
Good Girls Lie Quotes

Good Girls Lie by J.T. Ellison

"There are truths, and there are lies, and then there is everything that really happened, which is where you and I will meet."
"Isn’t this what a sociopath does? Work on their camouflage? What better disguise is there than an open, thankful, gracious smile?"
"In the modern age, with the ubiquitous connections available, not allowing personal mobile phones on campus is believed to be an archaic approach to education."
"Lies have kept me safe, kept me protected, my whole life."
"It’s hard to imagine a prettier place, isn’t it?"
"I’ve never understood my compulsive desire to lie."
"In the past, it was much, much easier to get away with these transactional lies."
"With some tender loving care, you’ll be back to yourself in no time."
"I believe in trust and kindness, and the integrity of this oath. On my honor."
"I find social media a waste of time. Not to mention an invasion of privacy."
"Get it together. You will not think of this now. You will never think of this again."
"The joy you’ll bring to your listeners... It would be such a shame, Ash."
"But when a natural talent like yours comes along, I don’t like to see it go to waste."
"I haven’t been honest with you, Dean Westhaven."
"You are here to learn. You will work harder than you have ever worked before."
"You’d think they’d bury them, the graveyard is actually pretty cool."
"Discipline. Focus. Identity. That’s what Ford offered here at Goode, in addition to being a ticket to ride."
"But human nature is what it is, and someone will always be there to prey on the weak."
"Female rebellion is a time-honored tradition, yes, but it’s usually more genteel now, death by a thousand cuts."
"Sometimes the body simply can’t get out of reactive mode and the flare-ups are too much for the heart to handle."
"I didn’t do anything. I haven’t a clue what you’re speaking about."
"And feel free to have breakfast with me tomorrow. You might find my friends a little less backstabbing than yours."
"Places have memories, especially when there’s been bloodshed."
"She’s watching me with that curious hawk-stare, and I chicken out."
"In the dark, it feels like the room is suspended in midair over the mountains."
"The secret societies at Goode are a centuries-old tradition."
"Belonging is good for teenagers. Finding like-minded individuals, girls with whom they can feel at home, will strengthen them, ready them for the world."
"Words are going to get her out of here one day."
"Personal responsibility is the backbone of Goode. Never blame others for your own decisions."
"Everyone in my life has been using me one way or another. What is one more?"
"Who knew? I thought lies had power until I saw what silence could do."
"Despite my efforts to fly under the radar, and the reticence of my suitemates, I am becoming a popular student."
"I have been so exposed the past few weeks, like a raw nerve ending on a sore tooth, being prodded and looked at and whispered about."
"I could reinvent myself if I didn’t have my mother breathing down my neck."
"Allow me to remove the knife from between my ribs. Oh, yes, I can't reach it, it's in my back. Could you help?"
"I suppose it was inevitable someone would find out about...their deaths. I never thought so many people would care, truth be told."
"You have the school. The dean. Your friends. Your family's money. Don't talk to me about having nothing until you understand what it means."
"I wanted to forget. I wanted to run away and forget everything."
"The world is asking too much of you. No teenage girl should have to go through losing her parents the way you did."
"Have you ever seen anyone die? Watched as the light disappears from their eyes?"
"Logic: it's Vanessa and Camille, waiting to jump out and scare me."
"You are each assigned a Falconer, who will train you in our ways. Whatever your Falconer tells you to do, you do it."
"You have been tapped. You are all Swallows of Ivy Bound now. Do me proud."
"Trust me when I say you won’t be thanking me tomorrow."
"The spark of pride, of excitement, almost drowns out the incessant itching of my arm."
"Despite years tromping through field and forest, I’ve never had a case of poison ivy. How bad can it possibly be?"
"Sex is free, built to resist commitment and responsibility, often completely disengaged from the act of love."
"One needn’t experience things firsthand to be a writer, one must only be a keen observer of setting and human nature."
"The money is contingent on the school going coed."
"I am quite literally wearing the fruit of my labors on my body."
"The usual agenda was amended this afternoon to include a fund-raising update."
"The world doesn’t work that way, and teenage girls don’t, either."
"She pours herself another whiskey—it might help her sleep, and she needs her rest."
"I’m sorry, but this has nothing to do with Camille."
"Silence fills the room, and a chill moves down my spine."
"Unfortunately, Dean, we need to spend some time in the deceased’s room."
"Are they going to arrest me? Handcuff me? Is this all over already?"
"She can stay with me tonight, Dean. I’ll make her a bed on my sofa."
"It was a gift. It means a lot to me. I need to keep it."
"Everything is sharper in memory, not dulled."
"Rich, smart, determined, or otherwise, they’re dealing with teenage girls."
"Bad publicity is never good but isn’t insurmountable."
"Not your case, Kate, she reminds herself for the twentieth time."
"Always. What’s the sudden interest in British politics?"
"It’s that stiff upper lip thing, gets us every time."
"Remember your classmate, Camille. Remember a kind, sweet girl, with a bright future ahead."
"Classes are canceled today, and counselors will be on campus to talk with you."
"I appreciate it, Mom. Thank you for looking out for me."
"You’re headmistress now, aren’t you, Ford? That’s enough of a mess for me."
"Fly away, little Swallow. You missed your appointment this morning, so you don’t get to sit with us anymore."
"Suicide is a difficult topic, sometimes even a taboo topic, but here at Goode, where we strive to shine a light on all things, we will not be handling this any differently."
"It feels obscene that today is so gloriously sunny. It should be raining, the skies weeping the loss of a child; that’s only fitting."
"Every conceivable curse word she knows runs through her mind, followed by a single, edifying thought. Who sent this?"
"There are three ways to respond to a crisis. Yes, I did it, who cares? Yes, I did it, and I’m sorry. No, I didn’t do it, prove it."
"If you’re ever afraid of something, Ash, you must face that fear head-on. Experience it, live it, breathe it, lean in to it. If you do, you’ll conquer it."
"The very last thing in the world I want to do is swirl the tiny brush in my cheek, making the smooth skin raw with the force of its nasty, harsh bristles. But I do. What choice do I have?"
"Everything about Ashlyn Carr, aka Ash Carlisle, feels odd to me."
"It’s all about the students. Most of the folks who grew up here have moved off to bigger towns and better lives."
"She’s ambitious. Wants to get out of Marchburg, go to New York, be a big shot author."
"The very air feels wrong, like a veil drifts between the school and the street, unseen and menacing."
"Girls change dramatically in their teen years."
"The girls are given great leniency when it comes to the society taps, yes, but that doesn’t include the use of alcohol or drugs."
"Your mind exists in the gutter, Ford. Get it out of his pants."
"The walls of this institution are strong, but even brick and steel can crumble under appropriate pressure."
"But who is pretending to be whom, darling sister?"
"You’ve shared their secrets. I caved when they needed me to be strong. They’re giving me a second chance."
"No, she's not. It's a game. I've been tapped for a secret society, that's all. It's all in good fun."
"But Ashlyn's sagging now—the beaten, cowed, unloved girl is back."
"Ashlyn will do anything when her demon rises. I need to keep that part of her at bay for as long as possible until I figure out what to do."
"Mum always told me to watch out for a woman scorned."
"You have to give me some time. I can work this, but it's going to be tricky."
"Listen to me, you stupid, hapless twat. Twenty-four hours, or I will blow up your entire world and dance on the ashes. You'll have the distraction you need."
"She finds a good bottle of Bordeaux and leaves it to breathe on the counter."
"He's been as much friend as lover these past few years. And she needs a friend right now."
"Ford. We can't keep pretending everything is okay."
"She lies in the crook of his arm afterward, sated and glowing, a leg thrown over his strong thighs, runs a finger down his chest."
"Ford? Ford? You have to come, right away. There's another dead girl."
"Can we talk? All of this craziness with the Swallows and Camille and the news from home, I just need a friend."
"Oh, God. Oh, my God. Dean Westhaven, I think I know who did this to her."
"She's the threat. Please, Dean. Can we go to your office? I'll explain everything inside."