
The Winter Of The Witch Quotes

The Winter Of The Witch by Katherine Arden

"The city cannot do without you. There are dead to mourn; there are granaries lost, and animals and warehouses. Children cannot eat vengeance, Dmitrii Ivanovich."
"No amount of spilled blood will bring back my sister’s child."
"The fire was God’s punishment, but the crime was not yours."
"I wasn’t strong enough. I have done what I could; I hope—it may be enough. You won’t see me again. But you will live. You must live."
"You should have thought of that before you cursed me with the ears to hear them."
"Many say, better to die, until the time comes to actually do it."
"Magic is forgetting the world was ever other than as you willed it."
"Monster is a relative term. Nothing is born a monster, in my opinion."
"All I wanted was to be free. My bastard brother penned me up in a clearing on the edge of winter for life after life of men."
"I prayed—all the years of my life, I prayed. But you were silent, Lord. If I am making bargains with devils it is only because you abandoned me."
"There are no monsters in the world, and no saints. Only infinite shades woven into the same tapestry, light and dark."
"People are divided into those who have it [power] and those who have it not. Which will you be?"
"She saved the city too, although her brother can’t say so without accusing his own sister of witchcraft."
"There is no doubt. He will be in Moscow by autumn, if you don't pay him, Dmitrii Ivanovich."
"Matters of war and politics were more pressing and less fraught."
"He can control the mob, and I can control him; that is the kind of man who wants gold and glory, despite all his pretension of piety."
"She caused the fire. Maybe her death by fire was justice."
"That is why I became a monk. That I might care for all the world together and not be tied to a little corner of it."
"We are your family, vows or no, and we need you here."
"It seems we are back where we started. Telling lies, and omitting truths."
"If there is a demon loose, then Sergei will know what to do."
"The land between noon and midnight. Between winter and spring. All lands touch, here at the water, and you can step from one to the other."
"Because word has gone out among the chyerti and we are all curious."
"Don’t you know you mustn’t pass the night beside the lake in a new season? Or you will never get the old season back."
"If you could spend a day in the lake in minutes, then what else was possible?"
"Justice? Have I not had enough justice these last days?"
"I am sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I am sorry."
"You denied both the winter-king and his brother, didn’t you? You made yourself a third power in their war."
"Magic makes people mad. You change reality so much you forget what is real."
"Not one life lost is worth the price of my grief."
"We understand each other. We cannot make a new world without first breaking the old."
"I have been mad for years. But at midnight, this is still my realm."
"But it doesn’t have to be so. We can save the chyerti, save the land between noon and midnight."
"I will not help you. I am steward of this lake, these woods; I care not for the world beyond."
"Affinity makes it easier to travel. Like calls to like. Blood calls to blood."
"Why be on my side? The Bear can make chyerti angry, stronger with wrath. But you can make us more real."
"Am I so vain as to think that the winter-king would let himself be imprisoned for eternity for my sake?"
"I cannot. Not yet. But one day. When this is over. Perhaps you can show me where the lisichki grow."
"You can go anywhere you wish, in Midnight. Any place, any season."
"Misplaced longing was all there ever was. I do not love him."
"The present is not forever. One day I may see my brother Alyosha again, and my sister Irina."
"Immortals have no future: only now. It is our blessing and great curse."
"I am a witch... I have plucked snowdrops at Midwinter, died at my own choosing, and wept for a nightingale. Now I am beyond prophecy."
"You are a strange girl, to want that danger."
"Love is for those who know the griefs of time, for it goes hand in hand with loss."
"I tried to let you go... Again and again I tried. Because every time I touched you—even looked at you—it drew me nearer to mortality."