
Aliens Quotes

There are 543 quotes

"Aliens and it was very confusing but very good."
"So, with that being said, do y'all still think we're alone? If that's possible, there's no possible way we could be the only ones. We're not that lucky."
"Aliens in fiction are never just aliens. Just as monsters in fiction are never just monsters."
"Aliens should at least have the same math as us, right? Maybe different symbols, but the core could be the same."
"A lot of you are probably familiar with the Fermi Paradox, named after Italian physicist Enrico Fermi, who is famous for creating the first nuclear reactor. This paradox seeks to answer the question: Where are the aliens?"
"What would happen to humanity if aliens crash-landed on Earth? What would we do over the next few years? Would we be able to survive a potential alien threat?"
"Strange crafts in the sky with an unnatural formation, it definitely has to be aliens."
"At the core of this debate is the very approach to science. Invoking aliens to explain new phenomena is undeniably feasible, because after all, we can almost always think of some way in which aliens might explain any data."
"The concept that an alien species that's technologically advanced enough to travel billions of light years gets here and somehow is incompetent enough to not survive Earth or crashes is something that I find a little bit far-fetched."
"When aliens accidentally crash on Earth and obliterate two people, they replace their bodies with living mechanical weapons and grant them godly powers as compensation."
"It is a mirror to our culture and our civilization, how aliens are portrayed in all of these sci-fi movies."
"In a weird way, the game with aliens and superpowers is almost like the most tightly narrative structure that we have."
"We don't know much about aliens, but we know about humans. If you look at history, contact between humans and less intelligent organisms have often been disastrous from their point of view."
"First he went to space and fought aliens. Then he went to Mars because the aliens kidnapped him."
"Underwater pyramids located in the Bahamas... proof of Atlantis or aliens themselves."
"I'm a huge proponent of just being open-minded because when you're open-minded about aliens... it allows you to think outside the box in other domains as well."
"Ancient gods of Mesopotamia were said to have wings and the ability to control all of humanity. These gods were the Anunnaki, and some believe they were eight feet tall and they're also aliens from another planet."
"Many in the scientific Community believe that the aliens on other planets are using black holes as a kind of teleportation device."
"When it was first posted online, people and even media outlets incorrectly concluded that it referred to an actual investigation into aliens that was conducted by the FBI."
"The evidence of alien visitation is just, you know, compelling and almost overwhelming."
"To see insect-like creatures while you're floating outside of Earth, now that's creepy."
"Some people think NASA astronauts have been abducted by aliens."
"Given we can't see this part of the moon, it's where aliens have built their civilization."
"Aliens have simply chosen not to visit us. Their loss, I guess."
"Aliens cannot reach us because advanced civilizations beyond Earth arose too recently and still have a lot of growing up to do."
"Many of those conspiracies happen to do with... You guessed it. Aliens or UFO’s."
"Alien means alien right, I mean not Hollywood aliens but a whole different way of thinking and a whole different level of experience and let's say wisdom hopefully that we could only hope to understand."
"I'd like to know the comprehensive definitive truth about aliens."
"I thought it was interesting when the Pope came out and said he believed in aliens."
"Our views on aliens are constantly shaped by these fictional stories... and they're often fueled by our fear of the unknown."
"If somebody had irrefutable evidence of aliens, I would want to see it."
"So, do aliens exist? They're all sitting right here. We're the aliens."
"Aliens are real. One thousand percent. In my opinion, we're talking about a universe that is so big that we can't even imagine the size because we've never seen anything like it."
"I honestly believe that if this is true and alien technology has been recovered and aliens have been discovered there's two reasons why in my mind the government would not want to tell people."
"We're in a sense, you could argue, that we're turning ourselves into the very aliens that we've been observing all this time."
"I think in fact if there's anything any message that we're getting in the media it's don't be afraid of aliens."
"Perhaps aliens are benevolent, enlightened beings who can teach us how to reach higher spiritual potential."
"I'm excited to go to the moon, I want to meet the aliens."
"What is it about conspiracies and aliens that are attracting people like a magnet?"
"Aliens are real. I'm not 100 convinced but I'm probably like 90 convinced."
"The stakes may be higher than you think regarding the aliens."
"Aliens might just be humans that have evolved... coming back to study early humans to figure out how to populate the future."
"But I believe it was about 10 years ago the ex-prime minister of defense for Canada came forward and said that um the United States has been working with three extraterrestrial races um since the late 30s early 40s."
"The Xylar Star Collective: a hive mind organism."
"There's something about aliens and rednecks that go together like peas and carrots."
"UFOs and aliens: the birthplace of many Bully myths, including the infamous werewolf and alien theories."
"What would you think if you woke up one day to news that we had discovered an alien civilization?"
"Even Elon Musk says there's something wrong that the universe is so quiet. He obviously believes in aliens."
"Aliens from all over the universe are already walking among us. Meetings of the third kind are just around the corner."
"If the mind and the consciousness is peaceful by sound, spiritual meditation, and vibration, then that radiates through not just intra but intercommunication of all the different layers."
"Remember back in 2023 when the Mexican Congress confirmed aliens existed?"
"The aliens of Fallout are also from or at least loosely related to the Zeta star system."
"Have you ever seen face to face an alien being? Yes, I have, absolutely aliens."
"This is great, I'm so glad that there are aliens all over the place, thank you."
"65% of Americans believe in aliens, according to a new poll released by Pew."
"Aliens are mainstream. I never expected that."
"I would love for it to be real like I I I, you know, I'm a big sci-fi guy and you know I want aliens to be real."
"Could aliens already be here living among us? Could they be our friends or even our neighbors?"
"It will be interesting to see what enemy develops in the years ahead. It appears that UFOs and aliens are being primed to fulfill that role for the future." - Fletcher Prouty
"Aliens might be real and it's scary to say that out loud how else do you explain this."
"Aliens are indeed real and have been in contact with our civilization for decades."
"What if every week the US was visited by aliens?"
"If it was a government setup, would they not be talking about aliens showing up at the mall?"
"The idea of UFOs and aliens is one that fascinates me every time I think about it."
"Remember the alien ship model? Aliens might make the biggest Fallout comeback since Mothership Zeta."
"Everyone should reflect upon their decisions."
"The 10 Cloverfield Lane aliens have been around for millions of years."
"Aliens are not only here on Earth but could very well pose a threat to our existence."
"When it comes to the topic of aliens there is one thing that scares me maybe more than anything ever in the world or out of this world and that is alien abductions."
"I'm sure that there's an extraterrestrial presence."
"Welcome back to the Papa Meade Channel, how you doing how you doing come on in on sit on down we have an out of world video today from space it's about aliens."
"It's okay, we didn't have to be scared. Aliens from other worlds could very well be our friends, and not our enemies."
"One in three Americans believe in UFOs and aliens."
"The possible existence of extraterrestrial beings is a concept that's both fascinating and slightly creepy."
"I think it would be silly to discredit aliens altogether."
"A long-standing military alliance with aliens."
"My worry when it comes to aliens... is more interested in the stuff that the crosswalks with the remote viewing."
"I think some are still here... we do have friends in high places, so to speak."
"Aliens... it's one of my favorite movies of all time..."
"The whole thing basically boils down to the game starts and whoops look there are aliens gotta go kill the aliens."
"Describe the film plot badly: The predator aliens travel light years to steal some bullies, after bullying someone into depression."
"Not only is he an alien but he has superpowers."
"It's not over, it's definitely not fake. I'm a little alien."
"Americans need to know more about these unexplained UFO and alien encounters and occurrences."
"Proof of aliens hiding somewhere in the 17 million pages of documents stashed in the Vatican Secret Archive is supposedly proof of extraterrestrial life."
"I'm pretty well convinced they're here and they're living here like I said I've always believed they're in the water."
"Love that never escapes you, love that always inspires."
"I like the idea of aliens showing up with a cat laser to just mess with us."
"Venture into the realm of conspiracies and extraterrestrial evidence."
"If the public knew and it's all proof, evidence that aliens are real, that they have spacecrafts, they've visited Earth, they crashed into Earth, I think the public acceptance of a ballooning defense budget would be very high."
"Previous presidents have alluded... that aliens may exist and the government may have top secret departments that study them, even with direct contact with aliens."
"This is breaking news right now: is NASA covering up ancient alien technology?"
"More people believe in aliens than they do in the existence of God."
"Aliens are not aliens, they're time travelers."
"Aliens are DLC from the future in a simulation."
"Is it possible the Russians actually recovered an alien craft and its occupant three decades ago?"
"Could it be an alien or do you have a more logical explanation?"
"I'm guessing we're dealing with aliens here. I don't know, that's just my feeling."
"UFOs are real, aliens are real, we're not alone in this universe."
"Aliens become more aggressive as you encroach on their territory."
"This is the alien equivalent of like one of those little noodle boxes."
"Aliens are real and they're they're tiny little guys."
"Never a bad time to spam an area with pissed off little alien infants that do your murderous bidding."
"Aliens exist, I can guarantee you that there's intelligent life on other planets."
"We now know that the aliens were here for a very long time, possibly well before humans."
"The idea of aliens being buried here the whole time leads to more intrigue."
"Look at those aliens, they are so fun and so happy."
"Aliens have been seen many times throughout history even by famous scientists."
"The aliens explain that their race has conquered every aspect of the physical world."
"Not only is there a possibility that aliens exist, I think it's becoming more and more likely that aliens exist."
"The technology that advanced aliens possess would look like magic to us."
"The United States military base known as Area 51 is known across the world as being a hotspot of alien conspiracy."
"What if the easiest place to find aliens is to look in the mirror?"
"Every alien movie has some similar horror stuff with the aliens, and the horror stuff in this movie rules."
"The question of whether or not we're alone in the universe has been answered."
"While the allure of alien visitors remains captivating it's crucial to approach such observations with critical thinking and an awareness of potential alternative explanations"
"Could the lights be some sort of undiscovered propulsion from an advanced alien race?"
"The reality that UFOs are real and aliens have been visiting us for decades."
"You don't need to go into space to find aliens."
"Maybe the aliens are conducting an experiment to see what humans are like and what matters to them."
"Aliens... they're not warlords, they're poets, architects, authors, musicians."
"There's no way we are the only ones; aliens may look just like us, we don't know."
"Predators, a hunter race from far away, savage, brutal, and intelligent."
"The aliens come in and start doing their little experiments in an attempt to understand her what they actually end up doing is forcing her to confront herself as well as the past."
"this is what happens when you open up your superhero Cinematic Universe to aliens gets wonky and cartoony in a hurry"
"More outlandish commenters go further, turning concrete evidence into landing grounds for aliens or the biblical Garden of Eden."
"This problem never existed before the question of UFOs aliens abductions now look..."
"The world-building in this film, especially with the aliens and the rules about making noises, was impressive."
"We are a constantly growing Society like we don't know what's going to happen. I mean [__] if the aliens come and Scorch the Earth then we're going to see something else we have to come on Aliens I'm here for alien arrival."
"Why do we assume that most aliens want to reach out to us?"
"It's about the future, innovation, aliens, doing things differently."
"Possibility of alien parasites taking over your mind: not as far-fetched as you think."
"It lays down the paranoia and keeps you wondering who has been snatched by these aliens."
"Aliens just came here for that hat. Mission accomplished."
"These aliens traveled across space just to eat some human meat and get high off electricity. They're dumb but they know how to party."
"Oh good, it's rude to make evil wait outside. Wow, it turned the doorknob while the screen door was closed. Impressive."
"Just look at those feeders feeding away by blowing everything up. Feeding, huh? So I guess that's it for the movie and the planet Earth."
"High Fleet Behemoth, the first of the tyranids to land in the Milky Way galaxy."
"...an extraterrestrial is not a villain who came to Earth to conquer it but rather a cute and understanding silent being."
"Aliens mastered Intergalactic travel and manipulation of time and space but they just lost to like 24 year old Air Force preserve Pilots."
"I mentioned in our signs reaction which was a fantastic film that I'm kind of obsessed with aliens and extraterrestrials."
"I'm a sucker for conspiracy theories so I was really glad to find out that the Great Pyramid was in fact a SAA bath for aliens."
"Humanity has been overtaken by aliens who sit in positions of power, authority, and wealth, exploiting the world and using subliminal messages to keep humanity under their thumb."
"Aliens are real! Dude, that's awesome!"
"The whole movie is about aliens coming to earth to help humans evolve. That's the story you get from almost all of the attempts to study this movie."
"I just want to know, you know? I'm trying to, so when aliens come, I'm a little more prepared."
"Perhaps one of the best examples in contemporary culture is the Yautja, a species of high-tech alien hunters that spawned an entire multimedia universe."
"Aliens can't get here at faster than the speed of light physics doesn't allow that."
"Aliens aren't just a concept that keeps some awake at night but, in actuality, something that our betters have known for generations."
"The aliens... they're blind but they have this extraordinary ability to hear, so nobody can speak or make a loud noise."
"I've asked him stuff like, 'Hey, so like aliens real, bro?' And then he'll be like, 'I can't tell you that they're not' or something like some weird like, like something like that, and I'm like, 'I [__] knew it.'"
"Either there are aliens living in the mountains of the Mojave or this woman is a complete lunatic. We just don't know."
"Hey aliens if you're picking up this transmission, come to Earth baby, come to Earth man."
"It feels great to be a human man, it would have sucked to be aliens, man you guys are absolutely [__] suckers all right."
"Imagine alien creatures being discovered anywhere in space... it would just be absolutely fascinating and completely terrifying."
"Aliens who don't resonate with most of you but for a very few of you Wow."
"We don't get a lot of lovable aliens from Lego. I love this theme."
"If I was going into an alien-infested environment, I think I would keep alien vision mode on pretty much all the time."
"What a single alien manages to dispatch two predators and a facehugger manages to jump on the other predator in a space of 10 minutes. Who wins? Aliens do."
"Wait, girl, did you know aliens were real?"
"I'd watch a group of aliens and a group of brothers [expletive] throw down any day of the week."
"Aliens have taken over and then humans are put into districts so that's my guess. It's the humans have lost."
"Wilf was waiting for aliens this whole time on his hill, but little did he know that he already met one that wild Christmas Eve."
"Stephen Hawking would believe in aliens. There's more chance that they're out there than they're not. It'd be pretty statistic to believe it was just us, wouldn't it?"
"Aliens is more of an action movie so you'll be fine if you can get through Alien."
"Men in Black is two things this is the first one weird gross aliens and humor that movie was not weird and not funny."
"There is no end to the abomination of the alien."
"With the use of the Darwinian theory of evolution, the aliens intentionally set off an evolution which would result in scientists capable of unlocking the secrets to the universe."
"Could real-life aliens be responsible?"
"Some aliens just got a vibe check."
"While we're not going to agree with Dante on his remark 'Muppets,' the characters who make the biggest impressions are indeed all cleverly crafted aliens and one incredibly evil sorcerer."
"It’s never aliens, but we’ll keep looking until it is."
"How did these super advanced aliens not know about microbes?"
"Noah, a time traveler from 2030, claims that humans will be able to communicate with aliens and confirmed the existence of aliens."
"Aliens, I love all the characters, even the grunts. Like, they're all they're all distinct."
"Reports of aliens in the New Mexico desert were actually anthropomorphic test dummies that were carried aloft by Air Force high-altitude research balloons."
"This is an incredible case. He has gone through all five Close Encounters from the first all the way to direct alien contact."
"Ben's Omnitrix doesn't just have access to 10 alien forms. In fact, it has 1,000,912."
"Former Israeli space security Chief came out in December 2020 and said, you know, we've been talking aliens for some time, multiple governments, Israeli government and the American government."
"But, and there's also the idea that aliens have been waiting until we are emotionally mature enough to handle it because think about the mass hysteria, news, their minds like, damn."
"Will we ever know the truth about the Greys? What is the secret to their mysterious origin? And why, if they exist, do they appear to be so interested in our world?"
"It's something that I'm just living my life. We'll talk about life in a second. Let's talk about the movie though, okay? War of the Worlds. I mean, I've always been fascinated by this whole concept, the 'we are not alone' in a big way concept."
"UFO sightings are on the rise, so the question is are aliens real?"
"Living by the belief that any problem can be solved with their fists, they may not be the wisest alien in the galaxy, but when it comes to fighting and wrestling, they are cut above other species."
"Absolutely true. The CIA came out and said there are UFOs. There are aliens. None of us paid attention."
"It could be like that movie where the aliens liked Earth television and movies."
"Aliens live among us and if you are skeptical about it then you better hang on because these creepy visitors, odd-looking figures, and weird creatures will change your belief."
"That's probably one of the possibilities why we haven't met the aliens yet at scale it's because they're once you get good enough at technology you realize that happiness lies in a peaceful coexistence as possible."
"The only way I would believe that pyramids were made by aliens is if those pyramids were flipped upside down. If I saw a structure that large and it was upside down, I'd be like godamn, there's no way a human made that."
"Aliens was so definitive; it's like they never let you forget."
"They elevated it to level of life we've got so many aliens."
"If there were aliens watching us right now, they'd think we're all worshiping the same thing."
"People that are so religious that they don't believe in aliens, that don't make sense."
"I want to believe in aliens because I think it'd be a nice thought of leaving and having a life after this planet."
"I just got a crazy idea. What if... Okay, say it. If aliens don't exist, why is there a word for them?"
"We're gonna peace on out like the aliens, like the guy in the cellar, we're gonna go on out."
"For what the story was, it was okay. And it definitely gave you what it said it was going to. It gave you aliens, and it gave you Vampirella."
"Rumors about the invasion of aliens in this area began massive spreading in the 1970s."
"I feel really bad 'cause I know that these aliens were very aggressive. They killed people. They didn't make much sense. They loved cat food. Like, they were just different."
"Zygons are best known for their ability to shape-shift into other intelligent species."