
Night Study Quotes

Night Study by Maria V. Snyder

"Of course it would be a cause for celebration. Well, a quiet celebration."
"You have a dirty mind, love. I’m thinking of orders to change a diaper or rock a baby to sleep. Things like that."
"I’m sure we’ll be stopping at a few inns. Right?"
"That's true, but if you're riding a Sandseed horse, they never get lost."
"I drew my cloak tighter around my shoulders."
"Covering our noses with our shirts, we filed in."
"The real concern was a large triangle-shaped piece that jutted from her left side, just below her ribs."
"He grasped the triangular shard and yanked it out in one quick motion."
"Thousands of cracks raced through the glass like lightning."
"Blood soaked her back from dozens of slivers."
"A helpless frustration boiled up his throat."
"The force of the impact sent glass flying in all directions."
"Every single one of these gray hairs is directly linked back to saving you."
"It's not so much your actions, but your intentions and your choices."
"Then I’ll teach you how to read body language."
"Late-morning sunlight glinted off the glass panes of the hothouse."
"He drew in deep breaths, sensing the echoes of emotions."
"The air reeks of death. And there’s nothing subtle about that."
"The thought of Owen in Ixia coiled like a snake in the pit of my stomach."
"Illusions are exhausting. While something static is much easier."
"Magicians don't reveal all their powers. They like to keep one or two hidden from public knowledge so they have an advantage."
"Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen. But it’s not your fault or mine. Owen is responsible for his own actions."
"Then it will be the first time I’ve disobeyed a direct order."
"Wrapped tight in Valek’s arms, I believed him."
"That’s my line. You’ll have to think of something else."
"It’s a symbol of my love, my loyalty, my respect, my trust and my commitment to you and only you. Yelena, will you marry me?"
"Love trumps logic. And when it comes to you, love, I can be extremely irrational."
"Are we still going to check those other hothouses? No. I can’t stop a magical booby trap, and anything could be the trigger."
"You’ve been hanging around those Ixians too long."
"I’m not in here that much. It’s more of a storage space."
"What can I do? Find proof that Owen is alive and has committed treason, so we can convince the Council to start a manhunt for him."
"The gossips worked faster than Valek’s intelligence network."
"I’d like to believe we’d find a moment of peace in our future."
"Yes, I can control my life and body. Me. Not him. I am no longer a victim and should stop acting like one."
"The more I interact with him, the greater my certainty that he’s being influenced."
"Someone has to change diapers while you’re saving the world, love."
"It’s dangerous to give Owen time to set his plans in motion."
"It’s not like the Commander to make an execution a public spectacle."
"We’re stronger together. You said so yourself."
"You mean you won’t let me lock you in a tower so you can never leave?"
"The family business. I like that. Well said, Janco."
"Every time they set a trap, the thieves avoided it."
"My lips still burned from Valek’s kiss. The intensity of it seared into my soul like a red-hot iron branding his name right on my heart."
"I’m sure Master Magician Irys will stop by in the morning to explain what’s going on."
"You’re quick. It took that Hale fellow ages to understand."
"The only suspected member of the Cartel was Bruns Jewelrose, who’d hired The Mosquito to assassinate Yelena and supposedly the other four magicians."
"In bed with his wife, Mara, who made the plainest housedress appear to be the height of fashion. Just wrapping his arms around her would ease the ache pulsing deep in his chest."
"I can only do so much with these guys. Now, if you were on the team with Annika, then..."
"The old Valek would have made him suffer for a few days, waiting to find out if you’d inform his commanding officer or leave him one of your infamous black statues."
"And you’ve left Onora with the Commander, you idiot."
"I’m not about to punish ambition, but I suggest you work on spotting a tail."
"Instead she concocted a story of your demise. Risky."
"The Commander would be upset with the ratio at this garrison. What happened to all your colleagues?"
"Speaking of puzzles, have you heard anything about these Storm Thieves?"
"If Fisk couldn’t help, I’d explode. His Helper’s Guild members would be cleaning Yelena bits off their ceiling, walls and floor for days."
"He is. He probably hired a magician to hide the guild’s entrance with an illusion."
"I’ll scream really loud and you run and get backup."
"I kept my hand close to my switchblade just in case."
"Anyone who can use ne’er-do-well in a sentence deserves every comfort."
"It’s never too early to lend a helping hand."
"The enticing aroma of sweet cakes floated from the kitchen located straight ahead."
"With my fingernails biting into my skin, I said, 'We have another person outside with our horses.'"
"Everyone is vulnerable. If I was a ne’er-do-well, I’d find a person’s weakness and exploit it in my favor."
"Don’t worry about it, kitty cat. You’re good—not as good as me, but no one’s perfect."
"That ego is going to get you killed someday."
"Patience isn’t my thing, but a smart spy would stick around and see who the other curious cats are."
"I may have seen another...cat slinking away."
"In spite of my concern for my brother, I must ensure the baby remained healthy by eating regularly and getting enough sleep."
"Headquarters is never empty. I’m told it’s like a hive with bees flying in and out all day."
"A storm brewed over the Sunset Ocean, and Valek had a day and a half to prepare."
"Those islands are only good for a rest or when you have to make repairs."
"Not all the magicians are missing. A few of them are in hiding."
"When the sharp pulses in his temples dulled to a loud throb, Leif opened his eyes."
"A steady hum of unease vibrated through him."
"As the hours dragged by—each one slower than the previous—Leif worried they’d forgotten him."
"The wonderful aroma of beef caused Leif’s head to spin."
"He sat up and rubbed his arms, working the feeling back into his hands."
"And in exchange? All I ask is that you hear me out."
"The idea is to gather all the magicians into one unit, train them how to fight and use their magic to gain information."
"You’re jumping ahead. Sit down and we can discuss my proposal."
"Before Jibben could disembowel him, Valek jabbed his sword into Jibben’s thigh."
"Each near miss increased Jibben’s frustration, causing him to make small but critical mistakes."
"To distract himself from the pain, he studied the structures the pirates had built."
"The color combination would probably work during all seasons."
"Secure the criminals in the Starfish’s hold."
"Magic swelled around him, pushing against Valek."
"Because of that magic you’re gathering around you right now."
"Trust me or not, just keep it to yourself, along with your abilities."
"He suspected if he flattened his gaze into his killer’s demeanor, she’d become frightened once more."
"Keeping her safe is almost impossible, and Valek knows it, Ari."
"Just because a person has magic doesn’t mean they’re good people."
"You know there are always casualties during a war."
"Everyone hates and fears you—they didn’t need to know they are related to an abomination."
"If I'd planned to kill them, they'd be dead by now."
"Because evil is out there. We’ve witnessed its devastation. We know it must be stopped."
"And you’ve never said something in anger that you regretted later? Never uttered the wrong thing when you were out of your mind with grief?"
"We want to visit them at the beginning of the hot season. Can you arrange it?"
"Don’t worry about money. The Keep provides a stipend to the students."
"True. And my taxes were reduced after the takeover."
"That’s bullshit. If that was the case, then you wouldn’t let the twins stay overnight, you wouldn’t be here by your brothers’ graves, you wouldn’t have a heart mate."