
Taste Of Darkness Quotes

Taste Of Darkness by Maria V. Snyder

"Not enough workers to plow the fields, mine the sand, or cut trees. Not enough manpower to stop the marauders and outlaws from running amok. Not enough craftsmen to provide goods and services."
"I don’t care if they fight in the name of broccoli. The goal remains the same."
"You once told me you zapped Kerrick so you could escape. How long did he last?"
"We aren’t cocky, just confident. Well, the good ones are."
"That was different. I didn’t trust him then."
"I’d like you to stay here for a few days while the patients are moved into the new infirmary site."
"It’s those garish red robes. The color clashes with my hair."
"And who’s going to help Flea when he pukes up his guts after awaking Estrid and still needs to awaken her staff of about twenty people?"
"I didn’t say you didn’t. You just keep things...interesting."
"With his deeper connection to the forest, traveling in the dark wouldn’t require as much energy as before."
"Everyone walked with a purpose and didn’t amble or gather in groups to chat."
"Sorry, gentlemen, but I’m in need of assistance and don’t have time for niceties."
"I don’t need permission to take care of my patients."
"Fear pulsed as I remembered what I’d read about the spread of the plague."
"I’m suggesting we send a message to Prince Ryne and let him decide what to do."
"Sorry. Or you’ll be useless for the mission."
"You heard wrong. Look, Sergeant... We don’t have time for this."
"Before, Kerrick would have expanded all his energy to make those vines move. One perk of being a forest mage."
"You look horrible. Did you come back from the dead just for me?"
"No surrendering for me. This would have to be a fight to my death."
"You can’t go straight east through the woods. There’s a line of soldiers waiting for you."
"Even though we’re in enemy territory, we have Kerrick and should be able to avoid a run-in with unfriendlies."
"She’s either been poisoned or she ate Hogs Breath berries."
"It will take some time for all your senses to return."
"Ryne obeys your orders better than you do his. Maybe you should be in charge."
"Don’t push him. He needs guidance, not orders."
"You’re about as subtle as Estrid hiking through the woods."
"Sleep." And for once, he listened without arguing. Progress.
"That strategy won’t work if Cellina’s army reaches Ozero Realm," Kerrick said.
"Don’t listen to them," I said. "Ever. You can trust me or Flea."
"Flea fainted," I interrupted. "It was unhealthy to be in there."
"We’re not welcome to return to Prince Ryne’s army, we should search for Belen after we rescue Melina," Flea said.
"I’ll be at that southern exit," Kerrick promised.
"We’ll stick to the plan. Make sure you don’t lose that container."
"There is no escape," the priest said to me. "You are here to beg for forgiveness from the creator."
"Locked in a tower. I almost giggled at the thought."
"As the night wore on, a queasy lump swirled in my stomach."
"Morning arrived. Not in the usual way with the slow brightening of the light, but with the gruff voices of the guards, yelling at us to get our lazy asses out of bed."
"A gritty cold paste coated my tongue and tasted like a wad of wet parchment."
"You are filthy sinners who do not deserve the creator’s forgiveness. Get on your knees and beg for it."
"Look upon the creator’s glory and pray for forgiveness."
"The intricate design showed a progression of pictures, and I guessed it must be the story of the creator."
"Enduring as long as possible, I tried to keep still, but as the day continued without any new orders I had to relieve the strain from time to time, earning another slap with each infraction."
"When the sunlight faded and the colored glass turned black, the priestess returned and allowed us to stand."
"We help each other out here. There’s no fighting among ourselves and we don’t form gangs. We’re not going to make anyone’s life harder than it already is."
"If we didn’t have these few hours to talk, we’d all be insane."
"My thoughts reeled over the whole getting used to it or going insane bit."
"You’ll get used to it or... Or what? Or go insane. Some do."
"Yep. Every single day is the exact same routine."
"They do random checks and if they see us grouped together or doing our exercises, they come more frequently."
"They’ve been training. We just need weapons."
"Weapons and opportunity, Irina. We’ll do the rest."
"An amazing number of people gushed from the tunnel."
""Enjoying the taste of your own medicine? It’s rather awful being denied the simple act of breathing, isn’t it?""
""You owe it to yourselves. If you hadn’t kept training, you’d still be inside the monastery,""
""I’d go with you, but I’d just slow you down. Besides...""
""You just had to rescue them all, didn’t you?""
""And I’m not useful here. Besides, all these soldiers think I’m just a kid—even the caregivers. You never treated me that way.""
""They can hang out here for another day and give the women a head start.""
""It’s going to be a challenge getting that many women to freedom.""
""You’re going to kill me. Probably strangle me with some vines. Or have a tree fall on top of me. Or feed me to a Death Lily.""
""No worries, my love. I’ll warm you up in no time.""
""Then I felt like an idiot for not thinking of it before.""
""Pain is an excellent teacher, and even you can be trained to avoid acting dumb in the future.""
"Relief bubbled up from deep inside me and I felt lighter."
"Poor Flea. He’d been grappling with this new power, trying to understand it."
"I showed Danny where we kept the supplies and explained how we decided on the type of care—magic or medicine or both."
"Are fine for now. Don’t worry. I won’t hesitate to wake you if you’re needed."
"You linked by magic. You can use his power and he can use yours if you equal."
"The best thing you can do is rest and regain your strength. Are you hungry?"
"Positive thoughts equals positive healing. The mind plays an important role."
"Understanding hit me hard, and I groped for the cot’s edge again."
"No hello for your old friend? Don’t be rude, Baby Face."
"It’s me. Flea. A Peace Lily and Avry saved me. And if you kill Kerrick, Avry’s gonna kill me and then you even if you are Poppa Bear."
"I wouldn’t let her," Danny said, crossing his arms. "Tohon would kill thousands more than you."
"I actually missed those guys," Belen said with amazement.
"I’m not a boy," Flea said. "I’m a death magician who is about to neutralize you."
"Just when I thought no one could possibly be worse than Tohon, here stood the Skeleton King to prove me wrong."
"No need to worry about Tohon. His days as king are nearing the end."
"Doubtful. But I kept that thought to myself. No need to upset the psychopath."
"So the Skeleton King was an actual cannibal. It explained...a lot."
"Time passed without another question. Perhaps he’d given up."
"I wasn’t talking to you, you filthy cannibal."
"He leaned forward, his nose almost touching mine. "I’m. Going. To. Eat. You. Alive.""
"If I survived this, I’d have to experiment. Big if."
"Yes, but no one can get near him. I’ve thought about this. Wynn and Sepp were right, I’m the only one he won’t kill right away. I’m the only one who can get close."
"He’s awake," I said. "And his castle’s a trap. That’s a given."
"I’ll see what I can do. Er...when is your birthday?"
"I’d rather go to Tohon on my own terms than be dragged there by one of his spies."
"It’s like catching them with their pants down."
"If it rains, we’ll have to wait until it stops. Hard to have flaming arrows in the rain."
"Trust me. This is exactly what we need to do. Okay?"
"No, but it’s important. And believe me, I’m not happy about it, either."
"He was part of the learning process. Without him, you wouldn’t have cured thirty others."
"Horrific things can really motivate a person."
"We’ll keep pressing on until we run out of opposition."
"I’ve received a message from Alga. Your brother and great-aunt are fine, and she says if you don’t visit soon, you’ll be in big trouble—her words exactly."
"The Realm of Peace. Because it’s what we set out to accomplish and even though it’ll take many years to achieve, I’m hopeful."