
Swimsuit Quotes

Swimsuit by James Patterson

"They don’t feel anything at all. Trust me on that one."
"I’ve been told that it’s 'distracting' to be so consumed by appetite, and so psychopaths screw up."
"Everything she’d envisioned a moment ago... that was all gone."
"Fighting me is pointless, Kim. This isn’t about you and me. It’s a whole lot bigger than that, trust me."
"Kim listened in silence before asking, 'Who is this?'"
"Just go along with this, Kim. Just go along."
"Everyone knows you, honey. Kimberly McDaniels. What a beautiful name, too."
"Please, please untie me. I’ll play my role. It will be even better for you, and I’ll never tell anyone."
"Don’t worry about the police, Kim. I was very careful."
"Kim’s screams ricocheted around the small room."
"What isn’t in my tapes and notes and clippings is permanently imprinted on my brain."
"If you thought you saw remorse in Ted Bundy’s eyes... it was in your own mind."
"I think it's pretty common to block out things we don't want to see."
"Writing is what I do, but it's not who I am."
"You got a phone call saying Kim was in bad hands. And we have Kim’s cell phone. We don’t even know if a crime has been committed."
"Better than I planned. Julia went off script and ended our time together with a real flourish. I just love her. Is everybody happy?"
"It’s been awful. You pray. You try to sleep. Try to keep your wits together."
"Imagine what it was like, Ben, to climax with the power of life and death in your hands."
"I was willing to take the beating, that’s how crazy I was about that beautiful girl."
"I constantly checked the recorder, saw that the wheels were slowly turning."
"Life went on. Can you picture me, Ben? Cute little kid with an axe in my hand, my overalls soaked with blood?"
"I can see you. It’s a sad story, Henri. But it sounds like a good place to start the book."
"So I need a simple yes or no, Len. Are you interested or not?"
"My hands went around her neck, and I choked her as naturally as if I was reenacting something I’d done before."
"I gave you her watch, Levon … Okay, then, look at this."
"It was almost six on a Friday evening. I was filing the transcribed audiotapes in a shoe box when I put my hand on the exit tape, the one with Henri’s instructions telling me how to get out of Joshua Tree Park."
"Henri told me that his years with Brewster–North had taught him to leave the weapons and the bodies on the scene."
"I watched the headline news, bolted upright when the talking head said, 'Police have no suspects in the murder of Gina Prazzi, heiress to the Prazzi shipping fortune. She was found murdered in a room at the exclusive French resort Château de Mirambeau.'"
"I watched the police captain brief the press on TV, his speech translated and recapped for those just tuning in."
"Van der Heuvel laughed again and told me to calm down, take a seat."
"I stood with the gun clasped in both my hands, leveled at Van der Heuvel, and when he was naked, I told him to grab the wall."
"As water surged across the fine wooden floors, I returned to the main room, packed away the computers, slinging both mine and Van der Heuvel’s over my shoulder."
"Under covering fire, a dozen agents charged the villa, and I heard the rumble of snow cracking loose from the steep grade behind Horst’s stronghold."
"Horst Werner, the terror who Van der Heuvel had described as a man with long arms and steel fists, 'the last man you’d ever want to meet,' came out of his house of stone."
"Henri spit at the lens, and the tattooed man grabbed a hank of his brown hair. He pulled his neck taut. 'Say the words!' he yelled."