
Team Culture Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"The culture's got to be right at the club because it needs to create the right environment for young players."
"The Lakers are about superstars. The Lakers are about winning."
"Redefining what success means, what quality means for your entire team and culture."
"It starts with our DNA: ill intent, physicality, toughness, speed, attitude, full-blown Max Crosby effort."
"We're freaking driven, we're grateful, we're all pumped. That's the culture that we're building in the team."
"In a year that looked hopeless... to salvage this says a lot about Tomlin and the culture they have in Pittsburgh."
"Echo Fox is a very unique team as far as the internal culture, or style, goes for them."
"The Knicks are in that situation where they need a very exciting player to come and attempt to change their culture."
"Eddie Howe has changed the culture of the club, the intensity, and the competitiveness within."
"We're not allowed to draw, and we're not allowed to lose. We're Barça. The only thing we're allowed to do here is to win."
"The guys that come back, they don't want anything from you, they just want to be a part of it and they want to teach you the Steeler way."
"Don't chase the sea of money. Chemistry and culture matter."
"The moment that Dan Campbell started speaking from the podium when he was announced as the Lion's head coach, you could tell something interesting was about to transpire."
"If you don't fit the culture and you don't adhere to the rules that are there good night and we'll move on."
"It's not just about promotion, it's about building a culture and identity that can take us up to the Premier League."
"You're about to change the whole culture here, I know the players is excited like damn we got AB around."
"They need to build a winning culture and actually get somewhere."
"it's still going like still if you're on the A's you're growing your hair out you're not shaving you're part of the vibe yeah you just you look like a stoner yeah."
"But then Devs has always been big from the very beginning like silly things that may not sound like a lot but like leave the change room cleaner than you find it, yeah, little things like that."
"The Dolphins production team has played the team's fight song after every Miami touchdown since the team's fabled undefeated season in 1972."
"Our number one goal is to make this the best culture in sports."
"Reinstating a new culture that winning is the most important thing Bar None."
"You don't rebuild culture to finish in the top four and not reap the benefits of bringing silverware into the club."
"I think the biggest thing for us is definitely the team culture side of things."
"I think it's Monty, man. Him coming in with the staff and right when he came in, just establishing that culture."
"Having a head coach and having a culture is the most important part of a dynasty."
"When you draft him, you're not just drafting a safety or a lineman, you're drafting a culture."
"That's what Pep has created at Manchester City."
"Talent can win you games, culture wins championships."
"You pray that rosary every day or you're not on the team end the story."
"Chavi's mentality is perfect for Barça because he is very demanding. That's what we need."
"You can't build a winning culture and be trying to lose."
"Everybody understands what it means to be part of Liverpool, and it's something that I haven't felt at many clubs, to be honest with you."
"I think that kind of winning mentality is important at Manchester United."
"These guys are winners. The culture of the club is about performing well, winning trophies."
"There's been a poor mentality going through that football club for a long time." - United Stand
"The Patriot Way is your best players working their hardest and putting the team first."
"Here you can describe some of the fun facts about you or about your team."
"That culture, that culture that y'all have, shift into a winning culture enough for all of these people to buy into their roles."
"Most of the times when a vet is willing to to help somebody else not only are you helping that guy you're helping the room you're helping the team you're helping like the entire culture."
"We just want good guys that love football, want to compete, are tough."
"I want people that are passionate about the culture."
"I trust players who do things the right way... create a culture of accountability."
"Dion's approach creates a toxic culture that will undermine the intangibles that lead to consistent winning."
"No ego, they have guys if Bill Belichick thinks you're a bad guy or cancer and you're out of there."
"Adding goals to his game is like... he embodies the entire culture of West Ham."
"The best culture they've ever had is when Pochettino was there."
"This is what man united stands for: we want to compete, we want to win every game, and that has to be our culture."
"Virat Kohli's team culture is creating a positive culture of a team that wants to win every contest."
"We need to get that winning mentality into this team, and it starts at the top and runs right the way through."
"You changed the culture of the team, you made us a champion."
"You've got to get the right people, the right culture has got to be set."
"Nobody can ever question the fight of this team and the culture in this program."
"The more effort that I put into building an amazing team culture and business, the more I'm going to want to talk about it because I'm proud of it."
"Vancouver lucky? Yes. But I think their 'Puck luck' is more so a product of internal development combined with the newly instilled team culture."
"This is a team that has great culture with PJ Fleck," they emphasized.
"In college hockey, you can instill culture. Nobody's getting traded."
"The team culture of working hard, striving to be the best version of myself, to be the best I can be to help the team in Hawaii, what really makes it so different and so special is the community."
"We want to build a program where guys don't want to transfer. I think most guys didn't. But you know what, guys had to do it if it was right for them in order to get on the field."
"Let them know that this is a family, this is a program, it's not a team."
"Their culture has definitely gotten better. I had a big part in that."
"Startups are really really hard... but if you treat your team really really well and you build a culture and you surround yourself with awesome people who want to work together, they will give you just that little bit of extra time."
"The Miss Budweiser team set out to build a winning tradition."
"It's a culture, he cares about character more than skill."
"You guys love to put this persona out there that it's not fun there, and then when somebody's like, 'Hey, it's not fun in New England,' that's what I hear. It's like the end of the [expletive] world."
"So much more improved and the poise comes down to the culture change it's what he worked on all off season kept his guys mentally focused and has paid off on the field."
"We've built such a strong culture of excellence, and this team, they might not know it yet, but I think they have what it takes."
"It's that care, you know what I'm saying? You don't find that, you don't, you know you can translate that to care, translate that to camaraderie but it's, it eventually becomes the culture of the team, culture of winning games."
"Sydney Cheryl absolutely is one of those culture builders for this Florida State program."
"...they're building more than just having a bunch of young good players, they're building good culture."
"Every day I come to work and I'm like how on Earth did I find these people? They are so amazing."
"It's a great culture, it's great to see them letting loose and enjoying themselves."
"I love where I work, culture is great, get to work with my homie, amazing managers, well, and I couldn't be happier."
"We've created a culture that's not just about winning; it's about building a legacy."
"Culture beats talent, and we had to build a really strong culture to beat maybe teams that maybe had a little better talent than we did early on."
"He was a tough, no-nonsense coach and his attitude and strict expectations would be the blueprint for what is now known as Heat culture."
"They got the best culture in college football right now."
"You can get a lot more out of your players by cultivating a really strong team culture."
"A healthy team-like culture where the crew places a certain level of importance on being their brother's keeper can go a long way towards making things safer."
"The way that you treat somebody on the way out is all that your team's going to be paying attention to."
"We introduced a segment we start the meeting every week with a good news section."
"It's a culture, you know, when he got there he had guys like Michael Ehrhardt, right, then you have Rambo and Heacock."
"Focus on making your work environment and the culture of your team as compelling as possible for people."
"They've got a championship culture there."
"The whole idea with anything is to build a culture. Kinda an atmosphere that the players are gonna feel whether you're winning or you're losing."
"That's the culture that this team has; they can be intense but they can also be light-hearted."
"He's been an amazing footballer and such an important part of team fabric culture."
"If your brand's wacky and fun and wholesome, you might hire somebody with a big personality that matches that vibe."
"Post game, I feel like it's more chill, and like everyone's just happy after a big win, so you can pretty much play whatever and the guys will be happy."
"It's just their culture, they just know what their job is, no matter who's missing, they all do their job and they do it well."
"When your top players and when your senior players are the hardest workers, that's what's infectious through your whole club and through your whole team."
"The culture has got to be player-led, to get feedback, to get discussions around players is a lot more valuable coming from them."
"Rituals and tradition are super important for keeping a rhythm going on your team."
"We're building a culture, feeling all the good stuff, having fun, enjoying it all. I love it."
"What Gatland did in 2008 and continues to do better than just about any coach in test rugby is to build a team culture."
"Awesome culture building at Fever, been a strong culture for a long time but the injection of five new players is really exciting things."
"It's amazing, we've lived in each other's pockets for the last few years, we've got such an amazing culture."
"The culture of the type of players that you want to come in: they're going to work hard, they're going to be selfless, they're going to give it their all."
"Talent can win a championship, but culture is what builds dynasties."
"It's important to have open arms with the transfers that come in, that have some humility to them and are willing to buy into the culture that you have in your program."
"The New York Knicks have legitimately developed a culture."
"Five-star culture beats five-star players."
"We have to all be in, all be on the same page, we all try to create this winning culture together at all times."
"We work really hard, um, make no mistake, but we have a lot of fun doing it, um, and I think it just speaks to the type of people we have around the program, people who are really good at their jobs, um, but are even better people."
"Nothing changed within the club, we still trained the same, we still had the same philosophies, we still had the same culture, we still had a great time."
"We have to build into our culture that this is what our team wants to do."
"Heat culture literally has everybody in Miami running towards the grind."
"Clemson's culture was unmatched, some argued it was the best in all of college football."
"It's about the people that are at the university and the culture that you create within your team."
"That one little shift had made a massive impact on three key areas necessary for great sport: team culture, team values, and the learning process."
"It's heat culture, either do it the Miami Heat way or they'll send you away."
"Culture is set by your best players."
"The difference between a winning culture and a culture where you can win is like a winning culture, the environment is shaped by the success, by the winning."
"They know how to win games; the culture is crazy."
"What's so great about Notre Dame is guys leave, guys go to the NFL, new guys come in, but the culture stays the same every single year."
"Dan Campbell set the best culture in the NFL."
"It's everything to do with the environment that P. Golu has created at Tottenham."
"The culture is going to be set by the players, and so here's their opportunity to do it."
"It shows you a club with a good culture, a really good culture in my opinion."
"Culture is important. That's the reason why Baltimore has been good so long."