
Strengths And Weaknesses Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Know your nature, what are your strengths and weaknesses, and your likes and dislikes."
"Teamwork is all about finding the strengths and weaknesses within a team."
"People are different, have different strengths and weaknesses, and that's okay."
"Every single person...has things that you are energized by, engaged by, you learn quickly, you do naturally, and you have things that you don't. We all have strengths and weaknesses."
"Know your limitations, know what you're good at, know your strengths, know your weaknesses, and don't be embarrassed by your weaknesses."
"Every character has strengths and weaknesses, or more specifically, every character has a space of situations they're good at handling and a space of situations they're bad at handling."
"It makes for a more interesting narrative if your character has some things they're good at and some things they struggle with."
"Our strengths and our weaknesses match up really nicely...it makes us a power couple."
"Everyone has a very unique journey and everyone has their own unique strengths and weaknesses."
"Your greatest strength is usually your greatest weakness."
"It's Humanity's greatest strength and our greatest weakness that we can get used to anything."
"His arrogance is both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness."
"Everyone needs to know where their strengths and weaknesses are."
"Flask, Django, or FastAPI? Each framework has its own strengths and weaknesses."
"You just have to be honest with yourself as far as what your strengths are and what your weaknesses are."
"There is nothing wrong with you, you may have some peculiarities but we all have our individual weaknesses and strengths."
"Perhaps it's conflicts between their own unique attachments being weak but having really quite interesting special characters that are kind of strong."
"Godzilla is something of a glass cannon in my opinion extremely powerful from afar but if any damage begins happening to him the only thing he's really got is his tail his radiation breath and his armor plating"
"Super Mario Sunshine's overall strangeness is both its biggest weakness and its biggest strength."
"Horizon Forbidden West does a lot more right than it does wrong."
"Sonic's offense is getting so crazy as well as his defense so this character really does it all and the only weakness he has is his weight that's literally it I I can't think of any other weakness uh for Sonic gaming."
"She knows her strengths, she knows her weaknesses, she knows that she can be a bit ditzy."
"Every MCU film has strengths and weaknesses. Overall, they've really crushed it."
"The bloodthirster has showcased so many flaws in its design and yet so many strengths at the same time."
"As soon as we understand how we work as humans, we can work with our weaknesses as well as our strengths."
"I feel like everyone has their weaknesses and their strengths."
"While Diablo 4 has its strengths particularly in its narrative and visual representation, it falls short in areas where Path of Exile and last Epoch excel."
"This is a perfect time to take a step back and just say what's really strong with the game, what is weak with the game right now, and how can we improve it."
"It's got really pronounced strengths and also really pronounced weaknesses."
"They rely on each other and they know who has certain strengths and certain weaknesses."
"We're all very complex individuals with strengths and weaknesses."
"Being in the present moment is definitely one of my greatest strengths but also definitely one of my greatest weaknesses."
"Bleach is a series filled with awe-inspiring powers and abilities, each with their own specific strengths and weaknesses."
"All movies have weaknesses, but not every movie has strengths."
"For saturated paste analysis, their greatest strength is also their greatest weakness."
"Putting our strengths against other people's weaknesses is an inherent part of medicine."
"You've got to love our strengths as well as our weaknesses, you know."
"Every preacher has strengths and weaknesses, every preacher has strengths and limitations."
"Each has their strengths, each has their weaknesses, and they all have very very different approaches to different aspects of the cruise."
"Without your weaknesses, you wouldn't know what your strengths are."
"Your strengths? Well, my weaknesses are actually strengths."
"We all have pluses and weaknesses, right?"
"The things in your personality that make you really really good at one thing can make you really really horrible at another."
"If you're bad at reading, then you better focus more on reading and less on math, which is your strength."
"Understand what your strengths are, what your weaknesses are, and then work on developing your mindset."
"I love when Luffy acknowledges things that he's not strong in, he has his crew to make up for his lack of ability."
"I know my limits, I know my strengths, my weakness."
"A strength overused is in fact a weakness, and weakness acknowledged is a strength."
"He's the most human of all of the characters, in that you know, in his weaknesses and his strengths and things like that."
"If you identify what works, what doesn't work, you identify your weak points, your strong points, use that."
"Knowing where you are strong and knowing where you are perhaps not as strong, and also asking yourself, why am I doing this?"
"You're here to learn what your weaknesses are and also what your strengths are."
"The only reason we can get better is we know what we're good at and we know what we're not so good at."
"You need to do a self-assessment and figure out where your weakness is, where are your strengths."
"Reaching your potential, in my opinion, is about taking your strengths and weaknesses, your passions, understanding who you are, and trying to connect them to a dream."
"Know your weaknesses and to know your strengths."