
Asylum Quotes

Asylum by Madeleine Roux

"The place Dan would be spending the next five weeks."
"He’d be hanging out with kids who wanted to learn, who actually did their homework beforehand and not up against their lockers in a messy dash before the bell."
"Turn around now, whispered the voice in his head."
"He walked into the dorm. For the next five weeks, this was home."
"I think it sounded like something cool to check out, you know, maybe after hours."
"The door felt like it was pushing back at first, but then it started to give."
"The pictures were horrible, but Dan couldn’t stop flipping to the next one, and the next."
"Little fat clouds with smiles decorated her pajama pants."
"I wish they could just keep it together for a few more years until Jessy and I are both in college."
"You’re a good listener, Dan. You’ve got this whole wise vibe going on."
"It’s just a bunch of old pictures. There’s nothing to be afraid of."
"I feel like there has to be more to the old wing."
"It’s like she’s speaking to me. Like she needs me."
"I’m sitting in an old mental hospital, hallucinating emails about patients."
"You are facially symmetrical, but suffer from slightly protruding ears."
"Insanity is relative. It depends on who has who locked in what cage." - Ray Bradbury
"A coincidence is you and me both picking pie for dessert."
"I will pull madness out by its black root, and I will leave a legacy no man, however sanctimonious, can fault."
"A truly great life. That is what humanity deserves. Not an average life, not even a normal one—a life in which genius is not an anomaly but an expectation."
"Out in the hall, the lights were too bright. He longed for the cover of total darkness."
"He was going to go with his gut on this one. And his gut was telling him he would find answers in the basement."
"Sometimes, Dan, friends have to take a stand and say: Hey, idiot, we’re here for you no matter what."
"All men seek immortality in their own way, either through a legacy of children carrying their name and genetic material, through architecture, through science, and this now is simply my search for a legacy like no other."
"We’re not going to disappear when you get grumpy or angry, we’re in this for the long haul. We’re in this for each other."
"At dinner, Abby was withdrawn. She slumped in her chair, chewing her nails and holding a staring contest with her mashed potatoes."
"If they really thought we were in danger, they’d shut down the program and send us home."
"You have to go to the police with this," Jordan said.
"Excuse me? Hi. I’m a student at the program here. . . . I just wanted to bring some information to your attention, Officer."
"It’s not hard to find out about the Sculptor online, anyone could look it up and mimic the crimes."
"I don’t care if they believe you!" Jordan shouted.
"I didn’t send you that text. I’m going back to bed."
"Vigilance might be their one line of defense."
"Trapped. They were trapped, locked up in the dark of their final cell."
"No reception," she said, wiping a tear out of her eyes.
"You’re all so easy to mold, fleshy clay fools," he sang.
"And now, for my curtain call, I had to take action before that horrible man ruined all our fun."
"You will be my finest sculpture, my magnum opus."
"The time for experiments and cures is over. You need to end this, Dan, once and for all."