
Preppy: The Life & Death Of Samuel Clearwater, Part Three Quotes

Preppy: The Life & Death Of Samuel Clearwater, Part Three by T.M. Frazier

"I was jolted into consciousness, my head slammed against the side of whatever confines I was trapped in."
"An acute sense of focus took over. A determination to get out of that trunk and back to my family."
"But how? Eventually, someone was going to open the trunk, I had to be ready."
"Because I don’t think the emergency release latches were designed with cats in mind."
"The warm wind flew in and all around me, blowing my hair into my face."
"He may not have been able to speak, but I never had a problem understanding him."
"We got our own way of handling things ‘round here. You’re in the dirty south now."
"Just... just go get our girl. Bring her back to me. Whatever it takes."
"I’ll watch after Bo," she said with a sad smile.
"The doctor with that pussy ass smile tattoo on his hand."
"I know this shit will take time, and I know that we’ll make sure anyone responsible for all this shit pays and pays big."
"Even death can’t keep a motherfucker down," Preppy said with a devilish smile.
"The only thing that would have hurt me is losing you."
"Love doesn’t even begin to cover it, Doc," Preppy said, followed by a yawn.
"Nobody knows that better than me. We gotta seize the day. Carpe the diem while we still have diem’s to carpe and all that shit."
"You see, civilians have this thing about death. I think it’s all the blood, guts, and gore that bothers them."
"Because I would have killed to trade places with you."
"Family to me was everything, but the saying that blood was thicker than water didn’t mean jack shit to me because I knew who my family was and blood was something we spilled for one another, not shared."
"Ready. Set. Goooooo!" I shouted as the three of us splashed through the water like a herd of zebra running from a lion.
"But Bear’s pinky toe on his right foot is weirdly smaller than the rest of his toes, so the ‘all finger and toe’ thing is subjective at best."
"The good news is that you CAN do something about your broken spirit and pride."
"Just because I don’t need to hurt you to get off, doesn’t mean that the pain isn’t there."
"Dre, when I look at you, when I touch you. I love you so much it fucking HURTS," he said against my neck, the vibration of his words had my nipples standing at firm attention all over again.
"No, it hurts, but it’s the best kind of pain."
"If your cock’s crying, then I’m licking the tears away."
"This is just a bag of bones. This is my life. YOU are my life."
"Because you are the light in all of my dark."
"You’re mine. Your pussy is mine. This ass is all fucking mine."
"In our family, a son is a permanent thing. Forever and ever you’ll be stuck with us."
"I would NEVER let anyone hurt you. Do you understand that, Bo?"
"We live for one another. We die for one another."
"Let’s get you home. Yeah, Doc. Take me home."
"I think the way you look. The things you do. The way you are with Bo. With me. God fucking damn it, Doc. You’re the incredible one."
"You’ve got a lifetime of surprises coming your way, Doc."
"In case you didn’t already know, you’re dead."
"I won’t ever get enough of this beautiful fucking pussy."
"I love you, son. I miss you more than words."
"I was a boy when we met, someone who avoided and ran from everything in his life he didn’t want to deal with. In some ways I’m never going to grow up, but you made me want to be more. For you. For Bo. Now I’m a man who knows it’s time to stop running away and start running toward and I’m choosing to run to you, Doc. Forever."
"I love you, Samuel Clearwater. I’ll love you forever and I’ll show you every single day how you’re not only perfect for me, but good enough for me, and I’ll try my best to be worthy of you."
"The greatest gift I was ever given, was death. Because only then did I learn what it meant to truly live."
"I hate the term 'nothing left to lose'. Because lying there in that hospital room was everything I had to lose."
"She was mine, and I wasn't letting her go. Ever."
"Sometimes I wonder what good am I? To her? You're priceless."
"You’ve also given her something I never could... Happiness, son. Happiness."
"What Bo did is in the grey-ish area. Together we’re going to teach him how to be a good man, which means knowing how to be loyal to those who matter. When to sacrifice where it counts. And how to keep his promises."
"That family runs thicker than blood. Blood you’d spill for them, even if it’s your own."
"I closed my eyes and started the deep breathing technique Mirna had taught me years before. I hadn’t meditated since getting out of Narnia, but sitting there next to my wife I felt helpless. It was worth a shot."