
The Score Quotes

The Score by Elle Kennedy

"Breakups suck. I feel like such a failure. No, I feel like a quitter."
"Every time I think about walking out on Sean yesterday, my stomach grows queasy. Maybe I should have fought harder for us. I mean, I know he loves me— If he loved you, he wouldn’t have given you an ultimatum, a gruff voice assures me. You did the right thing."
"It’s hard to let go of someone who’s been such a big part of your life for so long."
"I’m not familiar with that word. Nobody’s ever said it to me before."
"I seem to remember Hannah telling me Allie is a drama major. Yeah. Sounds about right."
"Winning isn’t everything. Oh, and by the way? Glass houses, throwing stones, et cetera et cetera."
"It means that instead of blaming Corsen for letting in three goals, you should be concentrating on the fact that you didn’t score a single one."
"You’re saying I’m not good enough to play at this level?"
"I’m saying you need work. You made some amateur mistakes the other night."
"Hockey has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember."
"Truthfully, I have more fun during practice."
"Next fall I’ll be attending Harvard Law like every other member of my family."
"My heart is pounding as I hang up on Dean. I hadn’t expected him to say that. At all."
"But there’s no way I’m sleeping with the guy again, not after I spent the entire day feeling like Hester fricking Prynne."
"The sex was incredible, but the shame it left me with isn’t worth the orgasms."
"I’m all about the snuggling and inside jokes and talking late into the night. I’m a card-carrying member of Team Boyfriend."
"Whenever you see a rainbow, that means an angel just came."
"All I ask in return is that you treat me with respect and listen to me when we’re on the ice."
"No booze, no drugs, no brawling. Understood?"
"The Dean Di Laurentis I knew only cared about one person—himself."
"How am I supposed to sleep when you two fucktards are standing at the foot of my bed talking about angels blowing their loads?"
"I can snap my fingers and a dozen chicks appear, begging to ride my dick."
"I understand that friends drift apart after college. People get married. They move away. They make new friends and develop other interests. But I hate the idea of not having Garrett or Logan or Tuck in my life."
"Stop slut-shaming yourself. And fuck the word slut. People should be able to have sex whenever they want, however many times they want, with however many partners they choose, and not get some shitty label slapped on them."
"I do what I want, when I want it. And I don’t give a shit what other people think about me."
"It’s absolutely possible. You want to know my secret? I do what I want, when I want it. And I don’t give a shit what other people think about me."
"He’s going to keep at it. Which means you need to learn to ignore it. That is, if you’re serious about moving on."
"Meeting his kid is a huge deal. What if she hates me? Or worse, what if she loves me, and then me and her dad break up and this poor kid ends up traumatized?"
"You shouldn’t be going to bed at ten if you don’t want to. You should enjoy this last year of freedom, in this weird place where you’re an adult but not an adult, know what I mean?"
"You don’t know how badly I’ve wanted to play with these tits again."
"I’m trying to decide what I want more—those pretty lips wrapped around my cock, or your tight pussy squeezing the hell out of it."
"Please, baby, I’ve been such a good boy… I’ve waited a whole week for this. Don’t I deserve a reward for my patience?"
"Very close. He’s the best man I’ve ever known."
"You can’t control how the other actor is going to behave."
"I’m not sure if it’s a turn-on or a ladyboner-killer."
"You’re not the one who needs to get better," Steven replies. "You’re doing a terrific job."
"You can’t order someone to put your happiness ahead of their own."
"I really do want the best for you, Sean. I want you to be happy."
"You can’t just call it off without giving me a good reason."
"Hockey players are hot-blooded, babe. We fight sometimes."
"You don’t realize how much growing up you still have to do. I’m definitely not the same person now that I was in my teens. Hell, I’m not the same person I was last semester."
"I don’t care if it makes me an ass, but I never, ever lie about my intentions."
"Nobody should ever be someone else’s entire world. That’s not healthy."
"I’m a live-in-the-moment kinda guy, remember?"
"I could probably mention I won it the year before, too. But I keep my mouth shut."
"Just because my family has money doesn’t mean I’m a bad person, sir."
"You’re not what she needs, Dean. You wouldn’t step up and be there for her if it came down to it."
"The Life of Dean gets me all hot and bothered."
"Life isn’t perfect, Dean, and you need to grow the fuck up and accept that."
"People die! It wrecks me that Beau is gone. It. Fucking. Wrecks. Me."
"I’m not going to stand by and watch you stick your head in a bottle because you’re too afraid to face the pain."
"I love you," he says hoarsely. "I don’t want to be apart from you."
"I’m doing my damnedest to try to forget that Beau is dead."
"I think I might be down to three? I’m not sure. She’s very stingy with that shit."