
Physique Quotes

There are 485 quotes

"Eugene Sandow took a lot of inspiration for his body type from Greek statues."
"It's very hard to build an all-around muscular, visually appealing physique without getting really strong on a handful of key exercises."
"Once you've kind of climbed to that mountaintop in terms of where your physique can be, leanness-wise, you always even compare yourself to that, and that's not really a realistic comparison."
"The rear delt is really gonna cause that 3D effect to pop out on your shoulders and your whole physique."
"You're satisfied with that growth, you enjoy your physique."
"That has to be one of the nicest physiques I've seen, 100, ever. Period."
"Underrated: Recomping, underrated. Because you want to be lean, you want a nice lean pleasing physique."
"You can have a great looking physique at nine percent body fat."
"If I had the perfect physique, I probably wouldn't be grinding as hard as I do right now."
"He's shredded, oh my God, that guy's physique is insane."
"Your arms are large like a honey-glazed ham, the chest burly like a big, big man."
"His delts look like pumpkins, man. I got to say it, they look insane."
"It's absolutely mind-blowing to think about if this guy added another like 15 pounds like you're still not that heavy."
"Never in my life have I seen a physique like this. Sauced up and it's kind of hard to compete with that guy right."
"That's the physique of a guy who eats donuts here and there."
"Henry Cavill looks like he ate himself, and all of him went into his biceps."
"Your physique is just one small aspect of who you are as a complete individual."
"I'd rather be a champion in classic if I have a classic physique."
"If he has that it's over if he doesn't have it now you're probably looking at William Bonac but me the muscles there the shape is there."
"Larry McNabney, cut a striking figure, six foot tall, about 200 pounds, but very fit, and women loved him."
"If he can just add 10 to 15 more pounds onto his frame, I think he has everything to be a lockdown cornerback in the NFL."
"Flex Wheeler, 1993 version, just marvelous. Symmetry, balance, optimal muscular development."
"One thing I can say that is great as this guy got over his attachment to the physique."
"He's not skinny but rather thin and strong at the same time, more tactical, more agile." - Matt Reeves
"He's like the Shaquille O'Neal of men's physique, bro."
"Modern bodybuilding offers some of the best physiques the world has ever seen."
"Simone Biles is literally four eight what the [__] he talking about like we're talking about gymnastics dog."
"You're looking for the aesthetics of the physique, the symmetry, the balance."
"Who has the best combination, who has the fullest package of those criteria."
"There's few things more aesthetic than a nice tight waist with a defined six-pack."
"This is what it takes to get down to a very lean physique."
"Batman has never looked more imposing than this, the guy's built like a brick house."
"Everyone is sleeping on this incredible gift; you show up to the gym a few days a week, you push hard, and you can carve an incredible physique."
"He whipped up a physique that had all of us taking notes of his morning routine."
"That was literally one of the more impressive bodybuilders I've seen."
"Even when he's standing just relaxed, his abs are so detailed."
"I've kind of cracked the code to building your physique off twice a week."
"He's Mr. Olympia for God's sake, he's the best built man in the world."
"People don't realize this business is about physical stature. It's about looking at that guy walk down the ramp and saying, 'My God, would I want to be in the ring with that guy?'"
"Doing your cardio... you're going to be a leaner dude."
"Prioritizing upper back training is one key to looking as wide as humanly possible."
"If you're trying to look as wide as possible, upper back training should be a priority."
"Direct shoulder work is essential for maximizing width."
"When your long head is big, it actually passes the shoulders."
"Can we simply just work harder to achieve whatever we want from a physique perspective?"
"Big E might just have an obsession with Dolph's abs. I don't blame him."
"I'm a buff 11th grader, hell yeah dude."
"This physique, you know, would have contested Ronnie that year."
"I like his physique better. I'm always very energetic. I would have to put me as one of the greatest Mr. Olympia was won by the back."
"He's bringing some new aesthetics to his posing and his body. Back shots are crazy, side shots are crazy."
"I had to move him up because I've never seen him look like that. I think he's gonna be the most dense person in the show."
"I still think that he had the best body on the stage at Olympia."
"His back is like one of the better backs out there for sure."
"I absolutely love the way he looks, we're talking no no no, I know you guys talking people watching because they're going to be like oh you're going so hard, I absolutely think he's a freak."
"He's got some great shots... he's got an awesome side try, awesome side chest, awesome most muscular."
"I think if Nick showed up with the extra muscle that he was showing in his photos leading up, then I think it would have been a tough one for anybody to beat him."
"Elle Macpherson is still really hot at 57. Of course she is, because she's 6'1 and she's got the bones."
"What do you stand for? Beautiful aesthetic physique shape out of this goddamn world."
"There's nothing that says you cannot have a massive physique that also moves well and is beautiful."
"Samson would be a pretty ideal physique man to be that big and have all the shape and structure and lines."
"Your body is the ultimate like staple piece that when you show up somewhere it speaks volumes about you you can put on whatever you want over top of it but having a physique that's strong powerful that's a you know a calling card."
"You're on your way to building a solid shredded physique."
"The shoulders are the key to physique."
"...you've got to give him something to do with all those muscles."
"Physically he looks good in there. He gets everything down. I mean he's really, really good."
"Witness [__] greatness. This is what a peak male body looks like."
"Guys like Semmy Schilt, grappler Tosa obviously helps to feel very tall and long like those guys."
"He's like naked, but dude, that scene where he's getting scrubbed down, he's big."
"Matt Fraser at his Peak did not look human."
"I've been skinny my whole life, bro, like scrawny, bro, like I graduated at 120 pounds, oh wow, I was 18 years old, 120, right?"
"I have a beautiful physique and I love to show it off, it's my one vanity now that my hair is all gone."
"Broad shoulders on everybody look incredible."
"I feel like men's physique peaks at like 35."
"You gonna have your pecks right, you're gonna have people that you actually rock with."
"These pills will gradually improve his physique allowing him to overcome the limitations of his own bloodline."
"I believe this lineup this year is definitely one of the most competitive lineups ever in terms of competition for physique."
"If you have like a lean aesthetic physique then you'll be able to pull any of these three aesthetics off and look good in it."
"The only thing worth looking at in this entire room is his unbelievable body, ripped abs, every muscle toned to perfection."
"His figure is spectacular like he was carved from Granite by an Angel."
"I think I'd like to see a little longer arms than me. I'm big on the arm length, you know that, Field. But for Tanner Bordini, I'm with him."
"Cheese, look at those glutes, man."
"They're not getting some like roided out dude to play Batman, they're getting little skinny kid like you. That means you could be next for Batman."
"I love working out, which is kind of crazy, but I do work out. I want to be in shape. I want to look like somebody that's hit the weights."
"How do you keep the eyes on you? How do you attract the eyes back onto your physique? That stuff has to be taught. Mostly these guys don't know it."
"If you're into just having leg bro muscles like a classic guy physique, legs are overrated."
"Your chest, your strong chest and shoulders, give off an aura of power and leadership."
"They see the classic guys and they think actually I might not be able to achieve the open look but I can achieve that look."
"I think his quads are bigger. He's fuller and drier. I don't know, he's done what we said, he's gone away and actually filled out a bit."
"It flows better, it's more V taper, everything is out just perfectly."
"This is exactly why Tori could get this amazing physique."
"But to build a physique you can do it a little bit faster. Will you build a great physique like yours? Maybe if you have great genetics, great shape, great parents."
"It's hard to actually tell, because a lot of people mistake flatness for conditioning."
"There's such a thing as dieting only as far as your physique will let you."
"But when you look at the end result, Johnny had really nice, clean round bellies and Branch's rugged and vascular."
"I'm like I want to be like 230 pounds, right? My ideal physique, like healthy 225, 230 pounds, I'm 6'1. So that's not crazy heavy for anyone that's gonna, still big."
"Adam Cole has everything except size. If he was six feet two and 230 pounds, he would be in one of the top five positions in the wrestling business."
"Elon Musk has a very rare tit shape for a man... and it's like, well, cool man, good job triangle-tip muscle."
"The secret to that was that like he deadlifted had these enormous hamstrings."
"I mean if you had pecs like this wouldn't you have your shirt open down to your navel I'm just asking."
"...he's built like an NFL running back."
"Danny Luna is bigger than Rey, but she doesn't have as much of a chiseled physique."
"There's definitely a group of guys that are [ __ ] ripped here."
"He looks like a star, he had clean new gear, he's got a great physique, he has facial expressions, he's a good-looking guy, he's got the size."
"Genetics play a large role in physique and health in general."
"Rocky's physique is amazing. Do y'all think he had to do roids to get in shape for the movie? I'm asking a question. I'm not saying that he did."
"This figure all around just looks very proportionate. He's not overly buff or too thin."
"His traps in this movie are massive, they're like higher than his head. He's got big shoulders, beast in this movie."
"For this bodybuilder turned viral policeman, maintaining his enviable physique and inspiring others seemed to be his passion."
"Italy, nobody's working out and everybody looks phenomenal. What the hell is going on over here?"
"He's got amazing physique, like 5% body fat, Sprint Left Foot Right Foot In The Air."
"Physique, I'm about to eat 10,000 calories a day for 10 straight days."
"He's alone, someone did not skip chest day."
"The proof is in the pudding with that guy. I mean, that guy's physique is insane."
"Oh my gosh, Bert's actually got like a 10 pack. Yeah, I know, he's kind of shredded now."
"Jon, he's thick. He has a good base, good balance. His legs are like Tree Trunks."
"I like when my clothes enhance my physique."
"I saw my physique that I had worked really hard for slip in front of my eyes from like months of eating [ __ ] food and not training, and then that's when I discovered the concept of mental health and improving it."
"He's got from the waist down a very solid setup."
"He's already built like Groot, bro. He has the same structure."
"That's an absolute unit, look at those legs. Look at the dude, look at that [ __ ]. What are you pointing at there, honey?"
"He fits the stereotype he definitely got extra muscle on his leg easy no doubt."
"She looks like she's out of a comic book, strong jaw, that's a body too. I'm a fan."
"For once, he was thankful for his slender build," Julian noted, maneuvering to free himself.
"If you're big and sweaty, then you're definitely going to make it big here in the WWE."
"If you’re a Chef fan, you’ve got two preferences: comic relief and physique."
"He's got a really flat back so he can land somebody's."
"Yo this man has zero turbulence in his booty where's the Gap do some squats G."
"Putting on muscle will never hurt you. Look at Sam Harris. Dude, his body was ridiculous."
"If you get super jacked, you will not be funny. No, jacked is hilarious. I always sit here. I'd be sitting here with no shirt on right now."
"The man whose chin was sculpted by the gods themselves, the one, the only Dolph Lundgren."
"He got jacked as well. That'll be me. What's your midlife crisis gonna be?"
"Great but not perfect, unlike his physique which is actually perfect."
"He's dense, you know? Like, he's got big bones. Good stuff. He's an athlete for sure."
"He had a little gym shoulders, a little Casey Tibbs and a whole lot of Elvis."
"We are now on to our physique and kind of looking through it this probably matters a lot and I don't know if I can change it down the line matter of fact I probably can't but the more we put the height up the more certain stats go up certain stats go down."
"I've seen some guest posing video you look insane man."
"Morgan's a beast. He's the most impressive I've ever seen, 350 lean. This guy's a monster."
"If Chris stood next to guys that are his height, he's like, think six one, so if he stood between a Samson and Andrew, I mean, they're gonna outmuscle him right now."
"He looked even better than the Olympia."
"If I could look like Ronnie Coleman for one year or Chris Bumstead forever, I would take Ronnie Coleman for one year."
"I thought was best-conditioned guys in the entire show. I've seen him fuller, and when he's fuller, like his side chest and his back double looked a pop more."
"That's like men's physique blowing up 10x you know what I mean like he's very good Aesthetics."
"Russell Westbrook has a very large quadriceps, you can notice out of anyone."
"For me it was I'd have to um pinpoint places on me that I would like for me like my glutes came in so early that you know but my lower back was like a little was wasn't as lean but it'll be like more waterier."
"I knew that from what I was trying to do with my career that the physique was probably the better route for me."
"Just because you see somebody with a good physique, it doesn't mean they're going to be able to control the pressure that comes with bodybuilding."
"There's advantages to being the bigger guy."
"I mean, look at you, you're like six foot three, your waist is what, not more than 34, 36? I've never measured it actually."
"For me, bodybuilding is all about classic physique blown up in proportion."
"If you burn all the fat on your stomach, you haven't built your abs up, but your abs are suddenly more prominent."
"People don't realize that 99% of your physique is determined by your genetics."
"Brad Pitt in Fight Club wasn't that big but he looked insane because he was lean. That's where the reward comes from."
"...makes you look like you don't really lift people can't really see your physique and then once you get a pump and you take it off and it's like boom who is this guy who is this guy."
"Flex Lewis, his condition is spot on."
"A lot of the biggest bodybuilders you see, nobody would consider them having small muscles."
"He's a freak, he's over 300 pounds right now, and he's [expletive] shredded."
"People want to see me with my physique now, they want to do all this crap like I think I'm gonna pose for the camera or something."
"I was able to create better results with weight training in terms of being able to make up for the height and the size with strength."
"he's probably gonna be 240 on stage which is [ __ ] crazy when you think about you know uh for his height and stuff"
"He's got the physique, he can do action stuff."
"People talk about your physique and how you look great."
"He was amazing because not only the athleticism but the physique he had, the big chest and the big arms."
"I was so impressed with Logan Paul. And physically, he's a big guy without looking too muscular like a hawk off the gas or something, you know, just, he's 'rudish,' yeah."
"He is incredibly jacked, very shredded, very lean."
"What we need is the Chris Broad gymnasium to get those young men the muscles and abs and thighs."
"...now that you can see his whole body you can tell that he's in better shape now than ever and his vocabulary is growing at an astonishing rate."
"...a lot less scrawny than a lot of the other Davids that we see in art history."
"He's just got muscles in places that don't even have a back."
"Plus like Jake was super ripped in that movie."
"Everybody's buff for some reason."
"I just hope one day I can see that GQ in the flesh mate because it's an absolute rig."
"What's more impressive, having a deep belly button or a six-pack?"
"All the Jewish guys show up to wrestling, you know? All the Jews go through a phase where they wish they had more power, you know, and better physiques. And then their kids really get interesting."
"I bring this up because from personal experience and you know when looking at athletes that emphasize much of this in their training they almost always are like lean and muscular."
"Yeah, I remember watching you debut, and we're the same age. We're both from Canada, and I'm thinking to myself, I'm 19, and I don't look like that. So at what point in your teenage years did you start getting as insanely jacked as you were?"
"They built these incredible physiques with just what was accessible and available around them."
"ABS on top of a gut. I mean, it's pretty awesome."
"Ricochet looks like he's off the cover of a fitness magazine."
"Suit jackets are tweaked to enhance the male physique."
"There's something about their body you're so attracted to their physique you know, there's something really really sexy about them."
"You're looking really thick under there."
"Dude's got a freaking gun for an arm, and they never let you forget it either. He's also built like a tank. This is like, he stands out in the lineup as distinctly unique."
"He was all muscle, his body straining against that flannel plaid shirt of his."
"I appreciate the fact that a man built like a Yeti can move so fluidly."
"I love his overall body and look, right? He's got a great NFL body, he's got a little structure and muscle on him. He's a really awesome athlete."
"They're both wearing pink bathing suits and his body is very good."
"Bruce Willis an action hero who is not overly jacked and was just kind of looked like a normal dude."
"Arnold Schwarzenegger... very frightening, straight, not smiling, muscles and all."
"You're the guy that, um, I'm going to have pictures of you posted up so Tim is going to post up some pictures of you in post-production that's going to basically show you were Mr. Olympia of the gym like nobody can beat."
"Do you want to be jacked or do you want to be cheap?"
"He looked phenomenal, you know? He has a very good physique, obviously great symmetry, wide back, little waist."
"I remember the first WBF show in stride and work walked out on that stage, my god was a freak."
"If you're gonna talk about the absolute strongest character in one punch man if you're gonna talk about King then you need to have the height and build of Dwayne the rock Johnson at a minimum."
"Look out, chiseled man, look how chiseled his chest is!"
"Looks matter a lot, like looks physique kill early."
"People think that you have a toned or muscular body and that you look strong, both in spirit and body."
"Be round and shredded, or be round, shredded, and separated."
"Nick doesn't have that waist. No, the other thing that blessing has."
"If two people had the exact same physique and one was 5'6 and one with 6'1, you're just going to look at the bigger one."
"Cedric is the best physique on stage, Cedric is huge."