
Transience Quotes

There are 1941 quotes

"Life is a fleeting journey, and none of us are promised tomorrow."
"No calamity stays forever, and no luxury or joy stays forever. We are here for a trial and a test."
"All the stages in life are so passing, they're fleeting, they don't last that long, so appreciate each one. Take advantage of it, reel it in, soak it in."
"This too shall pass, right? But the good stuff too. So, you can't get too excited when something good happens."
"Life is fleeting and everything can disappear in just a moment."
"The only true guarantee of power is that one day you're going to lose it."
"With Narcissists, transience is the only permanence."
"Experiences can't last forever; everything has to end at some point."
"Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away."
"A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts. It's a privilege to be among them."
"You start to have this realization... the golden moments of friendship... and then it's all over."
"Every storm has one thing in common: They come and they go. They are temporary. And what they leave is hope."
"It's a blessing that we are able to have life that could be taken from us at any moment."
"Life is short, this life is very short, it's transitory, it's passing quickly."
"Your legacies shall drift away, blown into eternity, like the sands of the desert."
"All those moments will now be lost, like tears in rain."
"The storm didn't come to last, it only came to pass."
"So, as long as you don't imagine that the meaning you find in life, the significance you find in life is more permanent than it is, there's no problem in accepting that it's sufficient to get by."
"Winters don't last forever, friendships don't last forever, life doesn't last forever, but the great moments will last forever."
"All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Smell the flowers while you can."
"He made a career off of expressing himself exactly how he feels, and it takes strength to do that."
"Life is a series of moments and moments pass."
"It's sad but it's also beautiful, how beautiful that we only have this limited time."
"Whether it's euphoria or it's pain, it don't last forever."
"Just try and enjoy every minute of this attention because it doesn't last forever."
"Hello Internet. You know all things come to an end. A beautiful sunset, it has an end. Your time with loved ones, it has an end. Your whole life has an end. Probably nothing lasts forever."
"It's a theme that runs in many of his works. We can all relate to the idea of home, many of us are moving around constantly from one environment to another."
"We live in a world where celebrities come and go."
"My relief was short-lived the next day as I got out of my house to clean some of the decorations."
"Not everything is meant to last forever. Very few things in this world are."
"Every single emotion is fleeting. Every single one."
"Relationships come, they go, they serve a purpose."
"Out out brief candle life's but a walking shadow a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage."
"Understanding the transient nature of fashion trends."
"Depression, frustration, sadness, these are passing clouds. They come, they go."
"The music scene has become these nuggets that you can consume and then it just goes away."
"Setbacks or problems are always expected and never permanent."
"He liked women and they liked him too, but he never stayed in one place long enough to form a lasting relationship."
"Apple rumored to have a secret team of hundreds working on virtual and augmented reality projects."
"Surrender your heart into this union for all else in this world is momentary."
"Success is transitory, continue investing in what you do."
"Enjoy the life around you because life goes by super fast."
"It won't last forever, it will not last forever. People at the time you think this is gonna, if this is my life, I don't want to be, you think it's gonna last forever, it will not."
"Life is a peculiar thing, it comes and goes as swiftly as a bit of space debris burning up in an atmosphere."
"Look at how amazing it is that entropy and evolution can combine together to yield these kinds of conjugating structures that only exist on the cosmic timeline for a mere moment. But we are that moment."
"Life is a pile of snow, the sun is dissipating."
"On a long enough timeline everything is transitory."
"We want to be that mysterious, terrifying force that comes, destroys, and vanishes as quick as it came."
"Appreciate how fleeting everything in your life is."
"Music ain't gonna last forever, so you gotta do it again someplace else."
"Life's beginnings and ends, a fleeting beauty."
"The good things in life are unique and fleeting and once you lose them they're gone forever."
"Someday all of these will be just memories... cherish it and be thankful."
"You are not your emotions. Your emotions are temporary."
"Ice can reflect an image and like amber trap and preserve a thing forever or until it melts."
"Don't forget that everything shall pass and everything will be okay."
"This is a freaking masterpiece its art gonna be sad when we have to take these weapons down."
"This will pass, just like with everything. Life will just keep on marching on."
"It's like the rain in Puerto Rico, it'll change in five minutes."
"You live there for like 20 years and then you leave."
"Life is short, a lot of stuff that can be taken away in an instant."
"This life is but a mist... it just evaporates... and in a millisecond of time in the scope of eternity."
"A kindred spirit who understands that worldly wealth and position are fleeting."
"Each passing second makes them slip further away until they're gone forever."
"Our citizenship is in heaven and our life on Earth comes and goes just like that."
"Life is fleeting, ephemeral; we are all but balloons soon to drift off into the horizon."
"Even they don't last forever because they evaporate very, very slowly with time."
"Everything is temporary, and so part of my healing is to start to understand and experience that."
"I felt like happiness was like very, very short."
"You got to leave it there stop asking whose it is it's never yours it's just your turn it's just your turn."
"I don't know... I'll be forgotten like dust in the wind."
"Never for a moment be sad Because life is only for a bit... and time will extract its due"
"There are ups and downs and nothing is permanent."
"You never know when it's gonna be your last holiday with someone."
"For him simply to descend but not tarry, to receive the gift and then put it back in the box—that's not what we're after."
"Your life is like a vapor... it appears for a little time and vanishes away."
"Not everything's supposed to be in your life forever. Things can come and go."
"All this stuff is temporary bro... something to think about right? So but you don't."
"In the end we're all just memes, known and loved by some perhaps even many, but ultimately insignificant and quickly forgotten."
"Nothing lasts forever, and that means phases of your life too."
"Soak in this moment because it won't last forever."
"Life is like a vapor, it's here for a while and then poof it's gone."
"Chef strongly feels that the beauty in his Creations lies in their ephemeral nature."
"Someone could have left your life as quick as they came into your life."
"Life is so transient, and all of our lives are very short, but we get to spend these few precious moments with the people that we care about."
"This is only a season; this too will pass."
"People come and go, and you have to find out who you are before you can find out who you want."
"We need to remember these days, they won't last forever."
"Sometimes I just come to see the Autumn leaves. Winter will be here soon. Dust in the Wind."
"That particular night, I try and take it all in because I know that the next day, I move on. In that moment, I try and take as much in as I can."
"We live in the flicker, but darkness was here yesterday."
"Our life is just a little vapor on the scale of eternity."
"Goats come and go, but boats stay afloat."
"Human life is short and fleeting," Camila said.
"This too shall pass for you, Sagittarius."
"Everything is just a phase, the good times, the bad times, everything is always changing."
"Enjoy every moment, you know, enjoy life. It passes by too quick."
"Fierce winds don't blow all morning. A downpour of rain doesn't last all day."
"This world is not my home. I'm just walking through."
"Eventually, I will get bored of it, but imagine putting that next to your window and having the colors reflect through it too."
"Be assured that nothing is more pleasing than beauty, but nothing shorter-lived."
"Forge World has made a lot of really cool stuff over the years, and it is sad to see them come and go."
"Where the magnum opus was supposed to stand as a monument to a critique of human pettiness and fanaticism, it now stands as a sad memorial to the transience of time."
"You've lived your life like a candle in the wind."
"I am a guest here, the planet has been here for 4.5 billion years."
"Postpartum: this is what we call a transient hypothyroidism. It is not chronic."
"Earthly pleasure is but a shadow of things to come."
"Life is like a feather in the wind."
"All those memories, all those moments, will be lost in time, like tears in rain."
"This could all end quick, so I think it's great that we do this."
"Because you know, it's gonna be gone. Nothing lasts forever, this place included."
"Notoriety and fame are all fleeting."
"Success is for rent. You never own it."
"Create from the permanent, don't get caught in the temporary."
"It has never felt like a permanent addition to the park."
"I love the idea of the day that chose peace as short-lived and unsustainable as that was. It really provides an enjoyable fall to watch."
"Life is like a vapor, here one moment, gone the next."
"Bright lights burn bright but they burn out just as quick."
"Those blue skies were lovely while it lasted."
"In the end all we are is dust and the wind."
"The traveler is never ever coming back. We are travelers on a journey."
"Everything is a phase, the good and the bad, everything is a phase."
"It's all a phase, everything, everything is a phase."
"They're not somebody that is going to stay in your life long-term."
"Nothing is forever, for good or ill. Nothing is forever. The good times and the bad times too shall fade."
"Those who shine brightest often burn fastest."
"Everything is temporary, literally everything."
"God that's pretty wow wait the light's changing oh."
"Those who shine brightest often burn the fastest."
"Everything is only for a day, both that which remembers and that which is remembered."
"The beauty of the world revealed, and yet soon to perish."
"Ailias are an extremely pretty flower but they just don't last long."
"It's a temporary experience, supposed to be fun."
"Girlhood, like godhood, is always fleeting, always on the cusp of disbelief."
"...emotions are like waves, watch them disappear in the distance."
"It's like a candle; you blow it out, it's over, done."
"That feeling of fulfillment, yes, for that split second or those few hours, it was so temporary but it was real."
"It was nice to have that. Even if it was just for a few days."
"Life in itself is still transient."
"Even if you have a Bugatti now, in two months your audience are going to be bored of it."
"Fashion should die and die quickly in order that Commerce May survive. The more transient fashion is, the more perfect it is. You can't protect what is already dead."
"Mirrors life's inherent transience, echoing our journey from one phase to another."
"Life is but a walking shadow. You can never catch your shadow; you're always chasing your shadow."
"Feelings, emotions, can be temporary."
"Some last a lifetime, others merely a second."
"They’re not always going to be this easy, so enjoy it while it lasts."
"Even the height of human ego is fleeting, lasting only an afternoon in the grand scheme of things."
"Here is this brief bright star and boom gone"
"It had its lifespan, and that's great. It had its moment, and not everything's meant to last forever."
"Enjoy the ride while it's like this."
"Every good time you have is brief and it's not going to last long. That's okay because there's going to be another good one."
"That's great. Technically, this will probably maybe have some savings in one of those large complex objects because it's basically chucked away the moment you've used it. That's great."
"Transience is that memories can fade over time."
"It's here today, gone tomorrow, it's here second this 10 seconds and gone in 10 seconds and you want to move on so quickly."
"Not everything is going to be a forever item."
"The joys of an empire are as fleeting as lightning."
"Life is very short and it happens so fast."
"Everything is temporary, even here."
"Fast money don't last, too long you gotta chase it."
"All of our emotions are transient; they have a beginning, a middle, and an end."
"All these things will be lost, tears in the rain."
"Just soak it all in. It's going to happen once in your lifetime."
"Riches certainly make themselves wings and fly away."
"Things are not designed to last forever, and things won't last forever even if they are designed to."
"So, when you get your moment, it comes and goes fast, you know? Like old shit gets new quick."
"Feelings just gotta be hurt because feelings are fleeting."
"However, familiar peace in Azeroth is often fleeting."
"Life's trials and tribulations are but fleeting moments in the grand tapestry of existence."
"A week later they're in the trash, they're gone, nada, nothing left but a memory and a credit card bill."
"Everything's so incredibly temporary."
"Money won't fill pockets, won't hold."
"All conditions are temporary forms."
"Isn't it sad that such beauty should be so fleeting?"
"It's hard to believe that eventually this ship is gonna be no more, that they're gonna dismantle it."
"This is just a momentary period of your life."
"Feelings come and go, they're gone and we can go on with our lives without a lot of baggage."
"Enjoy the journey because to have a staff like this together, they're only going to be together for a very short period of time because that's just the way these things work in modern college football."
"...you never know when you meet someone new how long they'll be a part of your journey. This could be the last time you'll ever see them again, or they could pop up every other day for weeks and eventually become a friend for life."
"Life is just a vapor, here today, gone tomorrow."
"...most of these things, if not all of these things, will go away once we're done with the hormonal therapy."
"...and the transience of humanity."
"He says he won't be here long anyway."
"Everything runs its course, man. That [ __ ] was some funny stuff, man. It was a blast."
"It's like a party, not a lifestyle. The party ends, you know?"
"Nothing lasts forever brother, right? Nothing lasts forever."
"Charm is deceptive and beauty doesn't last."
"Friendships are like passengers on a train. Some people get on it one stop and get off in another and they're only meant to be in your life for that specific period of time."
"Flowers wither quickly and don't last long, but it's because of that moment that you give flowers."
"The joy comes in the purchase and the few weeks after the purchase. But with stuff like clothes... they're just collecting dust."
"Man's attention has first been directed to the image of god which he has which however is destructible and bound to the earth."
"Let's enjoy our brief moment in the Sun."
"We were looking for shelter for the night. We'll be gone tomorrow."
"The cave is not meant to last forever."
"...it just beat him it's like a a team is on this this win streak and all of a sudden a team beats him then then it's over it's fleeting."
"Some locations leave a lasting impression, while others fade into obscurity."
"This isn't going to be my forever home."
"My treasures on earth will soon be passed."
"...the flame that burns twice as bright also burns half as long."
"You're gonna be going through a quiver of rounds for each of those, walking it in, and by the time you would walk it to where that person was, they're gone."
"Beauty is fleeting and isn't the only thing that matters."