
Medical Examination Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"German doctors say their examination show Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny was likely poisoned."
"I think an autopsy will...put to rest most of these questions." - Scott Duffy
"The other significant injury she had was a laceration on the scalp which actually had an underlying skull fracture."
"Alien abductions follow a standard scenario... Physiological and psychological procedures... Sexual liaisons."
"I've never had anything like up on my butt except for when the doctor checked my prostate."
"Medical examiners stated that Asia was beaten so severely that her teeth were actually knocked out of her mouth."
"Despite this seemingly simple circumstances of her next case, Dr. G knows she must dig deeper to find the answers."
"Five days after his initial interview, medical staff conducted a thorough physical examination on that infected man, finding that the internal structure of his body had completely changed in composition."
"Thank you all for joining us. I am Dr. Brent Blue, Teton County Wyoming coroner."
"Now I'm the car D now we'll try to focus in on this stomach you see the stomach."
"The added complexity of the citizen life path makes me wonder..."
"It is not up to the family to say they want it or they don't want it. This is a case in which the coroner definitely should have done an autopsy."
"We gotta Zoom this body and do a thorough examination have another set of eyes look at it."
"An eye exam is very much a neurological exam in many ways."
"An examination such as this is a relaxing one, so think of it as time just for you."
"So according to the medical examiner, there was no signs of trauma to the body, no outward signs of physical violence, nothing to explain what happened."
"Tearing creates this where you have connective tissue or you have tissue bridging most of the time that's connected with lacerations."
"Putting all of that together the multiplicity of the blunt trauma, the obvious stress the child had been under... I finally assigned her cause of death as multiple blunt trauma asphyxia and inition."
"His autopsy showed that his brain seemed normal, healthy."
"In rheumatology, we need the history and the physical exam of the system of complaint and other body systems."
"The radial pulse is located in the wrist right beneath the thumb."
"You're still acting a little bit strange. Maybe I should send you to sickbay for a physical."
"What are you going to do a CT scan for? And she said that she wanted to check for colon cancer."
"If it has irregular borders, this is another big thing. Irregular borders are way more suspicious for malignancy."
"...she just needed an examination by someone skilled who would touch her instead of just flipping up a film."
"I don't believe that it was at all consistent with a suicidal wound to a reasonable degree of medical certainty."
"There's no evidence of any significant injuries to the skull bones or the cervical vertebrae."
"He's completely upright. We're gonna examine him. That was definitely the snapping turtle or the soft shell that was taking bites out of them."
"The apprehension test for shoulder injuries: gently over-rotating the shoulder and looking for the patient's reaction."
"But if there's any differences in head growth you have to take a closer look to try to understand is there something different about the way the brain is growing."
"The upper cervical spine should be looked at separately and this is the C1 C2 region next the lower c-spine should be looked at separately and this is the C3 to C7 region and finally you should make special attention to the pre-vertebral soft tissues."
"The vocal cords are working properly."
"Dr. Richards introduced herself to the parents and then walked up to examine Emma, and right away she noticed Emma had very shallow breathing and bluish lips and fingertips."
"You've got like an organ going up and down."
"We recommend doing a brain scan, typically a CT scan or an MRI scan, just to get a general sense of the structure of the brain, to see if there is any evidence of strokes or masses, tumors, or anything else that could explain memory loss."
"The eye can be very revealing about a patient's general systemic health."
"So the real clue here should be the streaks of redness from the wound site, and that's a sign that there's the infection of the lymph channels..."
"...it's really critical for veterans to go into an exam and to understand what kind of questions they're going to be asked and why they're there for the purpose of the exam..."
"His skin was still warm when I rolled up his sleeve to check his pulse."
"An examination was made of the lower abdomen or pelvis and we found the presence of a uterus and ovaries."
"Remember to compare both affected and unaffected sites when observing your patient."
"Look for deformity and inflammatory signs which are redness, swelling, and bruising."
"...and that's the reason the death certificate says nine o'clock right that was an estimation from what I found as far as the warmth of the body."
"Having these medicals has actually been a really good thing."
"Calcium score is a simple CT examination whereby we are not giving any contrast."
"Evaluation of the fetal neck is a key portion of the early anatomic examination."
"This completes the musculoskeletal exam."
"When I'm done teaching you this pathway, you'll be able to connect the biochemistry to the high yield concepts that they're gonna ask you on USMLE and COMLEX."
"So with the patient's consent, let's think about history and examination which you can start almost simultaneously as you ask questions."
"We went through a complete 2D echo exam in detail, I hope you enjoyed it and you learned a bit."
"This is a critical site to examine because this may be the site of a number of different clinical scenarios you will see in patients."
"I was at a dermatologist appointment yesterday and the doctor read my blood results and said the word perfect in regards to my liver."
"We must balance the likelihood of an adverse event with the benefits of the exam."
"When observing your patient, look for deformity and inflammatory signs, which are redness, swelling, and bruising."
"You don't need any special equipment to do the neuro exam."
"An autopsy is a physical examination that I perform on my patient who happens to be dead."
"Leighton checks Nikki's mouth finding it pitch black, a clear sign of chronol withdrawal."
"I'm feeling happy now that I've had the scan."
"The core content typically assessed includes the management of acute pain, anaphylaxis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, depression, and thromboprophylaxis."
"Very strong, powerful heartbeat, and that's exactly what we're looking for."
"Any pain when I squeeze like this? Not really, okay."
"The very first part of the physical assessment of a newborn is to get their weight, their length, and the circumference of their head."
"Pay attention to side-to-side differences."
"Motor unit potential analysis is an important part of the EMG examination."
"I'm raring to go, and the doctor looks at you, he looks in the microscope, sees what really is going on, looks at you and gives you a wink like, 'All right, I've seen this one before.'"
"I'm going to start right from the top, right top of the head."
"I would like to do a more detailed examination on you, would that be okay with you?"
"When I'm pressing on their belly, and they're laughing, and they're not in any pain, I already know that it's very unlikely to be an acute abdomen."
"When the patient has a trauma, they may have other injuries that need to be uncovered by examination before you make a diagnosis and treatment plan."
"I'm sure you're going to pass your medical with flying colours."
"The first step of doing the autopsy is doing what's called an external examination."
"The most important thing that you have to perform in the examination is to offer it to the patient."
"You have no fever, and you have a normal neurologic exam, so everything is very reassuring today."
"Marvelous, so basically the cranial nerve examination is a rather simple and routine exercise."
"This exam will be painless; it's going to mostly be an external eye exam."
"It was the nicest and friendliest scan I've ever had."
"At the end of the subjective examination, you should have a very good clear understanding of what's going on."
"I hope it was comfortable for you; I know it's never fun having someone push on your abdomen, but I think the exam is important."
"She passed the biophysical ultrasound with flying colors."
"For OET purposes, you are a fully qualified doctor. You don't have to give medically accurate information, but you should speak as if you were a qualified doctor already."