
Yours Truly Quotes

Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez

Yours Truly Quotes
"You have no idea how lucky you are that you found Daniel. Seriously. Make a sacrifice to the dating gods for that one."
"Telling a dying man that everything was going to be okay when you knew it wasn’t."
"Benny had every right to hate what was happening to him."
"Starting a new job has gotta be like your own personal hell."
"This wasn’t the life I wanted. And I didn’t know how to change it. It was quicksand."
"I didn’t even want to eat it. I didn’t deserve to eat it. Nadia Cakes didn’t sell jumbos on a walk-in basis; they were a special order. He special-ordered this—for me. It was thoughtful."
"I think I would have enjoyed the tiny horse."
"It was hard to be strong for us both. I barely had enough for me."
"She looked so tired when she talked about her brother."
"She took me someplace to meet for lunch that wouldn’t make me anxious."
"Your family is awesome. Hell, I’d be your date if I could. And I wanna see if you can pull this shit off."
"I guess I just had to decide what scared me the most. Showing up to this wedding alone, or making Briana Ortiz an indecent proposal."
"My life was a mess. But at least Briana’s was the way it should be."
"This is one of the best days of my life, on one of the worst days of my life."
"Well, you are a much nicer person than I am, Jacob Maddox. When people go low on me, I go lower."
"Jacob, I am going to be the best girlfriend you’ve never had."
"I thought she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen."
"I used to tell my friends that my older brother was a genius."
"I sort of wanted to tell Jewel to fuck off too..."
"You know that it’s not your fault that you don’t like that stuff, right? There’s nothing wrong with you."
"I will never judge you for how you climb a tree, Jacob. And you should know that you are an exceptional fish."
You know what these silences make me think of?" she said. "I always think that when we’re quiet, we’re agreeing to be harmless to each other.
"His life was made up of hundreds of thousands of tiny choices, each thing in it selected by him and only him, so it was exactly what he wanted."
"Anyone who says money isn’t everything has never had to live without it."
"The truest sacrifices are the ones no one knows anything about."
"The whole point is to give them a better life than the one you had."
"I’m sorry someone made you feel like it’s hard to love you."
"I knew how this ended and wouldn’t lift a finger to save myself."
"I never would have worked harder for anything in my life than I would the tiny possibility of convincing her to consider me an option."
"But she being obsessed with me was so far from the truth it hurt to think about it."
"I loved him. And then I froze where I sat. Oh my God…I loved him."
"I was destined to love her up close and then eventually from a distance, and she'd never know it or love me back."
"She had me. And it wasn't because I was slightly buzzed, or feeling sentimental... She had me. And I suspected she always would."
"I would give her this every day. I’d spend the rest of my life looking for ways to make her smile at me like that. I lived for it."
"I love you. I love you so much. I wanted to crawl inside of him and live there."
"Sometimes people say things they don’t actually mean."
"This is what it feels like to be truly loved. I've never felt it before."
"I wish the me of today could send a message to the me of three months ago."
"I always thought it was me and you, and we did okay."
"If I didn’t know Nick after twelve years, how could I possibly know Jacob after just a few months?"
"This is what true love feels like. Clinging even to the stolen moments you’re not supposed to have."
"Nothing with her is just because. There are a thousand reasons in every second of every day."
"I thought I’d been in love before. I’d called it love, I’d believed it was love. But Briana is the lesson. She’s the one who taught me what it really feels like to live for someone else."
"Maybe I wasn’t ready. I might never truly be ready. But I was going to do it anyway. I was going to be brave."