
Spiritual Practices Quotes

There are 215 quotes

"Prayer is the channel to receive heaven's richest blessings."
"Spiritual practices are so important... the scientific evidence suggests these practices are very good for you."
"When you follow the prescription of Salah, of Dhikr, of Quran, it brings us back to that remembrance of what really matters."
"Nothing has matured me more than those three practices: prayer, fasting, giving. It teaches you how to love, it teaches you how to obey, it teaches you who your source is."
"The more spiritual you get, the cleaner that road gets and that's why the habits of meditation, that's why the habits of treating people better, it cleans up and smoothens out the road to finding that light inside you."
"The resurgence of interest in practices like meditation, mindfulness, and even prayer, reflects a yearning for deeper connection and understanding in a world increasingly defined by surface-level interactions."
"God is confronting our churchianity... getting us back to the place of resurrecting family altar, prayer time, spending time in the word, fasting again, speaking life into our children."
"Praying, fasting, and giving work together to defeat pride, greed, and lust."
"This made both Brian and Catherine a huge believer of past lives and Brian started to undergo past life regression as well."
"The entire Ummah in our times has agreed that one may give good deeds to the deceased."
"You got to take fire from the altar every day."
"Your spiritual growth is always measured by your spiritual ability and your spiritual Insight not spiritual knowledge."
"If you are in a fraternity or sorority, before you break evil, you have to renounce it first. We are gonna break them. Period."
"Here are some of the best ways to practice astral projection: Munroe technique, Rope technique, Hammock technique, Stretch out technique."
"Intercessory prayer is the secret weapon of the church."
"Rosary beads, they gotta go. It's an open door."
"Chanting is probably the most powerful thing you can do."
"Harnessing the power of silence: They value silence and solitude."
"Wicker is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. Its followers call themselves witches, worship the goddess of nature, and believe in the power to cast spells."
"Casting a circle keeps out any negative energy or spirits."
"Achieving the right headspace is crucial for spell work."
"Let's say the prayer again, maybe it'll actually give us a sign."
"Just get some gold in your body, in your system, to amplify that energy within you."
"Working with the gold light within meditation, so also working with gold light and meditation and stuff of that nature."
"Activating this third eye energy is going to allow you to activate your psychic gifts."
"If there's ever been a time to nail down the spiritual practices that keep you sane, it's right now."
"You don't have to just use smudging techniques like sage or incense."
"I have myself felt an extraordinary consolation when I have used holy water."
"This is the loving way to deal with negative energy."
"You want your life to count strongly, impacting people's lives? Then get busy doing the one thing that you know can absolutely impact a person's life as much as anything else you can do, and that's talking to God."
"The idea of cremating the body was that it would be an immediate release of the spirit... There was also a certain amount of cleansing, the idea of cleansing fire as a cleanser is quite a common idea."
"Reprogram your subconscious through prayer or meditation."
"Whatever label you want to put on us...we love God."
"We have to have a healthy diet of God's Word, we have to exercise it."
"The most important tool that will help you stabilize your energy field in this crucial time is allowing yourself the gift of being still."
"Decrees should always be given aloud, for it is the power of the word that is able to create, resurrect, transmute, and perfect."
"Survive by intense prayer and learning to pray in the Holy Ghost."
"If you want to make an impact in your relationship just tell them that you're going to fast for them for whatever reason."
"We're not afraid to trust, we're not afraid to give, we're not afraid to pray, we're not afraid to hope, and we're not afraid to fast."
"Activate the light codes inside of your body."
"You cannot improve on what Jesus did. The model was heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, cleanse the lepers, preach the gospel, baptize, make disciples."
"The prophetic expression of the gift of tongues, the one that's used in the public assembly of believers, where someone will stand, speak aloud in tongues, and someone else will interpret."
"Full moon energy has different characteristics. It's about completion, about ending things, knowing how to release things."
"Let me tell you just because you pray in tongues doesn't mean you have to swing on chandeliers and bark like a dog."
"Speaking in tongues is like starting a car... you have to initiate it."
"Chant for as long as you can, challenge your mind."
"Praying in tongues is like a gateway into other spiritual manifestations of the Holy Spirit."
"Praise, Thanksgiving, joy, and rejoicing are extremely potent weapons to use."
"Gratitude precedes manifestation; thankfulness paves the path to dreams."
"I'm a good psychiatrist which in a sense I am, but I think a lot of the reason that I'm able to do what I do is because I do a particular set of third eye practices which govern my ability to understand and like give me intuition."
"It's very easy to spiritually bypass. It's also very easy to truth or bypass."
"Prayer and fasting intensify the power of prayer."
"Starting your day with God can transform your life."
"Establish priorities for the day in God's presence."
"How do I get results... how do I operate in the supernatural?"
"Jesus puts praying and fasting on exactly the same level."
"Every modality, every ritual, every tool, every technique is simply a permission slip."
"This feels good, cleansing ourselves from past spirits."
"Prayers expressed with intense enthusiasm bring much quicker and more satisfactory results."
"We were witches. Me and Remy did this weird thing where we would just stare at each other and we would like manifest."
"95% of believers pray, but they don't have a quiet time in which they, before Almighty God, open this word and say, 'Lord, speak to my heart.'"
"Warm, sunny weather makes outdoor activities more desirable."
"In prayer, you can make decrees, you can create possibilities."
"Part of the reason the Oracle system died out was because the temple Chasm stopped emitting so many trans-inducing Vapors."
"These liturgical practices are not just practices, they are reality."
"If I used it, I would definitely ascend directly." - Recognizing the transformative power of purification.
"In kivas, one can commune with one's ancestors, visit with ghosts and spirits, and contact a variety of other dimensions."
"Biblical meditation is different... it's speaking to yourself, repeating a verse over and over again."
"It requires us to just really surrender it all to Him, fast and pray."
"Light a candle for your new beginnings, embrace the world that is ahead of you."
"Merit helps to purify our minds, eliminate anger, greed, and delusion."
"Purification, cleansing, opening, releasing."
"Before going to sleep, place a small amethyst crystal in the middle of your forehead for insight to come through your dreams."
"Depend upon Allah with Jalla, by using the means."
"Prayer is the way to bring people home, especially in this day and age."
"Faith must be increased in everything we do."
"We have the ability to heal ourselves and others with this manipulation process. It's not exploitive either, I mean, it's beautiful, it's divine."
"Fasting is the ultimate way to create miracles in your like to bring in that which you desire to just cut the cords with everything that is no longer working."
"King Solomon would spend time in isolation for spiritual elevation."
"What does God consider so important in our lives? Prayers."
"Self-inquiry, self-surrender, this is how it's done."
"Soul magic... powerful space holding for you becoming the next version of you."
"We brought sage bundles and other cleansing stuff, we haven't seen anything like that again after that."
"When I pray in tongues, my spirit is praying." - 1 Corinthians 14:14
"The Hara impart acceptance and gratitude for the cycle of life and death."
"Utilize this Leo new moon and this Lion's Gate energy to cleanse away all the emotional and mental debris that no longer serve you to allow all this beautiful new energy in."
"The first thing is that we want to teach practices for godliness."
"Sacred Space enables us to stay in closer touch with various spiritual Realms."
"Waking up early sets a spiritual tone for your day."
"During a fast, I very strongly advise that you take extra time for Bible reading and prayer."
"So my roommate called up someone that she knew that did house exorcisms... make sure you never have mirrors facing your bed."
"Ramadan is a month of understanding and giving."
"The Bible did not say you should just pray. The Bible told you to watch and pray."
"Do spend time in Eucharistic adoration; it's deeply rooted in the spiritual tradition of the Church."
"Often times what precedes the next season is fasting."
"Visualize the light of divine love pouring into your heart and mind."
"The sacraments not just rites and rituals; they're meant to sanctify, build, and glorify."
"The more we can connect into the elements in our everyday life consciously, the more we help heal the elemental imbalance."
"Prayer works...rationalize and calm down, get your thoughts together and pray."
"Manifestation is not making something appear, it's realizing it's already here."
"Intention, focus, and surrender work together in manifestation."
"Purification happens through the practice of karma yoga, bhakti yoga, and raja yoga."
"By far the best tool for integrating these higher vibration energies and sustaining them on a daily basis is by meditating with subliminals."
"Tarot and prayer and positive intentions are my love languages. So the energy that you're putting out, I've already felt it. It's been amazing, it's been awesome, it's been such a major blessing for me already. So thank you."
"Every word, deed, and prayer... Jesus says, I've given you three ways to do works of mercy: word, deed, and prayer."
"It's a time for cultivating your vision. Whatever manifestations you're trying to realize onto the physical plane, they have stronger power."
"Moon rituals... an incredible way to bring your desires to life and find inner peace."
"Psychedelics make it a lot quicker, a lot more effective, and a lot easier to distribute through a culture."
"People use yoga, meditate, some people pray."
"Start some spiritual reading, spend more time in prayer each day."
"Fasting keeps you connected to the spirit of God... it kept me more connected to the spirit... fasting played a huge part... in my life right now."
"Are we valuing the gospel and are we sharing the gospel?"
"Check your work, meditate, pay attention to your dreams, journal; whatever is gonna break through the logical mind and the fear, whatever is gonna break through that for you is what you should be doing."
"Healing is technical, it's not just whoo-hoo waving a magic wand and burning some sage, you know, and saying a couple of prayers and boom I'm healed, hell no."
"Group prayer works and so does talking to our smart bodies which we call Innate."
"Women do that. That's part of magic, usually it's Santeria."
"What we do for ourselves spiritually is the most important."
"If you believe in energy, then you have to believe in manifestation."
"You can rise towards Kundalini using the old yogic techniques or you can create the ground for consciousness to descend into the matter into you so both ways work."
"I just come across some ones that just don't like... Some of them want to align your chakras which I'm okay with like whatever no you know what I'm saying."
"Prayer is the request, meditation is the answer."
"Shamanism is founded in the belief that shamans...have the power to heal the sick and dying, transport souls into the afterlife, and communicate with spirits."
"I don't just stand behind him; I pray for him, I cover him, I watch his back."
"Prayer is not a small thing, it's almost everything when it comes to these things."
"Praying in tongues opens the door to deeper intimacy."
"Meditation and prayer stimulate the most advanced part of the brain."
"During the full moon, it is an ideal period for letting go of what no longer serves, whether these are old habits, negative emotions, or outdated beliefs."
"Creating ceremonies of gratitude opens doorways of manifestation and allows the universe to deliver."
"Your prayers and affirmations help you visualize this coming together."
"All it takes is not one magic word. It's not Shazam, it's shaman. Someone who can access and influence the spiritual world, entering a trance-like ritual and divining truth, summoning something greater to touch the physical mundane world."
"An act of spiritual communion: My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most holy sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul..."
"2022 for deck two, okay? Calling in your soul mate, I knew it."
"It is time to get outside and put bare feet onto the Earth to literally ground your spiritual and electromagnetic energy field to that of the Mother Earth."
"Fasting and prayer alone won't break generational curses; behavior change is essential."
"No great degree of spiritual attainment is possible without thought control."
"You're drawing abundance towards you and manifesting your dreams."
"Fasting is the only prerequisite to bring an end to stubborn situations in your life."
"Fasting is a principle not just set aside for the kingdom of God. It's a principle anyone practicing witchcraft knows."
"One of the ways you can receive favor is by praying."
"One of the principal ways to combat in spiritual warfare is you have to know your faith."
"Raising our vibration and doing things like meditation and being in nature, it's so important. It pushes you into the correct path."
"There's a renewed interest in mindfulness and Buddhism in general."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls reveal the essenes' dedication to perfecting their bodies and souls."
"Grieving is also the most potent form of prayer. You want to create prayer that's going to change the world? Allow your heart to break."
"The blood is not to be pleaded, it is to be applied."
"Practice unconditional self-love to exude the frequency of unconditional love outward."
"Embody the frequency of Truth, love, and healing."
"This kind doesn't come out but by prayer and fasting."
"Teach them their catechism, how to sign themselves with the cross, and how to approach the Holy Sacraments."
"Remember always that thanksgiving, praise, and devotion are always ways to pray."
"Manifestation, law of attraction, meditation, grounding, all that bro, is important man."
"The key to holiness: ask, offer, and accept."
"We're a Holy Ghost-filled Pentecostal church that believes in healing, miracles, signs, wonders, and the gospel."
"Let the sacred salt drive out any impurities."
"Put down your tracks, stop handing out tracts and start casting out some demons."
"Care, confession, adoration, rosary, eucharist." - Summarizing the key elements of nurturing children's souls: confession, adoration, rosary, and participation in the Eucharist.
"Consistency in your practices sends a powerful message to the universe that you are committed to your desires."
"Magic and meditation, and by tapping into the inner world whether that's through magical ritual or meditation or some other way."
"In its myriad Traditions, the left-hand path offers a vast array of rituals and practices aimed at personal transformation, empowerment, and Enlightenment."
"Many times we underestimate the power of fasting... it's meant to help you hear what God's saying."
"Meditation is in the brain, and prayer is in the heart. These two need to be combined."
"Whatever you're doing, whatever you've been chanting, listening to, healing, stabilizing, grounding, keep doing it."
"Discipline is key, fasting is a necessity, daily prayer is a necessity, service to others is a necessity."
"Read your Bible every day, pray, and spend time talking to someone else about God." - Outlining the three key disciplines for spiritual growth.
"Principles help us possess God's promises because practicing principles are the way we actually work our faith."
"This is a really great time to do something creative or intuitive to tap into your spirituality."
"Banishing forces a spirit out of its location."
"Do not despise prophecy and do not forbid speaking in tongues."
"Feeling heartbroken? Healing that heart chakra is key."
"During eclipses, spiritual sadhana is thousands of times more effective."
"Fasting is essential to good spiritual health."
"Use the full moon energy on the 19th to access healing."
"The solution: increase dhikr of Allah to soften the heart."
"Prayer, aligning with your guides, communicating with your guides and angels, sending love and light to yourself and other people—those are all things that energetically work for us."
"Prayer isn't all about talking, but listening as well."
"Your prayers, affirmations, and visualizations are helping you to come together."
"Consider this connection, the summoning of connecting to the spirit world and intuition."
"Alchemy originated from ancient Egypt, known as Kemit, meaning the black land."
"Shadow work was not developed in response to love and light spirituality; it started gaining traction in the mainstream as a response to love and light spirituality."
"Choose to put yourself in a position to have experiences with the spirit of God through prayer, scripture study, Church meetings, the temple, your home, wholesome."
"Do this either by work or worship or psychic control or Philosophy by one or more or all of these and be free."
"I'd be curious what my spiritual practices would have to be if I wasn't doing this work."
"Individuation is a mystical Journey, a source of meaning that has been practiced in various forms by many civilizations."
"The watches we used to observe when I was in the kingdom of darkness... You must pray according to the watches."
"True spiritual food: fasting, prayer, study of the Word of God."
"Active spirituality is things like the practices also known as the spiritual disciplines."
"The more time we spend in these types of practices of meditation and intention the sooner we're going to get there."
"This is the reason why you fast, this is the reason why you pray, this is the reason why you do those supernatural things as it relates to God."
"High Magick, a Guide to the Spiritual Practices That Saved My Life on Death Row."
"We have demonstrated what many of the spiritual and religious practices have known for centuries: that techniques like Kriya yoga, other breathing techniques, and meditation have a profound positive effect."
"Mindfulness is the first; investigation, the second; energy, the third; joy, the fourth; tranquility, the fifth; Samadhi, the sixth; and the seventh is equanimity."
"Jupiter in the fourth house is an excellent time to do any kind of spiritual practices in your home."
"You are safe, but if you want joy in this life, the spiritual joy, then you must do spiritual practices."
"The shramana movement birthed not only Buddhism and Jainism but also yoga."
"You appear harmless to the people if you practice these three: rejoice, pray, and give thanks."
"That's why power prayer, power manifestations, power of affirmations, power of mantras works so well."
"The biggest reason why there is a misunderstanding of these concepts is because these concepts were originally taught in conjunction with practices."
"As with prayer, Bible study and fasting, those striving to obey God must be taught how to meditate."
"Doing these practices gives us the strength and the understanding that we need to look at our stuff, or it ain't gonna go away."
"...to go in and commune with the underworld Spirits or perhaps with whatever was buried underneath those megalithic funerary monuments."