
Can Love Happen Twice? Quotes

Can Love Happen Twice? by Ravinder Singh

"Dusk had fallen when Amardeep walked out of the exit gate of the busy Chandigarh airport. A chilly winter welcomed him for the very first time to ‘The City Beautiful’."
"Love was in the air and red was the colour everywhere."
"Enjoying the initial few moments, Amardeep let his body feel and embrace the cold surrounding him."
"Life hasn’t been good to him, else the guy who taught many of us what love is wouldn’t have lost his battle of life because of his loss in love."
"In a few moments nature started painting everything white. Tiny flakes of snow whirled right in front of my nose."
"I stood with my palms stretched against the glass, frozen like a statue, and watched those flakes swirling down, till they lost their individuality and became a part of the homogeneous cluster of white."
"Unlike India, where a sandwich is more like a snack, in the West it is more of a meal."
"The glass wall seemed soundproof as I could hear nothing. Yet, I imagined the sound of the fast cars on the road. I imagined the whistle of the wind that was blowing outside at that level."
"The next time when they went on air Shambhavi updated all the listeners that the show that night would continue for an indefinite time and that it was going to be the very first time in their history that a show would run for an unspecified duration."
"I don’t know why, but for some unknown reason I felt a sudden urge to look at her face."
"Belgium time is four and a half hours ahead of Indian time."
"It was a pleasure to find a few more Indians in that bus."
"All of a sudden Sanchit looked at his watch and then looked at me with a stupid smile."
"Voilà! One of the most used French words to express a there-you-are message."
"She was candid and honest. It was just that she didn’t appear mature enough, but it was a treat to come across such innocence."
"For me love was just meant to happen once and it was forever."
"How do I fill the same heart with love for someone else?"
"All I am saying is that if happiness comes knocking at your door, then don’t deny it."
"I felt the need to have a drink and to enjoy the last few hours of my birthday."
"Everything that has happened so far—was this all coincidence? Who was driving all this? God?"
"I stood still, vaguely looking at the knife which I was holding in my hand."
"People do live with memories—not sure how many and not sure how."
"Here is her story in the greatest possible detail."
"Your love for Khushi is so sacred and priceless. How could God be so cruel to take away an angel like Khushi from you?"
"For some reason I myself wanted to show her my Khushi, even before she had asked about her."
"Just the way you described her in your masterpiece."
"It felt like the first sunrise after thousands of moonless dark nights, like the first bite of bread after a hundred days of hunger."
"Sometimes you are not sure how happiness can again slip into your life."
"In that very moment she was provoking me to love her and in that same moment she was pissing me off."
"In this world where it is difficult to handle one woman, I was handling two at the same time."
"It wasn’t worth explaining to a drunken girlfriend about what not to do."
"I wanted to leave and therefore asked the waiter to take back the meal and pack it as a takeaway for me."
"I don’t know why she would sometimes get extra formal like this."
"We enjoyed each and every moment of being in love."
"It takes guts to pen down an emotional tale, young man."
"At times Simar doesn’t know what she actually wants."
"This phase of longing for each other from a distance continued for a while."
"But sweetheart, you can do all that here in India as well, na? Don’t your parents want you to be close to them?"
"Because I thought it was implicit. We met in Belgium and we lived together in Belgium. I thought we will continue to live there forever."
"Don’t worry, baby, things will work out because at the end of the day we love each other."
"Where women are concerned, the unexpected is always expected."
"To the girl who taught me how to butterfly kiss!"
"Love, like life, is so insecure. It moves in our lives and occupies its sweet space in our hearts so easily. But it never guarantees that it will stay there forever. Probably that’s why it is so precious."
"But the unexpected was no more unexpected. It was all clear."
"True love is unconditional. And if it is a ‘Conditions Apply’ scenario, then it isn’t true love."
"Things didn’t work between the two of them, because they both loved the same person. He loved her and she loved herself."
"When you say ‘I love you’ you mean it from the bottom of your soul. When you are promising your love to someone you are promising an entire life to that person."