
Zero Days Quotes

Zero Days by Ruth Ware

Zero Days Quotes
"The lights might alert security, but that worked both ways."
"Sometimes you just had to go on your gut—act on impulse."
"This nightmare was only just beginning."
"But the thing they really kept harping on was the length of time I left between finding Gabe and calling the police."
"It sounds like someone got in there, slit his throat, and got out, without leaving much of a trace. That’s not a botched burglary—that’s something else."
"But I want very much to lash out at someone. I want to hurt someone—and if it couldn’t be them, it would probably be myself."
"Our knife. Our knife. What did that mean? Where had they found it?"
"In that moment I would have given anything—anything—to hear his key in the lock, his voice calling up the hallway, Babe, I'm home."
"Sometimes, often, to do nothing was to run a risk in itself."
"The police had failed me once; there was no reason they wouldn’t fail me again."
"For the first time in almost ten years, I had stolen something—and I had got away with it."
"I was a fugitive. I was on the run. It was almost impossible to believe."
"I was surrounded by a hundred people—shoppers, staff security guards. And yet I had never felt more alone."
"Listen, do me a favor, Red, pay it forward next time you see someone in need, yeah?"
"So fuck you, Jeff, and fuck you whoever is reading this."
"My rule of thumb is, if you can’t write it, say it. I always find face-to-face is better for the big stuff."
"Someone arranged a hit on Gabe, and they're trying to set me up to take the fall."
"Keep putting one foot in front of the other."
"The police were looking for a red-headed fugitive in a cheap rain jacket. The woman gazing back at me was a well-dressed pregnant blonde..."
"In the low warmth of the candlelight, the cottage turned out to be beautiful..."
"I’m saying, what if someone killed Gabe not to punish him, but to punish YOU?"
"Was it my fault? Had Gabe died because of me?"
"For six months after we broke up, Jeff had made my life a nightmare."
"But now… well, now Gabe was dead. And I wasn’t sure of anything anymore."
"I noticed stuff—stuff that other people didn’t—and that I trusted my gut."
"The blind spot in the cameras. The pause in a security guard’s footsteps. The tag that could be deactivated with a ballpoint pen."
"If it was Jeff, then the chance of the police solving this had just gone from slim to virtually nil."
"We’re tracking your phone. We know your location."
"I have a lead, on the insurance policy. I can’t talk now. I’ll message as soon as I’m out."
"Because the voice on the end of the recording, the voice I had listened to again and again and again… that voice was Cole’s."
"Maybe a bit of mayhem wouldn’t be the worst thing?"
"Someone had betrayed me. And I was as certain as I could be that it wasn’t Hel."
"How could you do it to him? He was your best friend."
"I cannot tell you how little of a shit I give about the idea of someone cutting my throat too."
"I swear, if you don’t tell me what you know right this second, I’m going to livestream this conversation to Gabe’s Twitter account."
"Do you know what a zero-day exploit is?"
"The photo was good, as well. No mercifully blurred black-and-white mug shot. They had taken my professional head shot from the Crossways company website, along with Gabe’s."
"Gabe as a dad. The thought was too bittersweet to bear."
"The whole thing is absolute BS and the police won’t buy it for a second."
"But at the end of the day, the words I had said to Cole kept echoing in my ears: nothing mattered, apart from finding out who had done this to Gabe. Nothing."
"Because when Jeff started to suggest it was getting in the way of our time together, that maybe I should consider quitting, taking up something a bit safer, a bit more sensible, something with a pension and career prospects, I knew that if I was forced to choose between Jeff and my work, I would choose pen testing every single time."
"Love. It could happen. And this time it could be real."
"How on earth was I supposed to find a needle in this programming haystack?"
"If someone could hack Puppydog, they could monitor not just you—but your kids."
"Getting into places I wasn’t supposed to be was what I did."
"If my actions could bring Cole to justice, if I could bring home to him what he’d done to Gabe, what he’d cost me… then yes. It was worth all of this. And more."
"Wake up, Cole. You’re going to want to see this."
"Shoot me. I don’t give a fuck, Cole. Don’t you understand? You’ve taken everything from me and I genuinely don’t give a shit if I live or die. Shoot me and explain that to the police."
"It was over, that the people who had killed Gabe had been, if not caught, at least run to ground."