
Water Resources Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"This discovery reveals that water might be distributed across the lunar surface and not limited to the cold, shadowed places near the lunar poles where we have previously discovered water ice."
"Planning for future generations requires us understanding how much water we have."
"The Antarctic ice sheet holds about 90% of the world's ice, representing a significant portion of the planet's fresh water reserves."
"We are not running out of water. A million years ago, how much water was there on this planet? Still, the same amount of water is here."
"Water is not a renewable resource and once it gets contaminated in some cases it cannot be cleaned."
"Without the life-giving water that the Nile provides Egypt would simply die in the sun-baked Sahara."
"This 100% carbon-neutral desalination plant is the future solution for accessing environmentally safe and sustainable fresh water."
"Its study of permanently shadowed areas of the moon is going to provide great information about the terrain and the water available in those areas."
"As we navigate the complexities of Mars exploration, addressing the issue of rapidly disappearing water stands as a pivotal challenge."
"Preliminary scans of the area are suggesting that it plunges through the plateau deep into an ocean of groundwater below."
"Our moon could be hiding way more pockets of water than scientists used to think."
"The Colorado River... it's often called the lifeline of the Southwest."
"We've gone as long as nine or ten days... off the 54-gallon freshwater tank."
"If I was a space-faring civilization visiting other planets, I would look for water. Sweet, let's go park our craft there."
"Water covers 70% of our planet, but we're only able to use about three percent."
"We get clean, cheap, abundant, safe energy and water."
"Wishing for the ability to detect underwater groundwater, that way you would always know the perfect spot to drill for a well."
"Stopping animal ag would let the water level certainly rise."
"The Colorado River, the river that single-handedly supplies water for the entire desert region of the American southwest, is becoming smaller and smaller each year."
"Europa: Potentially habitable with twice as much water as Earth."
"We must look to icebergs if we were to find almost perfect water stored and packed for thousands of years."
"The Himalayas are the water tower of Asia, supplying fresh water to a fifth of the world's population."
"Johnson believes the lines are coded messages revealing the secrets of hidden water sources under the desert and that quest for water was at the heart of the Nazcans' religious beliefs."
"Ribbons of water created by power, politics, greed, sacrifice, and genius."
"Water is literally liquid life. This underground water supply rests 400 miles beneath our feet."
"Every pyramid is built over an ancient now-defunct water source."
"Cheers to all 40 million of you who live in the Colorado River Watershed and depend on its waters for life."
"Water, it's all becomes state-owned... none of us regular folks want to abuse water in any way."
"If you get to a place where when you fill up it's only giving you salt water or only giving you dirty water, what you can do is you can take that and you can go ahead and put it in a furnace."
"With the drought hitting even harder in 2023, we will see so many bodies of water drying up."
"These massive billion-dollar corporations are literally trying to take our water hostage."
"Nestle and other companies get away with exploiting water resources."
"No new reservoirs have been built, no new resources are in place, and frankly, the state of the sewers is not fit for purpose."
"The water is phenomenal, these springs put out about 850 million gallons of water every single day."
"Forty million people are sustained by this water."
"A huge percentage of Colombia's drinking water comes from these Paramo ecosystems."
"In Southern California, water is what makes land valuable."
"Africa holds 65 percent of the world's arable land and 10 percent of the planet's internal renewable fresh water source."
"Every major city founded before 1900 was located next to a large body of water or a freshwater river."
"The major rivers which cover almost whole Asia... over a billion human beings' life depends on these rivers."
"The Colorado River Basin provides water for more than 40 million Americans, seven states, 30 tribes."
"Protecting these essential sources of fresh water is an ongoing initiative."
"Water is fundamental for the generation of hydroelectricity."
"Nuclear desalination offers reliably high amounts of potable water at a low operating cost."
"The fundamental problem we have in Florida is one of balance, the balance between the growth and economic prosperity we want and the demands that those benefits place on our water resources."
"Rivers need an incredible volume of water. There are many straws into this system, all pulling out water."
"The history and fortunes of New York City are inextricably linked to the water resources from which it has benefited."
"Glaciers are the largest freshwater reservoirs on Earth."
"Many parts of the world rely on the water from glaciers."
"Groundwater is classically considered as the supplementary resource to fulfill the needs of drinking water of our population across the globe."
"This is actually a part of the desert where there's a lot of underground water."
"The river's flow has dropped by more than 60% over the past century."
"The biggest desert in the world would also contain the most fresh water."
"The sustainable management of water resources is of central importance to poverty alleviation, people's health, and the protection of the environment."
"If it wasn't for voids, we wouldn't have aquifers; if we didn't have aquifers, we wouldn't have groundwater, and basically, we'd all be dead from not having any water to drink."
"The water provides the resource, and the resource encourages the predator to form a territory."
"ARS are also not only flood makers but they also can break droughts and they provide beneficial water supply."