
Didn't See That Coming: Putting Life Back Together When Your World Falls Apart Quotes

Didn't See That Coming: Putting Life Back Together When Your World Falls Apart by Rachel Hollis

"Everything feels fragile and scrubbed raw. Everything feels unreal and uncertain. Everything feels absent of all that matters and simultaneously too big to carry."
"I didn’t think I was ready—I wasn’t sure I’d ever be ready."
"I questioned whether I could teach and learn at the same time—because this lesson, this work, feels like the hardest I’ve ever done."
"You are strong enough and it is possible to come out the other side as a better version of yourself."
"You must decide right now that while your hardship will beat you up and it may rob you of whole pieces, you will not lose yourself in the grief."
"The person you lost would never, ever want you to suffer over their absence."
"You are not defined by the pain they inflicted—you are defined by what you turn that pain into."
"Life won’t ever be the same because you won’t ever be the same."
"It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to miss them. It’s not okay for you to lie down and die too."
"Focus on the day you’re in. If this day feels too big, focus on the next hour and how to care for yourself for those sixty minutes inside of it."
"Life doesn’t work that way. What happened to you didn’t happen to you because of something you did wrong."
"The how here pertains to how you start to move forward, how you start to heal, and how to identify the positive parts of the pain you’ve experienced."
"Healing is a solo mission, my friends. You can have—and will need—assists, but the work of this is yours, and the path you take is yours to choose."
"Your perspective on any and every given subject isn’t necessarily based on the truth, but instead is based almost entirely on your past experiences."
"Understanding this fundamental truth won’t just change the way you look at grief or pain or loss, but learning to adjust and control your perspective is the key to a happier, more centered life regardless of the season you’re in."
"You are in control of your perspective! Very few people understand that."
"You can work with it and turn it into any shape you imagine and then re-form it into something new and different."
"A person who can turn a negative into a positive can never be defeated. It’s a super-power."
"If you believe there are lessons in the world that will help you heal, and you’re willing to go looking, you will find them."
"Five weeks old is past the point of the initial euphoria. Now, don’t get me wrong. You’re still crazy obsessed with your baby and so happy to have them out in the world wearing the teeny, tiny clothes you spent months collecting and then washing in that special newborn detergent. But at five weeks, the initial adrenaline rush has worn off enough that you start to feel the hard stuff too."
"Every single time those babies cried . . . every single time Jackson cried or Sawyer cried or Ford and Noah cried, I got out of bed and took care of them. I loved on them and fed them and changed hundreds of diapers. I swaddled them and rocked them even when it felt impossible."
"If you’re struggling to find courage it isn’t because you aren’t brave—it’s simply that you haven’t identified something as more important than your fear."
"You’re never going to find the courage or the strength to push past your fear if it isn’t absolutely necessary. Change is hard and by definition, in order for courage to exist, you have to be working against something that scares you."
"KNOW THAT YOU CAN FIGURE IT OUT: I believe that even when I get it wrong, I learn something about how to do it right and I am less afraid."
"Stop wallowing. It’s time. If you want to begin to move forward, then you must stop wallowing in despair and take the next right step to help you move forward."
"You must find the courage to keep going. You have a responsibility to anyone who relies on you but if you’re a parent, you especially owe it to your children."
"Showing up means you keep going even when it’s hard—not because you want to but because you must."
"Your children should not know that you are stressed out. If you’re worried, you need to protect them from that. If you’re having a hard day, go into your room and have a good cry or a glass of wine or scream into a pillow."
"The kind of self-care I am fanatical about, and you probably know this, is moving your body every day, staying hydrated, eating foods that are good for you, taking your supplements, spending time away from social media, talking to a therapist, and most important, getting some freaking sleep! Take care of yourself today so you can be stronger tomorrow."
"Most people assume that this happens because eating that food or drinking too much wine is a comfort. In hard times those are things you can access easily, and they will make you feel better, for at least a little while."
"There’s a reason this is happening, and it has nothing to do with your willpower."
"Motivation is fleeting. Motivation is situational."
"We are only ever in control of ourselves and our actions in the moment."
"Humans can endure anything so long as they cling to hope for what tomorrow will bring."
"Good things will always be available to you if you look for them."
"This life you’re living is a wildly precious gift that most people take for granted. Don’t take it for granted."
"Live it boldly and with courage. Live it hopefully and with kindness. Live it as yourself. Live it for yourself. Live it for those who can’t. Live it for those who walk beside you."