"Way of the Sharpshooter will feel more active and rewarding for players who can fulfill the role of sharpshooter."
"Let's get into it, so y'all know that the more stars you get, the more chance you have of winning."
"The thing that makes me feel the most despair is just seeing people get rewarded over and over and over again for their bad behavior."
"For the game to be more balanced and more fun, the killer would need to be rewarded for hooking survivors."
"An incentive is when your team is doing well."
"Everyone's just here to see pop-ups tell us we just got 5xp or see meters get bigger."
"Late for instance what if I told you that everybody will have the ability to earn a free skin from simply enabling two-factor authentication."
"Basically, in a transactional universe, if you solve a problem for someone and it's a small problem, you get small rewards, but if you solve big problems, you get big rewards."
"If you reward or punish a behavior, it will exist."
"The faster you can get a positive reward, that's a really powerful thing."
"The harder the difficulty, the better the rewards."
"It felt good to be excited about getting loot again."
"Wherever there's haters, there's a thousand more supporters."
"Do side quests; oftentimes they give you items or demons that are essential later on."
"You're getting rewarded for being defensive because as you block more attacks, the Shield will power up."
"Each resource collected was granting me a little bit of experience and the little Gremlin in my brain that loves grindy games for some reason began licking its lips."
"Let them know how much you appreciate their involvement and even reward those who are helping with the mission."
"You cannot increase the limit and increase the difficulty for players and not increase the rewards. That just does not compute."
"If you're working with people that you really like being around and you're all in it together right when we do well I give out bonuses."
"Blizzard teaches players: 'Why bother earning stuff when you can do virtually nothing and get beautiful rewards?'"
"Fun in video games is subjective and comes from garnering reward in a novel way."
"It might feel like you have to keep on giving, giving, giving, giving, and there is no reward. It's like a bottomless pit."
"You basically are getting free stuff just for doing the spending that you have to be doing already."
"Armor sets will be acknowledged in the collections and most will reward a triumph when completed."
"They should make it so the chests get gradually better, from 5 keys to 500 keys."
"It completely devalues this in-game reward system that keeps you coming back for more."
"It's just about commitment, that's it. You put in the work, you'll reap the rewards."
"You were no longer being rewarded for your behavior, so you eventually broke the association."
"Reward model training: mapping text sequences to scalar reward values."
"Our goal is for people to feel rewarded in a variety of ways."
"Every wealthy person that I know starts earlier in the day and then they go to sleep at night. Reward yourself and don't reward yourself at the front end, it's back-loaded."
"It doesn't make sense that playing the game the way it's designed with content bosses missions and stuff it's not as rewarding as the farming and loot caving."
"This is one of the most rewarding loot experiences I have played in the video game. Bravo."
"The dogs do get little flower lays around their necks when they finish. Oh, look at those good pups."
"Performance depends on the dog's perception of intrinsic reward."
"Mischel's hypothesis is that there are two systems of processing rewards: hot and cool."
"Behavioral science tells us that you'd especially like it if we accompanied that victory with a lot of flashing lights and celebratory music."
"Intelligence is about discovering the knowledge and the knowledge is the reward function."
"Advanced AI systems need to permit humans to change their reward signal."
"This is powerful stuff; it goes beyond budgets and simple reward systems."