
World Impact Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"That issue of beauty is so unbelievably crucially important to what's happening in the world today."
"Your thoughts and intentions can have profound effects on the world around you and the world inside you."
"You have something very valuable, very precious that would benefit the world, whether it's a skill, whether it's a hobby, whether it's sharing your personal experiences from the past."
"You have to know what sparks the light in you so that you, in your own way, can illuminate the world."
"If you want to change the world, you should change yourself."
"A small group of highly motivated people can change the world. We don't need to win 50% of the votes; we need 10,000 genius soldiers willing to dedicate their lives, and you could change the entire world."
"What a breath of fresher, good addition to the world."
"Imagine, a Boris Johnson Prime Minister of the UK and Donald Trump President of the U.S. — I just think it will be a recipe for, I don't know, World War Three, really."
"I truly to the to the core of my being I believe that I was saving the world and therefore because I believed that."
"I wanted to create something that I wanted to exist in the world."
"Follow what lights you up and you'll light up the world."
"The back of the box says it all…Fight to either save the world…or conquer it!"
"I believe that truth will save the world. So you speak truthfully and you watch what happens."
"Tomorrow, June 6, is a day that might just change the world. It might save the world. It is the day the anti-communist manifesto comes out by anonymous."
"The best way to change the world is to first change ourselves."
"His job is important; he is saving the world literally with comedy."
"Everyone's seeing and experiencing it, and the outcomes of each event actually change the world for all the players."
"If these games cover hugely important events, it's logical that these events should impact the world in some way regardless of whether the player directly involves themselves in them."
"We want to bring back the chance to impact the world around you."
"Not just my world, but the entire world is forever a little darker, less colorful, and less full of laughter in his absence. We'll just have to work twice as hard to fill it back up again." - Zelda Williams
"We're building businesses that are going to change the world."
"Sorry I couldn't save the world, I had to build mine."
"You wanted to control this world, but I'm going to destroy it first."
"The quests you take on, the decisions you make in the story, are all going to actually affect the world around you."
"You are not here to be average, you were here to change the world."
"Your energy moving back out there into the world in a healthy, positive way."
"You actually doing something about what you want to create in this world."
"I feel like you're destined to be together. The energy of you in union will make the world a better place."
"The world's a better place when you put a smile on it."
"The third wave are the children and they are the hope of the world."
"You're meant to bring balance into this world."
"Yeah, I feel this world is gonna be our very significant strength and power and humble."
"Love restores all things, for I am the redeemer of the world."
"One truly great thing about this game is how your gameplay affects the world."
"If you want to heal the world, you have to heal yourself."
"You've got to make a stand somewhere in this world."
"If that mission had failed... this could have been an entirely different world."
"Beauty will save the world. This is again a fundamental thing like that."
"You see the interaction of the NPCs makes an effect on the world."
"The literal fate of the world relies on me not looking both ways before I cross the street right now."
"The world altered by a different outcome in history."
"Without World War II veterans, the world would be a much worse place."
"At least I'm a hero and I helped save the world."
"Omega-level mutant is a mutant whose power can basically fundamentally alter the structure of the world."
"Is this the first supervillain that nearly destroyed the entire world because he paid himself?"
"World Trade second plane: a tragic event that changed history."
"You can choose differently, I'm going to use my skills and talents to create beautiful things in the world."
"Be the light that you wish to see in the world."
"You're the survivors, you're the lucky ones, you're the people who are gonna save the world with me."
"If he succeeded, then he felt there was no need for him to change the world in a terrible way."
"My goal is to impact the world through every gift that I have."
"The good inside of one person is stronger than all of the evil in this world."
"This fruit's power was once used to split the world in half causing a great reset."
"The impact of your victory has not yet been made clear, but in time you will learn more about how this will further evolve the world."
"The way to change the world is research, and then you can really have an impact."
"The greatest love that you can ever give the world is the demonstration of what loving you looks like."
"What happened over the next few minutes would shock the world of aviation."
"A students go on to fabulous successful careers and C students change the world."
"Go out and put some beauty back into the world."
"if blank were to be the case what would the world look like"
"I'm here to change this world, not to make it comfortable."
"We can't change the world, but what we can do is little by little."
"To change the world, I have to start with myself."
"You can only save the world one person at a time starting with yourself and your immediate family."
"Life is a miracle. I'm so thankful to witness this because so many times we take moments like that for granted."
"I truly believe psychedelics can save the world."
"History is being made right now and Hyperion ISM will change this world forever."
"These secrets are in the Bible and we as Christians can change the world."
"I think I left the world a better place than I found it."
"Are we here to make a profit, or are we to change the world? Some people are here to do both."
"Change the world, you have to change yourself."
"The way we change the world is one person at a time."
"You cannot bless the world if you yourself aren't healing."
"The world is waiting for you to shine; what are you waiting for?"
"All I want you to do is to add to the world and don't subtract from it."
"Love yourself first. Bring love and light to a very sick and dying world."
"How do you change the world? You change yourself first."
"The more creativity we have, the more beautiful the world is."
"You already changed the world, you have to wait to see how."
"If I don't change, the world will never change. You could change yourself first."
"Once we lose the woman, we lose the world."
"What does it profit a man if he saves the world but loses his place in it?"
"To continue to choose joy even in little acts in moments like this is really what the world needs."
"these attacks not only changed the American nation they were to change the world"
"I wanted to be involved in things that I thought would affect the world, and one of them was sustainable energy."
"I mean these 150 third-year graduates are going all over the world and then we graduated I think it was 300 and something first-year graduates and 300 first year and I mean these people are literally impacting the world."
"...it could have ended in abject failure, and think about what that would have meant to the world if it had failed."
"...remember to do something loving and kind for somebody in this world guys because guess what the world needs it more than ever and it starts with you..."
"The whole [__] world's gonna pay."
"This is Pandora's box. It's been opened. All the [__] that was in there is now out and in the world."
"We're going to change the world in terms of how we think about wellness, fitness, and nutrition."
"Their benefactors save their world."
"Their impact on the world is indelible."
"We can't change ourselves, then we're never able to change the world."
"China's rise as a huge win for the world."
"Making the world a better place, one more smiling face."
"By living with joy, I do save the world and save myself and other people."
"You have light and peace inside of you; if you let it out, you can change the world around you."
"I can't believe it, it's so wonderful you found it. It would have been a terrible loss to the world."
"You got what it takes to change the world, for you are a reincarnated ascended master."
"One act, one word, and one thought of positivity, one mitzvah, can tip the scale and save the world."
"Our social entrepreneurs do not exist to change the world; they are the catalysts of change."
"It's amazing to think about how different the world would be without dreamers."
"The gift they've given to the world is optimism."
"The doom was a cataclysm such as the world had never seen."
"Our actions not only come back to us through causal feedback, they also change the meaning of our world."
"If you want to try to impact the world, I think one of the best ways to do it is to build a company that's based around science and technology."
"You don't have to just consume the world, the world is not happening to you, you can go create things in the world."
"The history of this city is endless, and without its influence, our world would probably be very different today."
"Beauty will save the world, so art is a crucial part of our existence."
"Move into your heart and allow that love to shine out into the world."
"His followers changed the world once, and perhaps this generation of followers will change the world again."
"If each one of us changed ourselves and we became God-oriented... I don't think it would take long to change the world."
"I care about what kind of world we live in, and the truth is what we believe affects the world we live in."
"You and I are going to change the world."
"The death of a beautiful woman is a loss for the whole world."
"You cannot change the world if you allow yourself to become hopeless."
"Give to the world more than you take from the world."
"Make the world a better place through fitness."
"Give me and yourself just three minutes a day... and boom, we'll change the world, one person and one virtuous act at a time."
"The world is gonna spin whether we on it or not. Our world is our responsibility."
"Hey Ellen, don't sleep on your boy Kellen; our morning show is gonna change the world."
"The best thing you can do to better the world is to have ego."
"In honor of and in remembrance of 9/11 and the 20th anniversary of the collapse of the Twin Towers and the changes to not just Lower Manhattan and New York but really the world."
"Always remember don't go into your studio unless you're planning to change the world, and always paint with passion."
"Think of what the world would be like."
"Faith and belief is the one thing that we all need to be able to change the world."
"This solar eclipse may have to do with a change in your career, a change in your place in the world."
"The greatest news that the world had or ever will have."
"I can change the game, I can change the world."
"Before you can be a world changer, God needs to change you."
"World changers see opportunities. Those who are changed by this world see obstacles."
"Remember, my dear one, the world needs your calmness and your love more than it needs your anger."
"If everyone carried around just a little bit of respect and integrity for themselves and others, the world would be a much gentler place."
"...there's one thing we can compare which is really Beyond dispute and that is the effect they had not only on their art but on the world."
"The world changes when you change; that's not just a saying."
"The world changes when you change."
"You have to influence the world, not be influenced by the world."
"I'm about to provide a service to the world."
"If you want to change your world, you first want to change yourself."
"How can you take what you see, understand, and give that gift to the world?"
"Change also comes from within, so if you have the power to change yourself, you can change the world."
"We're talking about the potential to change the world."
"My nature is love; for it is love alone that can change the world."
"Beloved children, the world has need of you, and more as children than as men and women."
"There's no way I can change the world, and don't let the world change me neither."
"Let's go on and continue to change the world together."
"The church exists to extend God's mercy into the world."
"I have to be in this world where there are people like that that can do miraculous vocal things, characterizations that move people and delight people, and in a way, change the world."
"You're not responsible for the world you're born into, but you are responsible for the world you leave."
"You will change the world as you do so."
"And it's much the same thing with knowledge, for whenever you learn something new, the whole world becomes that much richer."
"Sometimes things we can't understand right away often have the charm of imprinting the visitor's softness on the world."
"Change yourself, you change the world; you lift yourself, you lift the world."
"You can be the change you want to see in the world. Make sure that you're making an informed decision on the kind of change you want to see in your world."
"If she has truly been imprisoned and is in danger of destruction, this could shake the foundations of the world," Chiron warned.
"It's gonna make the world go around, spreading love."
"I have the pieces to follow in and hopefully, we can change the world."
"You cannot forget who you are, you are too important to this world."
"It makes for better music in the world."
"Science, that's a pretty important thing in the world."
"You yourself can also change everything; one man can change the world, so one woman can change the world."
"Each and every one of them is special in their own way, and the world is waiting for them to share their gifts."
"When you act as love, you give permission to the world to thrive and grow as it will."
"When someone finds the treasure, this entire world will be turned upside down."
"Only people that think they are crazy enough to change the world can change the world."
"You are meant to change the world."
"I'm gonna go out there and change the world."
"You guys are just so precious to me, but precious to the world too."
"Every act, every thought, every deed that we do either contributes to the soulless robotic world or this beautiful Divine heart-centered world. Which one are you feeding?"
"You're on your path to shed light upon the world."
"We need to create more abundance because then we're just creating a more abundant world."