
Backpacking Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"Thailand is the go-to destination for most backpackers and with good reason."
"Backpacking has just helped me and my perspective so much in life that I want other people to experience that too."
"Leave all their stuff here... hike up and backpack up."
"For winter backpacking, carry the same things for fix-it stuff as you would carry for three-season backpacking."
"Having some way to brace a sprain or a break is just a really good idea."
"I spent 26 days living out of a 60-liter backpack."
"Bali has everything you could possibly want as a tourist, a backpacker, whatever you are."
"We spent our first two months backpacking around India and at this stage that's exactly what we were doing backpacking."
"For you backpackers, this is really, really good."
"The Twin Lakes backpack allows you to swing your gear to the front while keeping your backpack securely in place, redefining convenience and enhancing your outdoor experience."
"she's backpacking a 60-mile trail"
"Getting a good night's sleep on a Backcountry trip is one of the most sought-after but also one of the most elusive aspects of backpacking."
"Finding a comfortable Sleep System can take your backpacking trips to the next level."
"On the outside you have a sheet and this sheet is just kind of your basic sheet but it does have a couple things that make it a little bit special."
"Overall, I learned a lot on this trip. I kind of pushed past some of the preconceived notions that I had of what a heavy pack would do to you and how it impact you on trail."
"The idea behind ultralight backpacking isn't to be as light as humanly possible. It is to carry what you need for the given conditions, nothing more and nothing less."
"Being more ultralight is not the end goal; enjoying your trip is."
"Every time you go backpacking, come home and take note of the things you didn't use. No duplicates, just one knife, one pot, one jacket, one shelter, one flashlight."
"Go stoveless. It's lighter weight and more efficient. Bonus that you never need to find fuel again."
"A quilt is lighter than a sleeping bag and all you will ever need for three-season hiking."
"A tarp is the lightest shelter you can use, though it requires more experience to use it safely."
"I really hope it helps you guys out, I hope it gets you out backpacking and you don't have to think that everything has to cost tons of money because it doesn't."
"If you base your backpacking meals around that you're just like overall going to be happier."
"It's every backpacker's worst nightmare."
"Making these 10 swaps has allowed me to cut almost 4 lbs of weight from my pack."
"I will be using it for other backpacking trips in the future."
"Columbia was filled with Europe people from all over the world like kids backpacking through Colombia like you heard about people backpacking through Europe years ago."
"If 2third of the weight of my pack is sleep gear I'm okay with that."
"These packs focus more on being simple and lightweight so you can lose some of the features that you get in heavier backpacks like robust carry systems and laptop protection."
"I'm definitely really psyched on weekend backpacking, you know, week-long backpacking to kind of get out recreational style backpacking."
"Ultralight backpacking is a sub 10 pound base weight."
"The wood, the wood, the wood, bringing their backpacks."
"You can drop quite a bit of pack weight without spending thousands and thousands of dollars."
"Dropping some pack weight can make the experience a lot more enjoyable."
"A perfect companion for camping, backpacking, and travel."
"When you're out solo backpacking, it's really important to keep a positive mindset."
"I would love that, it's on the smaller side because when you're backpacking you don't need to take like everything with you."
"Spending a little extra money to get a backpack that's going to last you for years and years ultimately is going to save compared to buying a cheap backpack that's going to break down right away."
"Solo backpacking is an option. Don't wait for someone else to go backpacking with you. Start going backpacking on your own a whole lot sooner."
"The Confident Solo Female Backpacker system is a comprehensive self-paced online backpacking program for women."
"The atmos 65 is the best fitting, most ventilated, and comfortable backpack ever made."
"For a big backpacking trip like this, I just wasn't prepared for the emotional overload."
"I'm still learning new things and discovering new and better ways to go backpacking."
"If you know someone who would like never ever get a pillow for backpacking maybe get them the Fillo Elite just so they can experience that comfortable night's sleep and realize what they've been missing"
"I'm not an ultralight backpacker but if there are things that I can go ultra light on that are not going to change the comfort of my trip or what I enjoy about backpacking then I'm going to go ultra light with that because it makes sense."
"I actually loved my experience with this backpack and think that it is going to be a phenomenal backpack for people who are interested in through hiking or even just regular backpacking."
"Do you have to have it? No, if you've got other packs, you know, you'll probably get by, but the utilitarian nature and design, I think, it just has the perfect number of pockets for me as a guide."
"Sometimes with the sleeping bags on the bottom of your pack or on the top of your pack, it's rubbing a whole lot on top of your neck or rubbing all over the top of your butt, but I cannot feel a sleep carrier at all on my back, so this is very good."
"That end point was just the best, and so as an experience as a whole, I will forever cherish that backpacking trip."
"...but what kind of a backpack are you? A day hunter or a full-blown Expedition Hunter needing everything on your back to stay alive for days on end?"
"Backpacks the way forward for a one night trip."
"I've always been a backpacker and have never really ran into trouble throughout my travels. However, you have to keep your wits about you as it does have a seedy underbelly."
"But what this pack would be great for is if you are doing any wild camping where you're carrying maybe a bivy or a lightweight tent, this pack at 30L and the way it's designed is definitely going to fit that."
"The beauty with a 40 liter is that you can pack enough to travel the world for years at a time."
"Sit back and take a moment to relax as we dive into the world of tactical backpacks together."
"Learn how to read topographic maps, learn how to go backpacking, learn how to put yourself in a constant mental state where it's an adventure."
"Sometimes the hardest thing about backpacking doesn't have so much to do with the hiking itself, but the finishing of a trip."
"The exo mountain gear k3 4800 with the k3 frame is by far the most simple pack to use compared to the stone glacier and the kefaru and it's not even close when it comes to simplicity."
"I am hoping to make nine different types of backpacking meals"
"A good pair of hiking socks is one of the biggest things that you can do to start off with especially if you're a new hiker new Backpacker."
"Next up is our selection for the best backpacking backpack for adventure travel, the Wandered Fanby. This backpack has got it going on. It takes that traditional old-school hiker backpacker vibe and just catapults it into the future. It's like a cyberpunk hiking backpack."
"Next up, we have the Air Travel Pack 2 which we're gonna say is the best minimalist/one-bag carry backpacking backpack. This is definitely not gonna be the backpacking backpack that you go on the Inca Trail with. It's not adventure enough, it's not designed for that."
"Pro number one, super comfy. And pro number two is that perfect intersection between a backpack that is simple to use and minimalist but while still giving you a decent sense of organization."
"It's a 25 liter backpack when it's in its most condensed configuration but the system is expandable for a total of 35 liters."
"If you're looking to backpack, this is perfect."
"The pack I am going to be taking with me is Atom Pact. This is a company based in Cumbria and this is a lightweight backpacking pack."
"Purchasing backpacking gear can be something that you do over time and you can still get out and start enjoying the wilderness now with day hikes."
"Age alone is not the limiting factor. In fact, if any of y'all are watching right now who are in your 70s and 80s and you still backpack, please make a comment in the comment section below."
"Good morning, welcome to the third day of backpacking, fifth day of the trip."
"It's very comfortable to wear, in fact, most of your modern backpacks now, more the higher end, are going for this because it just fits around your neck, it evenly distributes the weight of the pack."
"Going backpacking isn't supposed to be easy."
"My friends and I are avid backpackers, and we love traveling all around to explore the wilderness."
"Make sure that when you get started backpacking, you get the gear you need and you get out there and you learn and you figure out what works best for you."
"I'm planning on doing a backpacking trip in Asia this year, so I'm so excited."
"Overall, the ultralight backpacking gear performed very well, actually, I was really happy with it."
"Tip number three: don't just buy the expensive freeze-dried meals in the store; shop for backpacking food at your local grocery store."
"Knowing exactly how many snacks I need to bring with me for any backpacking trip is always hard because I'm never sure how hungry I'll be throughout the day."
"Whatever you pack in, you must pack out."
"It's perfect for this style hunting where you're carrying your camp on your back because it's so light."
"I'm impressed with it as a backpacking option, really impressed."
"If you're new to this channel, we're James and Sarah, also known as The Whole World or Nothing. We used to be full-time backpackers exploring the world."
"For backpackers, the thought of a linear path that passes right through this iconic region is enough to set the heart pounding."
"It's a really nifty thing that Wandered did that we have not seen any other backpack company do."
"If you are really committed to lightweight backpacking, this is the cat's meow."
"It is the gold standard of ultralight style backpacks."
"This is my first time reviewing a backpack that is truly an ultralighter's backpack."
"Would I take this tent out on a backpacking trip? Obviously yes."
"Backpacking has been absolutely a force for good in my life."
"However, if you've been backpacking and want to up your game, this is a seriously awesome backpack that is totally worth the $400 price tag."
"You're not going to find a better backpack than the Mystery Ranch Terraframe 65."
"I've tested tons and tons of gear over the years and I've put together a gear list that I think is perfect for beginner backpackers."
"It also carries weight really well, so if you're still trying to dial in your pack and you have a pack that weighs 30 or 40 pounds, the REI Flash 55 is going to be able to carry that weight no problem."
"Fast packing is a form of backpacking that has been a game-changer for me."
"We traveled from Singapore to Bali on what is actually our last leg of this four-month backpacking trip."
"Backpacking allows you to break free from the constraints of daily routines and obligations."
"I'm not gonna stay here tonight because I'm taking what I learned from my last backpacking trip and I'm making differences to make this one better."
"That's the end of my overnight backpacking trip in the White Mountains."
"Space is at a premium in your backpack."
"It's the most rewarding part of backpacking, being able to dump the bag."
"I'm out backpacking tonight in the northern Sierra Nevada mountain range."
"I'm really not very good at editing whilst backpacking because I'm having a good time."
"I think that's the kind of trick pretty much any backpacker can use."
"The Rooker really is, for Go Rook, the zenith of rooking backpacks."
"So in my opinion, if you're backpacking, the location makes absolutely no difference, because it's the kind of travel that will make even the most trodden path anywhere really beautiful."
"It's really ideal for a light Camp Axe and ideal both not only in size but in weight for a Backpacker's axe."
"It's just so much faster and more efficient, I mean I love backpacking."
"I pride myself on being an independent traveler and backpacker."
"You will find that your life is more pleasant in general when you have a good balance of things, and that's true with backpacking."
"It's far from perfect, but I think the reason people responded well to the series is one, there wasn't that many videos out there like that about the backpacking experience when we released it."
"I love the outdoors, I love to hike and backpack."
"Backpacking season is officially upon us, folks."
"Backpacking is all mental; at the end of the day, you're gonna have some dry gear, dry insulation, and you're gonna be able to get warm."
"The best backpacking trip is the one that you're doing right."
"I'm gonna make a loop right now... using some other trails in the area as connectors, make like an 18 or 20-ish mile loop out of that and do a little backpacking."
"What makes a good backpacking stove? It needs to be lightweight, packable, easy to set up, and sturdy."
"That's a wrap on our Wind River Range backpacking trip."
"One must appreciate the ways of the wilderness area to thoroughly enjoy backpacking the Porcupine Mountains."
"You've got to pick the right pack, you've got to pick the backpack that's going to work for you in your specific situation."
"Who's this tent for? It's for a solo backpacker that wants to use a trekking pole tent to have as light of a weight as shelter as possible but not skimping on comfort and features."
"This backpack is basically made out of the strongest fiber known to man, Dyneema composite fabric, incredibly strong and incredibly light."
"It's forecast to get down below freezing tonight, and I'm trying to backpack 50 km with a pack that only weighs 10 lb total."
"If you're looking for a premium pack that uses a traditional carry system but is nowhere near as heavy as a traditional backpack would be, then this is probably a brilliant option for you."
"The John Muir Trail or JMT is one of the world's premier backpacking destinations."
"Adam is the king of taking things and making them as small as possible for backpacking."
"Backpacking gear is so personal; there could be a piece of gear that works fantastic for you but might not work nearly as well for somebody else."
"Go into your first trip with some humility, know that you're going to learn a lot more from just one night backpacking than you will from spending days watching dumb videos like this."
"For trail running, carbs are the fuel of speed, but for backpacking, it's fat that gives the most miles per gallon."
"I'm not normally a winter backpacker, but this year I got really psyched on doing some snowy winter backpacking."
"What better way to test a backpack than to take it out for three days on the trail."
"Olympus is a backpacker's paradise."
"We have been really enjoying ourselves on one of our regular backpacking trips."
"Backpacking is one of many fun outdoor activities that are cost-effective and promotes physical health."
"I always look forward to the summer when my father and I went backpacking upstate."
"Reducing your base rate is one of the easiest ways to make your backpacking trips more enjoyable."
"There are plenty of ways to lighten your backpacking load without spending any money or at least spending very little."
"Backpacking alone is lonely, of course, yes, but also special because you do get a deep appreciation for the sights and sounds around you even more so than when you're with other people."
"Backpacking is an endurance sport."
"Tortillas are another food that is super popular in the backpacking community because they're just so versatile."
"I hope that this video has helped give you some inspiration on vegan meals and snacks that you can bring while backpacking."
"The circuit is arguably the most versatile backpack in ULA's lineup."
"This is gonna be a fun night, trippers here, he's got his backpack on too."
"I genuinely love wearing a backpack when we travel; there's something just comforting about having everything on your back."
"It's ideally set up for the person that's counting every ounce and likes to go on either day hikes or multi-day backpacking trips."
"This is our kind of backpacking: big northern pine forest, soft on the feet."
"It's amazing to have a good down jacket in your arsenal for backpacking."
"Everything we need in one bag, it's all on your back."
"I took off with a backpack for two years around the world."
"I hiked the Pacific Crest Trail in 2019 and switched to this particular pack."
"I have to admit, actually being outside in the morning is definitely one of the favorite things that I love about backpacking."
"Backpacking in the desert has some unique aspects that are different than backpacking in the mountains or the Pacific Northwest."
"Backpacking in the desert is a wonderful thing; you don't need to be scared of it."
"It's so fun seeing all the backpackers walk past us."
"Summer backpacking can be absolutely amazing."
"If you're out there, then you were backpacking, you're doing it right."
"It's been really fun getting to learn about all these different backpacking meals and experiment and create."
"Most of my knowledge came from the travel books and brochures, in particular, a book called Southeast Asia on a Shoestring, which was a backpacker's bible back then."
"When I go backpacking, I usually start by looking for a place that I can realistically get to that has a lot of downed trees or down wood and it's not overly wet."
"Premier backpacking blade, absolutely."
"I think it's a great destination for backpackers, especially backpackers on a budget."
"This is actually my original Snow Peak purchase, the very first one I did back in 2015 when we started backpacking. It's the 450 titanium mug, still looks really good, probably have it forever."
"On my very first backpacking trip, I carried 45 pounds of weight on my back. It was one of the worst experiences of my entire life, and I almost passed out."
"There's just a couple of ways to get some of that weight out of your backpack and make your backpacking experience a lot easier on you and a lot more enjoyable."
"I've been backpacking for years, this is still something that I like to do after I finish packing my bag, is weigh it and then just make sure that everything feels good on my body."
"If you have never packed a bag before, or if you're just looking for some help on how to pack your bag for backpacking, I think that it's really handy to pack alongside someone else."
"It is time to get out on the trail and do some backpacking with my favorite girl, my only girl."
"I've been all across Europe backpacking; I've been to Thailand quite a few times; I've been to Cambodia, India, Africa."
"We live in Australia and so after a week of adventures in town, we would end the week with backpacking in the outback."
"I'm known for doing really long, really light, really fast, long distance backpacking trips."
"Backpacks have to serve two functions. They have to carry all my stuff, they have to fit it all, and also to support it all."
"I just cut a pound and a quarter out of my pack. That is an awesome example of really showing how things add up."
"I'm going to be giving you guys five different items that are under five dollars that will lighten up your backpacking experience."
"The 50 cents for this trash compactor bag sure beats a 50, 60, 70 dollar pack liner or pack cover."
"You could ditch the expensive freeze-dried meals and here's two of my personal favorites: ramen noodles, less than a dollar; instant potatoes, about a dollar."
"Backpacking can get very expensive... these are some very basic things you can do to actually lighten maybe a couple pounds off your loadout."
"Sweat management is one of the most important principles of backpacking."
"We are doing a backpack overnighter for anyone interested."