
Will They Or Won't They Quotes

Will They Or Won't They by Ava Wilder

Will They Or Won't They Quotes
"Maybe she didn’t need to worry about faking the chemistry, after all."
"As if she needed another reminder, the fact that Lilah Hunter was once again trapped alone in a room with Shane McCarthy was confirmation that her life had gone completely off the rails."
"Her throat tightened as a memory popped up, unbidden, of the first time they’d spotted an Intangible billboard with the two of them on it, back before the first season had even aired."
"I think I speak for both of us when I say that we’ve been so grateful for this entire journey, especially the fact that we get to finish it the way we started: together."
"Hopefully there’s life after life after death."
"That was the problem with fantasies. They were shallow, passive, one-sided."
"Having the road map of a script in front of her, secure in the knowledge of exactly what she was supposed to do and how everything would unfold, gave her the freedom to let go, to exist purely in the moment."
"The idea that you think people are paying much more attention to you than they actually are."
"It wasn’t the getting naked part that bothered her—it was the getting naked with Shane part."
"It made her even more bitter about the situation with Shane. The fact that she had to fight so hard to find time for the people she loved, while someone she hated was allowed to monopolize such a large chunk of it."
"Try to have some compassion for twenty-two-year-old Lilah. Remember, you’re in a group of people who love her. You’re not allowed to talk shit about her."
"She’d tried to ignore the tiny intimacies that had piled up over time."
"He’d told her he loved her only once, four or five months ago."
"The aggression had drained out of her almost as quickly as it arrived."
"She understood it: nothing united a group like a common enemy."
"But she wanted to be disliked on her own merits, at least."
"She was good, too, especially for her age; it was like she lit up from within whenever the camera was on her."
"You and Shane. I can’t open my phone now without someone harassing me for getting between you two."
"I think we need to clear the air a little."
"As he chatted with several of the writers, popping the tops off their beers in a series of fluid, practiced motions, he felt more at ease than he had all night."
"It matters what they did, but not what you did?"
"Sometimes it’s, like, lucid dreaming. Where I can control it. Especially if it’s one I have a lot. So if that’s the case, I just…do my best to turn it into a sex dream."
"Yeah," she said quietly, and he knew she was thinking the same thing he was: there was no way they could’ve known back then what..."
"Maybe I wonder if I would’ve been happier staying under the radar, even if I made less money."
"I don’t know if I’m ready to be put out to pasture like that just yet."
"We can’t undo the last eight years. It’s too late, the damage is done. Antagonizing each other, being constantly at each other’s throats…it’s toxic. Dysfunctional."
"Maybe you can’t really love someone unless they let you."
"I remember my name. I remember my tenth birthday. I remember the sound of my mom’s laugh."
"Even when I couldn’t remember any of that, I knew I was in love with you."
"What do you want me to say? That when you were gone, it felt like I was half a person?"
"I love doing the show. I do. I’d do it forever, if I could. But the rest of it…"
"That type of man was looking for a trophy, and not just in terms of looks."
"She hadn’t spoken since their Christmas Day phone call, but he’d shown up in her dreams almost every night since."
"I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. Ninety percent of them fail."
"He’d felt it for a while, but tonight finally confirmed the suspicion that had been nagging at the back of his mind since Vancouver: Shane was in big fucking trouble where Lilah was concerned."
"It’ll always be the perfect experience because it never happened."
"I don’t think there’s much that could’ve kept us away from each other back then."
"You’re going to have an incredible career after this, I know you are. You’re…undeniable."
"And you were still the most beautiful person in the room, even with that haircut."
"The low, persistent throb of loneliness accompanied her, like an old injury that had never fully healed."
"For as long as she could remember, her approach to relationships had been driven by the fear that she’d make the same mistake her parents had."
"The prospect of one day finding a romantic connection that nourished rather than drained her, that added value to her life, sometimes seemed like even more of a fantasy than the most ridiculous storylines on Intangible."
"I love you. I want…I want to be with you. And I don’t care if the whole fucking world knows this time. I want them to know."
"The point was that he loved her now, and she knew it as surely as she knew her own name. The kind of love that cast a warm glow back through time, all the way to their first meeting, reframing the past through the lens of the present."
"Please tell me this was the last morning I’ll have to wake up without you," he said quietly when he pulled away.
"He was still getting used to being able to kiss her like this, a kiss that had nothing to do with sex. A kiss that felt like a confession, a confirmation, an appreciation, all at once."
"I can’t just keep following you around, being your shadow forever."
"Our first priority is always doing what’s best for the characters and the story."
"To the future. It’s coming for us, no matter what."
"It can be lonely no matter where you are."
"It felt like they were on the verge of something—a wave cresting."
"I didn’t want to get my hopes up. But I really wanted it to."
"I think I’m ready to live my life off-camera for now. Besides, I’m doing all my gen eds online, so I won’t be on campus for a while anyway."