
Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs Quotes

Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs by Molly Harper

"I’ve always been a glass-half-full kind of girl."
"This morning, I would have said this glass isn’t half empty. It’s half full."
"For the rest of my life, those words would echo through my head like something out of Carrie."
"My joyless Hun of a supervisor only spoke to people privately when they were in serious trouble."
"Reading is supposed to be educational, not fun."
"We have to reduce our salary expenses as well. I’m afraid we can’t afford a director of juvenile services anymore."
"I’m the one who spent two weeks on my knees ripping out the thirty-three-year-old carpet in the children’s reading room."
"You can’t fire me. I’ll appeal to the library board."
"Posey is starting as a part-time desk clerk. The salaries aren’t comparable."
"She starts fires! Books tend to be kind of flammable!"
"Instead of a severance check, I got a gift certificate to Shenanigans."
"The taste of coffee and mudslides bubbled at the back of my throat with threatening velocity."
"Of the ten thousand or so people who live in this town, I am on a first-name basis with or about half."
"After Gabriel took a few long drinks, it didn’t hurt anymore."
"He pressed his face to my throat. I cried out as his teeth pierced my skin."
"I will not drink it in a house, I will not drink it with a mouse. I will not drink it here or there, I will not drink it anywhere."
"I will not be wasted on some hormone-driven frenzy."
"You set the tone. You needed to be soothed, so you were soothed."
"It’s like the difference between cracking a good egg and a bad one."
"I just couldn't stand the idea of a life like yours being snuffed out in such a tragic, ridiculous way. You deserved a better death."
"The love of a good woman can save a man, or it can drive him to fits of unspeakable madness."
"I’ve lived through two world wars and the disco era. I think I can manage."
"Three days ago, I was a law-abiding librarian. I had a dental plan and baking soda in my fridge. Now I’m unemployed, undead, and apparently kind of skanky."
"Don’t worry, honey, things will work out. They always do."
"I missed you like crazy, too. Even though I saw you every day, not being able to talk to you was just horrible."
"I’m a ghost, a spirit, a phantom, a noncorporeal entity."
"While it’s tempting to try to resume your normal social activities with still-living friends, you must understand that some people will have difficulty adjusting to your new condition."
"If Zeb wanted to jump off the roof, would you do it, too?"
"If you stared at the blooms long enough, you could almost make sense of it. But as soon as you started grasping the pattern, it slipped out of focus."
"The historical society isn’t so much a club as a hereditary social mafia."
"As soon as River Oaks was in Jettie’s name, she told those 'corset-wearing imbeciles' to take their tour and shove it."
"New vampires are discouraged from trying to return to their normal human routines. Especially if those routines include tanning or working as a fireman."
"The bond between sires and the young vampires they create is sacred and should be respected."
"Indoctrinated by years of secrecy, many older vampires have histories they may not want to share right away. It’s best to respect their privacy."
"Vampires may bite you, they may bleed you, but they don’t judge you."
"Apparently, her line of work was all about referrals."
"Vampires are just like humans, you meet good ones and bad ones. Pulse has very little to do with it."
"I wasn’t ready to die. When I thought of the ways I preferred to die, I wanted to be a hundred years old and surrounded by generations of adoring descendants."
"Listening to the words in your head before you say them might help."
"I like finding symbolic meanings in everyday things."
"Just be respectful. Don’t talk back. Don’t volunteer any extra information. Don’t demonstrate your unique brand of humor."
"I’m responsible for watching over you in these first weeks. Obviously, I haven’t been doing a very good job."
"I do enjoy your scent, though, and I like you. Very much. I want to protect you."
"You have a lot of unicorns," he said, his voice shadowed in both awe and horror.
"That's a very sad secret," he said as he allowed me to shove his foot from the door.
"Strong words coming from someone who was 'devoured' by a sea lion."
"I believe it's in my best interest not to answer that."
"However, I am glad to have established a friendly relationship with your father, since I have plans for his daughter."
"Inexperienced but willing to learn," I said, and was disappointed when his face didn't change expression.
"Aren't you full of surprises?" He chuckled, toying with a strand of my hair.
"My dad's not much of a gun guy, so I think you're safe."
"Immediately or eventually?" I asked. "And thank you."
"It’s been a long night. Time for you to be in bed."
"Look, Dave Chandler left me on the ninth floor of our university's research library without my panties after we lost our virginity together."
"Besides yay?" he asked. I smacked his shoulder.
"You could just be there because someone you know has been turned into a vampire."
"I'm not going to let you use me to piss off Gabriel."
"You're mildly amusing and remotely charming, when you're not giving me the full-on Pat O'Brien routine."
"I didn't want you to feel like I was so upset about your change I had to seek psychological help, even though, well, I did."
"I think you should come with me sometime. It might help you talk to your parents."
"It's just a little party. I just want to see you make some new friends, that's all."
"Are you enjoying the gift basket?" Missy asked sweetly.
"Loved it. I've been meaning to write a thank you note," I said, gritting my teeth at the rather obvious social strong-arming tactic.
"Oh, honey, don't worry about it. I know you haven't had time," she said.
"Are you suuuuure you couldn't make it on Monday?" Missy asked. "It's just a little party."
"I'll send you an e-vite. You'll love it, shug. Byeeee!" She giggled before hanging up.
"This was the way Southern women worked—all peaches and cream laced with arsenic."
"She ripped your name tag off and is hot-gluing Hannah Jo's on in its place," Zeb admitted.
"I'm sorry I didn't call over the last couple of days. I lost my cell phone."
"No one's comfortable with knowing what's going on inside your head."
"I can't make any guarantees, but let's give it a shot."
"You just need to relax your voice and speak in a more natural, confident tone."
"Well, we have other sales divisions you can try."
"Greenfield Enterprises is here to fill that need."
"Being in such a small, crowded room, I’d been keeping my mind 'clenched,' for lack of a better word."
"I’d never been part of any minority before, unless you counted those who thought Timothy Dalton made a decent James Bond."
"Humans fear what they don’t understand. And I don’t believe that they will ever truly understand us."
"You will meet these people. And they will insult you. They may try to hurt you."
"Try not to take the things humans do so personally, Jane."
"It’s always a good thing. Of course, you’re laughing at me, but I’m getting used to that."
"Vampires can be territorial and possessive creatures."
"You know how people complain that Christmas has become too crass and commercial? Well, boo-hoo."
"Most vampires resent Stoker for the public-relations nightmare he visited on us all, but we secretly enjoy the story."
"Sometimes it paid to date a really old guy. He had a lot of experience."
"When you encounter unpleasantness from the human population, try to keep in mind that you will be able to dance on their graves long after they’re dead."
"I hadn’t purchased a new book in more than a month. And I hadn’t checked anything out of the library since the morning before I was fired…which also meant I had four books that were long overdue."
"It was like being given a glimpse into my life before my firing."
"If you want to hurt me, fine. Take my books. Burn down my house. Shave my head while I’m sleeping. But nobody, nobody screws with my dog."
"I know, I don’t know everything about her, but I want to spend the rest of my life learning."
"Because vampires tend not to trust perceived bias in human media sources, they depend largely on 'word of mouth' to stay informed of current events. This can lead to a localized and somewhat limited world view."
"Cozied between the crowded shelves, my feet propped up on a stack of Encyclopedia Demonica, and my nose buried in a first edition of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, it was like returning home after a long exile."
"Never leave a vampire social gathering without thanking your host. A faux pas like this can lead to feuds lasting hundreds of years."
"Sexual relationships can prove difficult after turning but no more difficult than they are for the living."
"Remember, you’re much more flammable now than you were in life. So live every day as if you’re soaked in gasoline."
"Dueling is a time-honored tradition among vampires and is closely monitored by the council."
"You cannot control your family’s reaction to your new lifestyle. You can only control your reaction to your family."
"Remember that life, or unlife, is what you make of it."
"This is not how I taught you to behave in the library."
"Everything about the library seemed so foreign to me now, almost cold."
"For the first time in a long time, I felt comfortable in my own skin."