
Gender Expectations Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"It's so interesting that this subculture of Christian men think that they're called to hold women to a higher standard than God himself holds them to."
"A lot of women are going to feel similarly about certain beauty standards being enforced on them from an insanely young age."
"There's a just expectation on the part of the men that there should be some constraints on women's behavior."
"A woman does not have to be feminine or ultra feminine to be deserving of respect."
"I'm never getting over the fact that romance as a genre exists largely because straight women fantasize about being loved and treated kindly by men, and men constantly make fun of this because they think it's just that unrealistic."
"People in general have this thing of humbling women... 'You should be grateful for whatever he can do.' No, you shouldn't."
"Women want men to be men. Women are women and they think like women, that's great, but they expect men to be men."
"I want to see more men be the head of the household and step up you know in all aspects, don't just step up when it's time to [ __ ]"
"Expectation: all she-cats should get a mate, have kits, and focus on their family."
"Ask any woman, the one thing you don't expect your husband to do when you get married is to continue having a close friendship with the people he knew before. If they're female, it's an insult."
"Critiquing the society that pushes people towards plastic surgery is one thing. Demanding that women mold their aesthetics to your taste is another."
"Women clearly do not want modernism when it comes to dating."
"Women marrying a man hoping he never changes. A man marries a woman hoping she could change him."
"A man is not supposed to just romance all the time. I feel like we need to be reasonable."
"Men are often expected to be tough and unshakable even if we're told that it's okay not to be okay."
"The expectation that women should sacrifice their needs in relationships is problematic and unfair."
"I don't think women should ever pay for dates, to be honest with ever. Even when you're in that situation, I don't think you need to be the guy. You need to be the man who has more resources than he can expend."
"How many bodies is too many bodies for a girl? One."
"So when I say distance I mean the P and the V may begin in the same location, but under the pressure of social expectation people with V's feel compelled to distance it from just about any function unrelated to sexual desirability."
"Ladies, men want to see the things we do appreciated."
"If a man changes for a woman he grows into something she's going to have consent for when a woman changes for a man she'll grow into something he'll love."
"If that man is weak yes you can find your weak traditional man if you're a non-traditional woman."
"We need each other... we were lying to the men... women don't want guys that are that soft."
"Women were told they need to be superwoman... now people that are looking for answers."
"Women have higher standards for men than they have ever had before for relationships."
"We are sick and tired and honestly this points the question of when is it the man's time to step up."
"You have a duty as a man to protect your female. It's your duties, your masculine imperative."
"Women were expected to give 100% of themselves at work and at home, yet this was not sustainable."
"You are crazy if you think the most important thing you could do is be a mother and wife."
"It's like a whole weight is lifted that I don't have to be perfect."
"When a guy spends money on you, the end goal is always sex."
"Women typically want a relationship with a higher status guy."
"Men on the other hand were literally expected to die as opposed to breaking a social norm."
"Men want femininity with sex, they want both."
"Men do not value women when she only has her sex to give."
"Women are going to constantly be pressured to conform to being like men."
"It's our actions that our little girls will see when they start to think about who do they want to be when they grow up."
"Men want to be admired, but not actually play the role."
"Women still want to look up to that man and follow the lead."
"Neither should you females. Don't want a guy who's all emotion. Why? It's because that doesn't reflect the nature of Jesus."
"We should not expect women to be superhuman."
"I personally think it's one of the worst things that happened to women - over inflating your ego because women actually believe they're entitled to something that they're not."
"Is it too much to ask for women to simply exist without this growing expectation of cattiness?"
"Women have a lack of appreciation for the things you do. If you do 50 things and she does one, she feels like for that one you owe her that 51st thing."
"We're basically asking men to be perfect, which seems really unfair."
"It feels like every man says they want a strong, confident woman until they get one."
"Why is it that when a woman is stronger than some people's expectations, suddenly they have a problem?"
"Women were supposed to dress pleasing to the eye but not in any sinful or immodest way their responsibility was to make sure their clothing or presentation did not attract any lustful attention for men"
"Male rappers are held to a higher standard when it comes to the street code."
"Our society allows for poor behavior by men but has little acceptance for anything but perfection by women."
"People expect men to adopt ideas about sex that align with women's mating strategy."
"It's simple not hard, us men need to have high standards and low tolerance when it comes to these modern women."
"Most men feel they need to be the breadwinner."
"So, one, let's just state that as the intention, right? Okay. And if we think about it, we cannot imagine a world where seven out of ten times the man doesn't orgasm doesn't have an ejaculation and that would be okay."
"Men being expected to ask girls out. I'd love to be asked out."
"Women aren't really that bothered how you look."
"For men, success is required. For women, success is a plus."
"Men are drawn to a woman who takes care of herself."
"Men don't care about successful women, we bridge the gap between what women want and what men want."
"You guys associate muscle and height with masculinity, and then you get mad at women who want that. Like, come on, make it make sense."
"It just sucks how we don't really put a standard of behavior or Excellence or performance on females at all."
"Girls have a lot of pressure to look a certain way and behave a certain way compared to dudes."
"Men don't expect you to be perfect. No, we do not expect women to fit one specific mold."
"All men expect of you women, all men expect, is for you to not be wildly unhealthy. Yes, that's it."
"Being the breadwinner is a responsibility of a man."
"You're not necessarily trying to sell this to women, they have to buy this regardless."
"Girls think that if there's something on the plate for them, chances are they're probably not interested."
"A lot of men don't care... they just want the woman who... does the things that they want them to do."
"I knew it I am so glad I was hoping that I was a boy because I want to see Haley with the little like cousin that way they have like boy and girl."
"Women, you know, in a dating market, have to leave themselves in the space."
"As a woman, sustaining yourself as an adult is again, you know, making sure your finances are right, you know, making sure your credit is okay, but you cannot expect that to give you a direct result with men."
"Most men don't want to deal with a deeply attached woman."
"If you want respect as a woman, then you need to act like a woman."
"Communication is key, but the expectations placed on men to know all the rules, read minds, and handle consequences are unrealistic."
"Being nice is the bare minimum, what's with the men thinking that it's a godsend kind of thing?"
"Drop those gendered expectations and explore what truly turns you on."
"Men do this bull crap all the time true yeah yeah well you know you're a woman you're supposed to have a different standard oh no no I'm a man I'm supposed to be able to."
"What man wouldn't want to say that? What woman wouldn't want to hear it?"
"If your son even asks you to put on a dress, you failed as a parent."
"Compatibility matters to fucking women, guys."
"Men are afraid of women because right from little boys they're taught that their sole purpose in life is to marry a woman and provide for her."
"Women are encouraged to be promiscuous and feel they deal with almost zero consequences."
"Men on the other hand, equate love with respect."
"Fit, feminine, friendly. That's what men typically want."
"Women want a man to be a man. They want a man who takes charge, chooses the positions, the pace, etc."
"Society bases a man's value on his earning potential and a woman's on her ability to achieve conventional attractiveness."
"Why are we praising men for literally doing the basic things that they should be doing? I don't understand."
"As a woman I just feel like I just need to keep reproducing."
"If we can shift the energy within the community from amateur detective work and more towards informed educational criticism of the judicial system, then the people who enjoy true crime can positively impact the world's understanding of justice."
"A married woman needs to make sure she is first fulfilling her god-appointed role as helper and homemaker."
"People just don't want women to do anything but be women." - April Jones
"All women basically need three things: security, stability, and communication in a man."
"They want a submissive woman, but really they just want an obedient as a slave woman for financial dependency."
"Everybody should be telling their sons not to be a basketball player, everybody should be telling our daughters to go to Congress and be bureaucrats."
"Do we want men to do for us while also them reading our minds of what we want to be able to do on our own or do we just want them to do all the things that make us feel good?"
"Stay on your grind because women will."
"Some men still think they should be the king."
"Life goals right here. You can be the baddest alpha male around, but if your daughter tells you you're a princess, you're a [ __ ] princess."
"Part of that is because they already have an archetype in mind for grown men who enjoy being pedophiles."
"I was so shocked because in the back of my head I kept saying a boy just because everything was different."
"Faithfulness was the number one priority we had as women we wouldn't be picking men in this top 10 percent."
"As women, we can't always lead with emotion. We need to take that out and stop being in our feelings."
"Black women have never been held and put in check."
"It's the onus on the woman to look past that and I feel like again I've never heard a man say you know she's not that cute in the face but i'ma give her a try."
"We didn't get the opportunity to be dainty, homemakers, or housewives."
"The separated wife is genuine... figure out the female proverb of Jane Austen in the streets and 50 Shades in the sheets."
"There'll never be a kicker in the NFL female, okay? It's not gonna happen."
"Men will judge you if you sleep with them prior marriage or commitment and women get upset about that."
"Marriage is a symbol of male validation for black women."
"We have to break this cycle of conditioning black women to thinking that they need to change everything and really somebody need to put a list on a table of what black men need to change because they got a lot to change."
"Progression is what women are looking for now."
"High-value men don't want women in the danger zone, and this pisses a lot of women off."
"Sky is blue, grass is green, water is wet. It is what it is. Don't get mad at women, that's female nature. Just understand it, seek to understand it, and then apply it in your life."
"We eliminate the two factors that make the opposite genders feel used: simple date, no sex."
"Institutions like monogamy, marriage, the pressure on men to provide for a family - these were all ways that culture filled the gaps where biology failed."
"When I wear makeup, I do it for me, not my husband or any other man."
"If you can't protect, preach, provide, no, I'm not gonna respect you as a man."
"The reality is that men don't care how much money a woman is making, that's not something that's on their list of things that they're looking for."
"Making young men weak or failing to encourage them to be strong does the young men no good, and it doesn't do the young women any good at all if they want to find a partner."
"As women, we're expected to trust men that hurt us."
"The average heel size only three inches so that way the average woman wearing an average sized heel would still be an inch shorter than the average man."
"Men are held to such a higher standard when it comes to dating."
"First of all, the patriarchy needs to be smashed. Stop telling women what they need to look like in order to feel feminine, beautiful, and attractive."
"Women aren't going to be women, they're going to do what they're gonna do with all our other degrees of quality."
"The fact that he... wasn't threatened at the idea of... holding my purse for me... was like the sweetest thing."
"Women, you have to stop thinking you're the prize."
"Saying women should vocalize clear boundaries and expectations is just a convenient way to shift the blame onto women."
"Men, as a whole, we need to start having more standards."
"There'd be fewer angry lonely women out there who are wondering why men aren't more interested in them despite their hefty bank account or their OnlyFans account or whatever it might be."
"Nobody respects men who need women to defend them."
"Have you ever seen a woman not light up when you say you want a glass of wine?"
"The urge to go out there, live their best lives, and then when they're ready to settle down, they expect a man to come and take care of them, even when they have triple digit bodies."
"So many women are upset because men have standards."
"Financial security is probably the most sought after trait in terms of what a woman looks for in a man."
"I mean everybody gets angry because the girls probably like it that are there and the guys are just like, please more champagne."
"Women are often expected to not only do more cooking, cleaning, and child nurturing, but also to be the family planners, to keep track of details that men are not expected to remember or care about."
"I don't agree with judging women for just trying to fit in."
"I feel like all guys when they have a kid like their first kid obviously they want a boy right not everyone but I think so for the most part no one's saying I want a girl with a girl right."
"I bonded with him really well during pregnancy because I was so emotional about the fact that anyone could think his announcement was less exciting than it would have been if he'd been a girl."
"It's not really about my boys at all, the gender stuff is all about my expectations and not about the children that I have."
"You're independent of men, right? Okay, what do men typically provide? Security."
"Male slenderness was depicted as vital for a man's health and portrayed as an outward sign of his financial success and sexual prowess."
"I'm a Southern Belle and that's how we grew up, so I believe, you know, the man is supposed to be the breadwinner."
"Gender did not describe what someone was but rather what someone should be according to heteronormative ideas."
"There's this divide between what we think women want and what they actually want."
"Modern women want men to be traditional men."