
I Found You Quotes

I Found You by Lisa Jewell

"You know what’s crazy? This is crazy: I love you more now than I did this morning!"
"Nine times out of ten it’s just something completely innocuous."
"He wanted me to be happy and relaxed. Not stressed out in a strange place. With strange people."
"My friend, my father, my lover, my husband. Everything."
"The stillness is appalling. She has never been alone before. Never."
"The sound of the front door downstairs being opened and closed. And then she jumps at the sound of the phone."
"The kitchen was small and the walls were nicotine-beige."
"Things leaked when it rained and there was a strange odour about the place: briny and mackerely, damp and smoky."
"It made a nice change to the silence of the quiet street they lived on in Croydon."
"The emptiness of him. All the spaces and gaps."
"Her whole life has been shaped – virtually destroyed – by her sexual desires."
"Men are no longer on her agenda. Her children are her priority now."
"She scouts for a note of some kind, but there’s nothing. Sadness plummets through her; she feels heavy-limbed with disappointment."
"He laughs at the power of it, after all these hours of nothing."
"I threw up,' he says. 'Just out of the blue. And then after that I couldn’t move."
"She can’t believe how relieved she’d felt to see him standing there in her doorway just now."
"And now I’m a professional full-time cutter-outer and sticker-oner of tiny bits of maps into flower shapes."
"An exquisite moment of suspended existence beyond which lies the potential for everything."
"Why don’t we eat by the beach tonight? It’ll be really nice."
"Well, no, but then, who is? Really? It’s something you realize the older you get. Everyone’s a bit strange."
"It was called Nancy. It was beautiful. And he’s not weird. He’s just... posh."
"He’s bored. He told me. He offered to come here to keep his aunt company because he thought some of his friends from the old days might be here and they’re not and now he’s stuck here with no one to hang out with."
"The bed still smells of him, it smells of them, of the sheen of their bodies when they are together, the heat of them and the joy of them."
"This is what he was hiding from her. Not so much. Nothing that any other man wouldn’t keep locked in a drawer, for safekeeping."
"I look like Keira Knightley," she says. "Except not so thin."
"Whenever he’s with her he finds himself pulled towards her as if the very air around her is cambered."
"He remembers watching a man jumping into the sea and drowning. He remembers a teenage girl on the carousel at the steam fair."
"He’s nice," she says circumspectly. "What do you want me to say?"
"It’s Saturday. She tries to remember what she was doing this time last week. They had lunch, she remembers suddenly, at a pub in the countryside."
"Just accept the hospitality. That’s how we do things oop north."
"But as Carl himself had often said, they were ‘still on honeymoon’. There was plenty of time to share themselves with other people, to dilute the intensity of their coupling."
"The Coastguard was called out to Ridinghouse Bay at around 1 a.m. this morning after reports of three people struggling off the coast."
"I’m sorry," she said, "I’m really tired. I just want to go to bed."
"People reveal themselves to you a layer at a time. That is why you should wait."
"You are brave and foolish. But I cannot stop you."
"Thank God you’re alive. I was getting really worried."
"There’s no law that says you have to go out with someone just because they asked you."
"I just don’t feel...There must be someone," says Jasmine. "Everyone has someone."
"Thank you all so much," Izzy said into her microphone. "Harrie and I are going to take a little break now."
"It’s quickie o’clock," she says, pulling him on top of her.
"I’m so sick of this," he says. "So fucking sick of it."
"You earned it," he said, and then flushed as he realized how crass that sounded.
"For Christ’s sake, there’s no one here, can’t you take a hint?"
"It’s coming, she realises, the end of this thing; it’s sitting on the horizon and she doesn’t like the look of it at all."
"I’ll always want to know you, Frank. One way or another. It’s whether or not you’ll want to know me, that’s the real question."
"In this country, I think, people spend a lot of time worrying about the darkness. We all want to be sunny. We’re scared if we’re not."
"I am dark. That doesn’t mean I can’t have fun. I can have lots of fun. But when it is just me, alone, with myself – there is no sunshine."
"It would be so tempting to opt out of remembering, to stop the process right here, right now, crawl back into Alice’s bed, be enigmatic, empty, needy Frank for ever and never find out anything else disappointing about himself."
"No, he thinks to himself, I don’t belong here. I can’t be here, however much I wish I could. It’s not fair on Alice and it’s not fair on her children."
"The pain of his broken wrist was diluted by the adrenaline surging through him, but still, his body was in shock."
"I reckon we could maim him quite significantly with these."
"This man, this remarkable stranger, this person who has made her feel ways she thought she might never feel again, is a single maths teacher with a cat."
"Taking in stray dogs doesn’t make you a saint. Neither does taking in lost strangers."
"You found me. You came all this way and you found me."
"Willowy and hollow-cheeked with a piercing gaze."
"She feels numb with tiredness and strangeness."
"Because you’re not capable of rescuing anyone."
"‘No,’ he says. ‘Sorry. I can’t say I do. Is that your husband?’"
"We might be different characters in the same story. If you know what I mean?"
"I couldn’t help overhearing you and, well, I don’t suppose . . . I mean . . ."
"His passport is a fake and that no such person as him exists."
"It’s like I’m watching two movies concurrently. On a delay."
"Every minute I have spent with you has been perfect, Lily. I wish I had met you twenty years ago. Maybe none of this would have happened. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone or anything in my whole stupid life."
"I’ll try to call you – I don’t know when. It might be a long time. Please don’t look for me. You won’t be able to find me."
"It was just a crazy idea I had. This idea that I could somehow recreate her lost life. Give her the history she never had. Make something real."
"The sky is pale blue and a soft breeze scatters cherry blossom at their feet."
"The man you love is a monster," he adds quietly.
"It makes me wrong," he says. "But it doesn’t make me a monster."
"Please don’t talk to him. He is mad and he is dangerous and he is a liar."
"Graham is the man I was supposed to be. All along. You know... Graham. He's solid, but ambitious. He's loving and family-minded."
"Mum will love it," he says. "Really. Just incredible. And beautiful. And right."
"I don’t live here! Of course I don’t! I live in Ridinghouse Bay, in the attic. I hate it here! I’d love to sell this place, move on with my life. But I can’t. How can I sell a house with a body in the garden?"