
Player Engagement Quotes

There are 2202 quotes

"Allowing players to spend their inspiration to impose disadvantage on an enemy's attack roll, saving throw, or ability check...could be very dramatic."
"Great strides were taken to improve upon the core mechanics in subsequent outings, which Avalanche realized rested squarely on the back of the havoc players could unleash."
"It’s a great fit, where you place divine power literally at your fingertips for even deeper immersion."
"Every combat encounter is dangerous but also slow enough that it allows for mistakes to be made especially early in the game and, most importantly, it has to be fun."
"On the day of its release, it had 4.5 million unique players, making it the most successful Xbox Game Studios launch of all time."
"Something a little bit different that keeps that core feeling of collecting, evolving, and making friends with these creatures."
"My dream this year for Warframe would be that the people that play this game and genuinely have fun continue to do so in ways that we can surprise and delight them with."
"I think what separates games from other medium is because when you play a game, it's almost like a life experience that you had."
"When it's done very well, the player feels very engaged, they're paying attention, they think about what they want to do, they feel satisfaction and the sting of making sacrifices along the way."
"This game clearly has a target market: people who want to play an RPG that's actually an RPG that's not stupid, that's not dumb, that takes a little bit of thought, preparation, and experimentation."
"I love when Bungie dedicates this much to a quest, I think it makes the game feel more alive than just buying exotics from a kiosk."
"Live service games win based off of making you play the game longer, and games like Dark Souls or Monster Hunter win by making you love the game longer."
"We want this game to be something that you can play forever."
"These are important enough that you could simply mainline the whole massively linear main quest line and not have to worry about engaging with side content."
"Trials of Osiris launches, millions of players are assembling their fire teams and jumping into Destiny's most iconic PVP mode of all time with hopes of going Flawless."
"We want your feedback; everything we do across classic continues to be a journey that is co-written by you, the players."
"The details are where your player falls in love with your game."
"Expand players' imaginations, bring challenge back to Destiny, enrich our content, and connect our Guardians."
"I am a huge fan of anything that allows you to express player's skill."
"Villagers are now more or less another commodity for players to collect and display in their towns like statues."
"I enjoy there being some sort of grind in a game, as do a lot of other people."
"It's not enough to just have a game that plays really great and is mechanically very sound; you need the progression to keep players hooked for the long term."
"Progression systems aren't getting worse; they're more ruthlessly effective than ever. We're just getting bored of seeing the same ones used to provide the same experiences over and over again."
"Narrative immersion is all about creating a story that the player has genuine investment in, beyond wanting to see how it ends."
"The game was well received by critics, many of them enjoying the satisfaction of creating their own maps."
"Everything we do is in the service of fun, whether you're a hardcore player or a casual player."
"Do you see why people like these games? With a little digging, Miyazaki come on now."
"This era of World of Warcraft is just amazing."
"Trying to keep people playing forever is the wrong mentality; it's not realistic because nothing lasts forever."
"This is why people who finish this game speak of it so highly because it's not just a game for them, it's another world."
"Individual players are sending us the same signal: they're playing more frequently and for longer, which is our best indication that we're providing lots of fun."
"A player could return to the prophecies campaign, make a new character, and continue to have an authentic and fun experience."
"Your moves and attacks help create a living soundtrack."
"We're committed to making it just as special for all players worldwide as the showdown with the witness approaches."
"We believed in the reality of the secondary world. We believed in that promise from AEG that we were going to get to control the story."
"No video game can compete with the level of player engagement that folks playing L5R between 1995 and 1997 had with that game."
"Overwatch 2 engagement and player investment is declining."
"This would mean this content seems less like a checklist that the player is meant to complete, and more like optional stuff designed for players to stumble into as they explore the map."
"Diablo 3 is a dopamine-abusing power trip crafted by the developers to suck players into playing indefinitely and keep them hypnotized until the game burns up in its own searing blaze of light."
"Much of what's charismatic about Half-Life is built on the foundation of the game's opening levels, a slow ratcheting of apprehension and dread that invariably sticks with anyone who's played the game."
"A great first level can be the difference between a beloved easy-to-play classic, and a game that can’t quite get off the ground."
"The more that you give to Starfield, the more you put into it, the more it gives back."
"What makes a deadly encounter fun and memorable is placing it in an interesting way that provokes creative thought and good survival strategies from your player characters rather than just a slaughterhouse."
"Asher Vollmer, the designer of Threes, in his GDC talk, identified these four core attributes of a good tutorial: it should teach, comfort, excite, and respect the player."
"Scavs are an amazing way for new players to learn the maps, try new things, go for kills, and get free loot."
"Chess is the most popular in terms of raw player metrics, competitive activity in the world...over 600 million players worldwide regularly play chess."
"Amy is captured by Robotnik's latest and greatest creation, Metal Sonic, who leaves a really good impression of the player."
"The feedback loop of running and jumping in different ways to reach shortcuts and find secrets is so compelling that you can’t help but want to replay this game over and over again."
"Skyrim's biggest and brightest point is the fact that mods exist for it."
"This character is great. I mean, Blood is a solid reprint."
"The core thing to take away from this is how are you solving the problem of people not playing your game? You're solving it with marketing strategies, not product strategies."
"If you really value people's love for your game, then the most basic thing you can do is let them keep playing."
"Hunt Showdown is popping off at the moment, and it's got its highest concurrent player count ever."
"At Archetype, we believe there will always be a place for story-driven role-playing games that put the player at the center of an epic personal narrative with impactful choices."
"It's Marvel's Spider-Man sitting at a whopping 51 percent Platinum completion rate."
"Before trying to shape your game around roleplay, make sure that's something your players are actually interested in."
"Please don't skip the dialogue. We worked very hard on the dialogue."
"Origins is integral to the entire storyline. It's cool that people are finally gonna be able to play this map."
"Learning a lot of the history of the time that that campaign is set... I have enjoyed all these things; my players have enjoyed it."
"Thank you for tuning in. We'll be back in September to showcase more NHL 23 gameplay, presentation, game modes, and hockey ultimate team."
"Ideally, you don't want to encourage passive gameplay; you want your players to be active in the moment."
"I have an amazing lore plans for Dream SMP, which is gonna be fucking awesome."
"If we had done photo mode as a DLC weeks later, it would be cool. I could have gone on Twitter and said, 'Look at this photo mode thing from the game from last month,' but because we had it in from day one, it hit right at the peak of the hype trend."
"For the majority of players, the story is not just an important part of the game, it's also something that binds the community together."
"It's easier for people to forget about the game and wander away, so I think this will be quite healthy for World of Warcraft."
"One of our core pillars when designing these environments is we wanted to create a space that players want to spend time in, they want to go back to."
"Your goal is to make a game that is enough people’s favorite game to keep you in food and shelter."
"Now with these beautiful hand-drawn sprites, 3D backgrounds, remixed music, and fully voice-acted cut scenes, I love this game."
"Odin Sphere's actual gameplay framework is overhauled in service of creating a powerful gameplay loop that hooks players in and keeps them going."
"It's simplistic enough for us to understand but complicated enough that there's a ton of nuance to it, which just means that it's wonderfully designed."
"You can create opportunities for them to feel awesome when they overcome those challenges by using their own ingenuity and using their own character abilities."
"By knowing when to ease off and when to really push players, games can keep the level of pressure constantly changing."
"This sense of motion helps immerse the player immediately into this cinematic world."
"He was in charge, nobody else. No god or human nature or society. Only him. Him alone."
"The gaming world had World of Warcraft fever."
"Let's move into one of the most exciting and perhaps biggest reasons why players might like extinction: its unique and exclusive creatures."
"I like how the clocks tell you how long you've been playing for."
"Lore brings context, and the extra value context brings to our gaming experience is indispensable."
"We can now go out and harness this energy and infuse it into our heart of Azeroth to unlock all new power, to unlock the true potential of the heart."
"One of the things that makes the game special is that..."
"Chains of Domination is coming out in just a couple weeks and you have a bunch of new raid content to jump into in a new zone to explore."
"Apathy is the opposite of loving a game, the thing that will kill your game is apathy."
"I'm really really hoping in the next Animal Crossing game that we will get a little insight into the personal lives of these characters."
"Delivering a diverse range of titles that have earned acclaim from fans and critics alike."
"Let me say this up front right now. You should play Hollow Knight. This game is long overdue for some attention."
"A good ARPG will make you feel like you're cheating, like you're getting away with some [__]!"
"I do absolutely recommend you guys try last Epoch."
"Honestly, this season's pretty cool, I think the skins are cool."
"It's about creating a deeper player engagement experience."
"For our most competitive players, I think they're going to have a real good challenge on their hands. I think it'll be a lot of fun."
"The idea of progression is what keeps players coming back."
"When you play five games in seven nights, it's just a reality that it's hard to be engaged every night."
"People being so anxious to jump on that 'this game is dead' bandwagon, people have been saying that about Siege for its entire life cycle."
"Final Fantasy 6 is still my absolute favorite in the whole series."
"40% of playtime with in-game tools in Creative goes to creative Islands."
"It feels cool and it feels like it's doing something."
"There really is a sense that each campaign you undertake is going to provide a unique experience."
"All aesthetic complaints aside, though, the Invocations have grown on the playerbase and on me over time in spite of the initial backlash."
"More rewards is awesome man, there will be a diverse mix of rewards available in the objectives feature."
"I'd have much rather watched an in-game cutscene with these events and then maybe played from the escape onward... But as things stand, I'm playing through events that I know happened anyways."
"Moments like these... make fighting him feel all the better."
"Cosmetically and mechanically, there is a ridiculous amount of stuff to customize. All the upgrades have a model on the character – it’s promising."
"Even simple-seeming fetch quests have twists and the sense of a story you're taking part in and making choices about."
"Games aren't made, they're played... and that resonates with most of our studios."
"Think of it like playing in a sneak peek event or a premiere event for you newer players."
"Utterly heart-rending, players' hearts break."
"Buard gave players more things to do while traveling, such as setting pace and trading for resources."
"One of the most satisfying quests in the game."
"It's like the whole pathway of upgrading something in a video game." - "It's like the whole pathway of upgrading something in a video game."
"Legacy is a game that makes you feel creative... the fact that your design has gone on to be seen and appreciated by other people... is the big thing."
"Clash of Clans: where player feedback shapes the future."
"More content is more content, and I love challenge stages, so I'm gonna say that they're not terrible."
"A good rhythm game must have a good hook so it encourages players to give it a try."
"Gameplay in most games that are successful are usually successful due to a gameplay loop that is satisfying for the player to engage in."
"It’s always better for a game to try to meet players at their skill level, wherever that is."
"Easter eggs don't make a product inherently better than one that doesn't include them but I think they go a long way for showing players how much fun and passion the developers have when creating something."
"Let's just remove the RNG. Come on, it will make people engage with the system more."
"Destiny is a first-person shooter; it's been showered in praise for its gunplay since the close beta in 2014. People like shooting stuff; it's what makes the game fun."
"Final Fantasy 14 is how you write a story that leaves the players wanting to quest for the story rather than simply for the reward."
"Our community response to this was an avalanche with 68% of respondents giving it the S tier."
"In most Souls games, our avatar comes to the world as an enigma, with very little backstory, and it is up to us to fill in the blanks."
"In the end, we all had fun playing it, and we're still gonna have fun playing it for years to come."
"Players are very active throughout the entire design process."
"A reward structure that should respect time investment while also keeping players on their toes about what the next reward could be."
"You just wanna kind of see more and you're not worried about how fast am I getting through this game? You have volunteered for the lengthier experience if you've turned that on." - Guybrush Threepwood
"You shouldn't have, Crusader Kings. Well, now we're playing the whole thing."
"Epic's communication this season has been awesome."
"Thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed watching it as much as I enjoyed playing it because this deck was super fun."
"You're not just marking objectives off a checklist, you're doing things because you want to do them."
"This was the first game where I felt like I was actually role playing in a game."
"Good open-world game design isn't about scale it's about intimacy and familiarity having smaller spaces filled with landmarks that you return to is infinitely more powerful than having endless square miles of space."
"This seems so broken at minute 20, you can supernova sun ray, that is so broken!"
"I found myself to be as featureless as this ocean, as shallow and unoccupied as this Bay, and listless wreck without idea."
"Meaningful choices matter. I want to deliberate for 10 minutes over a choice because it matters."
"You've always been the ones who've made League more than just a game."
"A title achieving a peak concurrent player count of over 200,000 people!"
"Games enable us to be our most creative selves."
"Overwatch's heroes can, in the words of Tina Turner, 'do what you want them to do.'"
"Bethesda managed to cull so many mechanics and depth, simplifying everything to the point where you no longer need to really think about your choices."
"The skill tree manages to allow for experimentation, which is great and it inspires people to go out searching."
"The thought and care put behind the simple gameplay loop is what keeps it interesting."
"We're really going to try... we have an update dedicated to the stalker that we're hoping to come soon."
"When the stakes are raised in some way and the player is put in a situation that feels urgent, moving from one place to the next gains a new sense of importance."
"This constant loop of needing to properly execute specific inputs and then being rewarded with efficient movement for doing so keeps players engaged."
"Congratulations to our Minecraft 2022 mob vote winner: the camel!"
"I want this game to play out for the next two years."
"Old school RuneScape released on mobile devices, player base skyrockets."
"They need to build trust, that's the core. When the community is on track's side, then the game is in good hands."
"But every one of those League fans was watching the LCS, and having Sjokz after nearly every EU game, interviewing players to humanize them did wonders for getting people attached to the real people behind the incredible plays."
"The powerups should be rewarding enough that the player is continuously motivated to keep seeking them out, which means there should be a palpable increase in strength with each one collected."
"In Condemned, you're forced to get your hands dirty."
"Understanding what the game wants from you is crucial."
"Let's talk about player agency and engagement."
"By shaking things up and surprising the player, Furi revitalised its momentum riiight when I thought it was starting to run out of steam."
"The gameplay is deeper than people give it credit for."
"I think guild halls and player housing, people really want. People want to create their own fun. People want to create their own experiences."
"Complexity is the cost you pay before you can play the game... Depth is the fun part, the interesting decisions."
"Content remains above all else the most vital aspect of a video game."
"Ultimately, Genshin needs something that allows players to log in every day with purpose."
"If a person works hard, they do get rewarded. You know!"
"Adapting to the enemy team by altering your kit is a lot more fun and interesting than using base stat bonuses."
"More modern aircraft carriers are finally being worked on, directly due to the recent surge in players asking for this."
"Give the game the opportunity it deserves, the chance it deserves."
"The show transformed Cyberpunk 2077. The game was hitting a million players a day 2 years after release."
"By controlling where a player looks using the structure of an environment, you can more easily impart information to them."
"OverWatch 2 dilutes the spirit of its interlocking hero battles, unlocks its most impressive skins and cosmetics behind playing the way the battle pass suggests for hours a day."
"Players are really gonna enjoy, excited by it."
"Competitive playlists dramatically increase replay value and overall player satisfaction."
"Incorporating players' backstories into my games... it's a huge process."
"It's just the right pace when you're actually playing the game."
"Night City is an absolute marvel and whatever shortcomings the game has, the promise of Night City is always there and it keeps you going."
"Every square inch of space feels valuable, utilized, meaningful, because it won't let you through if you don't pay attention to it."
"We like, you know, all the Beetle Queen, like it's super easy fight, we wanted it to be, like, if you saw a Magma Worm, you're like, oh, that's kind of tougher."
"Nobody cares how the character runs, it's about the feeling."
"The dynamism of the combat just made it so good."
"Half-Life is about the player's craftiness, the player's skills."
"Every interaction feels personal and impactful transcending the traditional boundaries between a player and a character."
"Bethesda did a good job with this initial story and if they continue to create content like this I will continue to be interested in future story updates."
"I feel like it's one of the coolest ways for the players who have no idea what's going on to get some idea of what's going on."
"The pre-patch event for the Burning Crusade expansion saw Burning Legion forces under High Lord Cruel attack Organ Martin Stormwind with players fighting the demons off before assaulting the Dark Portal."
"Players have been so committed to this game, and we know so many people love the game that we want to keep finding a way to deliver this awesome game that people love."
"Our goal is to make a world that players want to spend time in, that they're going to love spending time in."
"I think that WoW in Final Fantasy, especially WoW, does a great job at catering to so many different types of play styles."
"Precursor Legacy simultaneously demonstrates a mastery in the expression of momentum and of impact and of haste, then continually beckons its players to slow down and to admire where they are."
"The features that EA has added this year to career mode makes it look like it's going to be one of the best offerings to the mode in a very long time."
"Crafting is a huge part of the game, even early in the early game in the mid game in the end game especially."
"6 million players is huge, absolutely gigantic."
"The caves, caves as a big Pikmin 2 enjoyer, I got excited immediately at the prospect of caves."
"Developers can let a player instantly share boom a playable moment from a game."
"The constant increase in strength exhibited by the Pokémon and yourself showcases how growth through gameplay should be the main force driving these games forward."
"Additionally, Pokemon really should follow you. The Isle of Armor DLC has following Pokemon, but uh, extending the camp feature to be more interactive and unique could really bring out the personalities of the Pokemon even further."
"We wanted the players to have a chance to get distracted a little bit by figuring out how to open up puzzles."
"It really feels like so much love is being put into this game."
"The updates made in Drawful Animate, besides the raised player limit, include an expanded color palette."
"At least there's some sort of endgame content and reason to push."
"Players of the original game will find plenty of callbacks and easter eggs."
"Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous has an amazing build community, suited for all sorts of difficulties."
"The only way you stop that from happening is by making PVP rewarding and keeping people keep giving people a reason to stay on the game."
"One of the most charming cast in a video game."
"The most important and enduring aspects of The Elder Scrolls series is mods."